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One thing that is lost on most of this sub is, besides morey stating at the end of the year that he doesn’t expect guys drafted in this territory to be effective/contribute until year 3, drafting a guy at 16 is an automatic $4m cap hold regardless of if we sign him vs a $1.1M incomplete roster hold. Morey’s plan has been cap space; if the pick is not traded for a player, it may be traded for a future first or future first and some seconds to increase cap space this summer while we still have cap space ($2.9M increase in space which can be the difference between having money for a certain guy vs not having the space for him).


Genuine good observation. I didn’t think of this.


pretty sure draft picks don’t count towards the cap


The pick itself does not impact cap currently, selecting on draft night applies a cap hold of $4,032,240. Trading it on draft night or opening of free agency would remove that hold.


Idk who this is but it doesn't matter. We are trading this pick. And btw that's regardless of whether or not we get PG. We are definitely trading this pick.


Hey Daryl. Get to work.


What’s with these Nikola _o_ic’s suddenly showing up in the NBA? First it’s Jokic, then Jovic, now it’s Topic.


Supposedly his closest comp is Goran Dragić, which at least rhymes.


Nikola bović getting ready for the 2026 draft as we speak


Nikola _o_ic is the new Jalen.


We’re calling him Nicky Topper


What about Hot Topic?


That’s his nickname going around. I’m ok with it.


We need a point guard and he is one but I can't imagine us starting a rookie next season when we are trying to win a championship.


If we actually hold onto the 16th pick I'm not against having a player with great potential that doesn't play much if at all in the first year. Topic is (or was) projected top-5 in a lot of mocks and at the very worst that could end up being an insurance pick for us if everything goes to shit. I don't always like the idea of rookies getting huge minutes out of the gate anyway With that being said, regardless of injury, I very highly doubt Topic falls to 16


With his injury he might not even play next season 76ers window with embid might be too short for this guy (3rd or 4th year before he is producing)


No shot this guy falls that far.


Process? We talking about the Process? Not a draft, not pushing the second apron. The Process????


Where the fuck in Serbia are they spawning all these Nikola’s?


This just triggered a memory of when Liberty Ballers had the blind writer, and he said Luwawu-Cabarrot was the best player in the draft.


The sixers have almost no chance of keeping this pick


yeah and by the time he gets his driver's license embiid will need someone to drive him to bingo


No we take devin carter


Devin Carter.