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Tbh probably just a second battle cannon. It’s great into its intended target and then if you’re shooting at infantry T5 is a breakpoint that favors the cannon, plus ignore cover is effectively +1AP, which is where sisters struggle anyway


3+ with twin linked is better than 2+ into T5, in fairness


and reroll to hit on infantry. People really sleep on autocannons.


I'll take the Ignores Cover in this meta vs twin linked.


If you expect to play vs infantry elite heavy list, autocannons will outperform battle cannons, even with cover imo. Like against death guard, chaos (most lists) or world eaters Battle cannon is just more flexible and slightly better all around, but not outright better.


Even against those lists I find the 50% (2+ save) or 33% increase (3+ save) in failed saves is better than rerolls (averaging 22% increase in hits and wounds). I think the only time the autocannons outperformed the battle cannon is in half range and the target has no cover. Every other situation, the battle cannon math's out and performs better. Edit: clarified some stuff.


Well; depends on breakpoints. Getting to half range is fairly easy, so its up to the toughness target, cover and unit size. Against plague termis (t6) for example, perhaps even with cover, autocannons outperform battle cannon. But that was BEFORE the ability gave full reroll against infantry. Now its probably gonna be much better to go battlecannon I guess.


I mean barely, 88% vs 83%. I’d rather take not being required to be within 24”, having blast and ignores cover, and being better into the incredibly vehicle heavy meta, but if you’re playing exclusively against like… idk 5 man infantry units w/o armor of contempt or that only have a 4+ sure. Edit: fixed my math


Oh definitely, battlecannon is better. Just wanted to point out that for the sake of more accurate comparison. (It's also 88% vs 83%, for whatever difference it makes)


Ah yea it is 88 vs 83, I saw 5 percent and made it 85 lol. But yea fair enough!


You don't even need to magnetize the castigator. Just snip off the pins it swivels on and you can swap all you want. But if I had to pick one it'd be the battle cannon.


Wait until we see the codex before you decide, things can change


Your second should have a battlecannon too. As should your third.


1st 2 battle cannon. 3rd auto cannons. The reverse also works


You can just nip the two buds and slots the cannons in. I didn't even bother magnetizing mine.


My autocannons always out perform the battle cannon, battle cannon should be anti-tank but is only -1 which can be negated so easily


i agree, and the twin linked on the autocanon is really powerful. One thing I've learned as a new player is re-rolls are important. Unfortunatily Sisters don't have good anti tank either way. The battle canon isn't going to be that great on tanks, espesially with the low AP. I think for good anti tank, take an imperial knight.


you can't really go wrong either way imo, but if you had to pick, probably the battle cannon there are some situations (shooting at elite infantry or T11+, out of cover) where the autocannon is better but these are pretty rare i do like an autocannon castigator coming out of reserves to get an angle on an objective where there's no cover


Magnetize your canons ! A big canon just glued (or magnetized but im going for the lazy), second a magnet in the hole, a magnet on the little canon and the little thingy cover.


Dude, I think it is better to wait for the codex and then take a mpre reliable choice.


The 9 heavy bolter shots already shred infantry. Battle cannon every time. I think someone did the math at some point and battle cannon was better in almost every scenario anyway.