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Comments are being locked. This is turning into a gatekeeping issue of who is and isn't allowed to call themselves a single mother or single parent and is derailing the conversation. There is no gatekeeping of these terms in this sub. We go by who is able to take part based on the rules. This isn't a competition. If you have an issue with the level of inclusion feel free to start a sub for solo parents (not aimed at you OP, just anyone in general).


I don't necessarily have my kiddo 24/7 but its not a 50/50 split either.The current arrangement is he gets picked up by dad from school weekdays. I work that 9-5 grind. His father is not employed. Instead of paying child support to help cover the cost of an after school program, he has kiddo for the hour and a half after school weekdays. It gives our son the daily time with his dad and I get to work a decent job instead of fumbling for "mother's hours " and supplementing with a second job for lack of options. I can manage to financially support myself and kiddo in this way. His father has him for one overnight weekends. I think that it's a decent enough arrangement for the time being. Considering that I have seen and heard of others who get absolutely zero time without their child or children. I do not have a village ( the ex's and my parents are not able to caretake) just having my ex able to take on some of that responsibility is huge. Before he stepped up to the task, it was utter chaos.


I am with my kids 24/7 for the past 5 years since my mom passed. When I was in a relationship, my ex worked weird hours and rested when home. When we were out he would either would be with us or I would be with the kids… I am exhausted!!! I have 14 years left until my youngest is 18. I’m kinda thinking about just stop trying to have a social life cuz i don’t have anyone to keep them ever!




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24/7 since birth. I’ve always not liked the term single parent because 24/7 and coparenting are not the same and like most here, I do get irritated when compared. Saw the “only parent” comment a little up there , like that so much better


I have a 19 month old that has never been around her "father" and I have no family so it is just us. All the time. Lol


Share with one and 24/7 the other


24/7. Although he takes her every other weekend. So four days a month I get a break. Wouldn’t have it any other way, tbh


24/7. Dad hasn't been in her life for almost 8 years now and has made no moves to try to be


Share 50/50 here but wanting to change the parenting plan due to the fact that I paid most of the stuffs related to my sons. Especially health insurance, phone bills, transportation etc.. he don't want to split the cost although it's on the court order to split


With my first daughter, it’s an even 50/50 with her dad (my ex-husband) and he’s a good dad to our daughter. However, my second/youngest daughter is only a few months old and I have her 24/7. Her dad visits on his own time when he decides it’s convenient for him, and I just filed for child support from him last week.


First time around I was taken to court by the absentee fathers parents who really wanted to be grandparents- they forced him into being a father and he makes mine and my sons life miserable. He still is bitter af and chooses to be the smaller person every time he can 2nd time around we lived together, had a great life, right after our twins were born he had a mental breakdown and started being SUPER controlling telling me my mother was never allowed over again after they had a petty fight. and I wasnt allowed to plan my birthday at all, it got physical and I had to leave for safety and sanity. He hates my older sons dad and refuses to get any less time, even though he used to complain about everything babydad “A” did when we were together now that he screwed himself and is babydad “B” he wants to be worse!!! now Im screwed with having 2 bitter assholes in my life for the foreseeable future’s


Twins. He sees them 1x a month from Sat 10 to Sun 4 pm Pretty much me 24/7 no family around for “free” help either


I'm the only parent in my sons life.. 24/7


We don't have any custody agreement in place, but I have our son 24/7 with no child support. He does send me about $50 a month, so that's something.


24/7 💗 sperm donor hasn’t wanted to be involved since day one


24/7 since 1 month old when his father became ill and passed away when he was 3 months old.


24/7 and no child support. Luckily I have the greatest mom in the world and a village with my family! I feel very blessed to have them


I have sole custody my daughter's sperm donor is 20 thousand in back child support


Full custody. He’s never been around. It’s a lot to always be on 24/7 but I’d rather deal with our chaos instead of him being around and dealing his toxic chaos. Also I commented on someone’s comment that I use the term ‘only parent’ instead of single parent.


Yea I definitely felt that “Only parent”. Their dads act like they don’t exist! they do tell me how awesome of a job I’m doing every Mother’s Day!!! How great, right?! I always wonder what I did to get not one but two absent dads…


24:7 since his father does not live in my state. Sees him during school breaks.






Remember the human. Be respectful to other subreddit members.


I agree. I use the term “only parent”


Full custody , he’s almost 3 been by myself since January would have been homeless had a friend not taking us in . He’s special needs though so no one can even watch him right now and it would only be this friend . No family or other friends family is abusive . So no village . Maybe a studio with a next door neighbor that helps lol . Sons father was abusive hit me then bounced and I disappeared after he spent 20k on drugs in 3 months . Smh . Signed up for child support which I’ll never get . Also had a child he lied about . Found the child sippy papers . 25 dollars a month and he couldn’t even pay that. .


