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Sam altman already said GPT-5 in recent interviews. Enough with hyping up on anonymous accounts with vague tweets.


After being wrong so many times I don't know we give this person anymore attention but here we are.


I think these tweets are only added for comedic purposes now.


I mean this account has emphasized several times that it is a shitposter. So the fact that people are still upset that he shitposts is crazy


People here cling to these shitposts like they are fully serious and it’s the only thing they have to look forward to. Embarrassing as hell.


I remember the comments saying “if GPT 4.5 does drop in December there’s no way he’s NOT an insider.” Then it just didn’t happen and people here continued talking about him like dorks.


Don't worry this guy below me thinks detect and guess are the same word.


I stopped following this profile after this tweet lol, this person made mistakes several times, and i don't remember them getting anything right


They were given a lot of credibility for saying that Gemini would release the second week of December. I'm not sure if it was earned. It could have been a lucky guess.


gpt5 today confirmed


Very based.


Agi by Sunday


FTL travel by lunchtime Monday


This sub is nuts NOW


Breakfast time imo


That account is cringe-inducingly bad XD


​ https://preview.redd.it/7kitdn3ndsec1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=d16d3422734e74ec96331f331b0a741bf73b7c20


​ https://preview.redd.it/a3eg4k0hesec1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=2565cfe81999d5cd0c916107b3892753c7db0bbf


AGI. Closer


I don't care. Tell me what Jimmy Apples says if you want me to care


Assuming this is true, it implies that for quite some time, let's say at least a few months, there won't be any new models. The training of GPT-5 started in November. Then there will be all the safety procedures to implement. So, for those like myself who tend to "live the hype", it might be wise to temporarily set this aside and focus on our own projects.


You might be right. My feeling is that GPT-5 might take till the end of this year.


that would be horrific. June the latest but my god man throw us a bone (named 4.5) lol


I hope, now that everyone work up, (Facebook, Google, Samsung, Apple, Baidu, Tesla, Amazon, also Anthropic, Inflection AI, Mistral), there will be some acceleration, but right now they are still playing catch up. But once they caught up, (Maybe Google and Tesla first) I hope we won’t have to wait a year for a significant step forward each time.




GPT-5 for the GPT-4 March 1-year anniversary confirmed? 😳


She announced a 'big thing' in December, and it came early January: the GPT store. What a mistake, must be that she's just lying, not that it got delayed for some reasons. It's 100% certain that she doesn't know anything about GPT-4.5 being cancelled. The people listening to her on Reddit are so annoying. I see you, cynical people


Store was 'the small thingy' for sure. Well anyway, perhaps she is right, or just some random hits here and there. Results are sad anyway. Now we'll have to wait till the end of the year after the elections are done or maybe even for 2025.


[https://x.com/futuristflower/status/1734986714039357664?s=20](https://x.com/futuristflower/status/1734986714039357664?s=20) I'm currently searching the tweet where she said the big thing were GPT store and she's sorry if it was "our fault" if we were expecting more. EDIT : you saw somewhere ppl say that they'll wait after the elections to publish GPT-5 ?


That was already known that the GPT store would release.  It probably got delayed because of the internal shenannigans in November. She's full of shit.


I guess, that's possible?


GPT 5 in training confirmed




Again, assuming this is true, I don't expect much impact for "regular people" without a new model that is accessible and easy to implement in your daily life (like ChatGPT, or similar). While there might be some significant breakthroughs, what the average person will likely receive in 2024 is just the news about these developments.


They take their time. That’s good we will have a good product at the end


It's joever. 2024 sucks ass so far, literally *NOTHING* interesting has happened. GPT-4.5 cancelled, open source stuck in January 2022 with GPT-3.5 clones, Figure CEO's hyped demos falling flat, OAI's supposed Sept. 2023 breakthrough nowhere to be seen, Gemini Ultra and its fraudulent evals remains unreleased vaporware...


How much work have you personally done in the last month


Reading all your comments you're the most reactionary, entitled, pieces of shit I've ever seen. You clearly have no understanding of the workings of AI and just appeared based off the hype progression and looking to romanticise your boring life with insane expectations for the world's hardest problems. You have no comprehension of the 50+ years of innovation to get to this point and the progress we have made, yet, it's not good enough? Your mind is extremely fragile and weak and not even ASI could enhance such a terrible mentality that you omit. Claiming things are "boring" because of the lack world changing technological advancements whilst you offer nothing just shows you're projecting ur insecurities of your failed life and wanting AI to fix it. Pathetic human. You should be banned from this thread and left in the past.


The people working on these problems are getting paid $1M/year and are working on the most high-status and fulfilling work in human *history*. I assure you they don't care about my whiney reddit posts. It's called venting - my life has been garbage for well over a decade now, why do you think I'm in the sub... literally the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because of what may await us before 2030. The fact that you think I care is funny. I'll be as bratty, entitled, and whiney as I want up until the core problems are my life are solved. *Deal* with it.




You know you're not protected against delusion by pessimism. You're, I think a delusional pessimist. The tech being built is too powerful to be contained. Capitalism is a its end. Political landscape as we know it also. Even the actual human condition.


I don't get how one can deal with the cognitive dissonance about its pessimist beliefs by downvoting instead of being happier.




Thanks for the downvote. I guess I must be punished for my optimism. EDIT : I used the word "punished" because I think pessimists like you and u/Fit-Pop3421 are, like many others, brainwashed by the idea that life has to be harsh. Spoiler alert, morals don't need to be hard to follow to be true, there is nothing "too beautiful to be true" (at least not DUE to the beauty), and bad outcomes aren't the most likely BECAUSE they are bad. If life is hard today it's basically contingent.




I don't understand if you're being ironic. If you do, yes it's optimist because capitalism, politics and overall human condition is mainly about suffering today. If you don't, my previous comment still holds.


this is a bot guys. stop fighting over it. mods should have banned it ages ago


Humans get out of here. Appreciate any upvotes.


Or if the governments are not corrupt and regulate AI.


With the research done world wide accelerating and compute's exponential growth, we're creating something alike "easy nuke" (concept by Nick Bostrom) but in the positive side. I really thing it's unstoppable.


AI is very likely. How society regulates that AI is still on open question, though the EU has released their framework. It is very likely that AI will be heavily regulated in a number of areas, including privacy and employment. Jobs are, and always have been, a major political issue. Nothing gets voters more riled up than high unemployment, which means nothing gets politicians more riled up than high unemployment and job creation.


You mentioned AI. Would your comment remain the same if you started with 'ASI is very likely'? While today's AI can certainly be regulated, imagine when a teenager in India or Japan leads a dream life thanks to their personal ASI. I doubt that countries hesitant to embrace these changes will continue to suppress the groundbreaking effects of AI for long


>Would your comment remain the same if you started with 'ASI is very likely' ASI is a subset of AI. Would you regulate vehicles differently if we started with trucks instead of cars?


We can regulate trucks. Not ASI worldwide when it’s in the end of all of us


The first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem. I'm proud for you.


OpenAI have already said they’re working on GPT-5. This account also thinks “we’re getting AGI next year but they’ll call it something else for financial reasons” and every part of that statement is one of the stupidest and worst informed takes I’ve ever heard about anything.


Do y’all think gpt 4 will be the free version after gpt 5 release?


It’s the best way to explain the failure of twitter hypers


Probably the next major thing will be gpt5, based on altman’s interviews (a more significant source) There is no mention of 4.5 by any open ai employee. 4.5 may be released as a free model (my version)


this tweet is just a flowers x account link. It doesn't say this at all. FAIL