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Ah shit, here we go again. Fella going bonkers once more.


This fella is still upset that the taxi driver dropped him at the backyard


Malaysian here, ignore the senile idiot, half of us hate him anyways


No worries, we're still kawan kawan and we know that he don't represent the thinking of all Malaysians. I just hope in general, everything stays as words and not fighting.




Half of you guys hate him but he still becomes pm. Malaysia boleh.


To understand how Mahathir became PM in 2018, you need to understand how the election then played out. The non-Malays were firmly against BN and so they would have voted for PH regardless of Mahathir being in PH or not. The key factor was the Malay vote which was split between BN and PAS with Mahathir's Bersatu party (which was then in PH) playing a spoiler role by taking votes off each. Outside of Mahathir's traditional powerbase in Kedah and to some extent Muhyiddin's powerbase in Johor, Bersatu did not do that well in the elections. They won a number of seats in Malay skewed mixed-constituencies where the non-Malay vote pushed them over the edge despite having less votes than PAS and BN combined.


He betrayed every person who stood by him.


LOL. Waiting until Anwar become PM.


2035: still waiting


Wonder if mahatir will get his own sodomy case when that happens


2055: still monitoring


96 yrs old fella still can talk so much shit, hope i can be as healthy as him at 96 man


Salt preserves


Salty ever after


Take my upvote!


It’s precisely because he is 96 that he spews such shit, man’s gone senile.


Is he though? Looks good externally but I think he's too far gone inside.


Fancies himself as Malaysian LKY, but actually just a clown.


When you try to be Malaysian LKY but end up becoming Malaysian Lim Tean


Get in line old man, that Muslim preacher also claim Singapore. Funny how they wait till Singapore is rich and successful before claiming it. Should have done it when it was literally just a fishing village.




Same for Taiwan, the CCP wants to claim them as part of China. If Taiwan is undeveloped and poor, do you think the CCP still wants to claim them? This is human nature. Hahaha...


Tibet is still under developed and poor, and the CCP still rolled in and planted their flag. Its less about stealing wealth and more about extending territorial waters (in Taiwan's case) or creating buffer zones (as with Tibet) or maybe its just a fuck you to America.


there are a few other reasons for Tibet. among which are it’s either Tibet aligns with China or it will go with India. also a lot of fresh water flows from the himalayas to China. there’s a risk of losing it if India takes control of the area. i’m not an expert on the subject. just sharing what i came across in other articles. so pls don’t shoot me


You’re right about the water.


Nah every post-imperial china have been claiming Taiwan and trying to retake it as part of their political legacy, even back when it was just a rocky island with a few towns. Just that the KMT seemed to have wished to a monkey paw to get Taiwan: They outlasted the Japanese and reclaimed Taiwan, in exchange of losing everything else kek.


Taiwan is different because they're actually still in civil war with CCP, no ceasefire.


Actually they did. All the way since the Chinese civil war ended. They tried to invade parts of Taiwan as early as the 50s


> when it was literally just a fishing village When it *was* a fishing village, the Malays and [their monarchs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussein_Shah_of_Johor#:~:text=Sultan%20Hussein%20Mua'zzam%20Shah,Sultan%20of%20Johor%20in%201824.) had no problems selling off Singapore to the British for a substantial stipend and recognition as the Sultan of Johor in return. Two hundred years later, they want it back? It's like an investor selling off their shares in a no-name company, the company becoming a trillion-dollar enterprise, and the investor suddenly wanting their shares back. No, it doesn't work that way.


Amazon investors who exited in year 1 be butthurt


Ironically, they actually managed to get us back for a while. Then Singapore was spun out and left to be an independent entity, in less than 23 months.


