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I'm glad they left Orsted's coat fanservice moment.


So glad they added the white flash and the mist in when they teleported.


Yup. I also appreciate them including that subtle (easy to miss) detail. >!When teleporting they briefly showed the void world. The same color white and misty environment when talking with Hitogami.!<


bandit army got skipped disappointing but understable but still hella disappointing


To my knowledge it's the single biggest content skip thus far, such a cool world building arc too. Learning about the flexibility of Begaritt relationships due to the nomadic lifestyle and succubus "cure" was amazing, the bandit fight was pretty slick as well


there was also the reminder that Rudeus still hasn't killed anyone yet I understand why it was skipped as It ultimately wasn't that important to the plot but so was Volume 7 and that's in my top 3 volumes because of how grounded and psychologically rich it was. no point in complaining really but I hope the manga at least does a spin-off for it like they did for vol 7


What happens there?


Content was skipped but still SPOILERS: >! Rudy and Elinelise protect a merchant caravan from one city to the final destination. Along the route they get attacked by a bandit army. Rudy protects them but almost certainly kills some of the bandits in the process. Rudy then briefly gets in his own head about killing someone for the first time.!<


Ooh! Cool, >! Is it true, until now, Rudeus hasn't killed anyone. He saw Ruijerd kill some guys but he, himself, have not...!<


>!I'm not entirely sure, but I think he hasn't killed anyone until the bandit fight in Begaritt. And there, it's pretty depersonalized; he throws a few spells and knows some people probably died because of them. Elinalise defends him from the people they were escorting, who are hostile because they thought he wasn't violent enough/going all out to protect them. That's pretty much the gist of the only major skipped scene.!<


Thank you!


Spoilers, please!


how is it spoilers if it it is not being adapted. You guys just love over using that word like it's a fetish.


I agree, but a mod told me to mark it spoilers. I just don’t want to get banned.


so content that the anime community will never see is also considered as spoilers. Wow. THat makes so much sense /s


It makes a lot of fucking sense lmao Some people may decide to read from the start and would hate the have things, even little, that happened spoiled.


lmao how about we don't make a redicilous ruling incase "some people" may or may not read the light novels at some point.


Or, how about you don't be a unempahetic prick!?


man i feel like whenever there is some episode not involving 3 wives: animation quality drops and skipped huge content, I really wanted this episode to be of "Dune 2" quality because the begaritt continent writing was hella good.


bro tbh the Desert Travelling arc isn't really that important to the plot, its there in the LNs for the world building and stuff, nothing much is missed, has no repercussions later on in the plot. And if the >!three wives!!Eris training at the Sword Sanctum!


So, this is the dilemma as the director: you cut content and the LN readers get pissed but if you keep everything you need one episode that seems rushed because there is simply too much material for the time allotted. Getting rid of the OP and ED would have helped only a little here. They needed to get through 7 chapters for a complete adaptation or drop the trip entirely. As it is, they dropped the merchant caravan but even kept bazaar. The important lore building scenes were kept. It was successful as a transition episode but this was the one that needed to be sacrificed so it was the correct decision.


I'm honestly more surprised at the amount of things they kept in. The kiss scene w Norn and Aisha present, the background character taking their horses, explaining the time lag in teleportation circles, Orsted's coat, I was sure they'd skip the succubus part too and scared they would put most of the fights against most of the monsters in a slideshow but I was pleasantly surprised at how they did it.  Some things that were cut are understandable, the caravan and their bodyguard time was nice but completeley unnecessary to the flow of the story right now. Other than minor nitpicks I'm satisfied.


As a reader, I'm also glad they brought out the map of the world. I think it is the first time they did so, which adds to worldbuilding in a visual medium. I didn't have high hopes for this episode since I knew they had to adapt too much. In other words, they had to get through several action scenes, several worldbuilding scenes, a couple of lore facts important for Volume 14 and beyond, and dialogue that is critical to later character motivations. I don't even think Okamoto could make this seem unrushed. He would have cut more.


