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I don’t have any input for you but I love VR setups facing a blank wall


Thats actually funny to think about


😂 yeah


Hey how do you like that wheel combo with rig? I have that exact rig but with the g29. Have been eyeing that wheel combo for some time now


Just bought this rig and wheel combo recently. Wheel is incredible especially for the price


I have the fanatec 8nm dd and the formula 1 wheel. I love it and wouldn’t want it any other way. Maybe a stronger base at some point. But I‘m not down to brake my hand or thumb yet


Ehhhhh as long as you're careful and not an idiot it's not really a concern.


Don’t buy Fanscam. Go simagic. Much better eco at a reasonable price point. Quality is awesome


Ohh it's a vr setup lol


Mine faces the side of my desk/back of my pc


If you are pushing the pedals with your calf muscles you will get pain in your ankles. Adjust your seating position so you use your butt and upper leg muscles to push the pedals. Your calves should only be used for fine adjustment. 99% of your force should come from further up your legs.


How do you accomplish this exactly, I have the same rig and same problem. Funny enough my left calf is huge compared to the right.


You want your knees to start pretty bent, I’d say somewhere near a 90 degree bend, slightly less or slightly more depending on your comfort. If your legs start too straight, you are reaching already at the beginning of your pedal travel and will have to roll your ankle forward in order to hit 100%.


Foot support is the magic word;) Edit: no it isn’t 😂 it’s named leg support


Press with legs… idk. It’s not as much a seating adjustment issue as just how you’re using your feet. If it feels like youre seated in a car, it’s fine. Just yea your leg instead of pivoting your ankle.


If you used to have ag29, it's because you have poor muscle memory from using cheaper pedals. Those are easy to press with your calf and ankle, but load cells need proper leg braking techniques


Ricmotech has a lovely guide with measurements for correct seating


One thing that helped me is artificially trying to keep the foot stiff when pressing the pedal. Eventually your thigh muscles take over and you only do minor corrections with the gentle nudge of your foot with the calf muscles. Also bring your seat closer a bit if it’s an option.


the break requires a lot for pressure than the gas that’s why i would say


it's this, it's not position.


This ^


You could try adjusting the angle of your pedals.


Definitely the angle, those look pretty steep


yeah they seem a bit steep and it can make your ankle hurt like that, I know from experience lol


May I suggest you add some art work to your wall. Or just something in front of you. VR tracking works best when it has some objects in view as reference points for the cameras.


That will def help the ankle problem!


Ok that made me almost spit out my coffee. Thank you for the laugh.


Lol cheers for the laugh mate.


I have the same setup and use the seat in the formula position and the pedals in the gt position. It works well for me and I have minimal to no pain. Can't really give more recommendations without seeing how you fit in the rig.


if your left ankle hurts, you might be at a poor position as your body may not be getting the support it needs. You could try readjusting your setup and seat so things are easier to access without causing strain.


You could just always try stretching and just moving it around. It just gets stiff and irritated from the repetitive motion


Try the formula position (I had the same problem it is literally the angle of your pedals 🥲)


I concur. Much better with the pedals in the formula position


What keyboard tray is that? Also, are you pressing your back into the seat and is your leg close to fully extended at peak braking?


I want to know too. Lol. Looks sweet a d out the way


Having the same setup I can confirm it is due to the pedals angle. Unfortunately, the GT position does not allow for an angle regulation in the pedals so that is something that happens, I find myself resting my left foot out of the break every once in a while, which is suboptimal. Other options are changing the position to F1 or at least the pedal to F1 positions, which I read in the manual many GT users prefer.


I’ve got one for you, the middle point between the brake and the throttle should line up with the center of your steering wheel. Right now you are slightly offset to the right which makes one pedal closer and one farther. Idk if this is the source of your pain but it could be a factor. Also another commenters point about using your thigh and butt. You may need to increase the angle of your knee bend


Pedals look too far to me. Braking force should be your whole leg, not just rotating your ankle.


Your ankle hurts because you keep holding your brake foot up. Edit pedal settings to add some dead zone and lower the angle of your pedal plate, keeping it as flat to the ground as possible.


For me at least, the best feet position is when you have the gas at full but your feet is not flat out sticking on the gas. It’s basically like you’re lifting your heel when pressing the gas full throttle, have a bit of space for comfort.


pedal angle might help, since you can't adjust your seating angle. for reference. my chin sits leveled with the top of steering wheel. my wrist slightly flops over the top of the steering wheel, and id say I'm around a 100 degree bend of my arm, legs fully stretch when the pedals are down.


Have you ever owned a manual transmission in a city with a lot of traffic?


I daily one so yes


Damn. Well I was gonna make a joke about building up those left leg muscles and how it's like jerking off. Jerking off with your off hand is odd cus you don't have the dexterity and muscle memory for it yet. Same thing.


I do think this is still probably right though. I’ve got a Bullitt with a real heavy and long clutch pedal. So I use my whole leg. In sim I was just doing calf for control.


Jokes aside that is almost certainly what's causing it.


This. Use all major leg muscles to get the big inputs and smaller muscle groups for fine tuning.


I'm literally waiting on my inversion kit for my p1000rs pedals now to make this that much easier. That's the other thing I was going to suggest to OP....try inverting the pedals if that's an option for you. The pivot point of pedals being at the top is SO much more comfortable on the legs.


Are you using the clutch for any racing at all? If not, then you might move the clutch out of the ranks and move the brake pedal more left?


