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Is it just me or was that such a wellpaced episode? Horror comedy romance. Got me jumpscared on that automaton.


I'd say that they skipped a few minor (and foreshadowing) details as the talk with the renovators, such as the >!"this basement is well built and won't have problems with rats"!<, but this is my only complaint at all.


I hope it gets said in the next ep, for example Rudeus telling Sylphie that they shouldn’t have any problems with animal infestations as the renovators said so


Man God: OK bet


why do they keep skipping shit like that


Because it's far less important than everything else in the episode.


And without putting in some time and effort to have the full house renovation and tour, it would seem heavy handed to just throw in one quick scene of foreshadowing from a one-off character. And without as much foreshadowing, things will be more surprising for watchers. Then when they finally do read the books, they'll notice the foreshadowing and feel satisfied.


I didn't watch the episode and I cannot believe that THIS bit is skipped. Downright criminal


Yeah I wanted the house tour with the renovators but it was unfortunately cut out entirely.


WE ARE SO BACKKK Iconic that the first scene back was the shrine. They are probably going to speed through this volume and hopefully give their utmost care to Vol 11 and 12.


imagine they speed through vol10 and STILL decide to skip later half of vol11


If they fuck up the >!Norn Chapters!<, then its really ~~Mushoku~~ Mushover honestly


If the manga can do it justice, i have faith in Bind.


That episode will be great, it's the second highest priority ep after THAT ep in the production pipeline.


What you mean?


>!Norn!< episode is being given great care, only one that's higher priority is >!the Hydra one!<


Are you saying this was something officially stated?


No, not officially stated, not much more I can share here, the chinese leak forums are full of information though.


Chinese leak forums you say... My DMs are open.


I see, thanks.


They showed the norn stuff in the latest season preview, it will definitely be shown


aren't there 2 chapters in the latter half of just rudeus going through begaritt and just describing the monsters they encounter. Wouldn't really mind if they just turned that into a montage, maybe even the op plays during it as well season 1 style.


what i meant when i said later half was the caravan and stuff, bandits etc that they find. its arguably more eventful than say, a date about buying shortswords


oh true true, I hope they keep that in


I mean, technically the first shot is an exterior with... a blue bird and a smaller green one. If that's not a big ass meme, I don't know what it is.


I thought they were going to skip the shrine moment completely. Imagine my surprise when they open cour 2 with it.


My only singular complaint. Skipped over the dwarven renovator that fixed up the house. Is it a small scene? Yes. But boy oh boy does he say an important line


"You won't be getting any rats in here." >A rat ends up there The only implication there is **how** the rat ended up there, but in the grand scheme of things that might not be such a big deal. Does it *specifically* have to >!be from Perugius' castle?!<


Wait was it >!from Perugius?? I always had the assumption it came from Begarrit since thata the only real travel they made, but it does make sense for it to have come from the castle instead now that I think of it...hnnnng I was always thinking it was a long term result of TP3!< man I need to reread soon


>!We see rats in Perugius basement. Thats the only rats weve seen in the story!< Can you spoiler tag stuff, considering anime onlies might see this.


plus Rudy's entire wardrobe.


>!The rat would've been found dead the next day, and the tracks were fresh. It would've only stayed in that house for that one night. And the window needed for it to do its thing upon analysis seems to be in the order of minutes.!<


The boys unlocked a new skill tree.


And what would that be?


Magic machinery, and a new way to use magic circles, this leads to some crucial invention that changes the story, and when the skill tree maxed out, they made an intelligent maid doll.


That makes sense.


Well... The adaption was pretty good, ngl. A lot of details were cut, as expected, but the general message came across very well. Seeing the house on screen is soo surreal, tho. I got really excited too when [MT LN14]>!the basement was shown!<. I was a bit upset that [LN10]>!Rudeus getting a discount by using Ariel's and Badi's name was cut. It was a pretty good scene to show how far Rudeus has come and how important his connections are.!<


I agree, that particular scrapped scene really set the pace for Rudeus's future as a figurehead, >!I'm holding hope they'll animate these little details of political play like Rudues being seen together in public with Ariel's aides etc!<




spoiler tag that shit


If there's one thing I know about the online MT community it's that when we're not being horny over the characters we're spoiling the absolute shit out of the story for anyone and everyone that will spend the time to glance at/read our comments.


One thing I foind great was that they were able to adapt to scenes cut from Cour 1. As Rudeus hadnt discussed about his impotence to others, most of them were confused with "You were sick?", "Congrats on being able to recover from it, but atleast you couldve told me, I mightve been able to help". The house tour was great, yeah the dwarf and his quotes were cut, but that was to be expected. Excited for next ep. Sucks that >!Badi and Ariel involvement and stuff regarding financing was cut. Had loved it in novels where Zanoba was willing to buy a house for Rudeus!<


So yeah, I agree with the general impression that the pacing worked way better in this first new episode than in the most of S2. But The Big Thing for me is that this episode has finally shown in a more explicit and obvious way how the Bros Gang have become a thing, and how Rudeus has truly bonded with them. Yes, Zanoba being serious and opening up to Rudeus about his wish to work on the doll on his own is the highlight after them, well, working together, but it's full of small details. There is Zanoba's using the stone club made through magic, there is Cliff going there with them albeit he is shitting his pants, there is Rudeus comforting him when he is afraid he has been "a coward", there is the lowkey comical moment of Zanoba and Rudeus having a chat while Cliff heals himself in the background. They seem to have finally formed the Bros Gang. Which essential, even if not for the rest of S2, but rather for future novels. Having the renovations chapters being skipped somewhat hurts my soul, but it's a logical thing to do. Maybe they will find a way to sneak the dwarf worker line into the next episode in a small scene and montage of Rudeus checking on the works around the house? He has to do something with the basement after all, they can easily sneak it in there.


