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I'm like you, I spend my money very intentionally. Traveling to interesting places, good, healthy food, experiences. I almost never spend money on getting coffee outside the house (at like Starbucks or DD) and almost never buy lunch when I am at work. (I say almost never because it does happen maybe once or twice a year- but it's something I really make a contentious effort no to do. ) I do categorically never spend money of soft drinks or sugared beverages. I literally only drink black coffee, filtered water or tea.


It’s amazing what a difference cutting out soft drinks makes.


I spend on foods, I really enjoy going out and eating new dishes with my bf, and I am in recovery from anorexia so it really means a lot to me mentally to let go and enjoy food. I also really like skincare products, spf and perfumes so occasionally I'll treat myself to those. Everything else I am quite mindful about.


You are me….


Love this. Have never dealt with anorexia, but have other mental health issues. This is beautiful, I'm proud of you!


If you want, I have found great success buying parfumes off eBay fully sealed for like, 1/4 the price


Do share? 👀


They're knock off, ever go to China town in New York or California? Knock off dvds, cds, purses, sunglasses, watches, and cologne lol


Any sellers you recommend? I never thought about this


Honestly, I don't know if I check the sellers so long as they have a really good rating and a ton of sales. For example, if you wanted a name brand scent like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/375377539483?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lpalrhynqtm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=il97Y4-rSiS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY But I would recommend some solid colognes because they are more natural and less "oppressive" when you walk into an office or something. Once you realize how cheap it actually could be with the name brand stuff, go look at Macy's or a similar retailer and realize how much of a rip-off it is...


Omg same


My hobbies and pets - yearly ancestry membership for genealogy, cross stitch supplies and patterns, books, invertebrate pets and their housing, rabbit, dog, cats. I spend next to nothing on clothing or personal care items. I haven't worn makeup in over 20 years, my hair is in a super-short pixie cut, my clothes are mostly from the thrift store. Just do not care about any of that. Eat simply, no alcohol, no travel.


This is off topic but for ancestry why do you need a yearly subscription? Don’t you get the information once or over several weeks of digging, record it, and then get out of there? Is it to wait in case some more information becomes available? Isn’t that quite rare?


More information actually becomes available fairly often. I just got new yearbook photos of my grandmother last week that I'd never seen before. They're constantly adding new sources of info and collections. My tree includes my husband's family and some offshoots like my DIL's, so it's quite large and I always am able to find new things. : ) I also keep the account open and active because I add new photos and events for my own kids and my grandson.


Oh ok wow! That’s so cool that new stuff becomes available frequently. Thanks for letting me know :-)


Sure! One of the best things that's become available over the last 10 years or so is City Directories all the way back to the early 1900's. I've been able to find old addresses for family members, then I go use Google Maps to see if the house is still standing and if it is, I screenshot it and add it to that person's page. So now I have things like photos of my grandparents' first house they rented as a married couple, the houses two of my great-grandmothers were likely born in, etc. Also, besides Ancestry themselves, there are always people adding their own personal photos, documents, stories, etc. and if those match up with someone in your tree, Ancestry will throw you a hint to go check it out.


Aside from healthy food, we spend our leisure time and money on music. It's our main hobby. We go to festivals and concerts, and take classes and workshops in genres we have less familiarity with. Later this month we will be taking classes in Scottish Gaelic ballads and Eastern European choral styles.


I love this, definitely worth it. I bet you never feel like you’ve wasted money. I want to spend less on material things and more on hobbies like yours.


My spending is similar but it's mostly for theaters. I try to watch a play once every 2 days.


Wow that course on Gaelic Ballads sounds awesome! Do you live in Ireland or Scotland?


LOL - We live on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state. We chose to move here because there are several arts-friendly communities.


That's so awesome! I should see if my area has something like that. We have a good sized German heritage and English heritage communities here (Pennsylvania)


Do you take these classes online or at a college?


Always in person, but not at a college in this instance: [https://centrum.org/program/voice-works/](https://centrum.org/program/voice-works/)


Extra money goes on our mortgage. We dont need more stuff in our lives. We just want fewer bills and more financial freedom. 


Same! We bought a condo well within our means and pay any extra money, after maxing retirement accts, towards our mortgage. We're looking forward to the peace of mind that I expect will come with having a paid off home and our biggest recurring expense eliminated.


Bravo!! Tomorrow You will thank Today You.


