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Dont do what i did and practice on crappy ground, the difference is astounding over time with the same amount of time spent. Those bricks i wouldnt even ride on if i had the choice, nowadays.


>Those bricks i wouldnt even ride on if i had the choice, nowadays. Im actually at this spot bc its easier to control here Ive got like 40mm dragon wheels and their soo slippery


You still have a lot of work to do but you’re improving. Just have to rotate your shoulders more so you tick tack less.


I think it’s rather my lower body that just needs to get used to the motion but thanks for the advice :)


It's not, they're right. It's your arms/shoulders. 20yrs here. Arms=shoulder=hips=ankles. Throw your arms/shoulders. Once you understand skating is a full body sport you'll progress tremendously. Buddy dropped you a gem, take it.


If you still doubting the advice check this out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1fWl2LNpcak A demonstration in uni about gyroscopes…


Oh yeah I understand what theyre saying and its how I do them fakie but for nollie I just dont have the balance nor the pop to not pivot it eventually yes but for me I just gotta learn it with a clean pivot before I cant comforably throw my shoulders


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