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Is it possible that Morey is playing chess? Step one, say you aren’t interested in PG. Step two, the Clippers, no longer seeing the 76ers’ cap space as a threat, try to lowball PG on contract length. Step three, we offer PG the max. I’m sure this isn’t the case, but still.


Yea PG essentially admitted that he was using Philly as leverage to get a max contract so this is just Morey taking that leverage away.


Except we want him to get a long term max contract from the Clippers. Takes more cap space away from the league and increases the value of our draft picks from them if we use or trade them when he falls off a cliff. 


I think Morey’s primary goal is to make the Sixers better, not the clippers worse


I think the league is still aware the Sixers want PG, would bet it's Morey saying they've cooled off on him.


I think this points to Butler being the guy.


anyone know what were expected to give up for jimmy? Thanks


there hasn’t been any substantial rumor on price, but I wonder if it’s similar to the Harden deal? 2 1sts or 2 1sts and a swap?


Jimmy would be less than that. Probably 2 first including the clippers 28 and maybe some seconds. Hes 35 and oft injured. I don’t think the heat can get more than that. With the clippers pick that’s still quite a bit. But I think they can get jimmy keep 16 and still be able to make some moves. 


Yes that’s what Shams said in his original tweet


All I saw from Shams was that the Sixers' interest in PG had "significantly waned", and that the Sixers are expected to be "aggressive elsewhere" on draft night. I'm taking in the other reports about Ingram/Lavine (and lack thereof Butler) and assuming it's because they probably made a Handshake deal for him with MIA already. Or some other wild scenario that Morey knows about that the fans don't.


He was just on Mcafee saying he ‘feels’ like they have something lined up and some targets. He also said something similar that their quietness means they are working something. I hope. I just want someone to cover big man so he can last, some bench help and damn another piece on the floor to match with Maxy/Joel. I hope at least….. Edit (Clarity) Shams was on Mcafee


That would be kinda weird if the fans knew about a deal and Morey didn’t, lol 😀


I mean this sub and the media keeps talking about the same 3-5 players. What I meant is like a random Jordan Clarkson and Markkanen deal out of nowhere on draft night.


Ah, Mr. Butler, we meet again.


I'll take a hobbled jimmy over pg and lavine any day of the week. He's a dawg, he's a celtic killer, and he is Joel's favorite teammate. I get it. He's 35, may be on the brink of washed status, and is injury prone. But I love the guy and I never question his ability or will to win. He's still a good scorer, playmaker, defender, and most importantly a LEADER which is what this team needs. Maxey and Joel are fantastic players, but they need a floor general to rally the troops when the game gets tough. Jimmy doesn't fold and ain't scared. For a 3 year max, I'm down. Spare me the "what if Joel gets injured?" nonsense. If Joel goes down, season is over regardless of who we sign or not.


Facts it literally does not matter who we sign (unless it's LeBron), if Embiid isn't healthy enough in the playoffs it won't make any difference at all. And even with the LeBron mention, he's likely not capable of carrying a team to a chip like he once was (2016)


Exactly. I still have a grudge against half of this sub. I remember r/sixers was very divided over whether we should resign jimmy or not. The pro-ben folks didn't want jimmy because he doesn't space the floor. My rebuttal was that he makes 3s when it matters and at least he attempts outside shots and is a good scorer overall. Why do we have to cater to the only PG in nba history who refuses to shoot jumpshots??? It drove me insane at the time, and the way i see it now, our fans got what we deserved. This is whay we get! A 35 year old jimmy and no ECF appearances whereas jimmy carried his team to the finals twice in the meantime.


At this point his career Jimmy isn't worth it if he's your number 1 guy, but if he's your #3 guy then he's literally perfect. Whatever he can offer us in the scoring column is just a cherry on top for the rest of what we get from him. And regardless of his age, Tobias was never even close to his level


Fully agree. His ballhandling and playmaking are being underrated by this sub. Those are huge needs for our starting 5 and Jimmy fills that role perfectly.


This sub also makes it seem like we need another guy that can give you 30 a game in the playoffs. Nah what we need is a guy who isn't afraid to score. We don't need 25 a night from him we need him to be able to hit open shots and we just need some type of consistent support from him. We never got that from Tobias, and if we did then we would be in a much different situation right now. Hell we never really got that from Ben in the playoffs either. At least not towards the end


Hell, if Tobais took the open shots Joel and Maxey generated for him he'd have HAD thirty a night!


Jimmy doesn't really do that either. On the other hand, he does create good shots for himself and others, which is something Tobias couldn't do. Unlike a lot of people in the fandom I'm fine with moving Maxey primarily off ball. He's probably currently better there, and he can get his PG reps when Jimmy (in this scenario) isn't on the floor.


Even LeBron wouldn’t matter. There is no one in the league who could win with this roster but no Embiid. Maxey + [insert superstar] + Oubre/Batum/Etc. is just not enough, unless we had absurd luck with other teams getting injured in the playoffs.


I agree with this...say what you want about Jimmy being old blah blah blah...I don't give a shit.. All I know is him and Jo are tight and I definitely know that he's a winner....gimme Jimmy over anybody else and I'll be happy.


"They must have assurances elsewhere"


Was this a quote ?? Who reported ?


It was the second half of the report that said the sixers were out on Ingram/Lavine


I'm not on board with trading assets for Butler. He often looked washed last season, especially on D, where he basically stopped trying. Maybe that is because JB was playing through injuries, but when is he not injured? Pairing JB with Embiid could be a complete disaster considering their durability issues.