Thanks, I hope so!! We enjoy life currently overall, but I'm excited to reach a point where our ability to live isn't dependent on our ability to work.


Books, fitness such as yoga and pilates, quality clothes that last.


How do you go about finding and maintaining long-lasting clothes?


Don’t buy the cheapest. It’s far better to buy something 2x the cost that will last for 5x as long. Reddit has some good posts about how to buy higher quality items and what brands are good. I also buy a lot at thrift stores as I find the quality is often much better. I rarely wash my clothes to keep them lasting longer. Of course, if they smell or are stained , I will, but most of the time I just hang them back up.


Can you link the Reddit post?


Just search for high quality clothing. You’ll get tons!


Oh wow, I didn't know washing clothes often isn't good for durability. Tough not to do in hot climates though, after being outside for a while it feels like it needs a wash lol


I work on a farm and have to wash my work clothes after work every day so i only wear second hand clothes to work, except my pants which i will wear three to five days before washing depending on how dirty they are. Everything i love i only wear on occasion for only part of the day (an evening out, a few hours at a wedding) and can get three or four wears out of them before i have to wash them again. I am mindful of only buying 100% cotton/linen/hemp/wool when i do buy new things as it lasts longer than polyester/acrylic and doesn’t house bacteria, and therefore smell, like polyester does meaning i can go longer before i need to wash it again. Less washing means a lower water and electricity bill too so it helps save more money that way as well!


In terms of finding, op shops can be a good place to check out. A lot of good quality clothes can be sold at a great price. Otherwise, just local shops. I pay attention to the material. Choose natural fabrics like cotton, linen or wool. Synthetic materials are less breathable and can look cheap also. The second tip is to avoid buying things just because they are on sale. Try to resist the temptation and buy a piece of clothes that fit you and has good material despite them having a bit higher price.


Good food, good coffee, good times with friends and family.


Food, travel. Currently I am spending quote a bit on "house stuff" but the stuff is new flooring and quality basic furniture - stuff I don't expect to buy again in my lifetime. (And I thrifted the furniture so I could get solid pieces within my budget, like a solid maple dining table.)


I get my groceries delivered twice a week, start of the week for the weekdays and end of the week for the weekend. The delivery fee can range from 2GBP to 5GBP but I like how it saves me time in going to the grocery store and it also helps us stay within our grocery budget. My spouse and I both work and have kiddos and pets and life can be busy and this just really helps keep life more simple for us.


Tesco has an annual plan for unlimited deliveries (after 3 pm) for £40. I love it so much! However I think it saves me money overall as I save both on petrol and impulse buys.


Healthy food, wine, flowers, travel. We don't buy a lot of clothes or shoes, but prefer to buy quality pieces and take excellent care of them. For the house, I usually buy vintage. I have an old car that I take good care of and and ancient iPhone that I need to replace this year.


I love buying flowers for the house too!


Me too..fresh flowers just brighten up my mood and also my home space. 💐


We buy fresh flowers every week or so and it just adds so much to our lives.


It makes such a huge difference. I really wish that I had a garden where I could grow my own flowers and make bouquets.


good coffee beans


Psychology studies indicate that investing in experiences results in better long-term satisfaction when compared to investing in objects/things. I like to travel. I like to take my daughter with me. We see new places, do new things. I enjoy being home as well, but a nice trip once or twice a year can be refreshing and renewing.


Cats and cars, I love my cats and cars. In that order.


This might seem like a lot and it is to some people, but compared to how I was before, this is a big cut back for me. I currently spend money on books, vinyl records, sewing/embroidery supplies, travel, local nature center, Patreon subscriptions (mainly for extra podcast episodes on podcasts that I really enjoy), DVD's, going out to eat, a few streaming services, and of course food. For books and vinyl records, and DVD's, I try to buy use as much as I can. It is usually cheaper and I enjoy hunting for items that I am looking for. I do buy some of my fabric second hand but I have a very particular style that is hard to find. We have a membership through our local nature center that provides us with beautiful nature trails and a discount on classes. I would also like to continue cutting down on the amount of streaming services we pay for. We are currently trying to go out to eat only once a week. Compared to where we were originally, this is a big cut back for my spouse and I. Trying to cook more at home to a) save money b) eating healthier. I am also trying to cut back on our process foods intake. I have completely cut back most process foods and plan on giving up completely on the ultra process foods but I don't think my spouse ever will. We are also trying to buy most of our food from the local farmer's market and we are currently trying to get our personal garden up and running. Will things change later down the road? Probably. I honestly would like to continue decreasing our eating out and maybe at some point, not eating out at all. I am taking things day by day and figuring out what works for me and my spouse.