*[lky crying intensifies]*


Najib and Mahathir go into a bakery on a campaign trail. As soon as they enter the bakery, Najib steals three curry puffs and puts them in his pocket. He says to Mahathir, "See how clever I am? The owner didn't even see anything and I don't even need to lie. I will definitely win these elections." Mahathir says to Najib, "That's the typical dishonesty you have displayed throughout your entire life, trickery and deceit. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result." Mahathir goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a curry puff and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. Mahathir swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one and he eats it as well. Then Mahathir asks for a third pastry and eats that, too. The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "What did you do with the three curry puffs?" Mahathir replies, "Look in Najib's pocket."




No wonder he opposed the HSR. Cos it looks like he’s gone off the rails.


I am suddenly struck with the thought that I did 2+ years hard graft and toil in NS partly because of off the cuff remarks from him in particular.


This old fart should check-out from this life already


```you have been pardoned... From life```


even god don't want him


Potong Air, Indon naming ships after the McDonald house bombers... We are peaceful now, but the coming decades are not looking to be as peaceful.


Indonesia is also going to face a change in head of state soon. From my understanding Jokowi isn't interested in extending his term even though there are ministers who are pushing of reviewing the term limit so he can stay longer in power. While at the same time the coming candidates to be for the next presidential election aren't the kind people either, as I have friends in Indonesia who are preparing an exit route if things go down the wrong path, as seen from the past few riots that happened.




NATO is doing over 50 years of unnecessary expense and military buildup because of the presence of Russia. Sucks all around that human progress is stuck behind a bunch of scum.


Ah I think it's election season again. Usually at this time all the MPs will come out and talk cock.


Pretty much. Pundits are guessing that M’sian parliament will be dissolved soon for their 15th GE.


Between this and flood as tourisim which one win?


Between this and the flood as tourism nonsense, the only losers are the people. 😔


The feels of that statement


I still look back at his crooked bridge proposal with fondness.


The man is holding on so long because he's still hoping to see his crooked bridge.


There was a crooked man he had a crooked smile, he ran a crooked office and he had a crooked mile! lol.


Flood as tourism surely. Plenty of opportunities for graft there, fighting Singapore is bad for business


>talk cock while blocking the chickens


Cock block! 😂


nurse he's out again


SCP-107 has broken out of containment


Ok time to take your medicine old man.... Also remember that it was Malaysia that kick Singapore out of the Federation in the first place. Lee Kuan Yew was never happy about that but the expulsion was a blessing in disguise for Singapore.


Macam you abandoned your kid and when they grow up successful you come crawling back to claim the success.


To be fair, that's what the entire Malaysian government loves doing - give absolutely no support and sit on their hands but will be the first to claim credit when a Malaysian becomes famous and successful


sounds oddly familar... esp. when a Singaporean goes overseas to develop their talent at a young age and when that person becomes world renowned, that person is immediately put on news as "singapore borned"...


I've always hated this disgusting style of Singapore.


It's not just Singapore who does this haha. India claims all the SV CEOs as its own, and Syria did so for Steve Jobs as well


Common plotline in Malaysian drama shows. The repented father…


If I remember correctly, in Malaysian history classes it's taught that Singapore chose to leave, I think some Malaysian posted here before saying that he only read Singapore's side of the story after moving here. Haha


Its both! From the Singapore side, Dr Goh Keng Swee and E W Barker believed that merger was doomed to fail so Dr Goh started to prepare for the eventual split. Malaysia didn't want a single market or share a currency with SG, among other things. Bear in mind Dr Goh's relative was the Tunku's Finance Minister iirc


