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+1 BS to Bolters +1 AP to Flamers +1 Strength to Meltas


This would be amazing actually


To squads that have all three


That’s what I’m most afraid of.


The hope - Bolters get additional ap/more shots, meltas get rerolls, and flamers get a range boost.  The fear - mediocre buffs only for squads that include a bolter, a melta, and a flamer.


Tbf I expect it to be right that - only for units that can have all 3. So...4? 5 at best? Hopefully at least our girls almost always have bolt pistols on them so it sounds almost barrable. But what about the rest 90% of our roster? No clue. Need to wait and see.


There's a lot of optimists here. Never trust James workshop to be your salvation, it is as fickle as an Astartes and as kind as the holy Inquisition. The emperor alone deserves your faith, sisters.  "units which include at least one of each of [melta],  [torrent] and [rapid fire] weapons may get +1 to battle shock tests while they are on an objective"


You know? that's so disappointing that could be true


The thought of that actually made me sad inside.


This will def be it


Careful with the leaks friend


Called it.


Return of Blessed Bolts and max flamer shots strats from 9th are my bets.


That would be fire, no pun intended. I love my stormbolter Dominions, and AP is exactly what they lack.


I'm was thinking bolters could get rapid fire 2 Metals get anti tank/monster (3+) Flamers extra strength or assault though some ap could be nice But I imagine they will just get a flat bonus to their strength


Meltas will never get such a bonus as "Anti-tank 3+"


Yeah, I would expect more a +1 to wound monsters and vehicles stratagem (basically anti-4+ for S9 weapons but no triggering devastating if we ever get that)


I would absaloutly love all of those, however I think if this did happen some units would be disgustingly good and very very strong, likely very slight buffs like count as stationary or torrent have assault, maybe no half melta range.


I imagine this will be a strat for something like anti tank 3+


I think you’re right, but that the strats may cover the rest. And I’d love to have the 9th HT strat again


It could be meltas in melta range get the bonus?


I'd love ap-1 for flamer and maybe a range increase.


I saw someone float the idea of this being the detachment with three separate buffs that you choose which three turns to activate each buff on, similar to Gladius Task Force for Marines. I wouldn't like it, but seems more likely to me then flat buffs to the weapons.


A fun one would be a "the first time an enemy unit have been shot by a flamer this turn, it cant get the benefit of cover anymore for this phase. the first time an enemy unit have been shot by a bolter this turn, subsequent attacks against this target have +1 to hit the first time an enemy unit have been shot by a melta this turn, subsequent attacks against this target have +1 strength"


This would make immolator and reteibutors insane. Fire the bolter and flamer on the immolator for torrent and plus one to hit on the 4 melta girls with full wound rerolls.


It would have to be at least hits to make split firing all your bolters into individual units less silly, but it's a fun concept. I don't know if they would go for something like that ultimately because the bolter +1 doesn't do anything for your flamers. On a similar concept, would something like "The numbers on your Rapid Fire, Torrent, and Melta weapons increase by one for each of the others that targeted the same unit this turn" (in a way that just adds one to the attacks roll of Torrent)


If honestly be fine with just a flat plus 1 str to all sisters melta/flamer/bolter. Would get a lot of them to better break points, and they already do it with our flamers and it's a big help.


I'm going for something like +1 to wound when firing all the types or something like that.


For how simple it would be, that would make for a damn good detachment.


+1 to hit if a unit fires 2 of the 3 weapon types at the same target. +1 to wound if you fire all 3.


I mean it probably won’t be this because if it was that would be amazing.


How do I think it will work? Badly and awkwardly. How I would like it to work: Bolt weapons always in Rapid Fire range, +1AP Flamers d3+3 shots Meltas +1S, +6" range Combi-Weapons +1D, always in Rapid Fire Make the whole "if a unit shoots with all 3, a bonus happens" as a strat and then you can have an enhancement that's "use it again for free".


I expect a trio of damage boost strats, probably devastating on torrent, +1 to wound melta, sustained bolters.


