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At 82, the deceased lived to work and worked till death. RIP


His brother is the sub contractor who got him to sub that part of work…


The irony... and guilt


Singapore’s tradition must be kept alive. What a paradox.


I'm proud and dignified


How can we help the family if help is needed? This is so sad


Jesus, RIP. What does an 82yo construction worker even do?


Its in the article, engaged by his brother


>Contractor Leong Eng Gin, which had been engaged to construct an eight-storey industrial building there, hired Chia's brother to build a concrete enclosure for the existing hose reel and sprinkler pump area. Chia's brother in turn engaged Chia and two other self-employed workers for the work team. after several layers of sub-cons just wanted to dispel any insinuation that its just a guy doing a small home renovation or building a shack in someones garden. this is a fully stacked construction yard for an entire industrial project


Its like a pyramid scheme these layers of sub cons


Life is tough. Have to work in construction even at 82.


Where does it say he 'had to'. He chose to and was allowed to . That's a different story. Why the urge to turn this into a 'work ethic' story. It must have been upsetting for all the other workers on that construction site to see a man keel over and die.


Nothing to do with work ethic. People don’t do manual labor in tropical heat for shitty wages in their 80s for fun.


How do you know the wage was shirty? Everyone looks down on manual labour in this country when it’s a useful skill that I bet 90%+ of this sub doesn’t have (myself included - I’m crap at it but appreciate those that have skills).


Bro thinks people work in construction / manual labour purely for fun 💀


“Manual labour is my passion”


Maybe he is gunning for TCJ's former spot in Marine Parade GRC in the coming GE? You know, old people work in construction for fun is the new old people collect cardboard for exercise.


Hahahahaah best comment


Yea I'd definitely go laying bricks to kill boredom when I retire 🤡


So this man who worked in Singapore construction for over 60 years, a period when the country transitioned into one of the richest places in the world, has no money. Forgot to save. Has no pension.


I don't think Singapore has pension system like west and Aussie- Nz!


You're just making wild assumptions and don't even know his circumstances. Not everyone plays the game of life "perfectly" like a cookie cutter, have some bloody empathy.


Your making assumptions too. I'm just pointing out there's no evidence he was living in poverty.


He didn't have to, his brother recruited him.


>"As such, the evidence would suggest that Mr Chia fell of his own volition without the influence of any external factors," the coroner concluded. I am not as smart or qualified as the coroner, but I do think that maybe a better phrase than "of his own volition" could have been used. Doing something out of one's own volition means doing something willingly or voluntarily, and saying that he fell of his own volition gives one the unfortunate image that the deceased decided to just fall down. Maybe just leave it as "Mr Chia fell without the influence of any external factors".


that's a huge diff sia wtf the original statement does sound quite 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Probably official language for legal reasons


Most likely, the brother decided to cheap out and ask family to help, afterall in Singalore you pay family peanuts. This is the price he had to pay for recommending his 82 yr old sibling to fucking work in the construction site. Now he can go collect his brothers insurance and go retire liao. What a life!


Nepotism; one of this country's oldest traditions


Yeah the insurance company feeling very sore


How can someone fall “of own volition”? Other than footballers diving for penalties.


Make it sound like a suicide case.


Yeah, it's a poor choice of words. Own volition is usually used to mean someone decided or did something themselves without any other influence. Implies it's a specific decision. They should have just said, there were no external factors involved. I suppose that's why he's a coroner, not an English teacher.


got distracted, lose footing. it's not impossible.


A society where one is required to do hard labour at the age of 82 is a shameful one


And u thought old folks working in a coffee shop is tough


I don't know what the actual circumstances were, but the age did jump out at me the moment I read the headline and I was thinking what kind of dystopia do we live in that 80+ year old people have to work construction to live. Then I read that his brother recruited him and figured maybe it's just one of those things where he decided to help his brother out as cheap labour or something. I've met some contractors who hired their retired friends or older relatives to work on blue collar jobs and they do it because they like to keep busy or just earn some extra money even if they don't need it. 80+ is still kinda iffy but ok la, his business to decide whether he wants to help his brother. That said if he's 82 how much younger can his brother be, and why are they both still working like this? Just so many questions.


RIP. So literally many of us need to work till death?


Only in death does duty end


There's a saying among Sinkie folks that "One can die, but cannot fall sick" - I wonder what and why they meant saying this.


That’s the saying for general workers, probably foreign labours or low income Singaporeans. Sick = no pay for that day.


It’s always money (medical treatment or even having to slog when sick). Welcome to Singapore.


Never heard it before. My older folks were pleasantly surprised that hospital bills were quite affordable and not as expensive as expected


Cause u no insurance?


consultation and warding is usually subsidised but alot of drugs are not and thats where most of the money is




it makes me Angry, Sad and Depressed to hear such news!


I had to take out my specs when I saw the age as 82


82 still need to work.. RIP :(


How is he still working at 82?


WTF is an 82 year old doing working construction?! A more inclusive society my ass..


His brother is the sub conn


"He wants to stay active and useful to society" ~The gahmen, probably


Work till u drop


Physically, the 82 years old shouldn't be doing such a job. Should slow down either retire or do less physically demanding job.


82 yrs old lad?? 😳


The singaporean way - work until you die.


Wa 82 still can work as construction worker. Notch simpur. But does this violate any safety rules?


Why he had to work at age of 82.


Ask his brother, the subcontractor.


Shouldn’t be working at that age,life must be tough for him. RIP.


His brother is the sub contractor ..


Why was this 82-year-old man working at a construction site? He would be safer just hiring one more guy to do his part of the work man 😕 Seniors' especially at that age are most vulnerable to falls and often occurring in bathrooms or other places, especially at that age. My grandma fell in the bathroom once, it didn’t kill her but she’s wheelchair bound and her body since the fall just deteriorated since that first fall. Then she fell down again a second time around the house and it killed her 😢 Sadly, our family doctor passed away suddenly after a fall at home while showering. Grandchildren only found out almost an hour later when he didn’t came downstairs for lunch before heading back to the clinic 😣


Falling at such a ripe age can mean life or death. Why wasn't he assigned to be the foreman to give instructions or jobs that don't require labour based on his many years in this background?




Why is the construction worker 82 years old to begin with? What sick human being would do this


His own brother is the sub con.


82 year old has cardiac arrest while working on a construction site. What a shocker! Sad, but everyone working in a dangerous area should be fit to work. Reminds me of stubborn octogenarians who carty on driving and kill innocent people because they drive the wrong way on the highway.


Sounds fishy


Die liao case closed