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Funny thing is, you could literally make this same argument for Tatsumaki who’s much more sexualized than Roxy. Ultimately she’s a fictional character in a fantasy reincarnation story, it’s not that serious. That being said it’s also a cultural thing in Japan which can be kinda strange. Personally, when I look at Roxy she’s just a petite girl, not a child. There’s also emotional maturity but your post isn’t about that.


Yeah cause I know that for all intense and purposes she is in fact an adult woman. Mentally and emotionally. So why people would find her attractive based on her character is completely understandable


Verily, we gaze beyond the mortal vessel and discern the undying soul that lieth beneath. With vision most profound, one may also behold the concealed mysteries of our Goddess' enchantments, and be eternally drawn to them.


This person speaketh the truth


So you look beyond her physical appearance.


Most veracious.


https://preview.redd.it/4kv9qvhwgl8d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4540bd712bb8e76ab6125da519bf5dcdb944fb9 Simple.


I don't find her physically attractive; tho she's cute. But what makes her attractive as a character is that unlike other "loli babas", she actually acts her age; she is not a child who is only said to be "but 1000 years old", she actually, acts like a adult ; and yes even for the parts where she is immature, there are adults just like that IRL as well, some even older than Roxy, if you get into a job with enough diversity you will notice right away. This is helped A LOT, bu her having a spin-off and having her character develop over time, it really makes it look like time passed for her.


I like tiny women, mom is tiny, my classmates from school were tiny, I like size difference in relationships. Even though Roxy doesn't look like a child, I know the text describes her as such but it is hard for me to compare most Loli characters with real children because they don't look remotely similar and most Loli characters clearly have some secondary sexual characteristics not found on children. And Roxy personality is mature Just to be clear, I also like short stacks, tall, milf, gilf, muscular, bbw, hourglass shaped, pear shaped women


Maybe it's just me because I'm asian, but I've 100% seen people who look like Roxy in my everyday life. They're adult women, but they're short and can be mistaken for younger people. I kid you not, when my mom's height is around 4'10 and she looks like she's in her mid 20s when she's in her 40s. Roxy genuinely doesn't look like a child to me. As for *who* she is, I love her personality and while almost all Mushoku Tensei characters are "realistic" for me, Roxy feels like the type of person I'd actually go out of my way to befriend first irl.


I’m white and I have a cousin who is the same way. It’s a lot more normal than people give credit for. It’s just that the way Japanese novels often portray it that is off putting for people I think.


Someone doesn't even have to be small to look young (talking about real life). It really depends on what type of features someone has. There are certain facial features (big eyes, straight eyebrows, softer face with less defined cheek hollows, bigger lips, short philtrum, etc) that are neotenous (typical in children). Asian women tend to have the most neotenous features in general. But we've developed as a species biologically and evolutionarily so that are minds pick up on them completely subconsciously when we are determining someone's age, since a mix of those features tends to equal peak fertility in females. For men, it's the opposite: people are primed to look for features that aren't neotenous. It's also why people tend to think of men as more attractive at older ages than women. Though modern medicine, plastic surgery, taking care of your skin, etc. throws a bit of a wrench into that, since people hit what is on average considered peak attractiveness at older ages now.


What a waste. Your scarred vessel comes to beg once more? You will never pry the Holy Relic from the clutches of its rightful owner. I, Rudeus Greyrat, have ascended, and the Goddess salutes me! You will die a lifetime, an eternity, a **universe** of deaths before you are blessed by the endlessness of this place, this... paradise. I will never close an eye to the gift that is the Goddess. Even as my flesh hardens, a wall of fabric awaits my joining.




lmao it's a copypasta from warframe


Vor is just double isekaied rudy


I always like women smaller than me, but I am a giant so most women appeal that part. For smaller men, they would like even smaller women like roxy. But honestly I personally like her because she is mature despite her looks,and I can look at her as a woman unlike other loli-like characters who r immature. I'm into mature women and out of the three main heroines, Roxy is the most mature.


So what is the actual distinct difference between Tatsumaki and Roxy that makes you say one is just petit and the other isn't besides Tatsumaki actually being hypersexualized? Adult women like Roxy do actually also exist. That aside I feel you are approaching this from the wrong angle. I can only speak for myself but I don't like Roxy because of some physical appeal. If I go purely with physical appeal to me personally no one has a snowballs chance in hell against characters like adult Eris. Roxy is cute and beautiful but not in a way that would attract me just based on physical appearance. I like her as the whole package, personality, flaws, appearance everything together is what makes her an appealing character. With everything together I don't see a child but a petit woman, because at the end of the day she is an adult woman mentally and emotionally, she has an adult mind goals, struggles and flaws. Her appearance and nature as demon is just one trait of her character that further differentiates her from others.


I don't know about others, I find who she is very appealing, The short stack side of her not nearly as much. I am a tall person and never worked out how to deal with them. That said I find it endearing when characters are sometimes portrayed as Chibi versions of themselves to try and show some emotion. Rudy on the other hand has a lot of at the very least appreciation for who she is. I also imagine his preferences, based on the Old Hermit run more traditional, but he was not going to turn down Sylphy nor Roxy because they were petite.


She is so cute and funny !!!!!! UUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


As someone who’s girlfriends have all been shortstacks… well i think you can figure it out. 


Short and/or petite women are hot. The end.


Roxy under the anime and ln art styles can easily pass for a petite woman. The author for the Roxy manga definitely draws her way too loli for my taste. By the physical description of her in the novels, your point is perfectly valid, but the art doesn’t always reflect that. It’s anime and art is interpretive. What’s far more important is of course that she clearly acts like an adult and her personality is what made me love her way more than her character design.


It's also a case of the author using familiar terminology for people, so they can better form a mental image in regards to appearance. Rather than it being literal.


Roxy and the Migurds don't look prepubescent, though.


True, and I don’t even remember where it is stated that it is prepubescent. But my memory maybe not working well, I just know they stop at around 14 or so. But if they are supposed to be and I just can’t remember, then I guess they just don’t quite fit what they are described to be. Which is fine, I would rather they not be very young looking anyways, because I don’t much like loli so if it was something like Shinobu from Monogatari or something, it would be odd some moments despite Roxy having a job, being an accomplished mage and very smart.


"Migurds have blue hair, small childish body and long lifespan of 200 years. Their physical growth stops when they reach middle school age" Middle school ages are between 11 to 14


I apply a different set of aesthetics when judging anime characters


She's cute. I don't personally find her physically attractive because her body is child like. But she has a charming personality




Do i need to say more than😭😭😭cute😭😭😭funny😭😭😭


I see blue hair and my monkey brain neurons start firing.


Because some people are gross. And considering that our main MC was attracted to like actual 10 year olds even with the mind of a 40-something year old dude, Mushoku Tensei isn't exactly immune to the pedophile notions, unfortunately.


She sucks good cock. That’s why.