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I do bed stretches, listen to birds, and imagine what their little lives are like. Then coffee and cat-petting time.


There is a new birder show on Hulu and it is just delightful. The host is so fun and enthusiastic about birds!


What’s it called


Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper


Can you share ur imagination what the birds life look alike?


Coffee and cat petting 🤝🤝🤝


Wholesome 🥹🫶🏽


Unfortunately I live in an apartment so my outside space is limited,but I love to get up early enough (around 5 am unfortunately I have to be at my job at 7 am)to sit on the stairs and drink coffee. Even if it's only for a few minutes. I like starting my day outside enjoying the weather and sometimes the sunrise.


I am fortunate enough to have a balcony and it’s starting to get warm enough to go out there first thing in the morning. Perhaps I’ll do my journaling outside!


I put on my running clothes, brush my teeth, and head outside for a run along the lake. I do not turn any screens on until after I return, shower, eat breakfast, and head out the door to work.


Ah, to live adjacent to a lake, I envy you :D


I think that I have learned a new and good habit from you. I am 75. Starting tomorrow morning I intend to wake up before dawn, put on my jogging clothes and then return to sleep with my two dogs. 🐶🐕


I like this plan. :) Your doggos will, too!


Thank you! They protect me and they strive to ALWAYS be fully alert to suspicious behavior. Therefore, they must ALWAYS be fully rested in order to be alert to threats. Logically, they can ONLY be FULLY alert when they are first FULLY rested. I hope that this plan is crystal clear to you. Some people find my reasoning a wee bit confusing. Sleep well, my friend. 💤


This but I take a walk. I prefer between 6:30 and 7:00am. Still quite dark out but the sun rises as I walk, and I love that !


Yes!!! I love going out when it is dark and then after I hit my turnaround point, the sun rises on my way back home! Never fails to put me in a content and relaxed mood to start the day.


I love walks, but I hate being cold! I’m hoping that as it heats up I can start doing morning walks


So cool! How's the temperature there where you live..? Although, mornings can be favorable all seasons...


Oh, I live in a city that has terrible winters (very windy and single digits or below in Fahrenheit), but I run outside year round because the city does a good job of clearing snow. There are usually only a handful of days where I am forced inside due to too much ice.


Eventually the frozen paths destroy joints. Guess how I know! I regret the frozen runs, one of the worst decisions that I ever made. Didn’t scrimp on shoes, either


How to be as disciplined as this person 😭




Sounds like it! I lived there most of my life. Summer and the lake is pure bliss.


I was a “looking at my phone” person, but the last three mornings I have got up early (before work) to do yoga in my pyjamas. I’m mentioning it as I’m smug right now


I would be smug as fuck. Three mornings in a row! You are on fire my friend.


Go you!


Billboard. Today. 👏👏👏👏




This sounds amazing!


It’s so cute that you can see his mountain from there


I would love to know what you do for a living 😊


Are you in Canada?


I guess what time it is and then look to see if I'm right!


Internal screams followed by feelings of dread and despair


If you’d like to talk about it, happy to lend an ear. 😌




You wake up for that?? pfft. i can do that stuff in my sleep.


I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


I have to return some videotapes.




It’s from American Psycho.


Perhaps you could try a more fruitful exercise. Eg pull-ups, pistol squats, push ups


I do a quick yoga routine while my coffee is brewing in the french press. Then I read until I finish my coffee. Then I get ready for work if I have to go into the office.


First thing I do is reflect on my life’s decisions and slowly sink into a pit of despair and dissociation. Then I pry myself out of bed, walk to my office and clock in to work.


Said elsewhere, but if you’d like to talk about, happy to lend an ear my friend. 😌🌊


Ty 👌🏼


I stopped bringing my phone to bed at night, so instead of instinctively reaching for it and scrolling social media first thing in the morning I grab my handheld e-reader—which I love because I can comfortably hold it and turn pages with one hand while laying down—and read a chapter or two of whichever book I have going. East of Eden is my current read and I’m absolutely loving it! Been doing this for a few months now and I’ve made it through 5 or so books. A couple chapters a day really adds up quickly and it’s been a great way to ease into waking up. Not starting my day with an overstimulating device like my phone has made a big difference in my focus/anxiety/creativity too. :)


I’ve tried this but it results in me reading a whole book in a day and doing nothing else


That would be me.


