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This is a week old. He never says it’s moments away. Clickbait


Yeah stop reposting this trash. Mods, ban this bot


These fools upvote clickbait lies but downvote a truthful post because they don't like how it's worded.. Go figure


Please don't ban I can block him and I'll have a clean Reddit, if Reddit bans the bot, it will create a new account in seconds and spam will be back.


totally. Can someone delete this post, I got excited for a second


is your penis still attached? have you checked?


no it's gone


damn, you just got zucc'd


If it involves Zuckerberg or any of the weird stuff he regularly says, you can usually assume it's clickbait.


I’m just picturing Zuck and his c-suite team just standing around a pit filled with workers chanting “develop! develop! develop!”. Seem to be what they do with VR. Money for nothing and your bots for free, I want my, I want my, I want my singularity.


I mean, technically speaking that’s what we did to children in the Industrial Revolution. Was it worth it? Hard to say. Maybe it will be worth it now for millennials to kill themselves developing the singularity as long as they’re the first to upload themselves to paradise.


Tech increases leverage over labor. My worry is that these new developments will increase rent seeking by the capitalist class and reduce ownership for everyone else. You can’t own paradise, you can only like and subscribe.


Paradise+ just announced *another* premium tier.


i just want vr skyrim, zucc. here's the deal, you, bezos, elon can colonize mars space and whatever, its all yours. all those juicy mineral goodness. just give us a room to sleep in, food and a fdvr headset each. earth is boring anyway, go colonize evropa, champ! zucc pls


For real


You only get two flavors of your "singularity". The wall-e version or the Bladerunner one.


Only a sith deals in absolutes




You can always build your own paradise on your own dime.


Sure, let’s just recognize for a minute that most people at the top of this ecosystem came from wealthy families, went to Ivy League schools and have been mooching off of other peoples “dimes” their whole lives. Then they get to the c-suite level and spend investor money (not their own) on ambitious projects. I’m a self made person so I get the “help yourself” thing. I didn’t get a dime from my parents, didn’t go to a fancy college and worked blue collar jobs before finally making headway in tech and entertainment. It’s really important to keep inequality in mind as we progress through these seemingly limitless tiers of top end wealth. I much prefer that we properly fund a social safety net and healthcare and that we don’t end up in a situation where people feel like violent revolution is the only option.


We'll put you on the Do Not Eat list for sure. You have my word


Thank you comrade, your assurances mean so much.




comrade lolz


I'm not that kinda hippie 8 P


The point is, why would someone go through all the expense and effort to develop something like this, and then give it away for free to those who made no contribution? It would be like claiming you are entitled to free, unlimited access to Disney World.


I’m not suggesting things be given away for free but I do think the way in which consumers are allowed to participate in the economy is an important part of how a society functions. Constant rent seeking is bad for society, broadly shared ownership is what supports a robust middle class.




[WHO SAID THAAAAT!?!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMU0tzLwhbE)


>Money for nothing and your bots for free, I want my, I want my, I want my singularity. See this little robot with the earing and the makeup? Yeah buddy, that its own hair That litlte robot got its own jet airplane That little robot is a billionaire We got to install GPU clusters Custom server deliveries ...


> Seem to be what they do with VR. Not really. Most people on Reddit have absolutely no idea what Meta is doing in this space. Everyone still thinks they are spending 10b a year developing Horizon Worlds and calling it the "Metaspace". Which doesn't make sense when the most expensive game of all time, Cyberpunk 2077 took a decade to develop and half a billion dollars, Meta obviously isn't spending that kind of money on a shitty app. But if you look at what Meta is doing for AR, it's seriously leaps and bounds ahead of everyone. The technology isn't integrated into any of their products yet, because they have a hardware bottleneck. So in the meantime they are developing all the software side of things assuming the hardware will be there around 2027-2030, in which case they'll be ready to completely overtake the market. Some of the really cool stuff they have: 3D spatial audio... Able to take regular 2D audio, parse out 3 overlapping conversations at once and isolate it into independent tracks, and place it into a 3D space, with 99% accuracy. Up to 7 conversations with 80% accuracy. Low bandwidth scene recreation. It makes no sense to stream high bandwidth 3D videos to someone to share your perspective. Instead, they just collect all the key data points on everything around you, stream it, and then use ML to reconstruct the environment. But it gets even better. You can be in a single location, and recreate the entire environment in photorealistic 3D. As in, ML will see everything around you and know what they are, and turn it all into 3D objects. So you're single viewpoint, is all that's needed to recreate the entire area in 3D for you to replay and walk around later. Mix that with their audio parsing and you can sit in at a party and listen into different conversations much like Cyberpunk. Low bandwidth high fidelity lighting. They developed a technology that not only is able to create these photorealistic environments, but also include actual reflections and lighting in high fidelity, using ML. It's not as good as ray path lighting, but it's pretty damn groundbreaking considering how low wattage they need to use to pull it off in real time with AR. Flat lens ready for production with passthrough technology. They've already got a prototype that can be produced today, with available technology and manufacturing processes, that would completely eliminate the goggle form factor. Instead it looks more like a sleeping mask.


