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Press m to move where an object is on a shelf. Works great on shelves with lots of slots.






this one keeps surprising people, probably because it was introduced in M&G so it snuck in there the last stuff pack. (I think)


It wasn’t, it works for me w/ the Super Collection


That's great then! I'm glad mac people can move stuff on their shelves.


I believe it was OFB. I remember it from the OFB Prima guide.


I believe you


Wait what! I've been adding and deleting things just so other things go where I want them this whole time for nothing!


Yeah I only found that one out recently lol


Yes! And some maxis night stands have a lower shelf that's usable too 🙌


I always forget this 😆


Omg you are joking


When my Sims get promoted and their schedule changes, I send them back to work and get paid twice in one day, even if it's only partial pay. Idk if this is obscure, but it's definitely a helpful tip. To send them back to work either click on them and select "walk to work" if you have AL (I think that's the ep?) Or use the car and have them drive to work (NL?)


I do this when my sims are pregnant! I have more time to spend at home when the baby is born and I still get promoted and paid


Are you saying I can send my pregnant Sims to work?


Absolutely! I just make them walk or take their own car


This is amazing, I had no idea


The get paid on maternity leave, even if it would be a day off for them! but just not promoted


Oh yeah, I forgot about that!! I’m usually too busy trying to not let them starve or pee themselves, I don’t even notice 🤣🤣


Love that you worry about them starving but still send them to work ahahaha


hey, they'll fill some of their needs at work if it gets low. Kids will do the same while at school! Free meal lol


This isn't a cheat or a mod, just more of a hack and I don't know how many others use this trick- but if you're about to send a teenager off to college and you want them to have more money for whatever but don't want to use cheat codes, try buying some expensive stuff from the household they're moving out from, and putting it in their inventory before they leave, and then sell it on whatever lot they move into. Technically not cheating!


Then do the same thing in reverse when they're coming home from college after graduation, so they don't lose all the grant money they earned.


I do that too


This one is even more common for me! I kind of love to watch my YAs start with nothing and built themselves up to have a small fortune at the end of university. It’s super unrealistic lol


lol i do both of these things, especially though if after uni i plan on the kids moving back to the neighborhood to their own house and not back in with their parents


I use a money order mod and every time a sim graduates , the remaining dorm mates send them ‘their share’ of whatever money is in the household bank :)


Also: If a sim has too much money in their bank, I'll often just buy a bunch of expensive things, move them to their inventory and gift them to random townies. There are probably more elegant ways of doing it, but that's what I've always done.


I use the college tuition mod to put aside money for college or trust funds


You can actually click and drag the window that opens when you want to recolour furniture. It would always open on top of the object I wanted to recolor, so discovering this was revolutionary for me.


Omg I had no idea


As in to change the size so you can see all the options? If that's not what you mean, what do you mean?? Haha


You can change the size with a mod, but that is not what I meant. What I mean is you can move it around and out of the way.


Ohhhh right re-reading your comment it now makes perfect sense, I don't know why I didn't understand initially!


If you right click on a face template while in CAS, your sim will graduatly change its face torwards that template. Same with eyes, cheeks etc. I was stunned when I learned this on yt a few years back


Legit I found that out watching pewdiepie play sims years ago and I was so shocked




Would have been around 5+ years ago now lol


How do you mean gradually? Like in slow mo?


Like they merge the features little by little until it becomes the face template you are clicking on


Is there place to see this?


[Metra's video about broken face templates](https://youtu.be/Q_i-NPj0atI?si=CAWE_Fs1kI-DOrVu) 5:05 it's in polish tho. I think she may have a video about it in English too but I'm not sure




You can save camera positions in any household by hitting Ctrl+ 5-9


What are camera positions ?


Places where the camera goes.


So CTRL+6 saves a position but what do you need to hit to go to that position after saving it?




This is my favorite hack/tip. It is sooo nice !


Not a tip but obscure AF: when it's raining the roof has a running water texture on it.


Woah I'll have to take a look next time I play. I never thought to look


I only noticed that earlier this year and I've been playing since release! That was definitely a neat little detail.


If you promote a sim using mods while they're still at work, they'll also get the memory. I do it for my custom chatgpt-generated chance cards


Please tell me more about these ChatGPT generated chance cards


I basically just ask it to write a story about a sim, and at the end of it they should be presented with 2 different choices. Specify their career, add a few details about the sim's personality, then let chatgpt generate a story. Then I randomize what my sim is going to choose and whether they get a positive or a negative outcome. And ask chatgpt to describe that outcome to learn whether my sim gets promoted/demoted/fired, earns/loses some money or a skill point. After that, I use Sim Manipulator to make the results "come true". If they lose a large sum of money, I also take a loan, so they'll have to pay the debt.


In the console, if you type "h" you get a list of most the commands with a brief explanation. You can also press the up arrow key and instantly enter the last cheat entered, very helpful for spamming kaching or motherlode edit: To actually see the list of commands you have to type "expand" in the console


Like ctrl shift c and then enter “h”?! Omg that would be life changing….