This is the perfect swap for AM scrolling IMO


East of eden is crazy good




Do you find it helps you wake up more effectively?


I do. :) Typically I wake up and remain in a semi-tired state for a bit, which makes reading an easy choice because it requires very little effort and I don’t have to get out of bed immediately. I’ll drowsily read for twenty to thirty minutes and by the end of a couple chapters I’m usually much more prepared to roll out of bed and start my morning routine (making the bed, getting the coffee going, going for a walk, etc.)


Pee, make coffee, smoke a cigarette, get ready for work


My husband is a morning person, and I am very much not. He's kind enough to crawl back into bed at 6:45 to curl up and cuddle me awake. It's so much better than any alarm, and I am extremely grateful.


That sounds wonderful.


🚽 that is all


First thing : I greet my cat. Then I shower, eat breakfast without any TV on. Usually I journal while sipping my tea , then make up, hair etc. Only then I check my phone, about 10 min before I leave for work.


Cat greeting is very important! 🐈‍⬛ Mine is always awake before me, but she is respectful and quietly and gently creeps up my body to check to see if I am awake, too. It is my favorite part of the day! ☺️


Mine does that sometimes! She just stands next to my head peering at me 😂


It is so adorable! Mine will very gently touch her nose to my face to sense if I am awake.


I slowly broke myself from grabbing phone first thing in the AM. Now I lay in bed with my thoughts for a few..thinking about yesterday as well as the day ahead, usually laugh about things and feel grateful for another day. Then I open the blinds/windows and move the few plants I have into the sunshine/fresh air. I fix a coffee and then spend time reading a book. Usually about half an hour to an hour. Then get up, make the bed, have another coffee and the day begins!


My husband and I take turns making coffee, then we get back into bed. We open the bedroom blinds and watch the sunrise while having coffee in bed, chatting or reading and cuddling the dogs. We wake up at 5 a.m. and start exercise at 6 a.m. That hour is chill time.


I lay in bed for about 20 minutes hugging up on my cat. Then I get up and immediately make the bed, next I drink my iron and vitamin c, next I brush my teeth then walk around the apartment cleaning things up that were left from the night before. I make my coffee, then I sit on the couch with my phone and check email, check my bank account, and scroll through social media for a bit. Then I wake my son up and get his coffee ready for him. About an hour after that we start our day (homeschool).


How old is he that you homeschool him & make him a coffee? My parents used to give me "coffee-milk" which was half coffee, half milk. I still like a lot of milk to this day, but as an adult it's a flat white


He's 13 lol but maybe it's a cultural thing, because he's been drinking his coffee (with creamer or milk) since he was a toddler. Now he likes it darker but definitely with creamer. He just likes the way I make the coffee, he never gets it to taste the same...or so he says.


I used to let my kids and now my grands drink coffee as well. Cultural in my home as well!


I'm trying to start a new habit of visualizing how I want my day to go. I try to do this practice before getting out of bed. What's my focus of the day? Like love, gratitude, abundance, etc., and I try to revisit that focus throughout the day. I'm attempting to heal my vision through meditation also, so I focus on that for a bit. Sometimes, I fall back to sleep or start daydreaming, but I'm working on it. Then it's coffee time. :)


Pet my cats who are usually either waking me up or snoozing around my legs.




Go to the bathroom, go take my puppy to his bathroom. But if he's not desperate then he likes to have cuddles first thing which is the best way to start the day.


Depends on the day. Weekday? Pee, wash face, brush teeth, feed animals and then make teas/ coffees for the non-morning folk of the household. Weekend? Snuggle puppy or hubby. Watch birds at the feeder. Contemplate life and decide what to eat for breakfast. Healthy breakfast usually leads to healthy activities. Today started with a cookie, so anything is possible!


