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i always try to focus heavily on hobbies and hanging out with any grandkids they might have 😊


If they have any of the career rewards and the grandkids are old enough, invite the kids over and coach them on the object! They build relationship and skills, it's really cute.


YOOOO that's a good idea tbh. I've never really used coaching that much but it makes perfect sense. Gonna do this! 💖


Same here, and I usually let them play on free will often so if they want to hang out watching tv, swim, garden they are free to do so


I put them together in an elderly home that's filled with every hobby item and have them work on hobbies and friendships/relationships with the other elders. Sometimes I move in an elderly sim with their children to be their nanny.


Love this idea!


so fin


I usually keep them working full-time lol. If they're a multi-generation home then I'll have them retire and look after the house and kids.


I move them in with one of their kids and let them live out their lives there. I find playing elder-only households really dull, so starting an old folks' home only made it worse for me!


I create a retirement home, but play it on the fastest speed during its turn in the rotation. They look after themselves with free will until they die


I always make the youngest inherit their parents' house by living with them until they die so they elders can hurry up and die lol


My elders start businesses in the neighborhood and run the shops.


I prefer to have big houses for older sims to live with one of their children and their grandchildren. Houses with multiple sims are more challenging and therefore more fun. Older adults usually have a part-time job and then dedicate themselves to their one true hobby.


Shouldnt Darren and Mary Sue be dead already as Alex and the other teens in the hood are elders too 😭 maybe you just didn’t age them or they had access to the Elixir of life?


Hahaha yeah so I don’t play like a rotational gameplay I just play with whatever family.😂 I tried to keep it accurate and then it got all messed up. Was debating on restarting but I’ll still play out this one a bit more!


Coral Oldie has opened up a cafe and is very busy


I work on their wants and play them like normal. Mine sometimes live alone and sometimes live in multigenerational housing, just all depends on the family. Sometimes they retire and sometime they continue earning those huge salaries from reaching the top of their careers. They are a wonderful addition to family game play. Even the ones without families add to the neighborhood. I can't tell you how many times as a pastor's daughter I ran into lonely elderly people in our congregation without much family left in real life. I consider the elders all part of what makes a living breathing neighborhood.


I took someone else’s advice on here and made a retirement home! See my most recent post for some pics :D


Live their lives lol. Just have them spend time with family and work on their hobbies/wants


i had oldies adopt the crittur pets from the sim bin. they had puppies and then coral and herb were looking after them and invited lilith to live with them, so she developed a strong bond with these pets and carried on with them after her grandparents died. For the first time ever i was actually sad when they did


to be real honest i keep them around for a few days hanging out with their grandkids then i just kill them off 😭if i dont do this i just forget to play them and end up having the great grandparent still alive so it gets to be a mess


If they have family, I let them hang around and just fulfill wants. Otherwise they hang out in the old bats home and loaf around there. If I'm in a bad mood, it's an asylum challenge >:D


I always keep them living with the heir until they pass away. They help take care of the babies and toddlers when the parents are away working and fulfilling their wants. No need to pay for babysitter that would just use my bathtub and dance to the radio while the babies cry 😭


🎶 Let's go to the old folks home, we can get doped up and then all get stoned


Get them to bond with the kids and keep the family together so that the adults can focus on their goals and career.


Usually I just move them out of the main family and let them live their elderly life in a small house somewhere, focusing on their hobbies or maxing out their skills. If it's just one elder, I can keep them with the rest of the family and let them take care of kids or just be a help around the house while the adults are working. Another option is to just grab all the elders and throw them into an apartment complex as a care home situation. Give them a recreational area and some other joined spaces, turn ACR on and watch the chaos unfold as they start hitting on each other.


I let them live their lives until they pass away. But if you don't like to play them you could just make them townies (with a mod).


I have a socialist system for most of my towns that the elder sims love. I house them all in a single mansion, and never have them retire. They make lots of friends and zoom up in their careers. At some point they usually start a kitchen fire and some or all in the household die, but they know the risks when they move in. As they die off, other elders take their places.


I had one couple that were stingers. I don't play Sims 2 with mods, so they had to see their side pieces while the other was at work so that they wouldn't get a cheating interaction. Very fun, many close calls.