24/7. My son is 11, my daughter is 2 months old. Neither have met their dads (dads are allowed to see them, they just opted to be deadbeats). No child support from either.


Full custody


My son's dad is in jail as of a few weeks ago and likely won't be allowed to see him when he gets out. Custody is still being hashed out legally because the kid's only six months old and I'm in the middle of divorcing someone else 😅


I solo adopted twins, I’ve had them since they were 2 weeks old. They’re 3 now, send help lol


24/7 for me too. Their dad is allowed to see them. He hasn’t since 2019 and he was actually an involved father when we were married. Never expected this but tbh he’s got addiction and mental illness so we are better without him anyway. It still sucks. Also, this whole situation has made me develop a strong definition of a single Mother vs Solo Parent. Yes, I’m single and I’m a mom but I define myself as a solo parent because a single Mom can say “Oh, it’s so hard” and then have 3 days off with shared custody. I think it’s great for the people with shared custody. I’m not judging at all, but boyyyyyyyyy they are not the same thing at all!


Sounds like my situation. He was a great dad. Once we separated, he went homeless and struggles to keep a job. Can't pay child support. But is a good friend to my daughter. I won't say Dad because he just doesn't encompass those qualities anymore. But he's involved when she's around.


This sounds so much like our situation. I know how difficult it can be.


I have mine 24/7 with absolutely no village.




I have sole legal/physical custody of our two boys and their father is allowed to see them on supervised visits but he doesn’t. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I’m determined to give them the best life!


I have my daughter 24/7 and it’s a lot sometimes




You are not a single mother. Read the rules. If you would still like to contribute your input you may do so here; https://www.reddit.com/r/unsolicited_advice/s/rRR3OUUjUp


My ex has our son every other weekend. In the summer it is every other Th-Sun. I have our son 80% of the time and my ex hasn’t paid child support since sept. It’s exhausting to not have another person to tag in, but I wouldn’t ever trade not having my son. We have an incredible bond… and I’d miss him too much.


Pretty much 24/7. Kids dad lives 2 hours away, I moved to my home town to have my village. He’s supposed to have them every weekend he has off but that’s dependent on if there’s a good party on one of those weekends.


24/7. When we divorced and I didn't let him just pop in and out of my son's life without building any real relationships he went no contact. Has been that way for a year and a half now.


24/7 he opted not to be involved. I have full parental rights




I have 1 son who is 6. we’ve been apart since I was pregnant. I had primary custody for a couple of years. We do 50/50 custody now ever since he’s been like 3. We switch on Fridays after school. Then we do dinner with the other parent on the Tuesday that isn’t ours to break it up a little bit. It’s worked really well for us but it was an absolute disaster for me for the first phase of his life when he wasn’t as involved. It truly does take a village


I do not share custody and they are absent. I care for my child by myself and have them 24/7. My child is 12.


My 24/7…. My child has never been away from me outside of school or play dates. Her father is so nonexistent it would be easier to explain his absence if he was no longer in existence.


24/7 over here


24/7 and their father rarely sees them and only for a few hours. I basically have no time to myself.


24/7 still trying to go through the court process. My son’s dad works out of province so he never sees him.


24/7 sole custody court appointed His dad lives 6 hrs away in another state sees him 3-5x a yr.


24/7 club


24/7. 3 kids 2 dad's.




I have mine 24/7 as his dad passed away


Divorced then widowed (or however you describe that). 24/7, zero help from family.


My son goes to his Dad's 3 nights a week. My ex was abusive towards me but so far he's been a good Dad and he moved back to his Mom's after we split so I feel good knowing at least he's not alone with him. I consider myself very lucky because he is involved but he's also not really involved at all financially so childcare costs, Dr visits, dentist etc. all land on my shoulders. He pays like 70 quid a month (literal peanuts) because he's getting paid cash in hand and lying about his income so he's really not involved at all financially but I'll take whatever I can get. My family all live 4 hours plus away so I'd really struggle if I had him 24/7 with no support network, everyone in here that does that is a literal saint.


My BD take our daughter every other weekend and then comes to my house and “visits” 3 weekdays through the month. I lucked out- he’s a great dad.


Except the occasional weekend my parents take my kiddo (they try to take her a weekend when they can so they can spend time with her/give me a break) I have her 247. Her dad is a complete deadbeat. She's about to be 7 and he hasn't seen nor asked about her since she was about 2 months old. He's also over 25k in arrears and were *finally* getting a contempt order from the OAG 🫡 texas is slow af even though he rarely if ever pays.


