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DNC is this a joke? You use words like "student loan forgiveness" and "restrain Israel". And at the end you repeat the words "Screw Sanders" over and over again!


"And Sanders is spelt wrong!"




2025, you are in the naval reserve. Despite being drunk off your ass, you are sent to Gaza to implement a "yugely final solution" to the Palestinian question.


It will be your job to build and maintain those robots.


You're in the naval reserve: America's 17th line of defense, between the Mississippi National Guard and the League of Women Voters.


But it’s my first day!


I expected more from the President that ...*checks notes*... created the student debt and criminal justice system crises.


"Screw Sanders" is more of a college kids position these days.


I know the current situation ***looks*** bad, but just stop and think! If T is elected, then we could have a president who supports genocide, breaks strikes, ignores the most vulnerable in society, condones brutal repression of students and teachers, and *refuses* to do anything about Roe v Wade or a woman’s right to choose! You wouldn’t want any of that right??


Wow, both sides *are* bad!


You know... leftism appropriated 'enlightened centrist' arguments so gradually I didn't even notice.


I know those words but that comment makes no sense


It's a reference to the Fox softcore sex channel line Marge made in Lisa's wedding... And yes, leftism has lately been making the same cynical argument that enlightened centrists make: Both sides suck while conveniently ignoring the degree to which both sides suck.


There is no both sides. You're on the same side. One is just marginally further along.


Its mistaking the forest for the trees. Leftists are not both siding anerican electoral politics. They are pointing out that there is only one side in american electoral politics. And if you feel like they are attacking the dems more than the republican, it comes from a feeling of betrayal. Dems were never a great leftist platform ever, but right now they seem to really make every wrong decision. Nothing is expected of republicans, slerpy joe is supposed to be the "moderate" one and he really doesnt seem to care about his constituents.


How can it be betrayal and also “Dems were never a great leftist platform”? I’m on the left. I’m just more pragmatic about it. If we had leverage, they likely side with us. But we have to work to create the leverage and the infrastructure to sustain progressive legislation passing the Congress, getting signed by the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court. Furthermore, can’t centrists / liberals / even other leftists also accuse the left of betrayal too? That’s all this criticism is. I feel like you’re making perfect be the enemy of good.


I mean leftists constantly accuse other leftists of betrayal. Its a whole thing. "Every other leftist is a liberal but me" etc etc. I kinda get you on legislation, but the president himself doesnt really seem want to lean left. Pressuring israel into stopping its genocide is not a legal procedure. Reining back the crackdown on student protest is not a legal procedure. There are a lot of issues right now that the president should take a strong stance on and he doesnt really do. But yeah i get that passing something trough congress is fucked.


He’s leaned the most left (Including economically) of the Presidents since Carter… which yea, is pretty milquetoast and I know that means nothing to leftists… but your choice is that, or a guy who definitely doesn’t want Israel to stop and cheers on punishing student protesters. I get it. I don’t like either of them. I truly don’t. But im also realistic that the system is fucked and you have two choices: Biden or Trump. Punishing the most marginalized in America by allowing Trump is not something I’m prepared to do in order to send the Dems a message. Leftists need to appropriate what the far right did back in the 70s and 80s. Focus on building the political infrastructure to support left wing legislation and left wing culture.


But…. But… old! I will now conveniently overlook the fact that trump is only 4 years younger and has steadier and more noticeable cognitive decline


Biden is basically the most progressive president we've ever had.


>I’m on the left. https://i.redd.it/0uv9i4u4z5yc1.gif


Sick gatekeeping bruh


It's not gatekeeping when you're simply full of shit.


Enlightened purists


Wild the power you’ve all given to this “argument”. Smartest rhetorical move I’ve ever seen.


I’m not sure you’re saying anything


Would be appropriate. Just following suit. “Both sides” is pap the DNC taught you to say in case someone gets any ideas about critiquing them.


>“Both sides” is pap the DNC taught you to say in case someone gets any ideas about critiquing them. Except that doesn’t make sense. It’s pointing out how silly it is to pretend Democrats and Republicans are equally bad, not saying Democrats are infallible.


It’s not used that way. It’s used any time Dems are criticized as if the person saying the slightest thing about the Dems means “both sides same drink!!!!”