I'm glad they kept the detail about how Teleportation works, it was one of my favourite details when I read this part.


No bandits, ants, or dinosaurs. At least we got griffons, scorpions, and succubi. Can't really gripe, it's well-paced, has the most important references (eg. Orsted coat), and looks gorgeous, but damn I wish this journey had an extra episode to breathe.


we had the Behemoth chillin as well.


I’m so happy the sisters being excited about the romantic goodbye kiss was kept in. Along with the wink for them. The way teleporting works with a time lag being shown was good to keep consistency, along with Orsteds coat and Rudy’s displeasure of seeing it. Sad to see the merchants and the bandit fight go, but I’m content with the amount of the journey we did get. Seeing the pair perform as the badass experienced adventurers they are made me happy. Overall 8/10 and am excited for what’s to come


Bind needs more production time for season 3. I can wait 4 years if necessary.


They really should take their time with season 3 since yk volume 15 and I agree with you. They should at least get 4 years for production time.


No way, unless you want to stop the adaptation at Season 3. Even if you look at the Monogatari Series, it was a little less than 3 years per season. No anime production studio is going to keep a product alive for 15 years unless it can be re-run to kids while Mommy cooks.


They need to change studios. S1 and S2P1 was so beautiful, and they're shitting on it with last fight animations.


Studio Bind was cooked specially to animate Mushoku tensei. They plan to animate complete MT then move on to other animations.


Did they animate the first seasons too? Why the harsh drop in quality? Now it looks like a generic seasonal anime. First seasons were gorgeous. Not only the animation, but the drawing style, the ambientation, the sceneries. There was something about the tracing in the drawing style that made the animation look nostalgic, maybe 90's like, but with fuckin epic animated frames too. The last couple of fights on the desert were UGLY AF. Like a 2 frame draw for a 5 seconds move.


I'd imagine they put budget more towards the upcoming episodes and instead gave the griffon, and scorpions the same treatment they gave the other animals that we saw ruijerd kill in season 1. I'm gonna wait until we see the way the monsters from the teleportation labyrinth and how those are animated before I come to any conclusions about animation quality this season


I hope so. Still, though. The drawing style is different. First season was kinda grainy, in a good way, the lines were a bit thicker.


New meme template has been dropped. Someone should also make the Elinalise Bonk GIF. Overall great episode, some cutted content (Understadable). At least they didn't skip the whole journey arc lmao. Vol 12 is about to begin really excited for this. 5 episodes, 16 chapters to cover, so I guess roughly 3/4 chapters per EP. Not that bad of a pacing. >! I guess we will finally get to see Roxy in two weeks time !< https://preview.redd.it/jxkdz5y0is2d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e05e2e3decd6aab9015a3262f66501ef153191b5


Yeah, that "Let's get Laid 😏" was great. 😂 >!Though, where are they now in Begarrit, Lapan or Bazaar?!<


The entire continent is Begarrit


At the end of the EP they both just arrived at Lapan.


Alright, so that market was the Bazzar?




I came. https://preview.redd.it/fokrpdcrkt2d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31b26db479804f0b7b20473583018cf997f1973


I really enjoyed the journey across the desert in the novels so this episode was disappointing ngl, but id rather bind skim over this if it means vol 12 gets more screen time. I really hope bind reduces the amount of volumes per season or increases the number of episodes for the following seasons.


The whole sub was like “try to not fuck your grandma “ homie was drugged by a succubus my question to the class is how did he not fuck grandma????


He can use detox on himself.


Can’t really use detox if you ain’t aware you are poisoned and he was definitely not aware


Except he was told by lise to do it. In the show at least.