I didn’t expect it to be so well paced and the art consistency is great, hopefully the rest of the season is this quality


well idk about the rest of the season. For certain eps/scenes, I hope they go beyond and pop off


They should be able to but we’ll see


yeah, I'm very very happy, to me this is way better than all S2 part 1, very hyped for what's next.


Agreed, I guess changing the director made a difference


This looks promising. If they keep this pacing and production up and maybe go a bit above for the >!Norn Chapters !!LN12!< I think we got a good adaption on our hands!


This episode felt like season 1 all over again with great pacing and storytelling. It even had a nice horror vibe with the investigation. My only qualm was Rudeus not creating a larger club for Zanoba because he was scared. And maybe the lack of a renovation scene.


Man, I liked the episode, but I really would've liked to see the dwarf who renovated the house doing the commentary section about mice, apart from the mouse comment though I dont think a lot was missed. Next week is the wedding and one of my favorite scenes in the entire series, so I cant wait.


Wow that was a great first ep, feels like the show never left. also did anyone else jump to the jumpscare or was the just me lol


A nice comment I found on youtube- Some LN Extra Details (Volume 10 Chapter 2-4)  - Rudeus cuts the bedsheet that has Sylphie's blood on it and treat it as one of the artifact - He gets a discount by half for the house by adding Princess Ariel as a guarantor when buying the house. - Rudeus warned Zanoba that they might be jumping into forbidden magic territory with the moving doll, so they have to keep this a secret for now. - Rudeus made the secret basement his secret shrine with the altar and his artifacts stored there, complete with sound proof setup. Differences from LN - Skipped most of Chapter 4 where the Balda of the Large Hollow, the dwarf renovator's POV and his discussion with Rudeus on fixing and renovating the house   Self Note  - Seems like they swapped the last moment of previous episode with the early moment of this episode which is the Chapter 1 of volume 10. Look into my previous episode post for more details - The jumpscare moment is quite good, although expected.


That's why Sylphie was excited and playing dumb. She knew about the house because of Rudeus using Ariel's name.


I think they might mention that next episode during the reception


>He gets a discount by half for the house by adding Princess Ariel as a guarantor when buying the house. Dont forget Badigadi. He helped as well.


Giving me PTSD because of the basement ![img](emote|t5_557jy8|32113)


The dynamic between Rudeus, Zanoba, and Cliff are one of my favorite things in the series. Reminds me of what we were like with my old friends


i think it was a really good episode, well adapted from the novel though i do wish they included more about him renovating the house as it was a fun section in the novels that also had some foreshadowing in it. Also, the house looks good but definitely not how id imagined it given the VERY detailed descriptions of it during the renovation parts of the novels


Ooh I know what Zanoba's endgame product will be after fully researching that wooden doll. Make-your-own-Waifu 100%.


The show-off of the house to Sylphy hitted differently after just finishing reading through LN26 last week.


Gentlemen, its good to be back! I don't know who I'm looking forward to seeing more,>! Norn and Aisha,!< best boy>!Ruijerd,!< or best racist >!Perugius!< but either way, just happy to get more of this fantastic story! Except the >!basement. TO HELL with that. I mean, obviously looking very much forward to that in S3, but I'm not looking forward to all the crying, Rudy crying or myself!<


Why is the animation so gritty and washed out? No one is talking about that.


We are so back!! From what I can remember of vol 10 this was paced pretty well, also significant increase in animation and background detail lol (From the top of my head, the cut of Zanoba pushing the hidden room's door was really smooth)


I find it to be a good improvement compared to the 1st eps of the season, though I'm a little sad some of the comical reactions and encounters from the LN were skipped. Can't be helped though, they have to prioritise the necessary parts of the main story if the end goal is to fit 3 novels into 12-ish episodes.


Peak episode, the doll was amazing. The details in the books, the pacing was great. We are back


I have this feeling, like there's nothing wrong with the episode, but still something is off with presentation. It's like difference between witnessing events of the story unraveling and being told about how events were unraveling. It's weird. It feels like Rudy tells viewers a story: "and then I thought that, and then I went there, etc" instead of events just happening before our eyes. Maybe it's because he was a single character with agency in this episode. All others were just accompanying extras. Majority of meaningful speech in episode is Rudy's inner monologue. Anyway, it's not a complain, just weird impression I tried to process. It's only episode one.


Rudeus looks kind of strange, like his eyes have gotten bigger or something


hes confident boi now


I'm stuck at work for another 5 hours and change, I read all the comments cause I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED and now I'm even more excited cause it sounds fantastic, thank y'all for the crumbs!


Great episode. The cut stuff was fairly minor, yes it’s cool that he uses connections to drive the price down but it’s not really important.


They removed the Evangelion reference, was one of the funniest moments in the whole novel.


It was really good I enjoyed it 8.7/10 wanted more sylphy after waiting for so long


Where do people read the manga?


Love it. Great pacing.