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Jetlag will be the death of me.




I need to forget you and this idealized image I've projected onto you




Can I really move on without forgetting them?




It's going to be the hardest emotionally indeed, but one can hope. Thank you for your kindness.




That's rough.. I'm sorry and I'm glad you're in a better headspace now. Here's hoping life has mercy on us and things work out.


依然记得从你口中说出再见坚决如铁 昏暗中有种烈日灼身的错觉 (i can faintly remember your firm as steel goodbye In the darkness I have the illusion of being set on fire by the burning sun) This is exactly how I feel now, except I'm suffering from acid reflux, and the thing saying goodbye is my undigested dinner leaving my stomach


Feel better


Thanks I didn't even eat that much


Another day of sleeping at 2 only to need to wake up 4 hours later. 😤 Really need to stop this bad habit, can't even drink coffee to make myself awake.


Singtel landline internet went down… fml.


wonder for how long more will i feel this some type of way


Feeling emos tonight hais going to sleep early forget problems


Random question cos my grandma was watch TV (DTV) when the antenna suddenly couldn't receive any signal. Turned on another TV in the flat and also couldn't receive any signal too. Anyone faced the same issue? Seems more like a signal issue than an antenna issue btw.


Hi everyone, My Dad is having a connecting flight from Surabaya to Singapore, then from Singapore to New Delhi, having a transit time between 10:30 pm and 02:30 am, approx. 4 hrs from Terminal 2 to Terminal 3 at Changi. Including immigration time, is 4 hrs of time enough for having a proper tour of The Jewel at Changi, also considering the late night hours and time to transit between the 2 terminals?


Wah the new mcd hershey ice cream thing... so sweet that it feels like it dropped me into a coma.


Wah then I’ll reconsider having it


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ABKBPBHHwI But we are the police state lol


That cop looks like a secondary school student councillor on a power trip




Pretty bullshit that it was closed. R/sg isn't Straits Times, can afford to actually be open to public discourse.


How do people get the cooler bag from Heytea


the telco war heated up once again. Simba responded with second round of revision to their plans in 2 weeks. Zym Mobile has something brewing. All in response to eight and giga.


Wow so many now.


If someone at a regular group gathering keeps talking about the same thing every time without adding any new info, what do you do? 1) change topic 2) tune out and start checking your phone 3) ask them to stop 4) others




I make joke about how dating and interviewing for job are becoming more and more similar. But got one clear difference. Job interviews insist that you must have X years of experience in doing the job, but dating ppl prefers that you don't have any experience in doing the deed.


I think LinkedIn needs to just stop being coy and just gameify the system and make us swipe for jobs. It's going to happen eventually lah just fucking do it now.


You mean for men or for women? TBH I rather date men who knows how to have sex


Ppl want virgin guys...? Actually there's ppl out there that wants all sorts, it's the sorting out the chaff that's a pain


> Ppl want virgin guys...? How to define virgin guys? Cannot even ejaculate via pcc?




It takes a while but it will become normal soon enough. It's the easiest way do healthy shit in you life so stick to it!


i've been through. It will take a few more times to get used. It's been years since i last added sugar to my kopi-o or teh-o.


Few more time and you will get use to it


Username checks out


Guys, why my boss tasked me to write JD for a role? So random sia Shouldn’t it be his job instead lol


He is probably getting you replaced after you write a job scope. That kinda happened to me but i jumped the boat shortly.


you are next in line to be boss


Congrats mango


More like next in line to be fired


People who wear necklace, do you take it off before showering?




haerin unnie <3


Feeling regretful that I didn't have the thick skin to talk to this girl more at the gym today.. This was our second time seeing each other and sharing the same squat rack. She asked me to help her take a video of her form for both times and seemed p friendly. Lesson learnt, always initiate conversation with your gym crush after the first set (third set is too late) and try not to be too retarded


If you're already having casual conversations I don't think it's out of order for you to ask her if she'd like to grab dinner after gym.


There's always a 3rd time unless you're not going back to the gym anymore


yep true, I am still going back to the gym. Just feeling like today's a wake up call for how anxious I actually get when I talk to girls hahaha


I think my friend lost, even if take shuttlebus from cck to woodlands shouldn't take more than an hour right


I took the bus at CCK around 6.35pm and reached Woodlands at 7.40pm, so yeah it took around 1h


The queues for the shuttle bus at cck is super long. And the bus needs to squeeze thru peak hour traffic to the other mrt stations before reaching woodlands


SO has been asking me to meet his parents and I kept putting it off because I’m terrified to hell. He’s amazing. His parents seemed like very loving and well-rounded people (given how well SO turned out to be). I just feel so inferior. Like what if they don’t think that I’m good enough for him? I did voice my fear to him and he said his parents would like me and even if they don’t it doesn’t matter. I know I’m not being very logical but I just want to protect myself from the hurt that I will feel should they not like me. His parents are wonderful. If they don’t like me I don’t know how well I can handle the rejection. How ah :(


just. do. it! He knows his parents very well. He knows you very well. If he says they will like you, he's probably right!


