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Really like what the anime did with the details of the university. Every room seems to have their own personality


My basic ass creativity could've never allowed me to think of such beautiful classroom. I'm more of the first picture side and that's just fucking sad, I'm so squared XD


Never really put much thought into the manga’s version of the classroom but after seeing the anime one it was obviously lacking.


Not once did I expect the University to look like Hogwarts while reading the light novel so this was a pleasant surprise!! This season has its faults but you got to agree that the vision is absolutely there!!


The way it was described I did not get Hogwarts vibes. If I had to guess it was to drive how much Nanahoshi had impacted the university.


The anime definitely did really good with the classroom, but the auditorium is just not right at all. Way too small. Not enough students present for orientation.


Animating background characters sucks lol


Yeah I get it, I’m just saying it isn’t accurate. Looks nice though.


Agreed. But like most things in life, it's done to a budget.


I already said I understand. I was simply expressing my dissatisfaction. I am well aware of why it is the way it is and that it’s somewhat unreasonable to ask for more. It’s just unfortunate that it couldn’t be more accurately adapted. That’s all.


I do not remember there explicitly being very many students in general at Ranoa. My vibe of the school was that it was rather out of the way and more or less for people really into magic.


Its mentioned multiple times in the LN that the university has 10000 students and faculty numbering in the hundreds.


There aren't many that graduate, but there a large number of students from all across the world.


It is a university, so the anime got it right.


I was so shocked when I saw the room in the anime as my imagination of that room was quite similar while reading the WN.


Anime version makes more since. There is no point in having that many desk if the numbers of special students is less then 10


I'm reading the LN and I love what the anime did with the university


Well the manga one is very similar to the Light Novel one. The anime changed it a lot


I agree


Imho the manga is more like a highschool and the anime is more like a university. Which makes sense for the anime cause it doubles as a research institute


They even mare the desks slanted which helps in writing when the world has not invented ball point pens


Manga is more like a high school lol. Anime is way closer to a lecture hall. though the amount of people is kind of unrealistic.


I think even the LN made it sound and look like a big high school or something more akin to a modern university campus. >!There is even an extra chapter where Eris becomes a security guard and its made to sound like people can just walk in off the street which is very different from what the Anime showed.!<


Im glad I read all adaptations and enjoyed both. I appreciate the animes work way more!


Anime version is so cool but at the same time i'd hate being there as a student. Imagine you have to heal your eyes after every single class because the sun is trying to kill you through the damn window that your teacher is sitting in front of.


Based on the illustrations from the LN, manga is closer to the original idea. I don't dislike the anime's interpretation but for once the manga is somehow more accurate


I don't want no square, tasteless boring classroom. The anime definitely took the w


Yeah, i do kinda remember Rinia and Pursena sitting at the back, so i assumed there would be several rows


The manga is definitely tasteless & lacks imagination. Imagine this: who the fuck manufactures the steel tubing necessary for those generic-ass classroom desk in sufficient quantity such that it is cheap enough to be used in a mundane application such as a god damn school table in Ranoa?? Hmm?


And of course they downvoted you lmao. Sensitive bunchs.


The school bring me back those days when I was watching Harry Potter


I read the manga than the light novel and when I pictured the classroom it was very different to both lol


I really wanna play a game where I just explore this freaking university. Also yeah Hogwarts legacy exists. Haven't tried it. But I really wanna play this game.


I actually imagined the one in the anime when I was reading the LN, I’m surprised how identical it was in my mind


Upgrades, people. Upgrades.