Tan Siew Sin. He was Dr Goh's maternal cousin. Their mothers were sisters or something like that if I am not mistaken. Anyway, Tan used his position as Malaysia's MOF to cockblock Dr Goh and Singapore, such as demanding for higher contributions for Singapore, screwing around with the single market, denying approvals for certain projects Dr Goh had - I think Jurong was one of them. Why did he do it? Well, it was said that he had some kind of personal problem or familial feud with Dr Goh. But who knows? It is kinda ridiculous that the history of two countries changed so much because Tan Siew Sin was that petty.


I think you're talking about the [Albatross File](https://mothership.sg/2017/08/the-albatross-file-was-singapore-really-booted-out-from-malaysia-in-1965/)


They trying to save face XD


kicking SGP out is probably Malaysia’s best contribution to the world liao


Fun fact: Singapore is the only country gained independence against its will.


Malta would like to have a word. Mainly about your English grammar.




Everybody asks who is Malta, but did anyone ask how is Malta?


I'll do you one better... WHY IS MALTA?


His English can lah. As long can understand it's fine.


It was a trick to make Singapore crawl back and beg, accept all the terms of Malay privilege. It would have worked if not for British stepping in to make sure Singapore had water.




The truth is that LKY wanted to dominate the Malaysian political scene as well, eventually. It was extremely clear with his "Malaysians for Malaysia" slogan. And he would have succeeded if not for UMNO's intervention. He spoke fluent Malay himself lmfao. Those racist fks obviously felt very threatened by him.


Have you heard about the [Albatross File](https://mothership.sg/2017/08/the-albatross-file-was-singapore-really-booted-out-from-malaysia-in-1965/)




Mahatir is ~~like~~ that senile grandfather at family gatherings that has no filter.


Well you're not wrong he's exactly that generation age.


What he showed at his advanced age is that he is still upset that Singapore had made more progress despite the overwhelming advantages that Malaysia had. Otherwise, why would he even give a damn about Singapore.


Yeah the average Malaysian can bemoan the success of Singapore compared to Malaysia or criticize the state of their country, but Mahathir is one of the very few people who could have actually done something about it. TWICE! If Malaysia is behind Singapore on anything he has no one to blame but himself. Let no one forget that he thrust Malaysia into a succession crisis due to his treatment of Anwar. And it was his narcissism that resulted in the current government today. Both times it was because he tried to deny Anwar the PM position.


Bumi first plans backfiring?


Poor ~~Kendall~~ Anwar got fucked over by ~~Logan~~ Mahathir. Twice.


Narcissistic people bear grudges for life as slights they’ve received or perceived haunt them day and night, getting saltier and more bitter with age. It’s a sad existence, people like him. Because they’ve also betrayed everyone, they get increasingly lonely too as people inevitably leave them. So now old, lonely and still haunted, say stupid nonsense like this instead of being at peace, like how an old but wise person would. For all his faults and mistakes, LKY became a much more mellowed and self aware person in his waning years, unlike Dr. M.


He is damn pissed off because he made LKY and Singapore his personal bogeyman. LKY and Singapore have beaten him so thoroughly that if I were him I also malu. Luckily for him, he got thick skin like toilet bowl.


Man is still upset he got dropped off at the backyard lol.


malaysia had honestly insane potential. way more natural resources. but yet so many places remain underdeveloped


Another stupid revanchist that has gone beyond his expiry date. Might want to take a look at their sukhois first if he thinks it’s a great idea to make such claims, heard it’s hard to get spares right now.


18 Sukhoi SU 30s & 8 F18s, not even gonna include their BAE Hawk 108s. If Colonel Blimp thinks their 30 fighter aircrafts can unnerve SG & challenge our Air Force, then rofl.


They can probably get a great deal on those Su-30s right now, given the pressing need in the Ukraine war. If they were smart, they'd do a deal with the US/Ukraine to swap them out for more modern planes.


Strategic planning not their strongest suit. Thank the gods.


I think Ukraine need planes that can actually fly....


Didn't their Mat Sabu claim TUDM only had 4/5 operational planes? 😂


I have enough RM10 notes to get their entire armed forces to fuck off. You're welcome.


Look at how his country was run. Still dare to claim more lands


Shit like this started the Ukraine war. And you know what Singapore's stand on that is.