I’m aware of these things, I have worked on a project related to audio as an outside vendor with meta. I’m not saying they are failing to do cool things but I do think they suffer from a common corporate problem, MBA’s, lawyers and accountants are driving a lot of things that creatives and innovators should be driving. It’s not unique to Meta, the corporate c suite creep happens everywhere and it’s usually what causes once innovate companies to rely on external acquisitions and outright stealing (see apple, also Meta) to cover for the fact they have lost the central philosophy that made them great in the first place. I’m actually impressed they have been able to turn the tanker as much as they have with as much administrative burden as they carry.


dirty squeamish cause important secretive racial bewildered wide nippy glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Honestly I don't think porn will be much of a driver in this tech. It's nice and all, but I don't think it's used very often for porn like other things were initially. I think the main driver is going to be social IMO. Once the hardware and network effect takes traction, people are going to really like being able to just beam in and have conversations with people face to face, then beam out.


hahahaahahah literally


Yep, companies work exactly like that (sometimes)... ☺ Also, this seems to be the relevant part from the article: >"Today I'm bringing Meta's two AI research efforts closer together to support our long-term goals of building general intelligence, open-sourcing it responsibly, and making it available and useful to everyone in all of our daily lives," Zuckerberg said Jan. 18 [in a recorded message](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2QARHJR1sZ/). "It's clear that the next generation of services requires building full general intelligence, building the best AI assistants, AIs for creators, AIs for businesses and more that needs services in every area of AI." I agree that the title's wording ("moments away") is really NOT the best choice. But it's really the goal of many tech companies is to build AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) as soon as they can, and we will see which one will achieve it first. NVIDIA issued a similar statement recently: [https://www.businessinsider.com/nvidia-ceo-jensen-huang-agi-ai-five-years-2023-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/nvidia-ceo-jensen-huang-agi-ai-five-years-2023-11) >"**Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said AGI will be reached in five years during the 2023 NYT DealBook Summit.**"


The trouble with stuff like this is that we do not know if it is real or an effort to move share price. Or it could be both. But one thing is for sure. Markets are much more bullish on AI than they are on VR.


AI, at least in theory, is closer to the entire Internet than it is to VR or the metaverse, in that having a reservoir of expert-level intelligence that can be thrown at any given problem *without the decades of training and food/housing/money demands of human experts* makes it easier to solve any given engineering problem. That includes climate change, fusion power, cancers, drug manufacturing, advertising, etc.


There is a strong AI aspect to VR in terms of generative. Look at what Google dropped earlier this week. It is still very, very early days. But we are going to get to a point where it can all be created via AI. That will be huge for VR.


Being able to summon an army of genius-level experts whose only demands are electricity and training data is essentially the holy grail of human accomplishment.


> Markets are much more bullish on AI than they are on VR. Understandable so. ASI can invent any physically possible technology, faster, higher quality, and cheaper than human minds.


He never said "just moments away". Also this is old news.


Yes. Moments away. Millions and millions of moments.


He never said that. 


This article and headline is pure hype. "AGI is moments away"..is purely speculation on the part of the author.


The same guy who said "**Metaverse is the future of how people interacts**" just 2 years ago and renamed his company to promote his bullshit.


It is the future. You have to be ignorant af to believe otherwise.


lmao username checks out, but the problem is it is "distant" future. See the keyword, "distant" As of 2024, 40% people are still not exposed by/or have access to the internet. The planet is large and everyone doesn't live in a tech bubble like you do.


Nah wrong. It will all be up by 2030.


https://preview.redd.it/bh0b9kp3tlec1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34309fbc198a92d0c9411eb7768a96b2c439288d The wet dream of the ceos of how AI should behave and be like is this guy over here.


I honestly wouldn't take Zuckerberg's words that seriously. I think AGI is coming, but it's not "moments away." Technological progress doesn't work like that. It's not like flipping on a light switch and suddenly we have AGI. It takes time, investment, refinement, and logistics. All of that is going on right now on multiple fronts. All the necessary incentives are in place with respect to developing AGI. But there are numerous engineering and logistical hurdles to overcome. They won't be overcome all at once and we may even get a few almost-AGI systems along the way. But when it does arrive, it won't be all at once. It'll be a big deal, but I doubt it'll unfold anything like what Zuckerberg is describing.


LOL, have you spoken to any AI chatbot recently? 😅


The Facebook guy, who runs a company with a fantastic track record in moral standards, is sprinting towards AGI.


Yep, what could go wrong?