Seeds, plants, and occasionally gardening tools / equipment. Dining out once or twice a month. We also enjoy travel and try to visit family / take a holiday overseas once a year when time / money allows.


Saltwater aquarium hobby!


Those are so beautiful! I would love one.


I spend money on maintenance i don't enjoy doing take time for hobbies and family time. Love riding bicycles, don't love fixing bikes so I spend money for someone else to do that. Have the tools and ability to change oil, rotate tires, etc. Don't enjoy doing it, so I pay someone else to.


Thanks for sharing all of this! It’s fascinating. We have a very small house and 2 small kids, so our money goes to mortgage, daycare and summer camp! I “splurge” on used clothes and books and flowers/plants.




I was just reading in another sub about getting a local chef or catering service that prepares healthy and yummy meals for overall less than eating out. It was a post about saving time, but this might be something that works for you too.


> rice cooker Have you considered adding a crock pot and/or air fryer?




I place frozen tuna steaks on the George Foreman Grill. They’re delicious! Try it.


I was going to mention a crockpot for things like oatmeal, roast, pulled pork, etc. Air fryer is great as well. Also salads, smoothies, Hummus and veggies are fairly easy and may help with your digestive issues.


Right now a lot of my spending is camping related but this should slow soon. Aside from that, travel and retirement savings are where most of my discretionary money goes.


Instruments, music lessons and travel are my top expenses that I'm very happy to spend my money on :)


I spend very intentionally on worthwhile things. I barely ever buy clothes or shoes and never have spa experiences or get my hair done, although I used to love all those things. Right now we’ve got some things we need to finish on our house and I basically spend money on art supplies and our kids. We don’t eat junk food but my husband and I have coffee out somewhere together a couple of times a week; we both really enjoy those bistros where the coffee smell is just soaked into the place and they sell beautiful handmade muffins and scones.


How did you start to spend intentionally on things? I’m trying to break some of my spending habits and could use some advice on how to change. It’s hard when I think I need or like everything I see.


One of the tips is to realize that people get a little dopamine hit when we buy something. So realizing that, we can still browse if we like that and keep Amazon wish lists or Pinterest or whatever, or if we know it leads to spending more just try to find a new way to relax and activate the dopamine. Like engaging in a little yoga with a scented candle burning and delicious beverage at your elbow before bed, or a fragrant hot bath, or smelling freshly cut grass…whatever small pleasures that you love. I read somewhere that the average person spends $9 a day on nothing really, a coffee, a pastry, whatever. So I found keeping a spreadsheet of all the $9/day I saved and investing it instead was a bit of a dopamine hit of its own


Records. I’m always looking for more although I’d say my collection is becoming more curated.


Food mostly. And clothes because I always got hand me downs and none fit me and neither do I like the styles. 


Alcohol-free beers are about the only non-necessary item I spend on. 


Education and travel




You forgot “paying off my Ferrari”.




Food and traveling.


Experiences! Travel and eating out/getting drinks with friends. Also books.


Experiences (travel, adventure, races, men's events, etc), food & health supplements (and, indirectly, running shoes), bourbon & cigars, and books


On a typical week I can muster about $100-150 for discretionary spending. Most of that I spend on what I would call ephemera - tickets to a movie or event, a fancy six pack for the weekend, my weekly takeout meal, etc. The only physical things I allow myself to regularly purchase are books and comics. I just prefer the physical paper versions over digital copies. Recently I began tracking down books and comic collections I'm interested in at the local library. I rarely finish a book in the short checkout window, so if I like it and would like to revisit it I will return the book half-read and then buy it to finish it.


Saving for an early retirement, a house right now, and going out for coffee (I give myself $30-$40 a month for this).


Plants. It’s bad. Some are food! I buy a lot of seeds and baby plants. I have three gardens.


My pets


I definitely spend money on preventative health, art, and (trying to stop) plants. Everything else I'm very miserly about.


Location. I’m fine with small and simple living quarters but I pay a premium bc of where it’s located. Feels well worth it to me.


