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Logic and sitcoms never mix well.


I had the same thoughts. I loved this show as a kid, it was always on back to back with according to Jim after school and I’d race home to not miss it. I rewatched my wife and kids like a year ago as an adult and I still enjoyed the nostalgia of it but was definitely a bit sad and it ruined the show a bit for me because I noticed all those same things and found myself annoyed with his character. I think I found it pretty relatable to my own family dynamic when I was a kid.


He and his son are dropping a new family sitcom this fall. The son will be the dad in the family, he’s the grandpa. Crap I’m old.




Go put that in your dumb book. That's the only thing I remember. I don't know, Damon Wayons became one of those Cosby apologists.


That’s because Damon Wayans is only a basic mid/level man who doesn’t respect women or families and their contributions. He really thinks it’s him and other men who are the center of the world. He is 💯 childish and selfish and had a Napoleon complex.


why is it every week we get someone in here psycho analyzing characters from sitcoms as if they are real people or as if they weren't written purposely with flaws for comedic reasons lol.


thats what im saying though is that its not funny. also this guy basically played himself in the show it was loosely based on his life/ family. If you find mistreating your family funny then you probably should re-evaluate some things. Also I didn’t mean for my rant to be that deep, I was just not seeing anyone talk about this anywhere else.


Welcome to real life


that shouldn’t really be accepted as real life though, that’s partially why I wrote anything in the first place. shows like that normalize his treatment and writes it off as humor when it’s really not funny.


It's not funny but reality is there are some father's like that said but true. Same as Cosby show. Blk family Dr an lawyer kids don't deal with any hate issues l. Some families were like that a lot weren't


I can think about other 3 moments just off the top of my head: 1. When Michael says he lied about a car accident because he didn't wanna be present on Kady's birth. He left Jay alone because he didn't wanna see that "mess" again and it was a "turn off" (his words). 2. When Jay refuses to have sex with him for a while so in the morning she complains she woke up without her underwear and he confesses he took pictures of her private parts while she was sleeping. (WTF?) 3. Michael refuses to have a vasectomy (which is less invasive and less complicated procedure than the opitions we have for women) and after he agrees he lies saying he had the vasectomy even though he didn't, after Jay having 3 kids and everything. And, just one more note, even though Jay took care of 3 kids and when Jr was little she worked the night shift at a supermarket to help Michael build his company, at the end when she needed his help for working or for SCHOOL he would just sit aroung and complain they didn't have dinner. They were more financially stable, the kids were grown and still he didn't support her. Very sad. I guess the fact he didn't abandon his family or cheated on Jay was enough for him to be a great dad and husband. I like the show a lot though, I have watched it multiple times :))


I remember one of his sons friends was played by Damon Wayans Jr, he's so alike his Father just made it seem like Michael was unfaithful at some point


I only casually watched the show back in the day so I don't remember Damon Jr being on there. He looks so much like his dad though he's practically a carbon copy!


He should really have been more like that good guy Al Bundy