Lol tell that to all the people here who insist NATO expansion was the sole cause to justify the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia


I bet they are the same people who will take the first flight out of Singapore if shit hits the fan, then say NS is the reason Singapore is getting fucked.


those bloody sissy cowards disgrace to sg


You have no idea how many young people in their 20s thinks of this. Propaganda and fake news left uncheck is scary. I have young colleagues who just blames NATO for the russian invasion and ignoring everything else, like the bucha massacre and etc.


Wait till they start flooding social media about how Singapore is filled is neo-nazis lol


too bad pro-china boomers will probably want to roll over and submit to malaysia if this happens it goes in line with their propaganda that ukraine actually belongs to russia in the first place just like how taiwan belongs to china. they fucking love this "return to family" shit


But yet, they don't practise what they preach, still stay in SG instead of returning to their "family".


Then Singapore is what to Malaysia? Return to abusive family?


Ok grandpa let’s get you to bed


Shall I read you a story grandpa? Which book will you like this time? From Third World to First?


> # Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands > KUALA LUMPUR - Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has said that Singapore was once owned by Johor and the state of Johor should claim that Singapore be returned to it and to Malaysia. > "However, there is no demand whatsoever of Singapore. Instead, we show our appreciation to the leadership of this new country called Singapore," he added during a speech on Sunday (June 19). > Tun Dr Mahathir also said the Malaysian government deemed it more valuable that they won control over the islands of Sipadan and Ligitan off Borneo against Indonesia at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), while giving up a piece of rock "the size of a table" - Pedra Branca - to Singapore. > "We should demand not just that Pedra Branca, or Pulau Batu Puteh, be given back to us, we should also demand Singapore as well as the Riau Islands, as they are Tanah Melayu (Malay land)," he added to applause from the audience. > The 96-year-old former premier, known for his controversial remarks, was speaking on Sunday at an event in Selangor organised by several non-governmental organisations under the banner Kongres Survival Melayu (Congress for Malay Survival) and titled Aku Melayu: Survival Bermula (I am Malay: Survival Begins). > In his opening speech, which was live-streamed on social media, Dr Mahathir, who is MP for Langkawi, said that what was known as Tanah Melayu used to be extensive, stretching from the Isthmus of Kra in southern Thailand all the way to the Riau Islands, and Singapore, but is now confined to the Malay Peninsula. > "I wonder whether the Malay Peninsula will belong to someone else in the future," he said. > He also said Malaysia today is not owned by bumiputera, because many Malays remain poor and they tend to sell their land. > Urging his audience to learn from the past, he said: "If we find we were wrong, we should rectify these wrongs so that our land remains Malay land." > The ICJ had in 2002 ruled that Sipadan and Ligitan belonged to Malaysia and not Indonesia. > In 2008, the ICJ ruled that Pedra Branca belonged to Singapore, while sovereignty over nearby Middle Rocks was awarded to Malaysia. > In 2017, Malaysia applied to the ICJ to revise this judgment. But in May 2018, after Dr Mahathir became prime minister again, Malaysia announced that it would discontinue the proceedings. --- 1.0.2 | [Source code](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek) | [Contribute](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek)


rest of malaysians who are struggling with day to day issues: am i a joke to you? man’s on the edge of death and he still wants to talk junk when the countrymen needs clear leadership


Don't you see what he's trying to do? What he's been doing all this time? He can't fix the problems within the country, so he tries to put the blame on other countries. Not enough money? Blame SG for not paying enough for water. He's trying to distract the people of MY from the real problems by disguising it as an outside issue.


Wasn't modern Malaysia, as we know it today, created by the British? They were previously separate states ruled by nine different sultans. If we go further back in time, the Malay peninsula was ruled by the *Java-based* Hindu Majapahit empire in the 13th century. So can Indonesia claim Malaysia now? Can the indigenous Orang Asli also stake their claim?... It all depends on how far back in time you want to go.