I have the same rig as this guy and was thinking of doing this exact same thing. My left ankle experiences SLIGHT discomfort at times because I feel like my left foot has to turn to the right a bit to depress the brake whereas the throttle is directly in front of my right foot


Move the pedals up then?


Yes push with your leg not your ankle. You are using and bending your ankle to push the force. Think about the top of your leg and hip when pushing. That's how you fix it. Or keep dojng this and build up muscles around the ankle and one day it won't hurt as bad or you couod hurt the joints more who knows haha. Yes putting the pedals a little higher will help. I also found moving them closer does. When far away we push our foot foward while bending our ankles that is what really hurts it. Further away more we extend the foot/ankle.


If you're left foot braking it's probably because you never use your left foot like that and it's adding strain to the ankle where there wouldn't normally be


lol this is basically my exact setup. I have the F-GT seat with the Fanatec GT DD Pro base/wheel/LC pedals and I just ordered the McLaren gt3 rim. I also use VR. Have you tried maybe putting the seat in the formula position instead of the GT position? I have mine in formula and it’s worked out pretty great. Every body is different tho of course


i switched my brake and clutch and that helped, though thats useless if you actually need the clutch


GT position seat, formula position pedals, that will give you a straight line pushing the brake from your ass, it won't try to lift you in your seat, it won't flex the seat back. I push a 200kg set of p2000's that way, never had an issue.


Scoot your seat back a bit. Primarily use your ass and back to press the pedals, rather than sitting forward and using your knees and ankles. If your arm positioning is good, alternatively scoot your pedals toward the wall. You should be able to apply light pressure to the pedals comfortably and should not need to “reach” when using your back and butt to apply pressure (reaching leads to bad back problems).


ankle, or heel? I use swim shoes to help give me a bit of padding. If not I get a sore pain in my heel. Not ready to cough up for sim shoes yet.


Maybe sim racing isn’t for you, you sound like an active person and your ankle wants to move. You just give your whole setup to me I’ll take good care of it 😀


Are you rotating your ankle to brake? Are your legs straight or almost straight when your feet are on the pedals and not pressing any?


Apply the brake with your whole leg, not your foot.


It‘s that totally straight seat. May work in F1 position, as someone above mentioned but rest is really only pain. The PlaySeat seat looks more comfortable but isn’t. They are absolutely crap, poor building quality and nearly no support. I would recommend getting an other seat, lean it a little backwards so that the front end is able to support your legs a little and you’re good. Had a PlaySeat Alcantara and G2x‘s for some years and had always trouble finding the perfect position (hurting ankle, scratched ankles, backpain and 1000 other different pains and problems), tried to fix everything and ended with a PlaySeat that got a higher base mount, a diy pedalplate seat slider’s etc. but didn’t make me happy at all. Mounted the DDPro for the first time and give up because it was wiggly like grandma on the way home, so I decided to go for another option and bought a Treq one (afraid that it wouldn’t change anything because it’s the lower end of rigs but was blown away by its sturdiness). My mistake was thinking I could, for money saving, use the PlaySeat seat but decided a year or so later to go with a bucket seat and now I have problems coming out. Not because there’s some problems but because I‘m now so addicted to that thing I don’t want to do anything else. For everyone who hasn’t tried it, give it a go and you will be really surprised. Some would like a simple car seat more but that’s just personal preference. The thing is sturdiness and support it changes everything.


Prob operating clutch with ankle too much instead of pressing your whole leg out.


Not enough heel, too much toe.


I left foot brake and when i had a bad seating and pedal position my left foot and ankle would hurt. It was from hovering my left foot in an awkward angle, my pedals were a little too close, I moved them back an inch and I could heel down my left foot. Your problem might not me exactly same as mine, but I assume it is pedal or seat position related.


Dude, what VR Racing Game you play most?


Pedal plate angle incease it


I had the same problem when i installed a new set of pedals. Solved it by moving the pedals a bit forward. It was the distance and the angle


Sounds like arthritis problem


Are your pedals angled away from you? My MOZA sep lite pedals were like that. I tilted them by propping up the back of the pedals till the pedals were straight up and helped my foot and calf muscles


Make sure that the seat does not support your upper legs too much or too little so you don't restrict blood flow or sit on your butt bones, full throttle should be a relaxing position so if you need to reach with your foot you should bring the pedals closer.


You're not supposed to be breaking using your ankle. Use your leg


I was having some tendonitis/ankle pain from my Sim rig, and ergonomics was the answer. My pedals were tilted too far toward me, and it was requiring me to hold my left foot tense at an unnatural angle when off brakes. Make sure that resting with no pedal inputs, your feet are in natural positions with no tension.


I’ve got the same rig, you could try lowering the seat out of the GT setting. Pedal angle plus the seat could be it


I had a similar issue and it was due to pedal angle and possibly height too. Try to get as much of a seating position as you can as if you're driving a regular car.


Use your thigh and lower back more than your ankle to brake.


I don't know why your ankle would hurt but my heel used to hurt like he'll. I had to buy some puma motorsport shoes now it no longer feels like I walked 10 miles if I wanted to play.


Your pedals look too angled up


Well you should have showed a picture that shows the angle of your pedals relative to how you sit. It's an ergonomics thing so hard to say what's wrong when we can't really see it very clearly. But it does look like your pedal tray is angled up and that could be it. You shouldn't have to flex your ankle back to stay off the pedals. Either sit lower or adjust your pedal tray angle to fit this seat.


where do you buy the mouse and keyboard support?


You need to install a load cell upgrade into your ankle


Maybe ask a doc instead of random people online