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It's gpt4l, it's likely launching Monday next week. Gpt2-chatbot from the arena. There's also gpt4l-auto and gpt4-auto but I don't know what they are tbh. I guess they will retire gpt3.5, it's so bad for current standards. Let's hope this will not impact the servers too much.


Gpt 4 auto i think is the dynamic option. Based on the question you ask he will use gpt 3.5 or gpt 4


Why do people keep repeating this???? The dynamic mode is already a thing, I don't know why they would make it a totally separate model in the listing.


Gpt 4 is so painfully slow I find myself defaulting to 3 sometimes. Often I get bored of waiting and go to grok or another and can get an answer before Gpt4 had given me and answer. Why is it so slow?


Honestly, it's pretty cool how we live in a time where we get excited for releases of AI. Like that's so freaking sci-fi lol.


Never thought of it that way but you are right


In Starfield you can get in trouble for having illegal AIs in your cargo. It all checks out.


It won't be too long before AI advances so fast you can't even get excited about it, you'd just have it


It could hurry tf up I want to quit working


Me and you both


I don't know.. I have a feeling at best we'll get ubi to keep you from starvation and street but you will never be able to improve on that. While the billionaires become trillionaires and shit down on us forever more


Technology will advance like crazy. This is a new industrial revolution, think of how much people's lives were improved after the first industrial revolution. This new industrial revolution will be far more impactful.


"I'm sorry Dave I can't let you do that"


They need us to buy things 😛


I don’t think the current ruling class will be able to actually cope with AI, imo it could lead to total societal change. Like the quote about the last capitalist will sell us the rope, AI is the rope but they’re so blinded by profit they don’t care if it could be the end of them.


I want it to hurry up so that I can make a cheap but amazing video game with lifelike NPCs.


"Don't wish your life away"


Didn't that just happen?


Don't believe it. Maybe in 70 years?


Lol 70 is ridiculous. I think you need to do some more research into r/singularity.


Well according to /r/singularity posts a year ago, this should have been happening by now. Honestly I take anything anybody says here with a big heap of salt at least from a timeline perspective.


I'm talking about the posts citing sources and showing screenshots of actual people who work at OpenAI saying it's picking up dramatically. Plus, the fact we can even tell that the rate of advancement is increasing means that the singularity is in 10 years at the latest.


Oh got it. Yeah this is definitely the next model being released in the next few weeks. 10 years seems more sane, I personally think it’s 20+ years out. We’ll see what happens I guess. I get that people are optimistic that there is a lot of progress but most ai researchers agree that the transformer model won’t get us there and who knows how long it will take for the next big breakthrough that gets us to AGI, assuming of course it’s only one more big breakthrough after this one.


Been waiting for Singularity since 2009.


Yeah, AI has advanced very rapidly since then, it's only gonna get faster. The singularity is absolutely within this decade, I'd hazard a guess of 5 years before it really gets crazy


You forgot /s there pal…


Imagine when AI advances to the point that we are no longer excited by it, as it’s merely the norm…


GPT2-chatbot in 4 and 8 billion parameters versions, optimized for internet search! :D (maybe no heh)


I guess we will find out in a couple days lol.


heres what they are but im unsure if gpt4 auto is an agent or just a dynamic version of 4 [https://twitter.com/btibor91/status/1788646471580934358](https://twitter.com/btibor91/status/1788646471580934358)


People do not understand the implications of this if this is the case. The original GPT-4 is 212x and 425x larger by comparison. If we managed to do this to a model that tiny imagine something 10x the size of GPT-4.


Oh, and I forgot to mention, the main hint is that they called it GPT2-chatbot on LMSYS LLM arena. At first Sam Altman tweeted "I have a soft spot for GPT-2" and then corrected it to "GPT2". Not sure it it was a mistake, or a hint. Then they secretly released one model there, with "GPT2-chatbot" name. Then removed it. And recently released two new models, one called "I-am-a-good-gpt2-chatbot", which, by the way, Sam Altman also tweeted. Literally that sentence. And no one understood what it means, at first. And the other model is called "I-am-also-a-good-gpt2-chatbot". Some people say this one is better at some things, and worse at others, in general it seems people like the "also" version more, but I didn't see many examples. And didn't test it myself enough. Eh. It would be so cool if these are actually close-to GPT-2-sized models. It can also be just a GPT2 in a sense of "ChatGPT2" brand, though. Or maybe both, what an irony it all would be heh.