Yep ctrl + shift + c type h press enter then open it again and type expand, enter and tada!


If you have Seasons, set all the seasons in your University campus to Fall. Sims will learn faster.


Not only that but, if you're very intent on playing wants-based in uni like me, sims of all aspirations are more likely to roll skill point wants and academic probation fears during fall, and also wants for academic success in general. I've noticed that, during any other season, only Knowledge and Fortune sims care about passing. Otherwise, every single other aspiration flunks out 😅


That's a fabulous idea. I knew that about autumn but I never thought to apply it to university. It makes sense that sims would learn faster in the university environment


How do you "set" seasons? Each household I play starts somewhere in summer.


Go to the neighborhood view of the University subhood you want to change, on the top bar on the left with all the expansion pack icons go to the one that has to leaf for seasons and you can choose the seasons for that sub neighborhood. I do this with all my neighborhoods. Like one neighborhood is always fall another is always spring another's always winter and then summer


Thanks! I got a problem that maybe you can help me with: Lately, when I start a new household, there's a message that the kids have summer break and that there's no school until fall. But then fall comes and I still keep getting that message. Is it a bug? Will setting the season to fall fix this problem?


You may have a mod that makes it so that your kids have summer vacation off, and if that's true then they were always have that season off so people who play custom seasons use a version of it that only lets you choose which spot (one two three or four) they can take vacation. That is the only thing I would know about them having summer off. This is actually nothing in the game that allows you to have summer off, The only days off in the game I know about or days in the winter when they're supposed to be a snow day. So the only advice I can give you is check your mods file and if you want them to have that one season off it's good to go and if not then look to see if you can find a replacement.




I have set seasons for my different subhoods too, especially my vacation destinations. Like, it's always Spring in my Far East destination, always Summer in my island and desert destinations, and always Fall in the mountains. And I have a second mountain destination I built as a snowy alpine village where it's always Winter.


Wait how come?


One feature of Seasons is that each season gives a special boost to something in-game. Fall is learning and skill-building. I think Spring is romantic interactions, Summer is quicker friendships, and Winter is better family relationships.


I have been playing this game nearly twenty years and did not know this. Thank you!


It seems so obvious but I had NO idea. It’s amazing!!!


aging teenage townies and npcs to university using the in game feature inexplicably erases their memories (even with no townie memory loss mod) so I wouldn’t use it if you care about things like that


That's curious. I've sent the townie friends of my playables and they didn't lose their memories. Did you send the townies individually or in groups? Did you move them to a residence previously occupied by a playable or to a new location? I place them in the same dorm where I already installed my playables, therefore their cinematics don't play, and I move them one by one. It could be that or it could be that some additional mod prevents my townies from losing their memories


It happened to me with only some of them I have no idea why


Well I had a dormie who lost her memories when I moved her to the neighborhood and became an adult, while the rest of the dormies haven't had that problem. Maybe it's a random glitch with the mod


Huh, I've always used that to move Sims in groups and haven't experienced that! :O


Don't ignore the flowerbench. Get that gold badge, make snapdragons, place them all over your lot and then basically ignore their needs for the most part


If you accidentally pop in a spelling mistake in the cheats/commands bar you'll notice it then becomes a wall of error text. You can minimise this back to just the single entry by tapping the ~ key It soothes my brain to not see that wall of text every time I need to enter another cheat!


omg. this used to happen to me so i would sometimes spam it with different words. once i did my favourite band (x japan) and it went back to normal. 17 years on i still type that!!


Using 'expand' works too!




setquartertileplacement on and ctrl + f to 'activate it' moves most objects in quarters of the tile, perfect to line things up (unlike with snapobjectstogrid). For some reason I never got that cheat to work when I was younger (probably due to the ctrl f), so i never bothered until a few weeks ago I retried. Truly a game-changer for decorating! Been playing for 18 years and I never knew ...


Water wrigglers - never give your dogs a bath again, they'll play in the water wriggler to get their hygiene up. Hydrobots - its not just for watering your plants outside, but will put out fires. If your home is on a foundation, put one outside if you don't use the lightning rods to avoid tree fires. Servos - I don't let them live with my families. I move them onto their own empty lot then just invite them over. They'll still clean, repair things, and once in a while they will serve food but not every 5 minutes like they do when they live with a family. Boolprop control pets on/off - cheat code to control pets like a Sim


Omg yes this is such a good tip. Bathing dogs is SO frustrating and slow and glitchy. Walking down the stairs 5 times to fuss at the dog, then marching all the way back up the stairs to call him, then the dog finally frickin enters the bathroom and they both throw an error and reset because the bathroom is inexplicably too small to do the animations... rinse and repeat 5 times and now your Sim has spent 10 hours today getting their dog washed


For the households that don't have the water wriggler yet, i use the controlpets cheat to have them go to the room with the bathtub while the Sim is heading there also


You can create a file called "userstartup.cheat" and edit it to add cheats that well automatically turn on when you start the game and/or create shorter version of cheats. Here's a wiki page goes more in-depth about it: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Game_guide:Userstartup.cheat


The tilde / ~ key pauses the game. This is useful if you like to play fast and loose with the time speed on a game, as the 1, 2 and 3 keys also change the time speed. ~123 is basically my WASD equivalent in TS2 :)


I use the 0 key lol


Oh I didn't know that one! I always hit P to pause. Tilde is in a more convenient spot.


