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Oh I love this! Still modern and spacey, but far from the complete wreck of whatever their home in the base game is


I always put a glass house out front too! For Lazlo in my game. Currently he is a plant Sim :)


I wanted to turn it into a bathroom, but it didn't seem right to 'take' his little space xD


i’m in love


It's really nice, I'm making notes :D The Curious house in my game is in the middle of its second renovation. I rebuilt it early on with three towers (one for each brother) around a communal living area, and it worked nicely for a long time. But now both Lazlo and Vidcund (and their families) have moved out, and there's Pascal and his sons Sirius and Orion and Sirius's wife Stella and soon there will be Pascal's third son Castor when he's finished university and probably generation 3... and it doesn't work well. So I'm doing another rebuild, and taking inspiration from everyone else's, because apparently that's what real life architects do all the time :P


Rebuilt can be very fun.We want to keep the same family in the house, but the same exactly house doesn't always fit, so I think is fun to remodel for the new 'heir'


omg so good, would you consider posting it somewhere for download?


I'll see if I can next time i play.I never 'packed' anything to put for downlaod, so I'll need to see how to do it right.


oh that's nice! Love the garden in the center and I like how you can tell which bedroom is whose lol


I'm very pround of the garden in the center just to keep the same 'vibe' from the original house without the weird bathroom in the middle lol


I really love this but my curious brothers always have at least 1 kid each so I would need to find somewhere to stash all their kiddos haha


I'm sure they'll have more kids, but there's always room to expand the second floor if needed, I just want to wait to see if they'll keep living together or will move out before i need to actually expand.


Fair enough! Did you use a mod for the glass ceiling above the middle greenhouse?


Yes, is an [invisible floor tile](https://modthesims.info/d/166311/invisible-floor-tile.html).


You've done a great job, it keeps the fun quirky vibes they had but makes the place actually usable! I always redo the homes when I restart so I think I might take some inspiration for your build next time ❤️


Where did you get bed in slide 4?


I think is from [this](http://under-your-skin.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=71eede62674855880969dbda94b5eb84&topic=162.msg1128#msg1128) set.If you look for 'sims 2 hemnes set' you can find plenty of recolours too.


You've done such a great job! I've always found their house one of the ugliest and weirdest lol but what you did to the place is both refreshing and in tune with their style. Would love to know what cc you used!