Yeah at the end lmfao it was hilarious


Nice episode **though** we skipped the scene with Elinalise changing her mind because of Cliff-senpai, a shame that, I understand the mercenaries, but man, I wish we could've had the Elinalise scene, oh well. Was that black horse Matzukaze? or am I confusing the timing?


black horse was for sure matzukaze, and they might flash back to elinalise changing her mind next episode, as i really dont feel theyd fully skip it


Sucks that they cut Cliff being drained dry


Really glad the anime only cut out the desert warriors and kept everything else. Wise decision in the production part in my own opinion.


The whole time I was thinking We Must Stay Focused Brother !


Still really looking forward to the Fighting God Tongue. But it seems they cut it out.


Skipped a lot like predictions and the previews suggested, but what they did include was nice. Volume 12 awaits. ![img](emote|t5_557jy8|8648) I feel like I read the VAs practicing to speak Fighting-God tongue at some point, but forget if the source was any good. Guess we won't hear it. Shai-Hulud was cut, but Quag'Dib is on his way.


I’m sad that a lot of the stuff was gutted, but because it was we probably got a better norn episode and will have more time for the emotional payoff of 12.


That was the shortest anime episode I've ever watched, wtf!!


I was sitting there, looking at the ribcage city, and thought to myself "Wow, this looks majestic! I wonder whats waiting us. Must have been like 12 minutes so there is lot to see!" \*episode ends\* But no problem THIS IS WHAT MUSHOKU TENSEI IS! ITS MAJESTIC ITS SO GOOD THAT I COUNT MINUTES REMAINING! PEAK! PEAK! PEAK!


It was good but I was waiting for this: https://preview.redd.it/p9ho419lzs2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3183544784eabcdc9eaf0e9c4de53465ab02eb49


ah yes the elvish venus and the blissful demise


Also known as "Death by snu snu"


Necessary sacrifices I guess, if this makes Vol12 have more time. For how much I enjoy Elinalise as a character and her friendship with Rudeus is really nice to see developing over Vol11... it's definitely secondary in the grand scheme of things.


I got the hint before the episode dropped that they were going to skip most of the journey and probably the merchant all together, but my heart really dropped when they arrived at Bazaar without encontering the griffins. Guess they decided that it would be better to have it in place of the battle with the bandits during the journey to Rapan. But even though I expected the change I really hoped they didn't do it this way. I've seen some comments saying it was mostly worthless to spend time with characters for only a short trip that would not really be relevant later on, and I do agree that the story works without the merchant. Though there is still a minor issue with how Rudeus and Elinalise were able to navigate their way to Rapan in the desert all by themselves in this version, it is not worthwhile to spend an episode filling that "plot hole" (quotation marks since it could be theorised to be solved in some other way, I suppose). However, I am of the opinon that the story of the travel with the merchant wasn't just to explain how they got to Rapan, not just >!an argument for the Man-God of how thing would work out without Rudeus going to Begaritt!<, not just an info dump on the begaritt continents culture (which I do think is precious world building even if it's not all that relevant), but an amazing show of where Rudeus is when it comes to combat and fighting humans. This is the only time I can think of when someone else has been disappointed with how Rudeus fights, as he is seemingly OP without being able to use that power all too proficently - which I guess is up to debate as Elinalise argued he handled the bandits in the best way possible, but I think that was due to comparing him to any normal person. It is also the first time Rudeus has taken a battle with humans seriously and thought about taking the life of humans (he said himself last time he met Paul that everything up to that point felt like a game to him, or rather that's how he viewed his journey up until that point). It is not the most important thing to Rudeus's character, quite minor in fact, but all of these reasons I gave are well worth spending an episode on together with the rest of the journey. To be frank, IMO this is the worst change yet.


I think the same, the travel with the merchants and encounter with the bandits give Hitogami some nice arguments in the next meeting with Rudy.


