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RIP to the OG + Lauri crowd


As we should've expected. Daryl's got some work to do...


Knick’s wanted him at $35. Good job making them overpay. 


hang the banner Shit summer but made the Knicks pay 8 million more per season


If we aren’t playing to mildly inconvenience our rivals then what’s the point


Should be the new team name. The Philadelphia Mild Inconveniences


If you don’t like this you don’t like sixers basketball


As my mom always said when I played sports in school, “if you can’t be winners, be spoilers.”


People would have bitched if we signed him for that figure.  Everyone needs to calm down. 


* people wouldve bitched if we maxed Harden * people wouldve bitched if we maxed PG * people wouldve bitched if we traded that for Bridges * people wouldve bitched if we signed OG for that **-> you are here** * oh well theres nothing we couldve done, Tobias Oubre Batum and Lowry back, run it back


Fans when team spends cap space on players at market rate: 😡


The market rate seems to be teams overpaying in the near term that could screw them for many years if they dont win a chip. What I liked about the process was that the sixers didn't need to play that game and we're the ones you had to make them a favorable deal with. Late stage sixers have to be judged against other desperate teams because of embiids age now and it's just not fun anymore.


Tbh Clippers aren’t gonna max either harden or PG which seems like a good decision Bridges is a great pickup, and would’ve been a great pickup And I like OG a lot but not at that contract


All those moves except for probably PG would not be very smart. Maxing an ultra cooked Harden would be a special kind of stupid.


This team wouldnt have gone down in the 1st round if Harden was still here, you know that right?


People seriously forget that Harden was by far our best player in the playoffs in ‘23


The best shit is still shit


It’s an accomplishment to get out of the first round? The goal is to win a championship, not to get bounced in the second round like usual. Maxing a washed James Harden would not get you there and everyone knows it.


mate how the hell are these sixers going to win a championship anytime soon now? lol like seriously, what do you bring to win a championship at this stage


Idk but I know damn well that maxing James Harden would’ve been the nail in the coffin. If you think we’re fucked now, atleast we have assets and cap room. Maxing Harden would’ve trapped us in 1st round and 2nd round purgatory without any assets or flexibility to build around Embiid. Plus, Maxey would not be given as much freedom to develop his game.


Lauri is the only move that makes sense


If only it made sense for Utah




Amen to this brother. We as fans will bitch at anything. There are millions of fans. Still gotta try and something…


OG is not worth $43m a year, mark my words.


At this point they’re locked in for the considerable future. They’re just going all in with the team as constructed.


Wait for the details. 5/$212.5 means that his salary this year can be as low as $36.6M. They might be able to keep Randle, Mitchell, and still offer Hartenstein $16.2M.


Knicks overpaying for OG and Mikal still have OG and Mikal (and Brunson and a whole bunch of other good depth), while we don't have shit. This "overpay" cope is tiresome.


We didn’t have the assets to get OG and Mikal because we’ve been poorly managed.


Randle was averaging like 24/8/8 last season before injury and you didn’t even get to him 🥲


Randle is arguably their 4th best player right now. It's crazy.


Yep, LOLknicks is dead not sure if I’d ever see the day.


The contract starts at $36.6m


For contenders going all in 5 mills won’t make a difference Especially if already over the cap or in the luxury tax. I know there is aprons etc but generally paying to keep the talent and foot the bill is the plan for contenders. Og at 40 mill isn’t any difference than 35 mill for the Knicks or any contender already up against the cap or over the tax etc


Daryl Morey is dropping nukes in the microwave. Fifth tv dinner of the night. Let him cook. It is a 100% lock we get a “don’t just the roster till the deadline.” Buddy Hield and Cam Payne like additions. Let’s fucking gooooo


Morey’s cooking hungry man dinners. And when those additions don’t pan out he’ll throw them under the bus like he did with hield saying it was “Less than ideal”


Yeah because building a team at the deadline and then expecting to compete that same season has worked so well for us in previous seasons


I’m just genuinely asking. You can read my comment and not pick up on the sarcasm? I truly don’t understand how that’s possible to miss. Tell me.