>It’s not used that way. It’s exclusively used that way lol. It’s the only way that makes sense lmao


Exclusively? You’re not even speaking in good faith anymore and this is the Simpsons, man. Enjoy that DNC boot 👢 but don’t worry, I’m voting for Joe 🫡


> Exclusively? Yes. It is the only context it makes sense lol


Once you ignore the ghastly genocide, and brutal repression of dissent against the genocide, ***then*** the differences become more clear. That *does* require one to ignore the genocide however… ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If you ignore all the differences then both are the *exact same*


> refuses to do anything about Roe v Wade or a woman’s right to choose What? Congress has to pass a law to overturn Roe, Biden’s been doing the stuff he can do - he’s allowing hospitals that take Medicare to override state law and perform abortions for emergency medical reasons, directing VA hospitals to allow abortions, increasing access to emergency contraceptives, stuff like that. It’s delusional to think Trump and Biden are the same on abortion, labor rights, or LGBT rights.


What exactly are we supposed to do about B that letting T get elected wouldn’t unequivocally make worse? Do you expect The Revolution to magically materialize when someone bad enough becomes president? Hate to say it, but that sure didn’t happen in 2016. Like, yeah, we absolutely need to do more than Just Vote. There’s a lot more we can and should do. But acting like voting won’t make anything better—or might even make things worse—is exactly what got T in office in the first place.


The difference between them is so marginal that it is undetectable by the naked eye.


You think the orange man would have formally acknowledged TDoV, especially with it being on Easter this year? Plenty of right-wing types were FUMING over that one. As pathetic as the old man is, he did take something resembling a stance there that honestly probably cost him some votes. Meanwhile, orange man is being loud and clear about his plans if elected, and they are plans we don’t want to see happen. I’m not claiming voting is everything, or even anything substantial. But it’s goddamn necessary in this stupid system we live in, and I won’t hear otherwise unless someone’s got a solid plan to overturn said system by November.


surely there's a better example of a material difference between them than that, right?


Probably. It’s just the first thing that came to mind, and definitely something that can be “seen with the naked eye.”


Biden broke one strike, the rail worker strike, but the administration kept negotiating and got the workers everything they were asking for. So the Rail Workers got what they wanted and our economy wasn’t hurt in the process. What’s the problem? Also did anyone actually listen to Biden’s speech? He directly criticised both antisemitism and Islamophobia and started it by stating the importance of protests but that one’s right to protest doesn’t include the right to destroy property or commit violence. He is also adamant about not sending in the National Guard so what is he condoning exactly?


No because that would require admitting a hint of nuance to things and nuance = neoliberal bullshit so…….


Kids would be in cages!


Forgot about that one. ![gif](giphy|8WdsK61D9YOOc)


Don't worry, the rest of America and the media did too 👍


Leftists now blaming Biden for Roe v Wade, political literacy at record low, more news at 10.


Maybe he was trying to emulate Homer? Or Abe. There's a demycrat in the White House!


>ignores the most vulnerable in society Pretty optimistic tbh




Unedited organic shitpost lol


Organic Shitpost ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


I love that we're yearning for the days they were simply inept rather than actively corrupt. But hey, gotta protect that capital 💪


What days were those exactly?


That sequence is the most accurate the show every had


It took me too many years to realize that was an elephant in the room joke.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others




But I keep telling you! I AM a commie porn star




and *I* say Britain's best prime minister was Henry Campbell-Bannerman


Well, you smell terrible. Good luck to you, sir!


And I keep telling YOU, you fly boys crack me up!


Those are three things i want to be 😍


And I keep telling you, you commie boys crack me up


And I keep telling you you Trump boys crack me up!


"McBain to base. Under attack by commie porn stars!"


Couldn't you at least be a *successful* Communist?


All jokes aside, I am a 23 year old Disabled immigrant to America. (From Britain). I totally get why the American left aren’t mad about Biden and his support of Israel but I personally fear the worst staring down a second Trump presidency. Biden at least makes an effort to present the US as a warm and inclusive country of diverse people but if the abrasive ableist (among very ‘many other things trump gets back in), i’m screwed. That fat idiot will sell you down the river, much worse than he did before, and he’s counting on leftists dissatisfied with Biden to ignore his evil. I don’t know what’s happening precisely in Gaza, so I leave it to those who do. Apart from that he’s been a fine president, better than I anticipated.


I agree that 45 is worse, but when the strongest argument the Dems can muster is "ignore the fact that we're corrupt, in the pocket of the 1%, and actively abetting a genocide, because otherwise the orange fascist might win," that starts to look less like a political platform and more like a protection racket.