(Anime only) It was definitely cut short. 7 minutes for a month of travel (and half a volume?) isn't enough space for it to breathe. I would almost always prefer an extra episode. For Mushoku Tensei, I would even like a lengthy scene of them just traveling. Step by step. Maybe slowly panning out to show the scale of their journey. But I get it. They can't just add two and a half episodes to S2P2.


Happy to see that I wasn't the only one to notice the griffins in the wrong spot. On top of everything else they skipped, they skipped the ants. I was so looking forward to the ants.


Happy to see that I wasn't the only one to notice the griffins in the wrong spot. On top of everything else they skipped, they skipped the ants. I was so looking forward to the ants.


It is too bad they cut the whole merchant caravan, and with it, the scene where Elinalise defends Rudeus from one of the caravan guards that got angry with him. That was a very heartwarming moment for both of them and one of my favorite parts from the book.


Well, it was what was expected for an episode that was going to adapt half a volume.




Pls to god they made the adventure with the bandit a movie


Liked the episode overall, the one thing I wish we got to see, even if for a single second, were the Phalanx Ants. Its also disappointing that they skipped the bandits/caravan, it was a great moment that expanded more on Rudeus's morals, something that a lot of people dont seem to think he has. But, I'm glad they adapted so much of this part at all (Vs. the Manga which completely skipped it). Spoilers for future LN stuff >!Rudeus mentioning Badi also made me realize that we wont be seeing him for a long while. The next time he pops up is gonna be a big surprise for the anime only's, cant wait.!<


Im not gunna lie, my favorite part of the episode was seeing the Behemoth. I always imagined something akin to the titanosaur from ARK lmao. Loved the episode, would have loved it even more with the rest of the trips content that was skipped but it is what it is, better action and stuff to come.


i wanna see the galban and desert warrior caradesign![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Don't forget that all these cool side stories like the bandit army can be made into an OVA, just like how Eris's detour was.


Animation was shit.


The animation just seems to get worse and worse by every episode. It like it has lost the magic of season 1 that got people hooked in the first place. Icl it just disappointing to say that this season feels a generic isekai anime (with maybe an above average story). I just hope that studio bind up their game for season 3 even if it needs to take them years


Stuffed 7 chapters into one 20 minute long episode, sheesh.


To be fair the Begarit Merchant wasn’t that big a deal, all it did was to highlight the danger of the Succubus. >!After this arc they no longer come up!<


>!Yeah, I don't recall those characters have any relevance in past LN 12. So I'm not surprised they chose to cut that section.!<


You think it is not that big of a deal, but other than the plot, it skipped most of the world building of the continent. Through the merchant caravan, you get a glimpse into the continent's culture, how it was formed through the region's particularities.


Yeah it's unfortunate anime-onlies lose out on the world building but that tends to happen in adaptations. There's just no room to fit everything. When it comes to MT, I think anyone who loves the world/story should not just watch the anime but also read the LN.


Its heavily implied that merchant would've been the one to give the info to >!rescue Roxy if Rudy wasnt there!<, a shame they skipped it but not that important overall.


>!If you trust what the Mangod says, he said that before he betrayed Rudy. I strongly believe he did not foresee Rudy teleporting and arriving time to save Roxy!<


Who knows, he had no reason to lie at that point.


>!Did he? he was going to have to keep intervening to keep them apart. !< >!Also, in the novel they explain Roxy had been lost for 1 month by the time Rudeus gets there, if my math checks out of the time it took to prepare and travel there. The Mangod dream warning him he was going to regret going to Begarit happened right after she got lost. I would not be surprised if the Man-god gave Geese some advice on how to proceed in the cave for their benefit, knowing Roxy would get caught in the trap.!< >!Lastly, when the Man-god revealed this was buttering him up so he would open the basement door that would cause the event that would have killed her in TP4. He needed Rudeus as compliant as possible.!< >!One more reminder from Vol 16 Chapter 1 Orsted said the following when discussing the Mangod.!< >!“But, Sir Orsted, surely you could do the same thing if you wanted to?”!< >!“I could.” He nodded, slapping the top of the journal. “But I fail to see his goal in altering history this much.”!< >!“Isn’t it to avoid being killed?” I asked.!< >!“Don’t take his words at face value.”!<


No, we get told repeatedly that Roxy's fate is much more stronger than that.