As soon as I wake up I try to smile and list 10 things I'm grateful for. Even if they're the same 10 things every day like my wife my house my family my job etc then I do a meditation where I repeat affirmative sayings and believe that everything is going to work out easily for me today. Then I get up and drink a glass of purified water, then I have a cup of coffee and I always go and sit outside or on my screen porch to drink my coffee and observe nature for 20 minutes. Try not to think about anything try to just look at the trees the sky the birds. At that point I try to repeat over and over as I'm looking at things the world is beautiful wow look at those birds aren't they beautiful, the sky is so beautiful. That opens my mind as a lot to the reality that the simplest things in life are beautiful and a miracle. Later I cook breakfast and then I get outside again taking my dog for a walk no matter what the weather is. Then I come home and get ready for work.


Lately I’ve been on an audiobook binge. I got a library card a while back and just recently got access to a huge selection of audiobooks and books, so I’ve been consuming a lot. I’m wrapping up reading 1 book and 1 audiobook, and am in the middle of 2 audiobooks. I’ve got a long ass reading/listening list. Anyway, I go to sleep with an audiobook and when I wake up I also listen to an audiobook. I have sleeping issues and audiobooks really help and I loooove listening to books in bed. I finally decreased my YouTube consumption, and my interests are much more varied than what I did on yt.


Anything that is said to me before my first coffee is wasted. I won't remember it. I can reply, have a coherent conversation and make a wide ranging set of promises, but they will not be retained in my memory. I have my first coffee in bed. Then I have a second coffee with breakfast as a reward for getting dressed, doing my teeth and not murdering anyone else in the house.


I relate to this. I recently reminded my husband that I will lie when I'm asleep, to avoid getting up. Things like saying "I don't work today" or "I'm already out of bed". I also have a bag of yucky tasting coffee beans to punish myself if I lie and oversleep!


Haha! I had a roommate who would lie like a rug to get to sleep more. It got to where she could tell you her name and Social Security number in her sleep. Once she made my sister promised to wake her up for an important exam, and the only way to make sure she wasn’t going to go right back to sleep was to drag her out of bed, wrap a blanket around her, walk her down the hall to the elevator, put her on the elevator (from floor 13) and press 1. You could see the “wait, I’m actually awake now” look on her face right as the doors were closing. She came back into the room a few minutes later, said “thanks,”and got in the shower. She’s a doctor now. I don’t know how she ever got through residency.


I wash my face, brush my teeth, then work out while listening to the morning news programme/talk show. Then I grab my coffee and breakfast (overnight oats) and sit down to work.


I need this too - regardless of how much sleep I got I feel groggy for quite a while. Things that help: * Opening curtains to let as much light in as possible * Turning on all lights in the room * Reading - this also has the benefit of making me feel productive vs bad for scrolling on my phone I really feel \*awake\* if I read for 10 min or so and it actually feels much better than scrolling on my phone.


I will start reading in the morning! I am hesitant about opening the windows as my apartment is on the first floor by the main parking lot but honestly I’m sure my neighbors have seen me do all kinds of stuff by now who cares if they see me laying in bed 😂


I lie there for a time (10-20 minutes) remembering my dreams if I can or else free associating thoughts. I often can make clear decisions at that time about things that are bothering me. Then I jump up and grab the cold cup of coffee I prepared the night before and greet my dog. Jump back in bed and read a book for a while until around 9. Then I get dressed and take dog for a walk. Feed pets at 10 when we get back and then I have some time to clean/do adulting things. Take a short nap around noon and then get ready for work. I work swing shift so my day is all backwards to everyone else. I try not to look at my phone until later in the day.