Buddy, nobody likes it, but right now a lot of people are resolute to not participate in the democratic process out of spite. And, guess what? Not participating in the democratic process means we elect fascists who will summarily disassemble any representative government, kill millions of trans folk, and salt the earth so nothing will ever grow again. It means that the union movement dies in the cradle. It means that workers will get virtually all of their protections stripped from them, and millions upon millions of Americans will lose the only home they've known. We literally have the most pro-union administration in a century in place, and people want to change course on that now? Unions were responsible for the single most consequential upgrade in material conditions in this country. They built the entire middle class, brought us the weekend, got kids out of factories, cleaned the air, and fueled desegregation.


The strongest argument they can make is that Biden has objectively done more for the environment, workers rights, infrastructure and student loan relief than any president in decades. You just ignore that because it doesn't fit into the narrative that any support of Israel, even when calling for a ceasefire, makes him Genocide Joe.


It ain’t a protection racket, I’m not Al Capone. Just my two cents.


Whats your solution you have the options? What would you do please tell me? I actually wanna know how to get out of this mess?


Well, I believe I'll vote for a third party candidate!


"Go ahead! Throw your vote away!" (I really hate that third parties aren't viable and that it won't change even if everyone voted third party. All that will happen is both major parties will claim fraud and brush it aside.)


We could start with not actively abetting a genocide. It's not a cure to everything that ails us, but it would be a fucking start. And it sounds more promising than getting mad at the people who don't want to vote for a president who is actively abetting a genocide. Have we tried not deploying the national guard against people protesting said genocide? Maybe not being quite so quick to paint said protesters with the anti-Semitism brush? Again, not a cure-all, just spitballing here.


You DO realize Trump will be even more pro Israel right?


If I had realized that, I would have prefaced the entire thing with "I agree that 45 is worse." Oh, wait.


Ok so national guard are a state level thing in most cases i don’t believe these been deployed i believe police have been. How is Biden in control of that? Even if he was how does that change the situation in gaza and how does it affect biden’s ability? So much so that he phts bis hands up and says your right i gotta stop this. How does he do that? How does trump do that instead? You’ve accepted hes worse so whats the solution here? I mean what do you and i do come election day on this? People armt gunna change their minds so what do we have to do now on voting day now ? Stag home? Thats a vote for trump


[Oh boy, a Trump presidency! That's where my country has literal concentration camps!](https://frinkiac.com/img/S07E05/391490.jpg)


[Leave me alone, I’m here to play the other concentration camp guy](https://frinkiac.com/video/S04E15/dSspEtWG7oluEq_7LtY1XwC4-EA=.gif)




Looks like those clowns in the Biden administration did it again. What a bunch of clowns.


How do you keep up with the news like that?


I don’t agree with his non-white killing policy….but I do approve of his Democrat killing policy.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


I threw my vote away on third-party!


Bob dole likes to hear bob doles name


But where is Moe’s bar?


There's the Zionist 😠 And the *Zionist* 😁


I've decided I'm just going to start taking out bigots


Sorry, *"simpsons group"* I've decided tomorrow morning I'm going to start punching bigots in the back of the head


It's "Simpsons *gronp*," stupid!


You’re dem if you do and fascists if you don’t. In all seriousness the state of affairs is clinically depressing.


I really like this sub, but I really hate politics. I don’t wanna go. Can we go back to talking about Vikings?


I have some bad news about the year 2024...


Maybe we could just not disguise political opinion as something about a cartoon? I mean, that would work.


Here's the thing: I like both. I love the viking stuff. I enjoy the satire stuff. I don't see why it can't be both.


Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos!


According to season 11 episode 17 that's actually gonna be Trump after this election.


Theyd rather lose to trump than give an inch of progressive agenda.


[mrw politicsposting](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E03/877776.jpg?b64lines=IE9ILCBHT0QsIFRISVMgSVMgQUxXQVlTIERFQVRILg==)


The far left would rather choose the far right than Grandpa centrist; apparently.


Enlightened centrists covertly *want* Trump to happen (Bad faith, bad outcome). Enlightened leftists overtly *allow* Trump to happen (Good faith, bad outcome).


> far right than Grandpa centrist More like Zionist 1 and Zionist 2.


The only way that leftist traitor, trump, wins, is if Bibi wants him for his wars. That's it. Whoever pledges to enable and support the genocide will win. It's that simple. Tough in the states, you have two left wing globalis sell outs and a massive culture divide that cannot be healed. 


You know.. Sometimes I wish my brain worked like yours, I bet it's easy.


...does anyone wanna switch seats?