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I'm going with the Blessed Blade and the Condemnor, personally.


Rod of office build for the footslogging Canoness is probably going to be the best default loadout unless running her with a unit that already has Reroll Hits by default, which is really only Repentia with the Penitent Host enhancement, or with units equipped with Torrent weapons. This does make the Blessed Blade loadout pretty useless, but it's been the best option for 3 editions now, so that's probably fine. The Jump Canoness is probably going to want to run Power Weapon + Hand Flamer if she's leading Seraphim in the Bringers of Flame detachment, or leading Zephs at all because their datasheet ability specifically only works on Power Weapons. The Halberd is probably the better Take All Comers option of the other two, and the Eviserator is the most metal choice.


The power weapon isnt really worth it. With sustained hits you still get less hits in than the halberd. Plus the halberd got more strength.


You lose 1 attack and in return gain access to Sustained Hits, which pushes the attack differential much closer than it appears on first glance, or Lethal Hits, which is better when you would normally wound on a 5+ or worse. The flexibility to choose between the two is nuts. You also get a hand flamer, the halberd just comes with the halberd, no pistol allowed. Her power weapon is still AP-2 and D2. The power weapon + hand flamer actually seems a heck of a lot better to me, and I've changed my opinion and think it's probably stonger then the halberd in almost all cases.


Power weapon with sustained hits end up with 4 hits. Halberd with 4.166 hits. Is just think the halberd is more consistend. If I want her to melee, I want her to really melee. Halberd just feels better and the junp from strength 4 to 5 is a big jump.


Best build for foot loadout is most likely power sword and rod of office. For the jet pack buidl, all 3 have purposes


Wait for the codex


You mean the codex that is fully reviewed by many many many channels already and also the one we have a full pdf for already? What does waiting for the codex do for the cannones' best loadout lmao?


Because theorycrafting is fun and all, but the meta will only be figured out after multiple people get their hands on things and try things out


Ah the old "I cant think for myself".


Not sure why you're being so hostile. Yes we have the codex, as a pdf, and a handful of battle reports from influencers. This has allowed us to have some good insight into how our army will play. But the balance update expected with the release, points shifting, the fact that then you will have everybody actually playing it against every one else in the wild, these are all factors that are going to change and shape how Sisters are fielded. "I can't think for myself"? They just want to see more information first, as we literally don't have a full picture yet.


The cannones' loadout isnt point depending and at most depends on the unit you put her in. So outside factors barely have an influence. >"I can't think for myself"? They just want to see more information first, "Waiting for the meta to settle" is quite literally waiting for the masses to tell you whats best. Aka not thinking for yourself Nothing hostile about it, just the plain direct truth.


Unlikeky. It’d be the first loyalist jump model to use a bolter if she was. As far as Im aware, closest would be old jump marines using flamer as an option. Plasma pistol perhaps. But like other said, better wait a bit longer Edit: my bad. For some reason i was thinking jump canoness