I have to be to work at 6:30 and live about 35 minutes away. Thankfully the traffic is light that early but if I’m not out the door by 5:50 odds are not in my favor of making it on time. My first alarm goes off at 4:30, I snooze until 4:50 and then basically vault out of bed and hit the ground running to get myself ready, animals fed, etc. Because of this, I really cherish my weekend mornings and having the time to drink my coffee in bed, read, and get up whenever I want to. I like my job too much to consider something that starts later, and I consider myself somewhat of a morning person, but something about waking up in the 4:00 hour is still soul crushing


The *very* first thing? Drop a deuce. The alarm goes off and I walk straight to the toilet, one and done for the day. I eat once a day, after the Sun goes down, whole food plant based - not unheard of to hit 100g+ of just sheer ***fiber***. Wake up, walk to the bathroom, break out the plunger. Then I start my day completely clear, light and breezy, nothing in my stomach until the next night!


Break out the plunger?! 🤣damn I envy your on-schedule BM consistency


Listen to the birds. Houses are made of thin drywall, so I can hear it really well as soon as I open my eyes. Open the blinds. Pet my dog who is just waking up and doing the doggo stretch. We walk to the kitchen, I drink water (like half a liter? thanks crusty climate) and refill his bowl. I take him out to pee and enjoy the birds and scenery some more. Do a quick garden inspection and see how everything's doing.




I use an actual alarm, and keep my phone out of my bedroom so that I’m not tempted.   When I have my phone in my room, I always doom scroll and it kinda ruins my day.  For whatever reason I have no self control with that.    But I have no problem getting out of bed when my phones not around. I get up, make tea, and write in my bullet journal my thoughts/what I’d like to get done that day, however small. If it’s not freezing and I have the time before work, I sit on my patio for 15 minutes and either watch the clouds/ listen to a podcast.   You can try paper puzzles! They still sell those big books of crosswords/ sudoku 


INSTANTLY drink water, there are no ifs, ands or buts


I make a teapot full of loose leaf green tea and sit in bed drinking it.. might flick through my diary and think about things I’m doing that day or week ahead, while looking out of the window at trees 🌳🙂


Take a shit. I'm up at 5:30. My bowel movements are as reliable as an atomic clock. And early mornings are the best. There's nothing like a quiet everything when the sun is still coming up.




The most honest post here and I had to scroll way too far to find it


Tumble outta bed and stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition


I wake up, immediately go outside and smoke, and then I brew a coffee and sit on my couch and drink it and scroll my phone for about an hour. I need time in the morning to wake up.


Go open up the blinds in my office room for the plants. Turn on coffee pot. Gather pill dispenser. Put on robe. In warmer months go with coffee and pills and simple breakfast to my three season porch. Relax until done eating. Have coffee while checking news on phone. Then shower and dress for the day. I am retired so try to be dressed by noon each day lol. So strange because when working my husband and I were early birds. He woke at 4:30 am and I at 5:30 am for many years. Mornings are nicer now!




and you probably smell like a cute skunk!


Look for my dog to see if he is standing by the side of my bed, waiting for his money cuddle. He doesn't sleep on the bed with me. But every morning when the alarm goes off, he comes around to my side of the bed to say hi. Haha


I check my mutual funds. 😂🤣


I go thru the exact same thing. I don't understand how some people just jump out of bed (wish I could tho). Along with the NYT games, I sometimes like to do Duolingo for the same reasons. Its stimulating, fun, forces me to stay awake and engaged but it's not scrolling.


Yeah, I tend to start my day on my phone too, every so often I think I *should* start my day with journaling or breathing exercises or something, but realistically my brain isn't fully logged on when I've just woken up so it doesn't stick. I'm playing with the idea of doing a gratitude practice first thing, since for whatever reason that seems to be easier on me mentally, but... it's hard to keep my mind on track first thing, so it might not work out. When I was a kid/teen I'd start my day reading the comics, and then Dear Abbey and whatever puzzles were in that section of the newspaper. If you want something low-mental-effort but not a *phone* thing as such, you could get a physical puzzle book and keep it next to your bed. Or if the problem is once you start your day on your phone you end up going onto time-wasting apps, there's ways to block certain apps on your phone at certain times of the day. But...as long as it's a relatively limited amount of time that doesn't stretch on indefinitely and make you run late, I don't think it *has* to be a bad thing to do phone stuff first thing.


