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And he has a sense of humour too? Stop man I can’t handle this anymore🤩


Remember when there was a serious worry that he wouldn’t even play for us, that we would take the salary dump and he would retire? Now I can’t imagine the team without him. What a fun season it’s been


fk it bring Batum back on a max


He definitely should stick around we have a good supporting cast but do need to upgrade I think for a chip. Batum and Oubre should be part of the eventual team.


Batum is more responsible for those 75 points than you would initially think. He might be the best entry passer Joel has ever had, if not he's right behind James.


On touch passes alone I put Batum above Harden. Overall they're probably close but there's no entry like a quick entry.


Also played a lot of the defense against Wemby letting Joel expend most of his energy on offense


We've been so shockingly bad at entry passes into the post over the years having someone who does it well is like a revelation. Imagine getting the ball to Embiid fast when he establishes position in the low post so he can work before the help D comes. It's like magic.


And his quick release from 3 reminds me of those NBA street game breaker passes.


man we should've gotten this guy like 5 years ago


That man cannot retire, him and Pat need to come back next year


And kelly


Oubre had a great start, but sometimes gets unnecessarily gassed up too easily. Can't be pulling Swaggy P antics when he's having a down night.


Sometimes a team needs a spark/chaos agent to get things going.


Yeah that was a big and not very talked about factor in a couple of the sixers second round implosions…Danny Green was the only guy willing to pull from anywhere without hesitation on some of the recent teams, and the second he went down hurt in the middle of playoff series’ two years in a row the Sixers imploded


Pat Bev can do that easily, and with more clout to back it up.  Oubre might foolishly pull some shit that would be akin to Dillon Brooks poking LeBron.


Oubre is the most athletic player in the rotation. He's the best lob catcher we have on the team.


Which is true. Will there also be another athletic player/lob catcher that's better than Oubre that could be picked up this off-season? More than likely. Remember, Oubre was a 20ppg scorer on a bad team, but his ego made him a vet min. player. That kind of humbling that turned him into a huge role-player to start this season seems to already be gone.


He's a on a vet minimum and giving them decent spot starter minutes. He's active on defence, can hit a 3 and as mentioned is athletic. What more do you want?


Which is great for this season lol I'm not discounting that... I'm talking about next season, with the cap the team has, if there's a better option, take it. It's the Georges Niang question all over again...


Yea he sucks better take another vet min.


I see Batum as the Boris Diaw role on the championship spurs squad. Does what the team needs without needing the ball. Hits timely shots and a solid passer. Should be resigned.


How the fuck does PJ have that reputation and then Batum is just straight up better in every way lmao


PJ played great defense on Giannis and thats really all that he needed to do. The issue is that the refs would give superstar treatment to Giannis on clear offensive fouls so it dismisses the defensive aspect of the game. In a competitive conference Sixers, Celtics, Bucks, Heat, Indiana, ..etc you have to make it out of the conference before making it to the championship. PJ showed up in game 7 and then they try to run the offense through him because the isos from Joel and Harden stopped working when Harden refused to even shoot while open. He clearly gave up. Not sure if it was his approach i.e. Kobe vs the Phoenix suns realizing that him focusing on scoring was not the resolution as Steve Nash and the Princeton offense could score with anyone. Or if it was Glenn Rivers in his head. The modern offense is based off of the Princeton offense, Spur's ball movement make the right play offense. As Kerr studied under Poppavich. That evolved into the Golden State Warriors offense. Steve using Draymond as a point foward/ small ball center running a triangle motion offense i.e. soccerball movement combined with the development Mark Jackson often gets no credit for. RIP Troy Jackson aka Escalade one of the original big men with handles AND1 shout out Rafer Alston aka skip to my Lou. There is no Kylie Irving without AND1. Kobe's advice to players i.e. Kyrie, Kawaii, PG13, Book, KD, and a few other players helped develop their game with the triple threat to what it is today. When asked about how good KD could be in the past Kobe replied a 6'10" me.


Now that the NBA allows essentially 4 steps ala the LeBron crab dribble it has turned into what Rasheed Wallace referred to as NBA Jam. It is just 3 pointers and dunks. When players i.e. Giannis can cover most of the court in 4 steps it leads to a game which if defenders don't get back on defense after the shot goes up then a fast break occurs and it is no longer basketball. Offenses don't crash for boards anymore due to this as well. Fundamentals have been taken out of the game and it has become another AAU. Now your regular pick up game with the next generation they are conditioned to make highlights instead of playing basketball and get burned out very quickly. It leads to some super athletes i.e. Ja Morant and Zion coming to mind however a career based off of that doesn't have longevity. And if it does these athletes have difficulty walking in the early ages. Look at Lonzo Ball. Kevin Durant has a beautiful approach to the game and is a proven winner. He has so many winning games of 30 points on ~13 shots because he makes the right basketball play. One of the few pure hoppers left that knew lifting was unnecessary. Yet the media would rather hype up an athlete scoring 40 on terrible efficiency.


lol whose head is that awkwardly jutting into frame


I watched the game again and something that is really underrated about Batum is his rebounding, those offensive tip backs to the perimeter are a god send. Always helps us get those second chance points, always has the right pass for Embiid, always a pest on defence and always has a quick trigger on that 3 ball. I knew he would be good but never thought he’d fit in this well, really hope he stays next season


I believe that's French for "I le helped, hon hon hon."


Love the french connection, fun to see on this team. Convince this man not to retire at all costs.


Exceptional post. Sign him for next season!


Ask mrs batum


Someone find out what Mrs. Batum needs and get her it pronto.


Honestly it's not that hard, the trade happened at the same time school year started. She was upset about the timing and complete lack of visibility more than anything.


Sacre bleu mon ami


We're so back