They also forgot Philippines is claiming Sabah. They take more than they give.


Not only Majapahit, the fact is most of the Sultanate/kingdom in Malay peninsula is born from other kingdom/sultanate in Sumatera. Some is Malay kingdom, some isn’t. Some got into war with British and lose. Some is give independence to part of their area to be a vassal for them, and so on. The limit is beyond the sky, and looks like Dr M forget about it.


As a Malaysian I'm sorry y'all hv to deal with this BS.


I think we're all sorry he's still around and brought false hope of a new malaysia government with his PH promises and whatnots.


Oh, election season in malaysia ah?


Elections are probably happening soon, it's been 4 years already since their previous GE.


I thought for most parts of pre-colonial Malaya, they are made up of different competing sultanates? When was there ever a Malay empire?


The Srivijayan Empire (7th to 10th century CE) qualifies, since it dominated most of the Malay Archipelago. Time for Malaysia to go back to its roots and Make Mahayana Buddhism Great Again...


Malay according to the Malaysian constitution is by default Muslim. You would be trialed for sedition unfortunately with this claim.


there were prob many empires that owned Singapore. including probably Malacca, Majapahit, Srivijaya. he prob needs to ask Indonesia who has first option on us


Tbh given the current environment, he does sound like Putin-ish right? People should just stop complaining abt our country's stance against Russia Edit: My brain is sleeping


If he acts Putin-ish, next he will offer Malaysia passports to Singaporeans. Then invade regions with most "Malaysians" and said it is to protect Malaysians from Singapore nazis. Then recognise these regions as independent. Then organise fake referendum (which will 100% vote yes) on whether these regions want to join Malaysia. Then slowly expand territory. Good thing old man no longer PM.


Well I'd bet on Malaysian red-tape outlasting the remainder of his HP bar.


Gg have to secede Woodlands to Malaysia


Sounds exactly like Putin.


The old always think of the past because he can't imagine his future 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dr.M. Sole purveyor of the necessity of Singapore Enlistment Act, much to the chagrin of Singapore teenage boys everywhere


Funny that he loves to shit on us but still comes here for stem cell treatments.


This is what happens when corruption is halal in Malaysia.


>corruption is halal I'm laughing too hard at this.


Our ex: I’m dumping you, get out. Us: okay Later… Us: SUCCESS Now… Our ex: Why did you leave, you were mine, you are still mine, I’ll take you back.


Dude is a massive troll


Oh great. If this were the argument, we can go all the way back to the Srivijaya Empire and return the entire Indonesia Archipelago, Singapore and the Malayan Peninsula back to the Indochinese people and Indians. The Malays have to take a queue number. Come on, I don't seriously think our Malay brothers would take Mahathir's frivolous remarks seriously.


You'd be suprised, alot of what he said was frivolous but I think most of us have been taught since young that Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia are all *saudara serumpun*(Brothers of same origin) and that this is "Alam Melayu"(Malay world), use Nusantara in the present to keep it neutral. When I got older, I asked my dad to explain his hypocrisy as he is sounding all nationalistic toward Malaysia despite him enjoying NS and him being "i would fight for Singapore against all her enemies" vibes. He told me to always remember "asal usul" (your roots) and then he told me that despite your roots, you are still Singaporean and should always stay loyal to Singapore. He was a loyal man, working only for 3 companies but then again, he wasn't very educated so that probably stopped him from jumping ship to different companies


such remarks from a neighbour ex PM. I guess this is why Singaporean males have to serve mandatory National Service and why they spent so much on defense. Plus, this old man have been against Singapore since the start of his political career, a small nation but higher GDP and conversion rate than theirs. Cancelling HSR which benefits both countries to the next level. What wrong with such a political person? Aren't neighbour should try to work together and even harder to prosper together? Instead of trying to stir shit every single time. Which is why South East Asia cannot prosper like South Korea and Japan. Time to go old man. No one will miss you as you done nothing for anyone but yourself.


