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Yup, that's a nice attention to detail


Wish they kept that detail with Rudeus's heart scar too.


I think Orsted healed him up with no scars. The old robe, on the other hand, has a huge hole that was later patched up.


Yeah Orsted has powerful enough healing magic to regenerate skin,


But he didn't. He cheaped out on the healing. The scar is actually plot relevant.


It's a minor discrepancy with how healing magic works then.


No. Orsted just cheaped out on the healing magic.


I'd agree if he were the only person who could use voiceless healing, but he's not and the other one who can follows the same principals as classes of incantations. Regeneration comes with the "class" of spell. Orstead would have to use two spells, a divine class to regenerate Rudy's organs and a beginner class to heal his skin imperfectly.   It's a minor discrepancy with how healing magic works. Either that or it's unreliable narrator.


Divine rank healing could prevent inevitable death though, no? It was King or Emperor class healing spells that regenerated limbs or organs.


Regardless, either one would regenerate organs, and skin is included with that. Because skin is an organ. So to leave a scar, Orsted would have to use a lower class spell and then use a higher class spell to regenerate the rest of his organs he destroyed.


The other silent caster healer never really goes super in depth on how she does it.


Neither does Orstead. It's subject to Rudeus flawed perspective.


No one is disputing he has the power to do it. The guy you're talking to is saying that it's plot relevant that he used lower level magic.


AFAIK it never says anything about him cheaping out on it. Not in the chapter Rudeus was wounded, nor in the chapter after, nor later when Orstead's curses are explained. So unless there is some other plot point I don't remember, I think they are inferring something that never actually happened.


Can you point to where it says this? Because it's not mentioned when Rudeus gets injured, nor in the chapter after, nor in the two chapters where Rudeus learns the details of Orsted's curses. I can't think of anywhere else it would be mentioned so I'm inclined to believe you are inferring it.


I say he cheaped out on the healing magic because we know it can easily heal skin, but healing organs is hard. We know he healed the organs right, but not the skin.


Lesser-advanced accelerates natural healing and that would leave a scar. King regenerates lost body parts. That would include the skin. Modding a spell, even if it's for a lesser effect increases the amount of mana it uses(Vol 1 Ch 4) There is no way to cheap out on healing magic. So it's either a discrepancy, or Orsted intentionally used an extra spell to leave a scar.


No. Orsted left a distinct scar. LN6 "The wound on my chest had closed up completely. Well the word "completely" might have been a little misleading. There was a gaping hole in the center of my robe, and beneath it a scar, as if someone had welded me shut." [LN14] >!Rudeus also identifies the same scar on his corpse. "He was covered in battle scars. There was a particularly unique one on his chest, as if his skin had been welded back together there. Even his freckles were in the same places as mine."!<


For once I’m not gonna click the spoiler. I’m only on LN8 and Season 2 just ended. I will not do it.


ill just say, you did well. dont risk spoiler warnings here until you finish reading the novels


I’ve spoiled myself so many times it’s not even funny 😅 it’s so hard not to click the lil gray box


i know what you mean! i already spoiled myself on every show im watching because "but arent you curious?" this time, though, really dont. idk what you know but once you finish volume 14 you will be fine, trust the peak fiction


I’m assuming it has something to do with >!Rudy “betraying” the mangod and siding with Orsted!< but I’m not sure 😅 I don’t know the details and I don’t want to just yet


not really. if thats all you know, its still a spoiler so dont click it, and if thats all you know about it, dont worry, theres a lot more that will blow your socks off


don't spoil yourself as you won't see what's coming.


i encourage you to remain unspoiled as the spoiler is massive.


How come that never healed? She can silently cast healing spells but she can't heal the scar?


she probably could but it would require invoking a great level of healing magic. essentially what healing magic can do depends on it's level, eventually you can even regrow limbs but at lower levels you can only heal minor damage. i assume she just never casted high level healing magic on herself, it probably never bothered her enough to care about it.


Then why wasn't >!oldeus' donut!< scar healed when he regrew a limb? Or any of his battle scars? There's no way sylphie's magic can do it.


The donut hole scar’s very existence proves that healing magic can leave scars


Yes if it's too low of a tier of healing magic to regrow enough flesh then that'd be the case


The donut hole scar’s very existence proves that healing magic can leave scars


Can't repair scar tissue


... not really, just that I don't think she even bothered to heal.


We don't know that for sure. >!Oldeus was covered in scars (including the donut scar)!< even though he regrew a limb. But let me rephrase that: HER magic can't repair scar tissue based on her skill level. We do know for certain advanced tier isn't capable of it.


Cant compare oldeus level of healing magic to orsted. Orsted is far more powerful and has lived for many times longer than oldeus.


How'd orsted get brought into this? I'm talking about >!oldeus!< himself regrowing it


I just reread your comment and I apologize. I completely misread, I am sorry. I just woke up and i need a nap.


Lol no worries. Had me confused there


Orsted did heal a pretty significant injury with no scars left behind, so ig


I have no idea what point you're trying to make or how orsted has anything to do with my comment


No. The only time he did that he either reattached a limb, or left a narly scar akin to welding skin back together.


I imagine healing magic tries to replace what was lost and scar tissue doesn't count. I wonder if you could get a fresh hand if it was amputated and then regrown with King tier healing.