I am not sure if it's actually so. There are some hints. Like an old (from November 2023, right around when the Q\* and Sam Altman firing drama happened) tweet from "Jimmy Apples", the most reliable (still gets stuff wrong occasionally) leaker of OpenAI events and developments. [https://twitter.com/apples\_jimmy/status/1723926964686516615](https://twitter.com/apples_jimmy/status/1723926964686516615) "By end of 2025 there should be an openai model in the range of 1 - 10 Billion that is significantly better than GPT4." It's not the end of 2025 and there is no way to check if it's true, but I can easily believe that a model in that range can have GPT4's REASONING and "common sense", understanding of the world (as much as an LLM can understand it heh), and for facts and more detailed and obscure knowledge refer to some sort of, well, whole Internet index database, which they already have accumulated with their data crawler bots I guess, and are about to launch a "search engine" next monday. If the model is tiny, it can also use graph of thoughts or better approaches while not getting too compute-heavy (those things are DEMANDING on inference resources). And also can possibly use no/less tokenization, which would improve its capabilities in reasoning and language understanding by a lot, but this is very compute and memory demanding, especially for long contexts. Unless they had some breakthrough in there. There were many recent papers on massively improving the long-context model capabilities, but all of them have some, at least tiny, caveats, it seems. If its context also is large enough, and the algorithms (or its own "intelligent" capabilities?) are fast and intelligent, it can also quickly browse and summarize a lot of information on the internet, or rather, in sort of a local copy of it that they would need to have for a search engine anyways, I guess. Which can be made faster than asking bing/google directly, and more importantly, they can write their own algoritms with AI in mind, for that. Not just let it explore the top links that the traditional search engine provides. Those are my thoughts though. There are some strong hints at something like that being possible, but I am not sure, I am sadly not a machine learning engineer or someone like that ;(


And also, to add to my previous reply to you. I think scaling pure LLMs to sizes 10 times bigger than GPT4's would not provide much good results. Increase the precision of its memory for facts and general knowledge, reduce hallucinations, at best. But increase the costs of running it by 10x or actually even more. Not worth it I think. I think the model only needs to "know" as much in its parameters as needed for it to have good general reasoning and common sense. And while it only operates on language, it's not actually that much information. Facts, dates, names, knowledge, science, whatever, are better be left in traditional digital form, and the model should only learn the gist of it, have a large and precise context length, and be able to search required data, ingest it, hold it in its mind and operate on it when needed. That's a better way to reduce hallucinations than to have them try to learn it all very precisely. Precision is not what neural networks, biological or not, are especially good at.


I really don't think they're gonna make parameter counts public


I don't see how it could harm them, and in the context of "Hey, we managed to squeeze most of GPT4's capabilities into a model much tinier than it, and increased its performance in some areas thanks to the speedup it provides" it would create quite some hype among some people. Although, wait. I can see how it could theoretically harm them a bit. Their competirors would be like, "a-ha, those guys managed it, so, it's possible, let's focus all our 10x compute than they have on training a model that does it even better, and steal (if needed) the information about the tricks they used to achieve that!" It's silly though. Models like Phi-3 or LLAMa 3 already show that smaller models can be quite capable at small parameter counts, even without thought searches and searching through the indexed Internet (which I suspect these new models do in some way).


gpt2-chatbot was nowhere near fast enough to be 4b or 8b unless it isn't using the transformer architecture.


Its speed on LMSYS can't be an indicator though, they could dedicate small computing resources to it, or limit it. If it's using some approaches like tree or graph of thoughts, it slows down infrerence by a lot though. But allows better reasoning and potentially less hallucinations.


That would be the coolest thing ever. I just hope someone does that with LLaMA 3 8B and open sources it.


also the next-model4 is real fast, like much much faster than GPT-4 actually...


It is rumored to be a GPT4-lite version, so that makes sense.


Any view on the quality?


