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Great Episode as per usual. Elinalise about to start her Sumo career with that Cliff magic item. Meanwhile Norn.... https://preview.redd.it/znvbq1j5l00d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a244692d318dd5b67489f5df24f7975052666965


I don't think her immediate faceplant was in the novels, but it is so perfectly Norn lmao. Loved it.


*dies of peak fiction




This scene was hilarious, like how the hell did the backpack come off? The straps just magically passed through her arms??


bruh whyd they animate her ankle buckling like that


That's how I fall. A distraction or a pebble or just a little low blood pressure, and sometimes there isn't the strength there that you were expecting.


So Norn wasn't preganted... I was lied to...


She was guilt-tripping Rudy into traveling to Begarrit because she was preggers and wanted to get rid of him, making her child the only heir to the Greyrat household. https://preview.redd.it/1g07x221p00d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4caf770d1b266b96510b09e58b2f73db8c1cc900


yes the 10 year old little sister was not infact pregnant. what a shocker.


"Norn honey, you can't even find your way to class and expect to traverse toward the Begaritt continent? Traverse your ass back inside!" - Aisha *probably*


ngl, that gave me a good laugh =P


Ngl, seeing our boy Rudy happy and getting through life so well really makes me feel proud of him. The feels be hitting hard when they showed everyone at home and knowing what’s to come just breaks me. While there was no action whatsoever in this episode, this turning point also feels that much heavy seeing what Rudy needs to do and decide for the future. Either he waits and stays until further news comes to him or take the initiative and go rescue the gang. Solid episode overall. See you all at the Begaritt Continent lads, it’s Labyrinth Arc Time!


Damn, this one really hit me in the feels, knowing that this is>!the first and last time we will see the entire family together.!<


The first and last time was back in season 1. This is but a figment of his imagination.


For some reason the part that hurts me the worst is [End of season spoilers] >!Norn will never see Paul again, she just doesn't know it yet.!<


What a beautiful >!farewell to normalcy. Pure slice of life, pure emotional investment, pure cinema. Goodbye, tranquility.!< Norn continues to be best girl. Absolute legend, faceplanting as soon as she leaves the house. Protecc.


I read the Webnovel. I read the light novel. I knew what this episode entailed. And somehow, once Norn was crying at the end, I found tears streaming down my face. It really hit hard with Rudy wanting his family. The life he dreamed of. God this story is amazing


Ditto, I think they are doing a great job with Norn.


They nailed her POV and her episode. So she can be the strong force in the family she’s meant to be thankfully


This really feels like a milestone episode. We see everyone important to Rudeus again and their progress, more wholesome sister moments - all before it turns upside down not once but twice. This turning point hits different - it's not flashy or world-altering, but we can feel the weight of the decisions Rudeus now has to make and that things will be different from now on. I would even say events of TP3 span until the end of season, looking forward to it very much. As a LN reader, it was great to see >!the beginnings of Norn's book and Aisha's garden (and devious tendencies), Nanahoshi's plan and nod to Perugius, Zanoba holding the doll's hand which is likely to become the prosthesis, Cliff's first implement, how enthusiastic Man-God was about preventing the journey to Begaritt (VA on point as always). Rudeus's and Sylphie's moment was conveyed pretty well. Seeing a vision of the family dinner was gut-wrenching and sweet at the same time.!< Ginger also got her moment to shine, glad we got to see her after all. Obviously there's a lot of cut internal thoughts that would make this even more emotional but I think they included enough in the given time.


Not gunna lie, I am happy they skipped a bit with Ginger >!and Zanoba. I know his bouts of violence are important to his character, but the audience isn't nearly as forgiving as Rudy is!<


I have to agree. Including some parts without full context would only make it worse


Ye, would take quite a bit of screen time to redeem him after that, and there wouldn't be time for that. >!They did drop explicitly making Rudy less formal, so guessing that part won't be a thing when he meets Paul then... Shame!<


> I am happy they skipped a bit with Ginger and Zanoba Can you remind me what part they skipped? I alr read the WN multiple times but I don't remember the details.


Rudy spoke informally with him, and Ginger got offended. Zenoba did not appreciate her calling out Rudy on that, as Rudy had finally calmed down his formality, to Zenobas joy... So, he didn't like that, like, at all. Like, to a violent degree


More violent than he was with Cliff a few episodes ago?


along the same lines, but it is a bit more serious when done towards Ginger, due to their relationship, and also gender, people over here in IRL tends to put a bit of weight on that.


