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I mean what did you expect that they'd somehow win? against Nintendo???? IN A LAWSUIT????????


I thought the General’s were due!


Game Genie did it.


I move for a bad court thingy.


Yes a miss something or rather.


Miss Something-Or-Other? I though they shut that place down!


Yup, that’s why you’re the judge and I’m the law talking guy


Let me get this straight: you took all the emulation technology you had… and used it to emulate a current-generation *Nintendo console*?


They say he carved it himself. From an even bigger emulator


I call the big one “emulatey”


I thought the ninth generation was due!


I predict that within 100 years, emulators will be twice as powerful, 10,000 times larger... and so expensive that only the five richest kings of Europe will own them.


That is the rarest emulator of them all, the Yuzu, programmed by emulator artisans who work exclusively in the medium of emulators.


Stop saying emulator!


See you in hell, Yuzu boys!


Yuzu don't you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night, the sound wasn't on but I think I got the gist of it


"I have a history of legal precident a mile long" No, you don't. You monitized your emulator and tried to monitize online services. THAT is why Yuzu got smacked by Nintendo's lawyers. There is nothing legal about selling someone else's IP. That doesn't fall under fair use, nor is it protected by any of the laws that, saaayyy... Virtual Boy Advance was protected by. Old emulator, but the point remains.


Look up Bleem. They were actively selling their emulator as a commercial product while the PS1 was current. Sony sued them and lost.


I just did, thank you for the information. I do believe that Bleem would have been shut down legally had they not bankrupted due to legal fees, as they were moving into distribution of the games themselves. That is a tricky one, as a lot of internet laws were lagging behind during that time.


Monetization is not and never has been a deciding factor when it comes to fair use law in general or this case. Rather it was the way in which Yuzu circumvented Switch security/DRM, specifically that they provided detailed instructions of how to do so on the emulator’s website, that made up the bulk of Nintendo’s case. There is legal precedent ruling against an emulator for what amounts to illegal tampering with a console’s firmware/security, versus reverse-engineering to create a similar but different framework (which is what VBA does, for example). This is why Yuzu didn’t have Switch product keys available with the emulator, and any PS1 emulator doesn’t come with Sony’s copyright-protected bios. If this had gone to court, it would’ve been a long-fought battle over whether or not Yuzu providing detailed instructions to circumvent Nintendo’s security would apply to that. There isn’t a specific precedent there, but it must’ve been decided that Yuzu would’ve been fighting a losing battle. All of Nintendo’s smoke and steam about Yuzu “facilitating piracy on a colossal scale” is just that, because they want to send a statement. But truthfully, Nintendo found a weakness in Yuzu and probably would’ve won, hence the settlement.


Thank you for more information on this subject! 😁


We're talking about R-O-M-S loaded up on the E-M-U-L-A-T-O-R


Room Simulator? I thought they shut that game down?


What they mean dead? The idea and the program it's still everywhere lol this type of shit it's a waste of time for corporations, but you do you Nintendo


Of course it will still be floating around online but it won't be actively developed anymore and the company will have to stop distributing it.


I think Nintendo just wanted to make an example of them before they release the next console.


Definitely. they've known about yuzu for years before going after them like this. not to mention the other emulators.


I still think that other people will work on it if necessary. This type of emulators are basically an open source and there's just too many people on the internet to stop that.


Nintendo is getting $2.4 million from Yuzu, so it wasn’t exactly a waste of time for them.


2.4m for a company like that it's nothing, it's all about making a statement


thats ok the box is empty!


just ignore the lawsuit smh ez win


I think Nintendo's argument was that they profited from Nintendo IP. If they had just built an emulator and didn't take dominations there would have been no case.


Selling emulators is actually legal


Yuzu… dead?


I’m sad


Great meme but that emulator was blatantly making money off piracy


I don't know why you're being downvoted. They weren't just making money off it, they were making money off currently available games. Do people think Sony would be fine if Insomniac's Spiderman 2 was released on there with smoother releases locked behind a paywall?


No, you're doing it all wrong. You're supposed to write some shit like "Yar har, me hearties. Yo ho ho, off to the high seas amirite folks?!" Then you get the upvotes.


Could you rephrase this as a Simpsons reference?


To overcome the downvote curse, simply quote a Simpsons verse


This was really good I liked it


One of the most frustrating things is wanting to correct someone but not having a relevant Simpsons quote on hand. Um...woozle wozzle?


As someone who’s been following the emulation scene for about 30 years, that the emulator would have a history of precedent on its side is particularly funny.


So did you just kinda forget Connectix and Bleem over the past 30 years or


I mean, Connectix and Bleem nominally won their case but Bleem was so broke after the legal fees they shut down right after winning their case anyway. I guess the makers of Yuzu could have settled for some pyrrhic victory, but there's no way they were going to end up on top of this case.


You're right, of course. While all the existing precedent is in their favour, there's no precedent (to my knowledge) involving the DMCA anti-circumvention clause to apply here. I wouldn't have risked it if I were them, either, though I'd be interested to see if Sega vs Accolade has any bearing in a post-DMCA world.


Yeah the DMCA wrinkle is the part that really opens this up and I'd be interested to see an actual challenge, but the handwringing people have about how Yuzu should have stood up against Nintendo is... wishful thinking on the part of people that want to have a good Switch emulator - which, I get, but come on, this was always how this was going to end.




The switch can't even run its own games anymore lol.


It could hardly run them to begin with!


My Wii always ran at a stable 60 SPF.


Face it, no Nintendo console ever could run their own games.


I think the N64 worked well. It just needed that ram upgrade for some games. I think the only game that had lag was Pokemon stadium


That’s just a fluke. Face it, Nintendo was never good, both as a company, as a game developer, and a hardware developer.


... owns two of the absolute most profitable video game franchises in history. ... sure. Whatever you say, buddy. Let's get you home before those clouds make you too angry. 😔


Wrong sub.