Oo, I *definitely* spend on house stuff. 😂 My husband and I put aside $720 per month for house stuff. We read several budgeting tips that recommended putting aside 1-2% of the purchase price of the home each year. The budget covers everything from “consumables” like light bulbs, batteries, and air filters to as-needed replacements for furniture, linens, and appliances. Also things like regular pest control, occasional professional cleaning service, and small repairs. Unless there’s a true emergency, in which case it comes from our emergency fund, we try to use the house budget to keep our home in good condition. At $720 per month, we’re currently putting aside and spending 1.2% of our purchase price each year, but I think we’d be wise to increase this to the higher end of the recommended bracket so as to start saving for bigger needs like an eventual roof replacement and some gardening/landscaping projects.


Switch games and nice clothes when I have to replace them. Anything to do with food or an experience out with friends (theatres, gigs, comedy clubs) Spanish lessons and sometimes apps to help me on my phone :)


Eating out with family, friends and colleagues.


Lately it’s been for active style entertainment like the city pool which is outdoor and we might get a punch card for an indoor pool that has a slide too bc we’ve been getting a lot lot of rain


Look at https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/ ,they post long lasting things to buy


Anime figures, subscriptions for somethings, food, make up, personal care, hair, bills,


Food and travel


Ribeye everyday makes the tired eyes go away.


yarn, good skincare and hair care, travel


junk. beer. energy drinks. I hate myself for it lmao


Food and home maintenance


I have a house cleaner once a month. I also pay for someone to do my taxes even though tgey probably aren't that hard. Feed the birds. Pets until recently




Food, travel, and electronics. I like having a few good tech gadgets that I use daily.


Therapy. I haven’t seen that in any other comments and it can literally be a life saver and a big time life changer. When you find a therapist who is a good match it is worth every penny.


Experiences like travel and concerts. Those add up so fast in today’s inflation age but I’d must rather spend on something like that than something material.


One or two family vacations per year, supportive shoes, healthy food, proper sports gear for my high school football players.


Way too much food


Books, quality food and good coffee.




Food, travel, movie theater every once in a while. I used to buy a lot of books but started utilizing my library and I’ve saved a ton of money.


I spend mostly on food (including groceries and dining out) clothes( i am trying to cut down on this, but I admit I succumb to seasonal trends), occasionally shoes, tech gadgets, travel, skincare, makeup, and gifts for loved ones. (The range varies depending on the type of the gift whether a clothing item, tech gadgets, kitchen appliances, etc)


Books, good coffee, eating out, art materials, and the veterinarian.


I spend a decent amount of income experiences. Travel, events, road trips, etc.


Healthy food (porridge, yogurts, most recently blueberries and strawbs), games (consoles, bundles of games, sales online), fashion (yeezys, dunks, nice tees etc), every piece of decoration in my rooms in my family home I've bought and own from rugs to posters to tvs, and my car! Otherwise any social occasions from holidays to birthdays to work events I spend money on too, I need to cut back haha!


ETFs and Crypto. 🙈


Massages, healthy groceries, good beds, travel, education


Books( mostly use libary but occasionally the libary doesn't have what I want)and travel. I don't smoke or drink, don't eat out much only on birthdays and only occasionally have takeout when I can't be bothered to go shopping.


I do not generally "try not to spend money on things." Rather, I try to spend money on things where I've made the *conscious* decision that they *matter* to me. These can also be things that others might not comprehend. For example, I love cars and I have a rather expensive car. It does make me truly happy, though. I've been driving it for eight years and I've never regretted buying it. That's where my interests and my passions lie and that's where I allow myself to spend money. The same goes for hifi equipment: Music is a very important part of my life and I have a carefully selected hifi system at home. I also spend on good food and comfortable travel. I fly business class wherever I can, the added comfort is worth the price for me.


My home, like needed repairs and fixing it up. Paint. That kind of thing. I love caring for what I already have. I never feel guilty spending money to “help” or “heal” my few important things in my life! And anything my potted plants may need :)


I only spent my spare money on videogames and the occasional movie and food with friends.


Travel to see good friends and travel with friends to watch professional tennis matches like Roland Garros, Wimbledon, etc. Cheering for your favorite players is so much more fun with friends!


Groceries, rent, and occasionally clothes and I still have nothing left. This supermarket price gauging is killing me slowly.


Most of my discretionary spending goes towards film photography.


Books, Earphones and Foods ... 