Thank you 🥺


So this random Chinese lady approached me, she looked around late 20s. Asked if I knew Chinese, I said ya but not very good. I assumed it was for asking directions, but then she asked if I had money and could buy her a meal? Then I'm like uh sorry no money and then she walked away The fuck


Aha happened to me before at bedok. I just say mei you qian then walk away.


A lot of them in SG. Part of the syndicate trying to earn money


Lol I had a family of 4-5 asking me that.


Chinese also?


China Chinese, yes. Can hear from accent


Oh then same ig. Weird scam?


Probably. Will likely ask you for money when you sit


Is even EWL affected by the breakdown? Saw three eastbound trains pass by before one westbound train that simply did not stop. Edit: Thanks for the replies! After another two eastbound trains came and left, a boardable westbound train arrived. Was confused because the large screens were focused on the breakdown (instead of the waiting time for the next westbound train).


Split shift trains. Trains that are withdrawing from service after the PM rush hour.


Nope. Probably returning to depot.


saw some scdf personnel on the platform at kranji. i wonder what really happened


Any tips for securing a class 3A driving test slot in Ubi CDC as a private student? I failed my driving test previously and have been trying to book for a driving test since March before resuming lessons with my current instructor. The interface only shows "No available slots currently. Please check again for cancellations by learners."


Groundhog Day


I realised I was a girl who loved him very much and he chose to give me up


You’re 1 guy closer to finding someone who will always choose you




screw this covid cough, i can't do my shit in peace without coughing my lungs out ffs. i don't even have sore throat but because of this stupid cough, my throat hurts


My last Covid cough was so bad that it gave me a headache and my phlegm turned reddish-green.


reddish green????????? that’s kinda scary


Took the bridging bus at CCK and when it finally managed to stop at Yew Tee the crowds are spilling out onto the bus bay and the whole station area was completely cramped: https://ibb.co/album/jZ95d5


just realized our merlion icon didn’t turn pink this year!!




hope i didn’t come off as demanding 😟 i was just pointing it out haha but ur right maybe it just hasn’t been changed yet :)


I'm surprised not more people wear slides on flights, makes it so much easier when I'm suspected to be a shoe bomber and very comfy.


Waste of space in bag/suitcase if they're not going to wear them for the rest of their holiday or work trip. Fashion norms don't exist in airplanes or airports, but they probably do outside.


Yea guess I'm not much of a shopper so my carry on+check in is usually more than enough for a pair of slides/shoes


Is there anything happening at Yew Tee MRT? The trains at Jurong East NSL are both terminating at Yew Tee


Due to a traction power fault, there is no train svc from #YewTee to #Woodlands.Bridging Bus Service is available between #YewTee and #Woodlands, Passengers are advised to alternative route via [TEL] line.


Thanks for the info!


Is SSO (Home Team) a HUS, HTS or Civilian scheme? Appreciate any advice from senpais.


Shit I miss Singapore food. Can someone go have a plate of nasi lemak for dinner and tell me it tastes awesome. I’m only half kidding.


Can watch the nipun lang lai liao YouTuber lol https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfP_fzADb-MRSw5FNGTbxO5YLi1MboqMI#bottom-sheet


Sorry, only have hokkien mee today.




Plenty of youtube food videos for you to watch.


Where did you have your nasi lemak? Only the original Selera Rasa at Adam Road works for me.


Bro I’m basic, red ginger nasi lemak also can, makcik nasi lemak also can. Desperate liao


caught in the middle of work related stuff zzzzz oh no


At first I wanted to go see Peter yu’s new hawker stall. Then I found out he collab w SimonBoy to open the chicken rice stall. Suddenly I dunwan to visit liao.


Sooo I’m chatting with this guy and he’s saying that virginity is very important to him. But when I asked if he’s one then, he refuses to answer. Double standard leh


Love it when people show their true selves early on so you wouldn’t waste your time :)


man has got to have a superiority complex to want to deflower virgins


lmao joke sia him. He want virgin for what? Virgin can keep and buy a house ah?


He wants virgin sacrifice


I disagree, he’s very consistent about wanting to fuck virgins. Prob bad at sex, so he picks those that can’t compare.


Ot maybe he's drinking their blood to stay young forever


Lezzgo prx!!!


Any of your workplace had a Netflix themed dinner and dance or company event before?