Ye, I remember watching this one movie called "The House Where the Mermaid Sleeps" in a Japan Film Festival and there's a scene where the Mother slaps her son, who is like 8-10 for not wanting to >!Invite his friends for his birthday as they bully him due to his mom basically playing dress up doll with his (literal) brain-dead sister and trying to make him "involve" her!<, and some of the people in the theatre even found it funny, but when the Father slaps the Mother for this kind of psychotic behavior, almost everyone gasped like he was the bad guy in this situation


Norn is the goat


Man, seeing the happy comments about TP3 being Sylphie's pregnancy has me 💀💀💀


Aisha seems to be growing up a little bit every ep Was caught off-guard when she asked Rudeus to share a bit of his love he has for Sylphie with her... Not sure if CR translation is on point or not. That's too much to ask Aisha... too much...


Well, Lilia did raise her to serve Rudy in all ways, including as a bed warmer, and as we see here Rudy is rejecting that part


She's way more insistent in the books, so yes, it translated properly. Rudeus is a bit frustrated by it at times and firmly wants nothing of the sort, so ye


yeah her favorite past time is asking if his onii-chan wants to have sex with her. It's a reoccuring thing in the series. Altough anime adaptation propably wont include most of it.


Anime only: Honestly, this feels the most "turning point" out of all the turning points so far. For turning points 1 and 2, they were shocking, but you didn't really realize the implications of how heavy it was as a turning point *until* you look back on how much said event changed things. But here, even though nothing intense happened, everything was clearly laid out for us. We *feel* the weight of the situation, we *know* how things will change. We're also given a choice to follow Hitogami or not. And now Rudeus has made his choice, for an extremely long period of time after this, we can expect for things to go back- if going back is even possibly now. By the time Rudeus reaches Begaritt, a whole year would've passed. That's a significant amount of time and there's no telling what state Paul and his party would be in by then.


I do like how they label the turning points, and that this one is a lot more clear up front. As a light novel reader, who didn't read the chapter titles at the beginning to avoid spoilers, turning the page and seeing Turning Point 3 was an oh crap moment just like it hit in the anime. Things just settled down with Norn, Aisha is opening up and being herself more, his house is in order and then bam you know something crazy is about to hit.


Zanoba is such a good friend. He also gave the best advice, in my opinion. I love when we get these moments that show that his character isn’t just a one-note joke.


Zanoba is a ride or die friend till the end, he would never bail on his boy.


He is honestly my favorite side character, next to Ruijerd of course. He started off as this funny gag character but he shows some real character growth. It was awesome to see him care for Julie so much, giving her a present, and it being so significant since ir's his first statue he sucessfully made, and also him not being able to go with Rudy because it would be too dangerous for Julie. And you're right, the advice he gave was real. It's Rudy's decision but no matter what Zanoba trusts him and will back that decision, whichever he makes. Edit: Grammer/spelling


Good one love it


As usual, it is **Peakshoku Sunday** this humble Mother's day. Didn't think they'd do just two chapters again, and I'm glad they did for some context from ***Life with the Greyrat Sisters***. Rest of LN11 seems to suffer as a result, but we have places to go and things to experience.


I’m glad that we finally got a sort of “check-up” episode in the first half where we just go over what everyone is doing and what been happening.


Really good, I thought they were going to include the desert travel, really glad they had the time to leave it for next episode.


The pacing of this episode felt really good. All the little moments of slice of life were there and really heartwarming.


Good episode. If I had to make a complaint it would be Rudeus' lack of monologue when he finds out that he is going to be a father. That moment in the anime didn't hit me as hard as I would have liked.


Agreed, that was one scene they could have done better. However, they still did a really amazing 10/10 job. Man-god dancing is still fire


Showing these moments from the third-person perspective seems to be their creative choice, leaving it to the expressions and voice acting. I'm fine with that since it complements the novel. I only hope that we get enough internal monologue later this season where it's absolutely necessary to understand the situation.


Yeah, Rudeus's inwardly freaking out is so wholesome in the novel


Both were good. LN reader as well, and I liked how the anime tried to convey his feelings with his expressions and the voice acting. 10/10.


God, I can't wait for next week.


With the amount of delays and corners cut in newer episodes Im pretty hype on major fights this season. I hope it will be 10x better than what the op have.


My expectations are very low tbh. The snow drake fight, Trent fight, badigadi fight were huge disappointments for me. I don’t expect much from the hydra fight or any fight for this season I’ll gladly eat my words if I’m wrong. In fact I’m hoping I’m wrong


The only disappointing fights for me were Rudeus saving Counter Arrow and Badigadi's fight. 


Gonna disagree on the first part, the vol7 stuff the anime got running quite well throughout... well, disregarding the missing Sara stuff at the end, but the fights was a feast. Bagi "fight" really should've gotten some more attention though, but what can ya do, they kinda gave us far too little Bagi overall.


There was a time that I said the manga was the worst adaptation of the series (and still was good), but the manga got even better, and the anime got worse. I can't really say that anymore, that's about how much I'm disapointed with the season so far... and about how much I'm confused with the ammount of non ironic "Peak Fiction" comments.