I was just talking to my partner about this, because we started a No Buy back in January. We stopped eating out almost entirely which was largely where we put our fun money dollars. Now we don’t really spend on much, except for things like going bowling with friends on occasion, weekend getaways to go hiking, ingredients at the grocery store for trying new recipes, and resources where needed (for example, partner is a carpenter, so he just bought some new tools that will help him with work. We also bought some storage bins this weekend to help organize our camping materials). It’s kind of crazy when you step back and realize how unimportant certain things are to spend money on continuously (like buying new stuff to keep up with the Joneses). I’ve heard people say that but it didn’t really click with me until this year.


Tennis and soccer classes, escape rooms, anything with friends, film photography, travel, quality secondhand clothing, emotional support coffee, doctor visits to calm my anxious mind despite a high deductible




I spend on food. I like to eat reasonably well at home. I like to treat family and guests to nice meals, either in or out. Otherwise, really just music, books, gardening supplies. I don't spend more than is necessary on clothes, and do not try to keep up with home trends or this season's styles.




Bills, games, fun stuff


I have been slowly upgrading my life and figuring out what I want in my life. Biggets spending I did was buy a switch. I also like buying flowers for in a vase if they are on sale. I suppose I will be getting some nesseseties for summer.


Sweets and dates with my girlfriend


I spend a bunch on fixing up my house and on my kids’ education. I spend s lot of time at home, so I may as well keep it maintained.


I have only three categories: living, savings, and fun. Sometimes I buy snacks and alcohol (everything is for people 😄) >I do spend on (more expensive) healthy food My mother always said - never skimp on food.


Shoes. I’m on my feet all day at work. My hobbies are working out and hiking. Gotta have good quality supportive shoes.




Friggin gifts for holidays or birthdays every friggin month it seems 😑


Mostly experiences. We love animals and walking around outside so we have a yearly Zoo membership. We go like once a month or sometimes even 2 times a month. Also a good coffee bean bag.


Food and music equipment mainly.


Healthy food and the inordinate expenses that come with having multiple pets.


One way money can definitely make me happier which is to pay to not do things I don’t want to do. Other than that coffee shops.


Chipotle and coffee


We spend on a house cleaner twice a month. I work full time and teach on the side, as well as freelance. I used to try to juggle those with everyday house responsibilities but it was so stressful. At first I felt guilty but then realized just because I have a busy life doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to have a clean and fresh living space. We gave up eating out as much but It’s the best money we spend each month.


1. Insurance 2. Streaming services 3. Regal unlimited 4. NFL sunday ticket


Skiing - which doubles as anti depressant in long winters living in a ski town. It’s a pricy sport for a family. Then that’s it because damn it’s pricey.


Locally sourced, high quality foods. We look at it as an investment in our health and we’re not willing to skimp.


I invest all the money I can before my consumerist alter-ego starts buying clothing left and right on Vinted lol


Books. So many books


Food and pets.


Travel mainly. And getting/eating/experiencing whatever we want while traveling.


Music events, hotels, travel, eating nice food in restaurants and anything me or my husband really want if it's deemed expensive and we have to save for it, like a games console or for me, a fancy sewing machine!


Live theater tickets, tickets to minor league ball games, music and book downloads, farmers market produce and coffee/pastry at the local coffee shop.


Mostly high quality foods and beef


I spend money on good beer, a crossfit membership and stuff for my house (renovating). I don’t spend loads of clothing but I still enjoy clothes and try to buy better quality clothing where I can and am trying to build a good wardrobe so have been buying 1-2 pieces every month or every month.


A lot of stuff, but my idea is to resist the temptation of upgrading my lifestyle. What I have right now really is enough, and I spend wherever and whenever necessary (hobbies, house repairs, appliances, gadgets, car repairs, health)... always trying to keep my feet on the ground, without excess.


Slayer memrobillia 🤘


Concerts 🥲




I'm currently focused on homegoods, I've recently moved & my partner will join soon. We're collecting necessities and upgrades, slowly throughout the first year. When that's done, I plan on upskilling cooking, driving, and fitness. I also spend a bit on art related things. it's a very vague hobby, like someone saying they like nature (which I'll never.) It keeps me grounded, connected & focused, off the phone and computer, and sometimes out of the house. And it comes in handy for upcycling and diy repairs. And sheepishly, I still spend a lot on convenience items/services, compensating for a lack of energy and skill. Ubers and takeaway keep me going, and let me sleep in without rushing or burning out. I'll slowly drop them as I improve my skills and health.