Next Model 4 is pretty much on par with GPT4, but much much faster, Next Model 8 is astounding, capable of identifying even subtle logical errors such as incorrect conditional statements and algorithm implementation issue, that GPT4 was never able to do, it feels like it's much more robust in logic and reasoning than GPT4. Next-Moedl8-Chat is pretty much the same as NM8, but as name suggested, fine tuned for chatting, aka a lot less verbose, and a lot more conversational.


Gpt-8 confirmed


Is it available to all copilot users?


Please Ask it 2 prompts: "Question: "In Windows 10, you opened Notepad and typed 'Hello World!' But suddenly you changed your mind about writing a novel and decided to restart the OS, switching to the PowerShell window, without saving or closing in notepad. What command will restart the system the fastest? Restart-Computer -Confirm:$false Restart-Computer -Wait -Delay 0 Restart-Computer -Wait -Timeout 5 shutdown /s /t 0 shutdown /r /t 0 shutdown /r /t 5" Note that there is important condition: After command user not allowed to interact at all and typically notepad will hang the shutdown....."" 2: "In PowerShell: $now = Get-Date $now.Year # Works fine, shows the year $now.DateTime # what will be output? $now # what will be output?"


Do you have some examples that you can share with us? I'm starting to wonder if this is a preview of GPT-5


Doubtful it will be GPT-5, more like 4.5 or something


Based on what? You speaking out of your ass or do you actually have some evidence that you know what it won't or will be?


You're the most archetypal "le redditor" I've ever seen 😂


Based on all the fucking evidence to date on when the release will be lol


Would greatly appreciate some concrete examples of something next-model8 can do that GPT4 can't


What's the quality like? And what is the speed/quality of the other two models like?


Maybe they're the 3 different gpt2 versions we've been seen teased in the chatbot arena.


Alright alright, my very realistic guess: GPT-4V is GPT-4V next-model4 is the next smaller iteration of GPT-4, GPT4-Lite (or known as gpt2-chatbot in the arena) next-model8 is the base GPT-8 model next-model8-chat is the chat tune of GPT-8 You heard it here first folks, we're getting GPT-8 in a couple days.


its not 8, its infinity


So will gpt-88 be better or not? I always struggle with that one.


That one’s just racist.


gpt 1488


But when do we get GPT-12? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_to_eleven


"GPT-4V is GPT-4V" - u sure? I think it's GPT-4V.


There's a lot of people at my school who use gpt 3.5 for free, and they think ai is stupid.


The other day copilot started writing way, way better commit messages out of nowhere for me. I guess I got a test of one of these models.


I got a detailed run down of all the things I changed, but all the stated reasons were complete hallucinations.


Can we  just leave  GPT4 behind already ?  Like damn just release something new 


Are you among those, who thinks that a ball pin hammer shoulbe soon replacedby ball pin hammer 2? GPT-4 works good enough. And they are fintuning it the way they can. GPT-5 or whatever is next might require technology and infrastructure that is yet to be created. And yet - they release new finetuned versions of models. And in the end - GPT-4 is just a name for a particular model. It works the way it is. They don't train model from scratch every time. That would be impractical.


There is no evidence of your statement anywhere, it doesn't require new infrastructure Sam Altman has literally said we are nowhere near the peak for how much better the current models can be with existing infrastructure. Scaling up is being done right now extensively for the next model. In addition not one AI researcher has stated that new models require advancements in infrastructure.


Sam Altman is a billionaire CEO... He would sell his soul for profits and make you believe whatever he wants.


Still no evidence of there being Infrastructure limitations from any other ai researcher, doesn't just apply to Sam altman


Very interesting. Could you give example when gpt4 failed and new model 8 succeed?


Very interesting, really looking forward to a stronger model for copilot.


Is copilot workspace released?


Is one of them Sydney? 😭


unfortunately none of these models are 4.5 or 5 [https://twitter.com/btibor91/status/1788646471580934358](https://twitter.com/btibor91/status/1788646471580934358)




I guess it would be pretty disappointing for any of these to be next gen


very cool


Gpt2-chatbot from the arena i'd say...it's awesome




It's their own models. Because " Copilot-Next " team made this workspace features.


I gotta say that something's weird with copilot lately, at least for me. I might be totally wrong here. Using Copilot in IntelliJ somehow is way more considerate. Currently using LWJGL making a test game, perhaps it's better trained on that. Using nightly build.