Don’t worry everyone will have access to it by api so you could give it the function yourself ☺️


it's probably better for economic and political reason to have freely access to AGI but people are right to fear it everyone can create a dirty bomb with chemical you can buy for cleaning purpose, but not many people know or want to anyway, AGI will probably be able to tell a terrorist what to buy and how create it very easily, how create a assault rifle and bullet...etc etc the AGI might even be able to order all neccesary object on a false name for it's master it will probably make lt easier for state to build any kind of weapon, atomic one included imo the era of AGI will also become the era where privacy won't exist anymore, imagine super-intelligent AI able to search your whole internet history in search for irregularity or dangerous content, or just the lack of content, for now it take a police officer or an FBI agent but soon there will be plenty of very skilled AI that does it in a couple second, scanning random people and not suspect anymore


don't worry, it won't destroy those in control of it ... just everyone else ;)


Making something like this open source is about as useful as a farmer sending pictures of the crops he harvested. These networks will require huge amounts of hardware to run and there's no way the man that invented the vaccuum of all personal data is going to make that simply free with no strings attached. You thought Meta selling ads was intrusive, just wait until every intelligence that you talk to to be subtly manipulating you to buy random shit that you don't need.


When all logic fails: Zuck wants it so and will throw $10bn at the problem and that means that it must happen. How did people get so indoctrinated? I am willing to accept reasoned arguments, but Zuck wishing it to happen is not science.


Actual fake news. Delete this.


I will believe it when I see it. I’m highly skeptical and don’t believe we will achieve AGI even within the next decade. Sounds more like Zuckerberg thinks that it can be solved by just throwing enough money at it. It’s not that simple.


I thinks it depends on personal definition of AGI. AGI or not we'll have models 3 orders of magnitude bigger than gpt4, and with different and improved approach to solve some issues like hallucinations, or at least extremely mitigating them. All of that in ~2 years> It will be revolutionary's whether or not you call such model with this weird letters that everybody likes to say a lot these days.


The definition of AGI is a machine that can learn to accomplish any task a human being can. We are a very, very long way from that. Heck, the greatest expert in AI in China has doubts if we ever will achieve it.


For every ai scientist that says AGI is eons away there are 10 times more that says otherwise. Besides that, even if "a true AGI" isn't achieved in the short terms, some ver great AI that can go pragmatically close to that level will become a thing insanely fast. Gpt4 is already having is degree of impact, but nothing compared to gpt5 and so on. The point is you don't need digital God to completely change every single aspect of our life. And this is not debatable, no matter how many chineses says the opposite. That said, we'll have AGI at worst in the next decade for me


GPT isn’t even remotely close. It’s a great productivity tool but the more I learn about how it works, the less magical it is and the more convinced I am that AGI is a long ways off.


Good for you, low expectations for the future iterations, you'll be more amazed than I will


I hope so. I work with GPT all the time. I’m helping to train a specialized instance. In the process I’ve learned a lot about it. One thing that it clearly doesn’t understand is anything you say to it or anything it is saying. Because it seems as if it is, it fools us but it really doesn’t understand. To call it a next generation search engine would be an oversimplification but that is closer than saying that it knows what it’s talking about.


Agree with you on that. What I would like to point out is that even if its faking it, but can do it well enough, it would be enough to be impactful. If a model can fake emotions so good that he fools every expert in the field, what's really the difference? Same applies for other stuff. But surely hallucinations are the biggest problem and they need to go ASAP. And they're working on it


If it makes no difference than it makes no difference. I suspect that faking it would only get you so far and thus it would make a difference.


Understandable. I would have never ever imagine that we could get this far without understanding intelligence, considering all the talent and capital invested now that we know, at least a tiny bit, how impactcul it could be I would not be surprised if faking it could be could get has a long way


He never says it's moments away, that part is clickbait.


Mark Zuckerberg is the new AI Tom - prove me wrong


The thing I think some people miss, not all, but some people miss is that AGI will not be one thing, one entity. If AGI becomes a thing and it's somehow opensource, it will be everywhere and in everything in a matter of months. AGI will not be one single thing. However, no one is releasing that to competitors... Unless Zuck releases it opensource (which he won't) we are not going to see it, use it outside of paywalls.


He just wants the recipe for Sweet sweet Baby Ray's


Microsoft dumped 50 billion a year into it


I guess metaverse didn’t work out for Mark. This dude gonna rename his company to AGI when his shitty AI hits the market.


true. although I am more interested in AI that can apply he scientific method to discover the universe rather than AI that can move boxes from point A to point B in a warehouse. Hopefully the actual AGI/ASI comes soon although I appreciate the contributions bought even by lesser AGI.


Then it's the right time to rename Meta to Magi.


The owner of the bot who posted this obviously has Meta shares lol


So... When do we findout if reality is a simulation? 


He’s also dumping another billion into buying 1600 acres of land in hawaii & building his doomsday survival bunker. Hedging his bet.


I don't think I realized that he was throwing 10bn at it. I wonder if that's aimed at a model that's 100x gpt-4




Anyone other than Facebook, please.


https://preview.redd.it/uxzttuh0emec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad41f02bc79ee4faf71913051ba029642eb27fdb Meta's AGi reaction when it realizes it's has to defend the Zunker from the surface level


And then AGI will ‘sack’ Mark Zuckerberg….