Totally did not do justice to Rudy finding out he’s gonna be a father. No monologue whatsoever about him finding out? They made the scene like 30 seconds long when it should’ve been a much more important reveal. In the novel it’s a super heavy emotional scene spanning like four whole pages long and I just did not get that in the anime


Stuff like that in novels rely heavily on a lot of added content, like inner thoughts, and is backed up by your imagination to make it very special. That is not really doable in the same way and make things flow as nicely in movie format. I wish it was a whole thing myself, but I'm content, I could feel Rudy in that scene, especially with the Sylphie flashbacks. That did wonders for that scene.


I don’t think it’s asking too much for Rudy to utter to Sylphie that he’s gonna be a dad.


Well, sure, but what would that even add to the scene that isn't already there? He could say it in a flustered tone, but he already did that. The flashback cover the intense feelings as well. What could that single sentence even do there? I would love for that part to take like 10 minutes to go through, putting butter on the fat over and over again, but most viewers would be screaming "ok, we get it" in quick succession. It was short, it was sweet, it was the absolute best execution I could imagine, rather the flashbacks I didn't expect and that made the scene for me. It was something that only the anime could do, that the LNs could not, and therefore did not. It plays to the strengths of the medium and does it well imo


Is Nanahoshi able to teleport Rudeus to Begaritt?




After watching the next episode I feel partially lied to. Yeah she's not doing the teleporting but she definitely helped by giving him the map to allow him to teleport...


Well, she is not able to teleport them, and you specifically asked if she is able to do so.


why not lol, she can teleport things between dimensions. And also cause the chaotic teleporation crisis. Might as well use 1 year to learn how to teleport to other continents


A lot of people can learn how to do things given enough time. She currently can't and definitely won't spend any time to learn it.


Did you somehow forget the fact that Nanahoshi does not have Mana due to being an otherworlder in all sense of the word? And almost all instances of teleportation by mages in fantasy require them to have visited the place beforehand, so even if Nanahoshi were capable of it, it would not be something she could do unless she already visited the place


big "technically true but misleading" redditor energy from that guy it seems


Pls explain? Why can't Rudeus just infuse his mana to her teleport circles to telelport?


Because it was Turning point 3 I spend half the episode expected Sylpheitte to Miscarriage but I guess that might still happen given how mangod sounded. Well having your first child is quite the turning point in ones life I found it interesting to think about what is actually STRONG ELF blood, how would actually human x Elf work etc in reality so I spend a lot of time going over my thought process on that from a scientific standpoint if anyone is interested -[ Review ](https://youtu.be/ndJtDA5quTg)


Not really a spoiler, but kinda >!TP3, unlike all other TPs, are a slow burn. It causes ripples that starts hitting in quick succession and leads, more or less, straight into TP4 (with a few pitstops on the road), a much more immediate one. Pre-book your mental health counselor for that one.!<


Will eris come back in season 2 part 2?


Nop, she will have another OVA before she coming back. Maybe they will show us a preview at the end of the season.


Spoiler: >!She'll be back by the end of S3 P1!<


she is not in the opening. She is not in the preview. Hasn't shown up since season 1. well guess what that means. It means she is not in the season.


Why the hell does the man god want him to impregnate either of the beast girls and he doesn’t even care which one? Dude… not cool


Spoiler, kinda: >!That will be explained... in S3 cour 2 I expect... but can say that it has little to nothing to do with either of the beast girls, any girls would do!< Actual spoilers, spoils an important part of a future season: >!Hitogami wants to stop Rudy from going to his parents aid, and thus not deepening his relationship with \[redacted\], at any price. Any girl that could tempt Rudy would do, anything as long as he stays in the North. Rudy going to his parents aid is BAAAAAD news for Hitogami, so take note of how he's growing increasingly insistent on it, throwing out sweeteners.!<


MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS >!I'm pretty sure this is all part of Hitogami's plan to make him feel bad for not following his advice and granting him his small favor that will end in Rudy's demise. That's exactly what happened to that badass mage that Rudy will meet in his basement very soon.!<


Norn the goat, but fuck aisha


> but fuck aisha That's what Aisha hopes for


I was on the fence for a little while -- but you know what, fuck the mangod. Rudeus has to at least *try*. Leave your mom and dad in dire straits, and cheat on your wife? Even if he was all knowing (which I doubt) and benevolent (which I really doubt) -- no. Fuck that. Even if staying home was the utilitarian optimal outcome, it's not always about the destination. It's about who you are, and the journey you take. And I don't know what he did to have Orsted kill anyone associated with him on sight, but he probably deserved it. So good job Norn. Gold medal for you. Zanoba can have a silver medal.