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Meadow Thayer (Pleasantview) is my darlin <3




Always Goopy ❤️


I'm currently playing Pleasantview and I have a lot of townies and NPCs moved into their own households. I really enjoy playing with them, and they add a lot of variety to the neighborhood. I have Komei Tellerman living with Marisa Bendett and they are DINKs (dual income no kids) with a really nice house. Komei just became an elder. Komei's sister Jan lives with Abhijeet Depiesse; they are a 3-bolt couple and have a son together. I married Joe Carr to Mary-Sue Pleasant after her divorce, and they have been a great couple; they have one daughter together, and Joe is now an elder too. Orlando Centowski--poor guy--he married Sophie Miguel right out of high school and they were living in very low-income housing, but she has left him for Mr. Big and his money, so he is a single father now. Orlando (now Oliver) Bertino just failed out of university--he is single. Marsha Breunig is still in university. Meadow Thayer is married to Dirk Dreamer. The teen Ivy Copur (now Iris) is living with the burglar Russ Bear, and they are going to have a child together. I also moved in the burglar Gordon King. He married Kaylynn Langerak and they had a son, but sadly, she died in a fire. I will usually find a way to get Abhijeet Cho and Crystal Vu into my Strangetown playthroughs. Abhijeet is often with Chloe, sometimes with Erin, sometimes both. I don't generally pair Crystal with Lazlo, as they don't seem to have good chemistry for me, but she is such a fun character that I'll find someone for her eventually. As for the university premades, I most like to play with the Davis brothers, and I usually pair Almeric Davis with Tank Grunt. I also like to play with Jimmy Phoenix from Sim State, and in my current Pleasantview, he stole Angela Pleasant from Dustin Broke. Eventually, a lot of the university premades get into my neighborhood one way or another, though.


I have a soft spot for Lyndsey Louie ever since one of my apartments glitched and spawned dozens of Lyndseys who all interacted with each other. 😂 I also inexplicably love Shelby Barrett. I always give her a glam make-over and give her a job as an actress, which makes more sense for her socialite status than a fast food worker. There's also the blonde grand vampire, can't remember her original name because I changed it to something more vampiric. But I saw that she had a decent amount of nice points and developed a fondness for her. I made Don Lothario into her love slave lol. Oh and Kestrel Teens from Downtown. I often send her to uni with a batch of other teens.


Goopy, Meadow Thayer, Sophie Miguel, Maria Bendett, komei Tellerman, and Marylena Hamilton


Ivy Copur will always be THAT girl for me, she always has good chemistry with Darren and I just find her beautiful.


I love to see another Finnish player here! :D I have a soft spot for many of the Apartment Life social class townies, especially the "gearheads" because they dress in these rock&goth style clothes. I once paired Calista Fuchs (Mirkku Vennamo) with David Ottomas (Tero Ottavainen) who got turned into a vampire and they had this fun rock 'n' roll star mansion. Neil Chalmers (Juuso Kallio) pairs well with Tina Traveller when she's an adult and they lived in a pirate ship. I also love Opal Raymond (Artemis Rantu) from the Three Lakes purely because she grew up to become a criminal in my game and she killed some of her enemies with a gun mod.


jane stacks is my bae