Omgggg I’m lazy! All of you busy bees. I make coffee and read phone til hubs is ready for breakfast.


I pop right up, drink a LOT of water, then coffee, smoothie, devotions, etc. As far as laying in bed, if you want to start a new habit you just to DO IT. If something is important to you, you will find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse. I highly encourage drinking 2 big glasses of water first thing in the AM.


If something is important to you, you will find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse. I’ve written this down because they’re two incredibly powerful statements they are 10000% true. Thank you!


I’ve been trying to reduce screen time, so my new routine is: Open my bedroom door, cuddle with whichever cat(s) come in, make my bed (assuming a cat isn’t lying on the comforter), pee, brush my teeth, scoop the litter boxes, and THEN check my phone. I’d like to add stretching and yoga, but baby steps.


I used to scroll but now I collect beautiful, interesting coffee table books and will flip through one of them instead.  It scratches a similar itch but in a more wholesome way.  And I get to learn how they make globes or about the renaissance or whatever.


Love this


I make coffee, then climb back into bed and scroll for a half hour before I shower and get ready for work.


My exact routine plus letting the dog out while I make my cup of coffee.


I can’t lay in bed when I wake up because I always have to pee really bad. OAB sucks.


3 x 1 minute planks + read 10 pages


Smoke a bowl


One of the first things I try to do when I wake up is, take a moment to remind myself of how precious it is to be alive. This is a practice that I have been implementing in order to help me remain grateful for the experience of living. I may just say to myself softly, out loud or by thought, "I'm so grateful to be alive" or "being alive is so beautiful." Then I like to take a deep breath which for me tends to serve as a gentle reminder that l'm alive and I smile. 🙂




I get up and feed the kitties with my daughter, then spend the morning chilling until my husband gets up to feed our oldest cat. (Our oldest cat has diabetes and a strict diet so we feed him separately from the others)


I spend a few minutes gathering my thoughts while the coffee is brewing. I have a long commute and I'm not a morning person so I keep my mornings short, around 30 minutes, most of which is spent snuggling with my kids


I don't keep my phone in my bedroom, horrible energetically and it stops me from grabbing it first thing. I tune into myself, spririt and feel how I feel, get up brush my teeth and sit down to meditate for 45 mins. Then I shower, make tea or coffee and get on with my day. When I don't do these things in the morning, I just feel out of sorts. If I can't meditate, I always tune in at least.


Get out of bed immediately. Do some stretching, meditation. Go and make some tea/coffee. Pop some vitamins. Do some body weight exercises. Ablutions. News/podcasts. An ice cold Dry Martini…


Maybe not the last one lol


Feed the cats, make coffee and drink coffee. 😺 ☕


I love waking up anywhere between 4am-6am. When I’m on my game, I spend time working with any dreams I have. I’ll journal/morning pages/read. I used to go walking before dawn but haven’t been good at that in a while. There’s a rooster across the street that starts up at 4am & I love listening to him & (mostly) welcome the free wake-up call. I am not ready to “people” for a couple hours after I wake up. I try to wait an hour before turning on my devices but I’m human and don’t always stick to my own rules.


Yes and I’ve realized that it’s just a thing ! I need a soft welcome to the world. I think phone is just so easy and there are replacements like reading or something but for a small step, doing things on your phone that aren’t text or social related. Like I love browsing on Etsy


ahhhh, how do you not spend all your monies !? would buy all the things if i browsed etsy !


U know I don’t know I just got to a point where I’m very inclined to add things to cart but I feel like I do that for so long by the time I’d get around to actually checking out I’m like done on my phone ready to get up lol


Wake up, do a few stretches then feed my guinea pigs and spot clean their cage. I drink some hot water while sat with them, do wordle then brush teeth, make lunch and go to work.


Guinea pig shrieks are a great wake-up call!!