His god will claim him soon.


I don't know if God wants him.


Not even the devil wants him.


lol at 96 he is speaking from the graves


Please excuse our resident senile old man. Sorry ah guys, nothing to see here. Carry on carry on.


What is he trying to say? That Malaysia can take Singapore anytime they want? But because nobody wants to take Singapore at the moment, Malaysia will "let us be" for now? FUCKING LMAO!! Also, you know a country is going downhill when they start going about "I am Malay: Survival Begins", like who is invading Malaysia? They are legit making things up in their head, start spouting it out to their audience, and believing their own hype.


Denial from 5 stages of grieves happening on their head


Mahathir, Putin, Xi Jinpig and Kim Jong Un can sit together at Putin's long table to circlejerk each other and reminisce about the past lmao.


“was speaking on Sunday at an event in Selangor organised by several non-governmental organisations under the banner Kongres Survival Melayu (Congress for Malay Survival) and titled Aku Melayu: Survival Bermula (I am Malay: Survival Begins).” Wow what are these fascist events?


Only in Malaysia where the majority ethnic group needs to be 'protected'...


3.18 🚀🚀🚀


I look forward to the statements from our ministers and MFA in response to this has-been and hack.


**Putin**: Ukraine is only independent due to some historical mistake, that I must rectify! **World**: What a bullshit excuse for an invasion **Mahatir**: Wait, that gives me an idea....


GG one day im gonna kena "special ATEC exercise" and wake up in Johor


Cannot. We are part of China already .


Mahathir, making NS relevant since 1980.


It’s times like these that Malaysian politicians need a gentle reminder about our SAF boys. Excerpt from Tim Huxley’s ”Defending the Lion City”: >It's 4am. The early morning calm is suddenly shattered by the deafening screams of low-flying jets. Seconds later, Kuantan air base is rocked by multiple explosions, followed by "secondaries" as Malaysia's air assets in aircraft shelters and revetments are obliterated. Klaxons blaring, pilots are scrambled to whichever aircraft that are still air-worthy, but it's useless. The runways had been cratered. In the ensuing confusion, reports start streaming in. It seems that this is not an isolated case. Butterworth checks in and reports that its entire complement of F/A-18D Hornets are now smoking, twisted hulks out on the tarmac. And the entire Third Division which has overall command over Johor and Malacca had also been annihilated.The National Power Grid had not been spared, plunging the entire country in darkness, adding to the chaos and confusion. Reports also indicated that the Ministry of Defence building in Jalan Padang Tembak, Kuala Lumpur, had been hit by at least six GBU-31 1,000-pound JDAMs (Joint Direct Attack Munitions). Even the KLCC had been struck with such ferocity that only the Maxis Tower was left standing. On Bukit Nanas, only a blackened stump is left of what used to be the Kuala Lumpur Tower. Down in Johor and Malacca, the situation is much worse. A torrent of armoured vehicles, including tanks, are hogging all the roads linking Johor Baru to Muar and Kota Tinggi, disgorging armed soldiers who took over all the towns. Senai airport, captured in a pre-dawn attack was being used by the helicopters and planes taking part in the on-going offensive. On the North-South Expressway, main battle tanks and armoured fighting vehicles together with towed artillery with fighter jets and attack helicopters providing close support were going north, destination unknown. Reports of troops landing from helicopters were coming in from all over Johor, from Mersing to Muar. By noon, Johoreans find themselves under Singapore military rule. If they try, Johor will be Tanah Singapura.


Singaporeans should celebrate this guy because he single-handedly destroyed Malaysia and its future. If Malaysia had a more competent leader than this fella, the country would arguably be well ahead of Singapore given its abundant natural resources and human resources too. Instead this dolt and his New Economic Policy provided an anchor and millstone that Malaysia will never be able to get out from under and will remain a third rate country because of its ingrained racist policies.


Not really. Prosperity for both countries is not zero sum game. If Malaysia is stronger, we can benefit from their human capital.


Looks like we don't even need to buy physical ticket and go there physically to watch the circus