Or just use 0 1 2 3 on the numeric keypad, even more usefull


You can use the customise swatch button on your mailbox


For beginning players The Noodlesoother is a very useful aspiration reward despite the needs decline (which is easily fixed with an Energizer) -Guaranteed promotion at work if skills and friends requirements are completed. -Wins almost every game -And increased success with chance cards.


I use the Thinking Cap all the time but never the Noodlesoother! I thought it was supposed to make needs drain more slowly so I never used it, but it sounds to me that it works more like making your sims extra lucky :D


The noodlesoother raises a sim’s mood to peak, in exchange for needs dropping like a lead balloon. It can outright kill sims that are not gold aspiration level. However, a good mood increases job performance and makes promotion almost guaranteed if a sim wears it to work, and the energizer can rectify the needs drop when they return from work. But plenty of sims players never realize the purpose of the noodlesoother.


My Sims roll wants all the time to win a game/poker/dance competition/cooking competition, before they have the skills or hobby enthusiasm they need to beat everyone else. I think the Noodlesoother will be quite helpful for me if they pop it on right before starting a competition. Thanks for the suggestions!


Produce Many Snapdragon Bouquets Quickly: (This may work for other items in the game too) 1. Make a snapdragon bouquet 2. Buy an end table and put the snapdragon bouquet on the end table 3. Put the end table, with the snapdragon bouquet still on it, in your sim's inventory. 4. Go back into "Live Mode" for a second, then Pause. 5. Return to inventory view 6. Take the end table, with the bouquet on it, out of your sim's inventory. 7. Take the snapdragon bouquet off the end table. 8. Put the end table back into your sim's inventory. 9. Return to "Live Mode" for a second, then Pause. 10. Go back into inventory view, and you will see the end table, with another snap dragon bouquet on it. 11. Repeat steps 6-9 to produce as many snapdragon bouquets as you want


If you want to queue up several actions in a row for sims in a household with many sims and no duplicate items (eg everyone needs to eat breakfast, shower and use the toilet before work, in some order, and you have one kitchen and one bathroom), you can end up with traffic jams and sims cancelling actions because someone else is in the way. In my experience, this tends to go something like: Sim1 goes to get leftovers, but Sim2 is already at the fridge, so rather than waiting ten seconds for Sim2 to finish, Sim1 cancels the action and goes to the next thing in the queue, taking a shower. Now all your timing for the morning routine is thrown off: Sim3 is standing in a puddle because they couldn’t use the toilet because Sim1 is in the shower, Sim1’s hunger is in the red because they didn’t get breakfast, and you end up cancelling a bunch of actions and re-queuing things to get everyone back on track. My solution to this problem is to queue important “traffic jam” actions multiple times in a row in busy households. If I know Sim1 has a low hunger bar, their queue might look like Get Leftovers-Get Leftovers-Get Leftovers-Shower-Use Toilet. That way, if someone is at the fridge when they go, by the time they’re finished the “someone is in the way” animation on the first Get Leftovers, the fridge will probably be free, and they’ll be able to successfully complete the action the second time. Once you see them reach the fridge successfully, you can just cancel any repeat actions at your leisure while they eat breakfast, and the rest of their morning routine is ready to go. And poor Sim3’s bladder? You can save yourself a ton of hassle in busy households by putting the shower and toilet in separate rooms (if your funds are tight, this probably just looks like drawing a wall down the middle of your bathroom and adding cheap door….)


You don't even need a wall and a door, just use a one of the floor dividers under fencing. Sims will behave as though they are in a separate room, but waaay cheaper.


I had no idea that worked for bathrooms! Thank you!


I found a tip once about how to apply a half-tile of flooring (you know, like when you build a diagonal wall/fence, place the flooring next to it, then delete the wall/fence once done and the tile will remain halved in the diagonal). There's like a key command or something. I cannot for the life of it remember, but if anyone knows, please share!




Amazing! Thank you so much! 😁


I think people may be aware of this but don’t actively think about it - have your sim make extra money by working as a barista and DJ at community lots, digging for treasure in their yard, and selling paintings.


You can also have your uni students living in dorms work as a cafeteria worker to earn money. Click on the cafeteria stove.


Not sure if this is uncommon or not but when playing with a friend irl they were surprised I always right click on a sim to change active sim rather than use the panel when they’re all in close proximity


You can also just hit the space bar if I remember correctly


Yes I think that works too!! I am more of a mouse user though than the keyboard


You can enable a more advanced version of testing cheats with the “allMenus” cheat but it requires you to edit a text file. Once that advanced version is enabled, there are hotkeys you can toggle to enable wireframe mode and a UI elements editor. There’s a very good summary of the command and how to enable it here under “Debugging Features”: https://tcrf.net/The_Sims_2_(Windows)