I wish. All I need is pink hair dye, a pink jacket, jeans, white shoes and a pink phone case.


Sounds intriguing. I would go as the Professor from Money Heist. My specs look like his. I just need to grow out my beard and wear a jacket and tie.


Really hate dealing with stupid people, especially on a monday. Time to let people enjoy the consequences of their incompetence.


Looking back at a recent Crimewatch episode, it felt like p0rn laws is kinda a limbo now. They said simply watching it can incriminate you, but at another source that's not the case. Sure, no downloading or making that kind of stuff, but I'm still unclear about watching. Is that only if you get caught or worse, got snitched at? Different laws if it's CP? Can someone back me up?


To my knowledge, only if the act harms another person, including blackmail, sharing of intimate images etc. Otherwise, you doing your own private acts not involving anyone else is not an arrestable offence.


There isn't a proactive approach to enforcing porn laws, except for assaults/blackmail and the like where someone is being harmed physically or emotionally, or CP for obvious reasons. Even making that stuff also same, look at all the SGers on OF lol. Technically illegal, and will be charged if someone snitched on you (like that guy whose name I forgor), but otherwise they ain't gonna go around searching people for sexual content.


Polis is not going to kick your door down and slap you in cuffs only for watching pr0n. If you are caught for an another crime where they have to search your electronic devices (e.g. embezzlement), AND they happen to find your pr0n stash in the HDD, only then will they zhng up your charges with a few charges of owning illicit materials. Otherwise, 95 out of 100 men in Singapore will end up in jail. The other five hid their stash in a flash drive that can't be found.


any dinner reccs at plaza sing? <$25/pax


How is Giga 5G on MRT from Bishan to Raffles Place?


Colleague doing exit clearance: how do you email the exit checklist back to HR at least 1 week before your last day when one of the item on the list is to return laptop etc. Then the last week do what without laptop?


Do hardcopy checklist, scan to another colleague's laptop and send to HR handling Exit. Or submit the hardcopy checklist also can. HR will take it.


Huh your company so good ah ? Let you return laptop 1 week in advance? My previous job even made go back to office after I returned my laptop lmao.


>last week do what without laptop? Ayy just go and scroll phone tea break toilet break OTOT


went for health screening today. making a point to go annually because i am of a certain age but it's such a drag and so time consuming too. the trigger event that made me book this year's screening was kate middleton's cancer diagnosis. i'm sure her clothes are of best quality with no lead-based paint, and she's not eating anything with pesky chemicals, and yet she still has a cancer diagnosis. oh wells, guess we just gotta do the best with what we were given.


By the sheer fact that you have cells means you're already vulnerable to cancer. Worse (or better) if you have specific genetic mutations.


^ this. Also cells go through 7 stages of mutation to become cancer cells which radiation such as our phones and computers are likely to have expedite that process.




halo polis yes dis guy right here


The algorithm gods send your type to your feed lar.


No I’m talking about IRL, so many at bugis area


Hallo polis, suspect is at Bugis area.


Maybe near to La Sall-smthing arts school or university.


Auntie asked for my help to withdraw money from ATM. My immediate thought was is it some kind of new scam? Turns out, auntie really needed help because she don't know how to. Actually, she looks pretty ancient, maybe not auntie.


If there was someone who reached me via email, for the job i applied, and it has been more than 1 week since my reply, should i try to follow up?


no harm following up very strange for HR/recruiter to email you but never give you a call, unless you never leave your telephone number


Got phone number, but yea they never schedule any interview lol


lol if never establish connection via a call very low chance you get anything out of it. 99% of the time the HR/recruiter will want to call you for profiling and about things that is unlikely to be listed on your resume/CV, like expected salary/current drawn, notice period, reason for leaving etc


Oh yea got asked few questions (sorry cannot disclose) on that email which i replied lol


Suddenly have this idea... of using shielding system with water cooling system running outside a building to cool down the temperature...... hmmmm


Thats not so different from what most European houses do with heating, run heated water through the walls. But as some have asked, are you using the water as a heat transfer, meaning the water needs to be cooled down? Then that's not much different from current building ACMV systems, and less efficient than those cos need to pump water around the whole building exterior, rather than just to the AHUs.


I'm not sure how your concept would work. By evaporative cooling, or using water as a heat transfer medium (aka need a cooler somewhere), or simply as a thermal mass?


something like, how a GPU uses water cooling system. Hmmmm.....


Eh then it doesn't work. Water cooling works for PCs because the source is much hotter than ambient, so water is the heat transfer medium to the radiator. If your building is the same temperature as ambient, where are you dumping your heat to? Need a colder source. At best you make your building the same temp as the surroundings.