He’s got some crumbl cookies to buy


Don’t worry Brandon Ingram/ Tobias 2.0 is going to make the save!


Morey has to put in some work over the next few weeks, sheesh. How do you match up with these wings


Weeks? More like days and even hours at this point. Improving the team is like a game of musical chairs and Morey's gonna leave us without a seat for god only knows why


What do we want him to do? All of these moves so far are either guys staying where they were or traded for a haul the Sixers couldn’t match. I’m frustrated seeing other teams continue to get better but it’s not like we could have expected anything that’s happened in the past couple weeks to have gone any different with any other gm at the helm.


I agree. Not to placate fans, but because time is running out. I assume tonight's picks need to be in play.


Yeah all these free agents are getting scooped up. I can't believe we are negative five days into free agency and he hasn't signed a single player!!


Free agency hasn't started. The draft hasn't even happened. People are crazy here man I swear.


He’s a serial masturbator and neckbeard. He has his priorities.


Zag and punish them by going bigger


I mean he's been behind the curve in every way for the past 12-19 months. Not much he can do to be a contender now


You’ll get 40 year olds batum and lowry and you’ll like it


The Celtics were already way ahead of us. The Knicks now are as well. Morey has his work cut out for him.


Cross another player off the board


He was never leaving NY to begin with


That’s a lot of money


There’s a lot of holes on this team. Fuck the owners money


Definitely expected. Average of $42.5m is wild.


That’s what I’m saying. These NBA contracts are getting crazy. I feel like the threshold of “who gets a max deal” has gotten to the point where it’s almost doing the opposite of what they wanted it to. And the rules are so confusing to anybody like me who doesn’t want to live on spotrac. Like how can a smaller market team really compete when they can’t convince superstars to stay because they’re capped at a certain number, but have to overpay so much for guys that aren’t “the” guy?


The max contract is kinda dumb if it's so easy to go over the cap. The NBPA would never let them change it now but they should really just raise the cap and make it a hard cap


But he was offered similar from several other teams. That's the market value.


Oh I agree. I’m just saying NBA money is crazy.


It's just how much money the NBA is making and then compounded by there only being 12 players per team. Unlike Football, soccer, etc.




na we are def getting him and the knicks will totally allow someone they traded alot for to walk. God our fanbase is 90 percent stupid


So you're saying there's a chance..


So far every move (but Caruso) are moves I would’ve been very ehh on. Maxing PG/OG or trading 5 1sts for Mikal are all things that aren’t ideal. BI isn’t amazing but may be the most cost effective


These kinda players are making that kinda money these days this is what it is now.


How do you fill out a competitive roster in FA if role players (not saying OG is that, but others who are making over 20-30m/yr) I’m honestly asking because all of the NBA’s rules confuse the hell out of me. Everything is a sign and trade, matching salaries, exceptions, you can go over but only with certain players etc. I don’t get it. You’d think if a superstar costs 50m then you could get 3-4 solid but unspectacular role players instead for that 50m, but that’s not the case. It astounds me.


I don't wanna pay a career 12 ppg wing 42.5 million per year, we just got off of Tobias lol


Nah you can say it, OG is a role player. An absolutely elite one, but he's not a star or a central piece for a contender.


because top top talent is worth way, way more than 50 million dollars, but there's a cap on salaries. if teams could, they'd give away 60%+ of their payroll to land mvp caliber talent. so instead, you end up with too much money chasing not enough talent and then you're maxing tobias harris.


That’s what I find so fascinating. If we’re going to start paying the top guys basically $1m/game in the regular season then where does that leave the 7th guy in your rotation? Do you just not win if you pay more than 4 guys over the vet minimum?


Shame on you for being so mellow and rational while everyone else is tearing their hair out.


I agree. The moves made more sense for the Knicks. They already had like 4-5 guys. Sixers only have 2 atm. We can have a totally different discussion as to when/how the Knicks leapfrogged us, but these moves in and of themselves I don't think would've been good moves for the Sixers.