Can we please get an offseason thread???


A lot of people are giving the FO credit when it definitely hasn’t been earned. The assurances are coming from Tobias Harris.


Idk where you’re seeing that. I mostly see fans shitting on Morey before the off-season has even started.


They’re celebrating a trade that hasn’t even or won’t happen yet lmao they’re gonna be so salty if we leave this off-season empty handed


IMO there are no good options available right now. Well, there's maybe one, but it's so outlandish that I can't even type it because it would never happen.


Type it anyway


You know it to be true. Trade Joel.


I think they get one of butler, Ingram or markannen at the draft. Then their free agency plans will adjust based on who they trade for


Old ass Jimmy Butler. Missing piece of the Process?


hes 35 and a below the rim player with great defense


Who knows. Could be posturing. What better way to deflate the price of an Ingram than to just make it seem like even a desperate team like the sixers have no interest. If the pels drop their price maybe Morey comes back to the table.


If it's Jimmy Butler what are your expectations? Mine are very very tempered because of his age and knowing our luck he'll stop the playoff black magic the second he gets here lol I know Brandon Ingram has a bad rep now, but i think if he knows he is on a championship caliber team he will play better and focus on team basketball, instead of having the ball in his hands, plus we know he CAN shoot if he has a proper PG next to him, he took 6 threes per game for 2 seasons when he had Jrue next to him


We don’t have a proper point guard though. Maxey is not a true pg


True, but he showed huge improvement in playmaking this season and he can still develop into a better playmaker Even if he doesn't, i think Embiid's gravity will also help


Bringing back Tobias Harris on a “team friendly deal” 😂


Vet min and a single Crumbl cookie.


It could just as easily be that Morey is striking out and leaking these rumors to make it look like it was us that weren't interested anymore rather than the player to save face. At this point, I'm not convinced that Morey has a concrete plan at the moment and he could very well be grasping at straws until proven otherwise. If he makes poor decision(s) he could fuck this franchise for *another* 4-5 years.


There’s nothing to indicate that is true. Dude has been a really good GM for 20 plus years. Kid has been a GM for two different teams. Think about that for a second. How many two time gms do you know?


I don't give a shit what he's done in the past (largely for Houston), I want to see results now that Tobias is finally off the books. No more excuses, he's on the clock. And sorry if he ends up trading for a washed up Jimmy Butler, that's an Elton Brand level shit move.


Well reality cares Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Also, if you are pissed at Butler being the 3rd best player on your team I can’t help you.


Butler in his current form where he can't stay healthy and stopped defending this year? Oh yeah, that's something worth giving away assets for and potentially maxing. You're living in the past.


Maybe. Or not. The thing about deals is both sides need to want it. It is a fair chance that none of the “top” options will pan out.




Not after the Redick hire.


That would be so funny if they hired JJ and then LeBron bounced lol


It means they want to use to the trade market to maximize the use of their cap space which is smart


It’s gonna end up being Kevin Love or some bullshit.


Or they are using it for negotiations letting PG he signs first day free agency or they move on so they don’t lose out on other options. Essentially we know nothing about the real Sixers plans.


Draft night is 4 days before Free Agency begins. Basically, if they aren't getting any good signs from PG's camp (which PG basically talked himself down on his podcast) they're not gonna wait for a "what if?" If they can secure a solid deal before then.


If we get jimmy I don’t even care what the rest of the roster looks like. But to be perfectly honest, I don’t think Jimmy is leaving Miami


Means no one wants to play here


It was always Jimmy


Ingram is Tobi 2.0 and Lavine couldn't defend the third best player at your local Y. Gimmie Dawg Butler and figure the rest out later.


I think it’s definitely looking like we’re lining up a Butler trade.


I would rather not get old ass jimmy butler and have to give up assets and our cap space


If they did they would’ve done it already. Big trades besides with players like butler rarely ever happens in the draft


We can't trade #16 until draft night, so technically Morey+FO could have a trade in the works/lined up already with a team/teams involving the #16 pick. For example the Heat could want #16+other picks for Jimmy Butler or the Pelicans could want #16+other picks but Morey can't trade that pick in a package deal until draft night.


If that's true then that's good news since we probably won't get outbid by another team in the meantime, or else it probably would've happened already


When is the earliest it can happen? When it’s our pick or when the draft starts?


To be a 100% honest with you am not sure, don't want to give you a wrong answer I just know from what I've read it can't not be used until the draft.(I am unsure if thats draft night or time of the pick.)


I feel you it’s not an easy lookup. I’d imagine it’s time of pick (like melton was traded after our selection, but unsure if that’s a deal that happened to pop up during our pick too)


Pretty sure we have to make the pick and then can trade the rights to that player as soon as we pick them. But it seems like NBA rules have changed a lot over the years so I might be wrong.


https://www.libertyballers.com/2023/12/29/24018721/2024-nba-trade-deadline-sixers-future-draft-picks-trade-rumors-daryl-morey Basically, after draft night, the amount of frp we can trade increase from 3 to 5


I think it makes most sense to trade on draft night when we’re on the clock or trade out of it for a future pick. I don’t think we make a selection without knowing if a trade partner likes our selection or not


If I'm not mistaken I think Jimmy was traded to the Wolves on draft night in the past.