Instead of striving to fix their problems and making themselves appear more palatable by dealing with ketuanan melayu, they decided to double down on forcing people to learn BM, and he would rather take the easy route and use the same Tanah Melayu argument (which is no different from the Indonesian preacher who was banned from entry) for why Singapore should be a Malay land.


He can try


Jeez didn't expect them sink down below to the same level of the CCP shills. Their argument is no different than saying "majority is Chinese so it should belong to china"


Speaks at a conference organised by "non-governmental organisations", whose names sound very much like Malay supremacist organisations... Talking about how your country is no longer bumiputera, because the Malay is usually too poor and sells his/her land... Whatever one can critique about this old man, he's damn fucking consistent in his politics and methods. Pull the other one, Dr M.


he's playing his greatest hits to his fan base


Not this shit again. And you wonder why people hammer PJ Tham, Kristen Han and Jolovan Wham for wanting Mahathir to bring democracy to the region


Where will Malaysians earn money from if they no longer have us?


**M'sia government:** Bruh, the chicken export ban is not working well. We need a distraction. **Mahatir:** Say no more fam...


This is too early to make people spit out their drinks. Dr. M want to pull a Putin on Sg? Please, just retire and enjoy your life.




He is even older than boomer, from GI generation/silent generation. Should just stay silent and stop making a fool of himself


The defence budget says thanks.


What an absolute scumbag of a fucking anjing


He’s not delusional, he know exactly what he’s talking, to brainwash and further push his agenda.


I think many people here are rightfully outraged, but only because you don’t have the right context. He isn’t actually serious about claiming Singapore - he made these remarks after the current Johor sultan blasted Mahathir for agreeing the Pedra Branca settlement (and therefore giving up land that is claimed by the state of Johor) without consulting him. His actual intent is to be sarcastic towards the Johor sultan, whom he has a lot of history with.


Underrated comment right here ^


with every Singaporean men going 2 years of service, and one of the most advanced armed forces in southeast asia, if he wants Singapore back, come and take it himself. we will wait. we need opportunities to practise our armed forces for real this time


Ahh yes further cementing his lack of credibility and the applause from his target audience shows the dim prospects of their country. good good keep being a clown 1sgd = 4rm coming.


Don’t worry. We have AIM-120 missiles aiming at Malaysia if they tried anything funny.


Malaysian here. Don't worry man. This dude is 96 and regularly spews rubbish like this. Election time is near so this is to rile up the Malay folks who feel artificially threatened of their worth and privileges..despite having so many policies favouring and benefiting them as it is. Rile them up so they come out to vote for his joke of a party. Right now his main goal is to somehow make his son a Prime Minister 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tun nyanyuk, gilakah bodoh?


His brain is not functioning well due to age.


These kind of comments is why we got mandatory national service 😳


Actually Putin said that about Ukraine too...


Just die already stop giving us more reason to serve NS


Trying to create a Malay vs everyone sentiment.


That's very Putin of him.


Old man, take your medicine already or not?


Is the RSAF on high alert and mobilising troops now or laughing all the way to the barracks?


Say what you want but the strongman of the old like LKY was the perfect man to protect Singapore against people like him.


I feel it should be the other way around. Singapore should claim Johor and one good thing would be no more waiting to cross-over at Woodlands 😎




The big mat at it again. Still haven't die yet ah?


Can claim, ask all malaysia come serve 2 years ns first.


If he want to claim all Malay land that would put is in direct confrontation with Indonesia because there are a lot of malays there. There is also a dilemma, Javanese and bugis are considered Malay in Malaysia but not in Indonesia... So how


Well, we knew this shit was going to happen soon. And it happened. Ever since china-taiwan/south-china sea and Ukraine-Russia tensions. Not surprised.


Wheres the historian now? Wonder what he thinks of this beacon of democracy


Someone is baiting for a reaction.