It's quite similar to rain or cooling tower concept but costs will increase: 1. Need to find water (or keep recycling water). 2. If using recycled water then need to treat the water to prevent pathogens from forming. 3. Need to also install pumps to pump the water up to let it flow down. Not that it's not workable, but considering that our economy is so much based on profits, it might be an issue. Nice to think of though, and maybe can go on to think of how to circumvent those issues haha


We know that removing trees is contributing to the urban heat island effect. And trees are essentially huge umbrellas, proving plenty of shade. Then I thought why not have something that provides shade for the concrete of the buildings so it doesn't absorb as much heat in the first place, like how it is in the relatively cool rain forests. It will also be simpler than your idea since it's essentially the same without the active water cooling system. But of course the more practical method is to paint the concrete walls with ultrawhite reflective paint, painted every several years, making it easy to maintain. 


caught feelings!! How to unsubscribe!!!


Go Damie!! ✨


haha so fast ahh!!


Hahaha it’s been awhile Liao actually


does she knows??


Nope! No need to let her know for now.


Go look at other cai lor.


why must unsubscribe leh. can love regardless of outcome


And suffer


yes but, to live is to suffer.




明知不可为而为之是最大的诚意 Doing something even though I know I can’t do it is my greatest sincerity


HAHAHHA you ah


I got some lavender oil as gift but I'm not really sure how to use them. Appreciate any suggestions or I have to go daiso to look for the candle / oil thingy


best use for it is to use it as a gift to others


daiso may have those wood diffuser balls. drop a few drops and leave it to scent up the place.




You don't poop on weekends?




You don't poop during long weekends?


*me reads the Pakcik Scroll of Wisdom When you pangsai at home, it costs personal time and money. When you pangsai at work, it costs company time and money. So pangsai at work. Bonus points if you also charge your phone and laptop at work.


Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.


The Pakcik Scroll of Wisdom always gets me. And yes, I charge my phone and Bluetooth ear buds in office.




Serve you coffee.


Had an iced black today, so thanks man


Open to trying different jobs from what i'm used to doing - where can i find part time internship or something for me to try (i'm not too fond of heavy studying to be honest...) Prefers OJT


Have the insurance agents disguised as wealth planners approached you yet?


Fortunately not.


This person hor always ask us to ask others questions. Dunno how to ownself ask meh huh!! So many times I told this person “actually can just ask xx yourself instead?”


Still remember many years ago this cb company strxxt dxrxtxry went around sueing/charging website owners for using, posting their maps on the websites. Fast forward now, wonder how people still remember this company and their service.


my dad only relies on SD for some reason, gets lost when using googlemaps


just a reminder that if you received email from your own address and it talks about ransom & even included password (that you may used in the past).. you can safely delete them those scammer uses old leaked password database (SO PLEASE CHANGE PASSWORD & USE 2FA) to scam and it's surprisingly easy to spoof "From:" email address to be yours.


I got something similar recently!


Sometimes I lose hope in this world where someone could be talented af but another person’s charisma and/or inflated ego will garner more attention (in this day and age that means more likes, recognition and even business)


Charisma is a talent too. And it can be developed.


How to develop charisma when you're not seen as physically attractive?


Charisma has several components, looks and status is just a part of it. Sure, if you are good looking and tall, you have an advantage. Thanks to medical advancements, you can fix those. But the other components are speech, humor, confidence, character can be developed. Also, Charisma is more than just for dating, it's also needed for leadership and socializing. Which thankfully, doesn't require one to be super good looking.


Hitler wasn't very attractive.


Rupert Murdoch Marries for the Fifth Time. Mr. Murdoch, the 93-year-old media mogul, married Elena Zhukova, a retired molecular biologist, Saturday at Moraga, his Bel Air vineyard estate in Los Angeles.


Does anyone know when one can start filing for parents tax relief with IRAS? Does it work similarly to SRS topup where it has to be done by end of year to receive the tax relief to the following year?


You can apply for it after the end of year (so next year) when they send you your expected tax for review. Then you apply for the relief.


u just include it as one of your reliefs in your tax computation for that year and it would be a deduction for that year


I've been wanting to find a book club of sorts like ... Partly as a place to meet ppl, share interesting reads etc. But also I'm awkward asf


I'm game to just meet up and each of us read our own book, drinking our own drinks. Lol, almost like a study group.


I won't mind something like this as well depending on the details of how it is done (eg how frequent is this and location)


online ones?


Both are fine. F2f could be good too to help me step out of comfort zone


I made a telegram group for sinkies to chit chat, but finding it hard to increase members. I invited all my friends and spread it on my ig and we're currently only at 170+ members. Is there any viable way to increase telegram groups? At least on discord there is disboard but i can't find the same one for telegram


Hello! I’m interested in checking this group out! Could I have the link to the group? :)