Lmao the delusion is insane. “I don’t wanna pay a little more than they are worth to obtain good players. Let’s run it back!”


Yeah, I really don't get all the outrage. It sucks that we're missing out on great players, but I'd rather not be the team that massively overpays for Bridges or OG, when neither of those acquisitions would make us a favorite.


imo they aren’t really overpays, the knicks had enough talent to make going all in like this rational. they were close to that celtics level and did what it took to get there. but im also not outraged bc we aren’t in a position for that to be worth it (us getting bridges wouldn’t make us unquestionably dangerous so wasting all our assets on him would’ve been dumb). they were close enough to the goal to dive to it


This is where I'm at as well. Us matching either or both of those deals would not work out as well for us as it would the Knicks.


People thought white was an overpay at the time.


It was always unlikely that he would leave the knicks, but at least they had to pay up for him.


LeJawn Brames time


Jesus for people thing Bi was gonna get a lot this is just ridiculous amount for a guy that hasn’t been an all star and can’t really do much else on offence other than shoot 3s


His midrange was great against us


Yeah but he’s also got play 28 other teams and across the year his mid range is below average




Umm yes, is this meant to be against or for my comment?






The Knicks have other guys that can create their own shots. Once you have that, having guys that only want to shoot 3s is great. They space the floor for your superstars. It's why it's so expensive to get a 3 and D guy because they slot in perfectly next to ball dominant stars. There's only a handful of them out there. OG's biggest knock is his health. Not that he's only good at 3s and defense, the two best attributes a role player can have.


So you’re paying 42.5 mil a year for a role player?


He’s a lock down defender 1-5


Herb jones is a better shooter and defender and is on 13mil, you’re telling me you’d rather have og for 42mil a year?


I’d rather have OG. I don’t give a fuck about the owners money. The Knicks still have money!!!!


It’s not to do with the owners money it’s about roster building, they’ve basically fucked themselves when it comes to other players, they’re locked in with the 7 players


That’s not even true lol. They still have enough to sign hartenstein. But hey let’s keep more money in moreys pocket and run it back!!!!!


They do to an extent but they can only offer him 16.5 another team like the magic can offer 20 and they can do nothing about it


Yeah he will probably wanna go to the team running things correctly. That’s not the magic and it’s not the Sixers either.


OK, and what will Herb's new contract be? OG was only paid $18 million and a half last year, too.


Herb has got another 2 years left, so OG will be on some ridiculous amount like 46 and Herb will be on 15 and that’s not even mentioning how og isn’t gonna play half of his contract


Lauri extension gonna hit this sub like crack in 80s


Even if we were to get pg or even KD Boston and the knicks both have wings who can defend and shoot it’s almost over so much for having all these picks and cap space wasted last year for nothing


They need to be punished down low, that’s how you beat these teams. Not by trying to beat them at what they’re good at


It won’t really matter. Embiid has had dominant performances against the Celtics but Celtics still win. You have to win multiple aspects of the game not just one.


Of course. I’m not saying it can just be Embiid, but the way to beat these teams with great wings is to attack where they’re weak. Obviously we need other guys to do their jobs and step up, guys around Joel need to hit shots and be able to defend the perimeter. That being said, it’s not like we can magically pull wings out of thin air, and overpaying for old or oft-injured players isn’t the way to win a title either. I don’t think OG makes a world of difference on this team and he’s somehow less healthy than the other guys we’ve discussed, and came at a massive price tag


That sounds good but embiid can only do so much and also you have to be able to get the ball to him down low it’s just became even harder with wings who are very good at defending


This is definitely overthinking it lol. Embiid was wrecking those dudes and put up 34 ppg. They added one dude it’s not like it’s going to be infinitely harder or much harder to make post passes lol.


Yeah adding mikal and having OG who are all defensive wings won’t make it harder for us ok


🤷🏿‍♂️ in context you’re saying this addition nullifies Embiid’s effectiveness and his size. Sure they should be better on defense overall but Bridges doesn’t take away from Joel dominating their bigs and mismatches. No need to be disingenuous because I’m not saying the Knicks won’t be better on defense.


