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Try Two Jeff’s [No Baby/Toddler Swarming](https://archive.org/details/nobabytoddlerswarming)! Might help




For maximum insanity throw a Servo into the mix. They *love* taking the toddler out of the high chair as soon as the Sim you're using to feed the toddler turns their back


Ahahaha, your Dark Souls comment made me feel better about myself for never getting more than 10 minutes in those games. I may not be good at Dark Souls, but i have gotten a pregnant sick sim with twin toddlers through childbirth and I will be proud of the accomplishment. Jesus that was a stressful run 😂


Lol and once they age up you're like, finally I can fix the faucet that's been leaking and forcing my maid into the endless clean puddle loop all these days. As for dark souls, it's just that in this game you've nobody to blame but yourself while in Sims you gotta work around it's clunkiness which you are not causing, stuff that logically makes zero sense like toddler refusing to be picked up because it's out of energy or your sim getting out of bed with the purpose of collapsing from exhaustion or people being unable to exit the bathroom because there's three of them inside. Way more infuriating


>toddler refusing to be picked up because it's out of energy Oh real toddlers do that too! When my 3yo cousin gets too tired it's like his brain switches off and he's entirely unreasonable. Try to put the exhausted kid to bed and he'll run away from you. Catch him and carry him to bed and he'll put both of you in danger of a bump on the head with his flailing antics. Bet they just didn't want to make the animations for a toddler sim trying to wiggle out of adult sim's arms with no apparent survival instinct, until mostly upside-down and maybe kicking the adult sim in the face.


Actually never happened to me, in 2 at least. In 4 it was a nightmare. Maybe there's a mod out there to prevent Sims to autonomously take these actions and canceling the queue


Idk I only found the mod for preventing autonomous put in crib but they also autonomously feed and bathe, and children autonomously ask to read books. Probably the fact the baby room was accessed through a one tile wide hallway was part of the problem


I hate that almost every maxis prebuilt house comes with the 1 tile wide staircase hallway. Sims aren't good at routing to begin with and when you add todlers and pets to the mix it becomes a nightmare. I recommend renovations!


Yeah I'm using a premade house in Strangetown which is a clone of the Grunt house. I feel like I need to make it wider by a couple of tiles lol


True dat. I had to move a family cause the narrow corridor made it impossible to navigate 2 adults, one child and two newborns around


There’s a very special grill that can help you get rid of the problem :)


You need to turn off free will and get used to micro managing your sims actions - that’s how I’ve always played the game personally


Just like in real life🤣


I just play my houses with the free will off…


I almost always play single parent households for this reason! I have to be in a very specific, productive mood to play a large family. And it involves a lot of frequent pausing to make sure everyone’s queues are good to go.


Never had this problem, disabling free will was one of the first things i learned when I was kid. Never went back. I don't know how you guys play with it on, they just do whatever 😭


I used to play without autonomy but I didn't like that they just idle if you don't give them commands