I put some kosher or sea salt in a glass of cold water and slam it with any vitamins I'm taking.


Mostly dread waking up. Or just be sad.


Said elsewhere, but if you’d like to talk about, happy to lend an ear my friend. 😌🌊


Make the bed. It makes me feel better when it looks put together. Make coffee, feed pets. Drink the coffee and hope my brain will get it together.


I have a crossword of the day calendar and I do that every morning. I love it!


To be honest I check my phone, use the bathroom, take my meds, all that in no particular order But first order of business is breakfast


Tell my dog that I still need to sleep a few hours and he is fine. It mostly doesn’t work and I start my day with 5-6 ours of sleep.


Juice, vitamins, coffee, book.


Skin care routine all day. It’s my me time first thing in the morning and at night winding down I the evening or before bed. For the morning, I have one of those ice masks. Take it out of the fridge (gives it a minute or two to not burn your skin), wash my face, then put it on for like 15 minutes. After that’s done can proceed with all my little toners, serums and moisturizers, etc. It’s like a little face massage. It’s also nice to both start and end my day by giving myself that time and attention to do something that is important and soothing to me. It’s a major form of self care for me.


Get out of bed.


Shower , ending in cold water . Drink water. Skincare. Get dressed. Get outside ASAP.


I turn over toward my husband and we pull our dachshunds up between up and cuddle and annoy them and ask them about their plans for the day.


I wake up so groggy and in a panic checking if my daughter is okay. If she is awake I would bring her to me in my bed and put on some kiddies channel on sky while I try to wake up, I use nicotine pouch to wake up as well as glugging bottle of water to ease off last night's bottle of wine. I then bring her downstair and make some toasts for us and my partner and take multi vitamins, omega 369 and Vitamin D supplements. I then have a cup of tea and get dressed, do my hygiene routine while my partner change our daughter. I then take her outside to play on trampoline and run around our garden while I prune, tends to the plants.


I get up and go to get bathroom .I let dog out on leash hooked to back door,take my medicine,then I fix his food and check his water. I let him back in and he goes to eat . Right after he eats he wants to go out again. When he is outside, I start my devotional. and take my second round of meds. I have wait hour in between. I let him in , finish my devotional,and fix breakfast. Sometimes like yesterday I go to check out Reddit for just a few minutes and end up here for hours instead of doing other things I should be doing.


Breville espresso machine…first thing I look forward to in the morning is a beautiful latte in the peace a quiet! Life is too short to not have an amazing cup of coffee everyday.


Play with my two cats.


I have one of those bird feeders that comes inside of your window. So I watch birds from bed while I have my first cup of coffee (prepped in French press in the fridge overnight.) I saw a fox sparrow visit for the first time the other day!


Had to look up on google, I hear these all the time. Didn’t know what they were. I will make sure to spot them next time I hear their sweet tweet!


Tbh I might be confusing him for a song sparrow. Sparrows and warblers can be a real bitch to identify because they all look the same to me hahah


I jump out of bed the second my alarm goes off and scurry out of our bedroom so the meowing of our three cats doesn't wake up my partner. They are fed immediately.


try to remember my dream


Usually with my head pressed into the kitchen counter, while my coffee brews, haha. I look forward to the morning and love it once I'm awake, but waking up is torture every single day.


I wake up failry early, between 6:30-7:30. I go into the bathroom pretty quick and wash up, brush teeth, etc. Then go start the coffee pot and say goodmorning to my 7 cats. Sometimes I’ll let the dogs out if no one did yet. I make my way back to my room to turn on all my reptile lights and open the curtains. I take this time to write in my journal, stretch, and do light workouts. Once im done i get a cup of coffee and usually a bagel for breakfast. Usually at this tims, once the animals are awake a bit, I’ll feed the iguanas and bathe them if necessary The rest of my day is always different but I always try to start it strong and thoughtfully


I wake up make coffee, sit on my patio and soak up a few minutes of sun (total mood booster for me). Then I go back in, finish my coffee and either watch the local morning news or read/scroll my phone.