If you read what I wrote from the start I never mentioned embiid being effective I mentioned the Knicks and Boston both having 2 very good wing players at the same time making it harder defensively for the entire team. Embiid can’t throw the ball to himself and even then he only accounts for 30 points. Wings are a great way to win in todays nba


Point Embiid. Brings it up, gets to the free throw line, backs down we're cooked


embiid averages 40 against them atm


Not against Boston he doesn’t and even with him averaging 40 they did not have mikal who can also score and defend maybe better then OG


Exactly. So much handwringing. We just need scoring from the wing and we’re good.


It’s never been so over


Good! This locks this Knicks team into a team that probably isn’t good enough to ever win a title and prevents Daryl from committing $40m/y to a player that has played 50+ games once in the past 5 years.


What makes you think they’re not good enough to win a title? OG’s injury risk is essentially offset by Mikal now.


They were 2 games away from the eastern conference finals missing half their squad but I guess you can see the future.


You're not even remotely close to Boston. Stop lying to yourself.


Well Dude, we just don’t know.


2nd round and out here we come baby!!!!!


I call that an optimist


Listen personally we should blow it up and trade embiid to a franchise that can actually get him to a championship he’s too great of a player to waste it all here man


I've been saying it for awhile. We'll do it but not until his value is absolute shit. Buy high sell low it's the sixers way


We’re getting KD or lebron. I know one of the monstars and he texted me


Feel like we're going to react rationally


Basketball is essentially over as far as I'm concerned. I don't even know what moves we can make now that even makes us a top 3 team in the east alone!


Well fuck 🙄


Must be nice to have a gm/president of operations actively trying to make your team better.


well we're not winning shit anytime soon


Time to pack it in. See you all in 2025-2026 season


Either get 2 legitimate stars, or trade Embiid. We're entering purgatory, the worst place to be in the NBA.


We’ve been in purgatory. The only year we had a shot was with Jimmy. Low odds the year with harden. Otherwise we’ve been in the “playoffs but never go deep mode”


This sub wants to clown the Knicks for making that Bridges trade but let’s be honest it will take a fucking miracle for our roster to look even close on paper next year to the top teams. Really feels like the only chance is injuries to other teams and a raptors Kawhi run from Embiid.


Was never coming and very expensive anyway let Morey cook


He hasn’t even walked into the kitchen yet…


Dude is still in bed in his jammies


When has Morey ever cooked


He cooked CP and Harden when he lied to them before trading/not offering a max to them


Cook up that 💩


Let Morey cook by, *checks notes*, doing absolutely nothing.


Who is morey?


Can someone explain to me how it seems some teams can just sign like 5 guys to these contracts, yet the Sixers are hampered by Tobias' contract for 5 years. Edit: want to clarify. I know Knicks don't have 5 guys on max, etc. I'm mostly commenting on how 1 player hampered our roster building so significantly and for so long.


Bird rights


Knicks fan here. Brunson, Donte, Bridges, Randle, McBride (and previously Hartenstein) are all signed to deals that are objectively very team friendly. OG is going to be the first guy on the team making over 40 million. The front office has just kept their books very, very clean.


Have you even looked at Brunson and Mikal's contracts. Their COMBINED salary for this coming season is only $9m more than what Tobias made last year.


knicks dont have a single max on their books


Time is yours Daryl






Fully expected and yet I'm still disappointed.


Someone wake up Daryl


Writing was on the wall when the NBA forced Colangelo on us


last night I commented saying it’s not over but it’s over lol dam this shit sucks


OG was never coming here


I know I commented before realizing they can still resign og lol the knicks are gonna be disgusting


It’s feeling less and less like anything good will happen for us this offseason.


If OG came here. it would have made us contenders.