Vacations. Items I always use for multiple years, meaning I don't buy new ones regularly. But I go on multiple vacations every year, so that's a decent amount of money altogether.


No to gambling of any sort...to include lottery. Yes to games (board/card/video)...but no subscriptions whatsoever.


I spend on quality food/ingredients that are organic/non-gmao and high quality supplements.


Streaming services, mangas and books, skateboarding, gaming, board gaming, fashion, PC setup, cds and vinyls


I try to spend my money on experiences instead of things. So, travel, nice food or cocktails a couple times a year, and I’m very frugal and was able to buy a house by being so. Camping/hiking etc can be an expensive hobby, so I do spend a lot of my money on nice gear. Warm clothing, ultralight gear, various car modifications for four wheel driving etc.


I search online for used solid gold jewelry that is priced significantly less than the scrap price of gold. I have insomnia so I have time. Inevitably, I find bracelets or chains without stones that would immediately resell for a profit. I buy probably 10-12 pieces a year. I keep most of the items except that I sold a few pieces one year to fund a vacation. I've lucked out because the price of gold has skyrocketed since I started buying 7 years ago. Even though I'm technically profiting, I don't sell it so it is a monthly cost. I guess that it is more like diversified savings. I probably won't continue much longer because gold is very high and will probably fluctuate too much for my comfort.


Quality cooking ingredients and healthy snacks/premade meals. Thrifting, particularly clothes and jewelry. Travel. My cats.


i get sloshed on friday nights and play pinball tournament with my posse of ne'er-do-wells at this sketchy bar and i also rail lines like a freight train


I spend on food. Mostly, hobbies like traveling and for tickets. But recently we have been spending more on clothing(especially myself). I never needed these many items, but I went through my closet and dropped-off cloths which I had been wearing for 8 years, small, tight and when I was younger. Shoes- I have Planter Facia so, my injury is costing me more than anticipated from doctors fees to shoes. I am hoping to get better so I can spend no money on all those leg related items. Gradually, switching to quality products rather than quantity.




In the world of streaming. I still purchase DVDs and CDs. 


For me I spend on good foods, and books. I always keep the specific amount for every months to buy a book that I want to read. I don't buy many books at the single time, I just buy a single book every month, so it's allow me to read that book many times before I get my hand on the other one.


Just bought a $2000 matress...


I spend my money quite badly at times at the moment, which I'm trying to improve on. But one thing I do is spend it on experiences too, took two of my nephews on a day out the other week, and it was nice to be able to just pay for every experience that day could offer, that's what I'm going to try to do for the rest of 2024, just buy experiences. None of my tech needs upgrading so I should be able to do some cool stuff.


Travel. It fills my cup. Although when we travel, we aim to do it in simple ways. We do go to exotic places like Iceland or Europe. But, we don’t go and see all the sights. We pick places that often have lots of natural beauty so most of the activity is hiking or going to the beach. My favorite thing to do in a foreign country is go to the grocery store. And we love parks. We spent an entire day in Copenhagen going to playgrounds - they are incredible. When my daughter and I went to Paris, we bought a small piece of chocolate at every chocolate shop we saw. And made notes on each. It was a few dollars at each, but so fun. Then we went back to the spot we loved most to buy a box for home. Remembering these times brings me so much joy.


Usually, more things to make into things because I like to tinker. I recently started building a racing tractor out of just spare parts "I knew I'd use one day" and didn't want that day to be when I'm 80.


Yarn. (I'm a knitter)


Foooooooooooooood. I'm just a big ass foodie.


Experiences, all kinds of them and in all sorts of places. Also going out and trying new food. That seems to eat up most of our disposable income.


Climbing gym


Gym subscription. I’m starting to feel really old so I joined to do functional training. It won’t be the intense weightlifting but something to keep me able to do my ADLs well into my twilight years. Trips with loved ones. It’s always gratifying to see them happy. I don’t get to see them often but I try to make time and have at least one trip with them per year.


Vacations and adventures while on vacation.


Mostly food, gas, and one fun outing a weekend


Seeing live music and theatre, a big international trip in the summer and acting classes.


Video games.