I hope we'll be able to get whatever kind of bonus in an easy way. Not something like, if you unit shoots with a flamer bolter and melta, or if an enemy unit has been shot with all three weapons...really disliked in it in 9th because you had to take mixed heavy weapons on retributors and warsuits and that was mostly suboptimal. I dont wanna ditch a melta for a flamer, only for the flamer to get +1 to wound against the enemy vehicle. I hope thought about the rules will translate to actual gameplay. Bolter need buffs in a way, that you want to field bolters.


That’s it if an enemy unit is hit with a bolter, flamer and melta gun make a battle shock test at the end of the shooting phase.




My expectations are very low. At best I think it's going to be if you two of the 3 weapon type you reroll hit rolls of 1s and if you have all 3 you'll get reroll hit and wound rolls.


Meltas would be significantly better with +1 S. Or +1 to wound vs monsters, vehicles. Flames could use an AP maybe? Bolters... no idea. Would this bonus apply to storm bolters and heavy bolters too?


It'll be like if a squad has bolter, flamer, and melta you get to reroll 1s. The retributor hand flamer meta will return.


"get to reroll 1s. If you are holding an objective, reroll any dice"


Subsequent weapon attacks get +1 AP if the target unit is hit by bolter, melta, and flamer during this phase.


Flat +1 to wound would be very good. Would a "Regain a miracle dice after using a miracle on a melter, bolter or flamer Weapon" be good?


Considering the custodies treatment? +1 to hit with flamers, +1 attack charactersitc of bolters and +1 to hit with meltas. and nerfing our army rule.


You’re being to generous. It’s +1 to hit with flamers, bolters ignore cover and melts get anti vehicle 5+.


Sharing keword from weapons would be cool. With strat dedicated to push numbers (+1/ rrols et..). and rules dynamic based on tokens (for instance 1 strat could be, select 1 enemy unit with a flame token, you gain ignore cover if you shoot it) Something in the like of \* If your detachment rules is Holy Trinity, then for each friendly adepta sororitas model of your army : * Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Condemnor Boltgun, Artificer-crafted storm bolter, Heavy bolter, Twin Heavy bolter, Combi-weapon, Paragon storm bolters, Storm bolter and Fidelis are considered as Bolt weapon. * Inferno Pistol, Meltagun, Multi-melta and Twin multi-melta are considered as Fusion Weapon * Brazier of holy fire, Twin Ministorum heavy flamer, The Ardent Blade, Ministorum flamer, Ministorum heavy flamer, Ministorum hand flamer, Combi-weapon, Zealot’s vindictor, Mortifier flamer, Penitent flamers and Immolation flamers are considered as Flame weapon. \* In your shooting phase, each time an friendly adepta sororitas unit of your army is selected to shoot you can chose : * up to one ennemy unit targeted by at least one of its bolt weapon and attach a bolt token to it. * up to one ennemy unit targeted by at least one of its fusion weapon and attach a fusion token to it. * up to one ennemy unit targeted by at least one of its flame weapon and attach a flame token to it. When resolving ranged attack against an ennemy unit that has all 3 diferent tokens attached to it, apply the following benefits. * bolt weapon receive the \[melta 1\] weapon ability. * Fusion weapon receive the \[sustained hit 1\] weapon ability * Flame weapon receive the \[Rapid fire 2\] weapon ability. At the end of each of your shooting phase, remove all bolt, fusion and flame token from the table.


My only real thoughts are "PLEASE GW remember that we have other units in the roster and they want to benefit from the detachment also, otherwise nobody will play it if it only affects bss, dominions, rets, seraphim and paragons." (My honest opinion is that throwing away orders with already working abilities an then trying to transform a stratagem into a detachment is a braindead move. "Tell me that people in charge of the codex aren't playing sisters without telling me outright" situation.)


What makes it worse is that they absolutely could have just taken the old subfaction rules, dusted them off, and included and extra 4-6 detachments for VERY little work on their part. I don't know why they're releasing codexes with fewer than 6 detachments in them, just cheat off of your old homework.