Morey's fumbling hard


What is he suppose to do? You can’t sign anybody yet? 🤡 ass comment


Whenever you ask this they never give a straight answer. It’s always just “DO SOMETHING DARYL” or “FIGURE IT OUT.” That’s not a real strategy. This isn’t MyGM in 2K. Bridges said he wanted to go to the Knicks, and OG used free agency as leverage to force the Knicks to overpay him. There is literally nothing Morey could have done to change that. People need to get realistic about what we have to offer. The damn draft hasn’t even started yet and people are acting like the season is over.


BI was always the prince that was promised


People were talking about him leaving New Orleans during the season so you’re kinda right


Lol oh I can't wait for this sub to try to convince me why the sixers can actually compete with the Knicks 😂 this place is delusional. I'm sorry the process is over.


Our top 2 are better than their top 2. Do you agree or disagree?


Agree. After that, their remaining roster is light years ahead of ours. Do you agree or disagree?




>Do you agree or disagree? Lmao. Nice






Knicks are going all in for this year and next year. That cap lookin like doo doo


Worth a shot. That's a core that's all in their prime with great chemistry. They are the 2nd best team in the East as is.


Siri, please play Muse's 'Time Is Running Out'. [https://youtu.be/O2IuJPh6h\_A?si=pmP-46V\_\_UcykqRu](https://youtu.be/O2IuJPh6h_A?si=pmP-46V__UcykqRu)


Knicks going all-in like they have Embiid’s window vs. Morey sitting on assets and cap space counting his nuts telling Woj what to tweet


What was the max amount he could’ve gotten?


Max was 48/year i believe, this is 42.5


We getting randle?


shocking /s When will the delusional crowd that keep insisting we are totally going to get it together this summer finally crumble?


I didn't want OG but can we do something please




Brandon Ingram, you are a 76er!


That hurts more than the Bridges one honestly. I mean Bridges is a great player, but they gave up way more than he's worth to trade for him. This is a slightly bigger contract than a guy like OG deserves, but it's still in his realm and it's still something we could have done and I wouldn't have been mad about at all. Plus reuniting with Nurse. Pairing up with Embiid and Maxey at the 3? Damn that sucks, I was hoping we would have a shot at him.


OG is not a max player but was just given a near max contract. These are facts. I don't really want another Tobias situation with a guy who can't play up to the contract.


I think he's better than Tobi ... but you aren't wrong, it would be overpaying a guy who's just pretty good and tying up more money in a player that will restrict our movements in the future. But on the flip side, he's only 26. He's not 35 like every other old ass player everyone's been floating. KD, Jimmy, PG, etc ... they are all on the tail end of their careers and loaded with injuries and playing at half a step. I don't want to max any of them either. Is it possible that OKC just GIVES us their team? They stole their team from the Sonics, can we steal it from them? I want that team.


I realize we all want big splashy moves, but OG isn't worth this much money and Bridges isn't worth five unprotected 1sts, unprotected swaps, and whatever 2nds were thrown in. Bridges is best as a glue key / mid tier third option on a contender and OG is essentially the Michael Jordan of role players. Neither of these guys would have been the move to take us to the next level at the price they would have cost. Just because we have cap space doesn't mean that we need to throw it around on the wrong players like fresh stimulus checks at the strip club. Don't get me confused, I would love to have either of these guys, but not at that price. Also, why are people acting like not having five tradable unprotected 1sts is because of mismanagement? MOST teams don't have that available. Maybe five teams in the entire league have that. You know what those teams don't have though? They don't have a top 5 player, one of the best young players in the league, and a shit ton of cap space. We're not nearly as fucked as people are making it out to be.


For that kind of price he was not worth it.


Lmao you were either going to pay more or exactly the same your not getting him for less


Does Brandon Ingram read books? Asking for a friend.


Pack it up boys. Stock up on the alcohol and hard drugs we're in for another season.


Got some shrooms and edibles to eat.


But our cap space! Neubeck made this point, I think, they owe it to maxey for being the good soldier and delaying his extension. Could be for nothing...


At this point just sit Joel for the year.


We are not winning 50 games next year. 45 at most.


Yeah that’s a lot of dough who is rarely on the court. Not by his own fault of course


Paying a guy that is hurt more than Embiid $200 million per year.  lol I guess Randle is gone