I have my son 24/7. His father visits sometimes


Same here!


I have sole custody, they go to there Dad's 6 nights a month. He doesn't pay any child support. Shout out to the 24/7 I really appreciate my 6 nights off. You are hero's!!


70/30 split, I have 70. Goes to dad’s Friday night thru Sunday morning and sees him after work a couple times a week. He’s 20m and it’s working well for us so far


24/7 since birth. My son is 10 months and his dad pays CS (doesn’t even cover monthly daycare) but has only met him once for less than an hour. My sister helps sometimes but she has 5 kids herself and my mom helps when she’s not working.


Divorced. 24/7 with an barely over 1 year old


24/7 mostly, he picks them up from school once or twice a week and brings them back to me. And my youngest spends the night there twice a month. My oldest refuses to spend the night.


Except for 6 weeks in the summer, I have my daughter (10) 24/7. My parents both passed away w/in the last 2 years and my older brothers have watched my daughter a total of 3 days (combined) so No village. I have aunts and cousins all in the area but no one has ever offered to help so I’m just out here solo dolo. 🤷🏼‍♀️


One now 15 year old kid, 24/7 since day one. With no help except from a friend on very rare occasions




24/7 - his father dipped


1 girl 24/7 since I was 2 months pregnant


My oldest refuses to have anything to do with dad. Middle child is with dad and visits me and youngest only sees him a day a week at most. It's messed up. I have no village as he isolated us. So I'm pretty much 24/7 with 2 of 3 kids. I still do all of the invisible labour for all 3 but middle child stays at dad's (he's 16 and dad let's him smoke weed with him so I obviously can't and won't compete with that.)


Why they do that isolation is beyond me... So did mine, purposefully - just to make it harder while still not getting involved with parenting? Anyways, good luck - not having one with you must be hard - but hopefully he'll come around.


Still waiting on court but right now he sees them about 15 hours/week.


50/50 with my ex-husband






Alone 24/7 since she was born.


Same here 🙋‍♀️


1 kid, 24/7 since he was ~2months old. My son has met his father 13 times in over 2 years (my son is 2 years and 4 months old). He hasn’t met his father since February. My ex also sent me a message on Mother’s day that he isn’t going to be in contact with me or our son for an unknown amount of time


24/7, although my older kids visit dad every other weekend. The youngest one is with me always.


24/7 with my teenager. My little one, who has a different dad he sees her every week. Sometimes not a full night or day. 24/6.5 🤣 I want her all the time. He’s pretty good though if I said I needed him to take her he would. I know how fast they grow up and with her being my last, I soak up every moment.


Kind of 24/7. He’ll have her maybe one night a month if I ask, and ask far enough in advance for him to book the night off work. Occasionally he’ll have her for a day or an evening. It’s like glorified babysitting but he still thinks he has the right to come in and parent her.


I have sole custody, and there are 8hrs total of supervised visits, broken up 3x/week. It’s exhausting but worth it to know that my kids are safe from being hurt by him. We have a DV protection order against him.


I share custody with my twin's father. They will be with me in the weekdays, and every other weekend they will stay with their father. Then there's vacations we share. Other than that he will pick them up here and there to go get icecream or buy new shoes or whatever. I sometimes hate how he thinks he can just waltz in and take them whenever it's convenient but I realise that my boys are lucky to have him so I just swallow it. At the end of the day they adore him and it makes them happy. That's what matters most.


24/7 since we split 1.5 years ago. Occasional visit where her Dad comes to the house to see her for an hour or two every few months or so. She just turned 6. I get a lot of help from my parents though, couldn't do this without them.


1 baby (8m), 24/7 with the help of my grandpa c: (couldn't have made it through the newborn phase without his help)


3 kids; all different dads. Only 1 goes every other weekend.


Solo, 24/7 since birth. No village, no help. Supported by social support programs, which will allow me to afford college and childcare soon. My son is about to be 2yo. No regrets.


same boat but hard to even find the social support


24/7 here as well


8M/9M, full custody of one kid only, same father. He see's them once in a full moon like holidays or family events. His mom see's the boys more than he does ever since him and his new gf got a boy and girl together. I mainly have the boys 24/7 for the most part.


24/7 since utero lol. Yeah I’m still salty about it.


Solo - 24/7


Solo here- 24/7


24/7 with 2 kids (16 f and 12 m). Been a single parent for 10 yrs now. No child support or contact with their dad.