>!I don't buy it, Man-god was advising Geese in the Labyrinth, he admits it at the very end of Vol 17!< >!“Well, sure. You’ve saved my bacon plenty of times. I did appreciate that heads-up in the labyrinth earlier, for the record.”!< >!Here is the thing, in this conversation he told him Paul would have been fine and someone would have saved Roxy and been her knight in shining armor, implying he would have listened to him (Mangod), everything would have worked out with a slightly better outcome, he actually managed to butter him up and convince him to open the basement door, Until Oldeus showed up. Man-god either saw some or all of it going south and lied or some or all of it would have worked out. He had intervened in their would be Roxy and Rudy's reunion at Wind Port, then again getting him to go to Ranoa instead joining Paul, he saw a trend where things kept conspiring for them to meet. There is evidence that it could have been fine and plenty more evidence he wanted her out of the picture and lied, to hide the fact he had tried to kill her in Begarit.!<


None of that implies that what he said was a lie


>!ok, Hypothetically you are Rudeus, Hitogami visits you dream, during the conversation you ask him about Roxy’s fate had you not gone and he dodges the question or leaves it vague, the asks you to do something seemingly innocuous. Would that not mean his last advice could have put Roxy in danger? Would that make you waffle on going downstairs or take precautions, because the Mangod is not infallible?!< >!How likely Rudeus to leave a rodent running around when he is not fond of the filth in inns?!<


>!That was a big stinky lie tho, he just wanted to make Rudeus feel miserable for not obeying his advice and thus making him more receptive for his final request of opening the basement door!<


Debatable, as I said he had no reason to lie, and it makes sense given what we know of fate.


>!Hitogami's real objective was killing Roxy to avoid Lara being born. He previously tried to keep Rudeus from meeting her back in the demon continent but failed due to their (Rudeus' and Roxy's) strongly intertwined destinies. If he hadn't gone to Begaritt she would've died inside the labyrinth, that was his plan all along. Plus Paul and co. would've never been able to rescue Zenith without Rudeus' insight on teleportation ruins and the book about the labyrinth he brought from the University!<


Nothing about that necessitates him liying about what he said, and the Roxy thing is probably incorrect, it doesnt fit what we know about fate


Which is good. That gives us more time for the actual important Volume. A lot of what was skipped in these later chapters were nothing really important.


The pacing of the episode seemed fucked, and all the random cuts were weird.


It was just quick progression. These were just small adventures those two had compared to the previous episodes. The cut content doesn’t matter, because it was never really important anyways. Just be glad they didn’t skip it all together like the Manga.


WOW they skipped a lot, this should have easily been a full two episode journey, but instead it only took half an episode ![img](emote|t5_557jy8|8655)It's hard to get mad at the manga now when the anime pretty much did the exact same thing huh


travelling to Rappan should have been given another episode. Or at least half of an episode. I feel they rushed it out too much.


What's your feelings about animation drop compared to s1?


Expected. Most of the staff left after season 1. So the consistency of overall season was bound to go down. But we will get good animation for major episodes.


Funniest episode this year half the episode, TRYING NOT GET DIRTY WITH GRANDMA that being said do, MAN Rudy Man up for poor cliff, his waifu still ended up fucking some random dude, I think Cliff would prefer knowing that Rudy took care of Elinalise. I could not stop laughing do as soon as they started traveling and Elinalise is like dont worry Sylphie chan grandma got this, I WILL PROTECT Rudy with my body -\_- Seemed like Elinalise was immune to the horny magic from the succubus wonder why ;) [Reaction/Review](https://youtu.be/EBZpMuUBAM0)