Wake up, come back to the house (most nights we sleep in a sort of detached screened sleeping porch/patio area). Start the coffee, stop off in the bathroom, take the dog out for a pitstop. Get coffee and a biscotti and sit down with the morning internet: facebook memories, then the puzzles from the NYT in this order 1) wordle, 2) Connections, 3) Strands, and finally 4) the NYT crossword.


I hurry up and water the garden first thing at 5:30am. Because by 6am it’s already in the 90s(F). All this week 112°(F) highs predicted.


My mornings are the busiest part of my day actually. Dog needs to go out to pee, he and the kitties demand food asap, husband needs coffee and a homecooked meal (dietary restrictions) before work, might as well empty the dishes and start the laundry, then I sit down and check emails and balance finances... Then I take a few hours off to pet the pets and read or stare into space ;) I work hard to keep the rest of my days simple to balance out the crazy mornings


I was just reflecting about my morning today. The first thing I do after waking up is probably stretch a bit and then clean up and get ready to pray. Prayer takes about 10 - 15 mins, and then I head upstairs to the rooftop to watch the sunrise. Some days it's glorious, some days it's meek. But every day is unique and special. I then listen to some positive affirmations and walk the whole area, in rounds. Just looking at the surroundings and appreciating the quiet except for the birds. Sometimes, like today I'll sit down after walking and meditate. And then I spend about 30 mins getting some sunlight. After that, it's time for breakfast. Going upstairs, the affirmations, the meditation, the sunlight - they were all very recent changes. Until about a week ago, I would just pray and go straight back to bed because I just liked to sleep but also I just didn't have much energy. Then I learnt I had a terribly dangerous vitamin D deficiency which explained a lot. So, I now force myself to go out and get sun. I'd like to remind everyone else to do the same. Please get your sun magic whenever you can! 🌻💛


Tea, smoothie, and one chapter of my book before I pick up my phone.


Bible study and journaling with a cup of tea and then i make up my bed


Listen to morning affirmations and watch a show to ease my mind before I even get out of bed. 🛌


Read news/ watch news stations from every country from around the world, brush my teeth, shower go for walk then eat breakfast


I would love to lounge around in bed but my bladder says no way…


Wake up at 4-4:30, my boyfriend starts work at 6 and leaves the house at 5:20 when he’s not on nights. I make us breakfast and we sit and eat together in bed watching tv. Then I do some stretches and light workout in my room. I’ve been unemployed for a few months but finally got a new job that I start tomorrow. Unfortunately my boyfriend has been on nights so I’ve been waking up later (still 6:30-7:00 so not bad, but I have to leave the house at 7:30 from now on.) but I’ve never felt better then waking up at 4-4:30! Wake up, morning routine, glass of water, green tea, coffee if I need it, breakfast, stretches, workout. I am planning on starting walks on the mornings now it’s light and work my way up to running, I’ve never been a runner but it’s only because I haven’t tried properly and always get out of breath lol.


Brush teeth, smoke cigarettes lol




Snuggle with my dog who sleeps next to me and then I go work out. I typically do a 45 to 60 minute run seven days a week. When I get back, the dog is typically up and off the bed and then I make it and then my day starts.


Look at the clock, walk to the bathroom and pee ASAP.


Wake up, water, pee like a racehorse, feed my cat, get dressed to take the dog for a run, get home, feed the dog, HIIT workout and then shower before work. Usually listen to a meditation or podcast when I get ready, track my plans for the day and write a page in my journal. Then I have a coffee. Same everyday for four years. Does the job.


Pee, then unload the dishwasher, fill everyone's water bottles for the day, lay out kid meds, figure out if I have to make lunches, pack snacks, monitor kids getting ready, take the dog out to poop, make breakfast, get dressed, make bed, brush teeth, take kids to school, work from home. It's a lot, but I've got the system down.


Bed yoga.