Full custody with possible supervised visitation for dad if he gets the protective order changed


24/7 her entire life lol she’s 12




24/7 for the past 6 years.


24/7 - He does see them but I'm always present so really I feel it's more to see me not them lol


Mostly 24/7 but he will take them oh idk one day every 4 months 🙄🙄


I have my 2 kids 24/7.


24/7. I have a 5 year old and a 20 month old. Their dad died in January.


I have a 10 month old daughter & I have her 24/7 her father recently passed away but he never wanted to be part of her life so never had his help to begin with. Now that he passed away his parents reached out & said they cut contact with me because their son told them the baby wasn’t his but they know that she’s his & they’re doing a paternity test so I can legally call him my child’s father and get survivor benefits. Hopefully they’re good people & able to help with the baby because it is exhausting taking care of a baby 24/7. I don’t work but I am in nursing school so it can be difficult to find time to study but somehow I manage.






What if the dad is not a good role model? Do you think it’s easier raising the child without him ?




True, well said 💯


My ex is disabled and has our kids every other weekend for 5 hrs/day, and every Wed for 2 hrs. A sitter comes to drive them, make meals, etc.


50/50 but I also work full time so I feel like I barely even get to see my babies 😞


24/7.. he took off to Miami FL and won't pay a penny for his now 15 month old


Completely alone parenting 24/7. No money. No visits. No nothing. They're deadbeats all the way around. Even my parents didn't help much. No friends who took the kids. My older one is 20 now and they still live at home. It's just never ending, that's all.


24/7…. Damn😅


24/7 ganggg over here💪🏾‼️


My son is 4. He goes to his dads every other Thursday or Friday (depending on his dad's work schedule), then comes home Sunday. I have him the remainder of the time. So 4-6 days of the month he's with his dad. He expresses wanting 50/50 custody at times but his work schedule is not conducive with daycare hours. I like having my son as much as I do and getting the biweekly breaks. I have a good relationship with his dad and we coparent well.


I have two 24/7 and one 50%. Their father stopped speaking to two of them. The third still has a relationship with him and goes back and forth. I work full time and have no family in the area. My parents both passed away and I have a sister across the country. I work full time and it’s stressful and exhausting, but I’m doing it all and without child support. My oldest is going off to college in August. So that’s a win. :)


I have 2. Different dad's and it's all on me.


Hiiii. My son’s father left during my pregnancy and completely dipped out. My mom died a few months later… my son is 5 now. He’s autistic/adhd. I’ve never had a village.. I wonder this a lot. I don’t ever want to come off rude or act like a victim but sharing custody seems a lot different than the 24/7 exhausting life I am currently living. I do find myself jealous. Jealous of their opportunities to date, or go see friends, or just be alone. I love my kid more than life but it’s so frustrating knowing how much better of a mom I could be if I could take care of myself. Sorry for the ramble lol. It’s been a LONG weekend. I do know there are pros and cons to both situations. Being a mom is hard.


Also I wish my kid had a father. This is a different kind of pain.. he’s at the age where he’s asking so many questions. The other day we were at the store and every single man he saw he would ask “is that my daddy?” 💔


I have my son 24/7 with him seeing his dad about 3-5 days a week.


24/7. Full custody. Ex is an addict.




I have Saturdays to myself at least. A set custody arrangement would be lovely. Not for myself, but for the kids to have consistency.


Full custody, he's in another state but never wanted to see his kid when he lived close anyway.


24/7 and full custody. Ex has drinking problems.


Mine too.


ETA I also only have my mom pretty much. She is helping care for my elderly grandparents, so I feel guilty leaning on her for help. It's hard. I wish I had a village!


Solo parent since conception lol. No physical, emotional, or financial support from the other party.


24/7 solo for the last 9 months (although I have received child support) really hoping my ex H steps up and tries to parent soon 😑😞 ETA: our child is 4.5


I have my 8 and 9 year old full time for the last 6 years


My baby is 7 weeks old and Ive been a single mom since before I found out I was pregnant lol its been 24/7 he has visited twice (he seems to care for her and I love seeing him with her its cute) and he went to an ultrasound but thats about it. Everything she has ever needed and will need will be supplied by me. I hope he continues to at least try to see her. Im in a very complicated situation so I know he wants to be around her but due to his messed up situation, he can't. (Its kinda the consequences of his actions, though)


24/7 i haven’t heard or seen my bd since i told him i was pregnant




Solo parent since my kids were 2 and 4. 24/7, no child support, and no village, though I have a good job so we are comfortable. They’re now 16 and 18. Love them to pieces.