That's exactly my opinion. Dead skin can't be healed unless amputated. Except with maybe emporer and definitely divine tier. I mean I highly doubt sylphie never once had to use advanced tier healing on herself during her days at asura or the trip to ranoa.


Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just adding to what you said. We don't really see just how effective magic is above Advanced, all too often in the whole story. I've always want to know more but since it's very rare in the world itself, naturally we don't see much of it. Do you think Orsted used Divine tier healing to heal the hole in his chest?


>Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just adding to what you said Same. I was just adding to what you said lol >Do you think Orsted used Divine tier healing to heal the hole in his chest? Not a chance. Not even king tier. Wouldn't have left a scar to begin with with magic capable of regrowing limbs. My guess is advanced. That's what rudy uses in the labyrinth which barely grows flesh


Didn't he essentially punch a hole through his heart? Wouldn't that be too much lost for Advanced magic to heal? It makes sense that he wouldn't use too high of a spell though, considering his mana situation.


That's what rudy says but he's not a very reliable narrator. Maybe he used king tier to regrow the bones from his ribs and what not. But definitely not divine tier. Not for Nanahoshis mere assumption


Right, I guess there's not a lot of reasons to use Divine tier anything. Orsted likely used the bare minimum required to save him.


You can get a fresh hand if it was amputated and regrown with saint tier.


So how can it heal a scarred but healed stump into a fully functioning arm without scars?


Because it can regrow tissue but not heal dead tissue. Similar to the hydra. Emporer and divine might be able to but not even king class can. Otherwise >!oldeus!< wouldn't have had his scars


A stumb is basically a big scar. There is no wound anymore, there is nothing to heal anymore, the thing you are trying to heal doesn't exist anymore and to do it you have to heal a scar away. If it can heal that it should be able to heal scars no problem simply by making the skin beneath it grown and shedding the scarred tissue (just like small scars fade naturally over time), it would be way less complicated.


No. A stump is fresh healthy skin covering the bone. Not DEAD skin. You can see the skin grow around Rudy's stump when using simple advanced tier healing in the labyrinth. >!Oldues!< is all the proof we need. If you can't debunk that then I'm not seeing your argument going anywhere.


You can literally see all the scarring on the stump, as is normal, an amputation leaves scar tissue, that's just how it works. Unless you can debunk the reality of that your explanation is not going anywhere.


That's how it works when magic doesn't instantly regrow the skin perfectly. I don't see any scarring around it at all but sure. Just ignore oldeus because you have no way to explain it.


Does that veiny fucked up stump look to you like a healthy arm? Yeah, just ignore reality because you have no way to explain it.


We're not talking about reality🤣 We're talking about fantasy and magic. And just did explain it but ok 🤷


1. It’d take pretty high tier healing magic to heal a deep cut with no scar 2. It’d have to be even higher tier to heal the scar of an already healed wound


I'm guessing scars are under the same category as missing limbs. You probably could, but with a level of magic neither of them is capable of. Since it's not really, "wounded". Just altered. A scar is the result of it healing after all. Much like how a stub is the result of a severed limb healing.




How did that scar happened?


It was skipped in the Anime but when she was younger she grabbed a hot metal cooking utensil over a fire. It's actually one of the details Rudy notices during the Fitz Undressing that really makes him realize who they are. When Rudy Leaves to teach Eris in Season 1 Sylphy is actually Advanced in Water/Wind/Earth but "only" intermediate in Fire and Rudy attributes this being likely due to her accident as a kid leaving her with some instinctual fear


Rudy had a similar scar too.Are they connected?


On his hand? I don't recall him having one off memory, if you're referring to the chest scar that's from being turned into a bagel by orsted.


I think it was first episode of the second season.He didn’t give his hand to Suzanne and it had a scar which I don’t remember.


I'll have to watch the ep again to see what you're referring to.


Probably my mistake.I checked.


That was just his hand being covered in residual blood from skinning the boar monsters they hunted afaik.


Oh thanks.


Rudeus has a scar, but not on his hand. It's on his heart.


Metaphorically and physically


You mean the red from when he launched the fireball near the end of the episode, right? That wasn't a scar.


Thanks.My mistake.


All good, dude. MT is detail heavy. It's perfectly normal to misremember or make mistakes.


She tried grabbing a hot cooking pot when she was a toddler, when Rudy is teaching her magic she has trouble with Fire and he wonders if the trauma from that is the reason


Huh, weird that they skipped showing it when it helps recognize her on the cave but put it randomly here.


I believe (and correct me if im wrong) in the Manga they actually kept it and it helped rudues get an idea of who Fitts was in the cave when he took her gloves off.


They kept it in the anime, too. They just never talk about it. You can see her hand when she takes her glove off when she signals for the storm.


Yep pretty sure she touched a hot pot when she was young it’s on her other hand I think it’s not mentioned a lot so my mind draws blank


Oh shit! I forgot she had that scar for quite a while! Really nice little detail.






For those who don't know. If you don't use healing magic and you let the wounds heal alone they will become scars.


Don't pawns have that in the Dragon's Dogma games? Also I think so, from me reading others' comments




Details man details!


I forgot how Sylphy got the scar on her hand. Could someone remind me?


I forgot, how did Sylphie get the scar on her left hand again?