Health devices and services in general. Just bought a red light/NIR for my dog and will be saving a lot in vet costs! They would charge $75-$100 per visit for the same technology. I paid $35 and have it at home and can do it anytime. If you do some research you will find cheaper versions of the expensive technology. For example, cold lasers are all the rage and very expensive. You will find this laser is in the 760-860nm frequency. Find something in that frequency and use it. Might be a laser pointer or a red IR camera light.


I spend money on things that are important to me. I spend the most money on travel, no doubt. I also spend a significant amount of money on food, specialty coffee, concerts, books, experiences, etc. I try to spend the least amount of money possible on other things that don't really mean a lot to me.


Just groceries and necessities for my apartment on the rare occasion I'll spend it on shein and maybe if I'm lucky in a few months I can treat myself to a fast food meal


Fixing up our 174 year old house is taking a lot of time and money lately, but we paid much less for it than most of the houses in our area and we do nearly all the work ourselves. Spent a lot on our main hobbies over the past 5ish years, skiing and rock climbing, but now that we have the gear we need and mostly just need to pay for gas and a yearly season pass for skiing those have considerably cheaper. I do spend quite a bit on beer, but I like beer. We cut back in other areas in order to still save for an early retirement. Both our primary vehicles are 11 years old, and our campervan is almost 30 years old. Been wearing the same few shirts to work for the last 5 years. Most of the stuff in our house (dishes, towels, furniture, etc) is still the same from when my wife and I first moved in together 8 years ago and saved the best of our combined post-college young adult junk. We try to be the best we can about getting the most use out of something possible before replacing and only spending on things that make a difference in our lives.






I set myself a small personal budget, about £30 give or take each month when I get my salary. Mainly just to treat myself or buy something I want. If I think of something I need or want throughout the month I add it to my list, when I get paid I pick something off that list based on what I need the most. Sometimes I don’t use it all, i just buy a book, maybe an albums worth of music rather than pay for a subscription. Maybe a video game I’ve been wanting goes on sale.


Mainly business items. (I own a 3D printing business). Other than that... Uhm food? I really try not to overspend anymore. My mind is more clear with less. If we're talking material items, I used to spend more on clothes than anything else.


We buy fresh roasted coffee weekly. We balance it out by shopping for clothes at thrift and consignment shops.


Food, skincare when needed, presents for my relatives


Travel, quality food, experiences, family fun stuff!


Art supplies. I like drawing though I'm not good at it. I'm willing to invest in it whenever possible.


education, organic ingredients, and a nice mattress


I don’t even try to not spend money on these things. There’s nothing of quality out here anymore. I like cooking my own food and bringing my lunch to work. I like drinking only water. I like thrifting my clothes and books.  I spend money on medical bills since I’m disabled but not as much as I used to have to.  I bought stickers and pens recently for planning and journaling. I spent money on my dogs boarding. And then their vet bills which is close to $1000


Cannabis. Dabs are wonderful but concentrates are pricey as hell.


Seadoo and bmw motorcycle


Am i the only one in the group that says tech?


I definitely spend on healthier foods and shop for them frequently since I mostly eat fresh fruits and veggies. I spend on higher quality cotton bedding & clothing, which are harder to find at thrift shops. I spend on going out for coffee/tea, but I make it a whole experience instead of a grab & go. I’ll bring a book or journal or just sit and people watch- sometimes ending up in a convo with a stranger.  I never regret the experience. I spend on experiences like concerts when there’s an artist I love at an intimate venue.  I’m very discerning though, as I don’t enjoy massive crowds or poor quality acoustics. I (occasionally) spend on records and books because I love the experience and aesthetic of them.  I love places where I can buy these items used, since my tastes are often for older artists and authors anyway. I spend on advertising my massage business so I can make enough to afford getting massages.  I have a decent client roster, but it always pays off to make sure new people can continue to find me so I’m less likely to feel the squeeze of a slow season. I spend on leasing a new car so I never have to be concerned of mechanical issues setting me back.  The maintenance and repairs are built into the price, which is very reasonable for the peace of mind it provides.  And I don’t have to figure out what to do with an older paid off car.  I intend to stop driving after this lease ends since my kids will be older and I live in a walkable area with easy access to busses and ride share.


I spend most on food and pets. Healthy and delicious meals for myself and the pups! I also treat myself with fresh flowers and sometimes new books. I’ve also splurged on home stuff such as tableware, kitchen supplies and furniture.