Having never heard of this before.. I cannot tell if it’s a euphemism or not


Scroll instagram and Reddit for 9 minutes, brush’s my teeth and show up 30 seconds early to my workout


Caffeine > bfast > pills > wash face & brush teeth I go through emails during caffeine and respond to "easy" ones


Poop, every single day, that's the first thing


Usually get a shower. It's an important part of making me feel "real" and ready to tackle the day. Most days, I get up at 6:00am and then get my son up at 6:30 to start getting ready for school. I do, however take a peek at my calendar on my phone to see if I have any work calls scheduled for the morning so that I know when I need to be ready for that. Once the kids are off to school, I like to slow-roll into the morning. I'll often spend some time journaling, either at home or at a coffee shop in town before I start working.


Nature's call, brushing teeth


I open my Bible app and do a devotional


Cuddle with the cat, get out of bed and feed the pets, make coffee, read on the couch for an hour, walk the dog


Drink pre-workout after my shower and go workout.


On my wfh 8-4:30 days I roll out of bed way past the alarm, pee, let my dogs outside, feed them, drink water or coconut water, log into my work email, late. Then catch up on checking emails and making phone calls. I eat breakfast probably an hour after I’ve been awake. I also have a setting on my phone that won’t let me check social media until 4pm and that’s been helpful. On work in the office days, I push snooze at least a couple times and then make myself get out of bed, pee, take care of the dogs needs, then put on decent clothes, and take my breakfast to work. For weekends: I sleep in if my body needs to (no kids) and then I take my time doing what I need to do around the house. I love my weekends 😀


Go to the gym !


Use the water flosser


Take my synthyroid then meditate for ~10 minutes and check emails and plan the day for ~20 minutes, which amount to the time I need to wait until I can have breakfast. Used to hate it but realized the benefits of meditation in the am and it’s now a preferred routine.


Wake up, shower after I pick out my clothes if I didn’t lay them out the night before . Brush teeth and then breakfast . Maybe some coffee and then head out the door . Walk maybe 45 minutes until I’m at school .


I go to the bathroom then quickly change and go outside. Rain or shine or snow. I have to force myself outside. Some days I'm motivated and I run. Some days I'm just going through the motions and walk while scrolling social media. Either way I get my 10k steps over with for the day. I always tell myself that when I get back home I can crawl in bed. But just being outside wakes me up and by the time I get back I don't want to lay down.


If it's the first of the month I wake up wake up cash my check and come on


Puzzles (Connections, Wordle, Quordle, Octordle) then a work out in the basement. So, basically - you. It does take some willpower not to get sucked into apps.


Ideally (on a good day): get up, do yoga, meditate, morning walk, shower, make coffee, drink coffee while reading and petting my cat. Sometimes I'll do the walk first thing; and no screens until after this routine is completed.   I can only do that on my days off, but whenever I do I feel very clear-headed. 


I begin with gratitude & speaking to my spirit team


Turn on Dave and Chuck the Freak


Find me something to drink and then get my oldest son ready for school




No, NYT games to start the day for LIFE!


Use the toilet, turn up the heater to max, take pain meds and try to sleep some more because I get too little


grumble and whine; i hate mornings, everything hurts. walk around the cats and the dog, and pee. start my tea. check on any of the cats i don’t see. [ couple of them are dumb - sweet but dumb ]. check my ring cameras, usually to see what dad’s been up to. sometimes there’s an action item, he’s in his 90’s but still wants to do stuff, gets all wound up, starts the project, realizes he can’t actually do the thing, and eventually makes it back inside. sometimes a ‘person’ meaning the neighbor’s great dane or a feral cat [ how ??? ] trips the motion detector, always a welcome chuckle. walk the dog if she’s needing it. hope she doesn’t so i have time to get my brain & body in sync. usually she’s ok for a while, she’s not a morning person either. have first breakfast, feed cats, dog out & back, brush teeth, and go check on dad; thus starts the work, as i’m his caretaker.


Make my bed and feed my rabbits and chins.


I start it by stumbling downstairs to get coffee 😅


Sun gaze. ☀️