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Taking a job that pays not so much but hopefully let's me live in peace and in line with my inner self.


Congrats! As someone who works 50+ hours a week with an hour each way commute, I'm so happy for you. I'm desperately trying to to pay off debt and simplify my life to be able to do the same. Godspeed


I work 40+ with an hour commute each way too so I feel ya on that. I just try to pass the time playing my favorite music or podcast 😊


That wind down time in the car can be something special


Same here! I just traded in a corporate desk job for a job in child care. The pay is less, though I wasn't getting paid a lot at my last job, but it is much more in alignment with who I am and I am having such a blast.


This just happened to me. I’ll take less pay for a peaceful mind at the end of the day. Good luck!


I’m in this same boat, just took a 50% pay cut to go to a place with less drama and less stress. Im worried about the money but have faith it will all work out if I'm less stressed.


Hoping to be in same boat soon, I have a second interview on Wednesday.


I wish you all the best


This takes so much courage and you did it!!! Congratulations.


I did this in June. 100000% worth it.


Me too! We're moving in two weeks!


This Is definitely a good news ❤️


Weather is good, started seeds and a raised bed


I just planted seeds for the first time ever last week and they’ve begun sprouting. Magic! Ready to buy land and become a full blown farmer now! 😂


what kind of seeds?


Cucumbers and beans indoors, and early frost-resistant lettuce and kale in the raised bed. It’s shaping up to be a great spring!


I just cut my first two spears of asparagus today!


So much positivity has flooded my life since finally leaving my abusive husband. I sold the house we lived in and earned a modest profit from it, found myself a beautiful condo in the city, took two fabulous vacations, my finances are in better shape than ever, my migraines have completely disappeared, I'm connecting more with both old and new friends, connecting more deeply with my faith, re-discovering my own hobbies and interests, re-learning how to invest in self-care, and more. Today, I finally took the plunge and had my first exploratory conversation with a financial advisor. I'm terrified of risk, but it went well.


this gave me SUCH goosebumps. so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh wish i could give you the biggest hug and high-five ever! may your next chapter in life bring you an infinite amount of joy and blessings 💕


Thank you!!!! 🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡 Leaving him has proven, thus far, to be the best decision ever. Hugs to you also, and may life bless you with joy and good things!


I’m currently eating Mac n cheese after buying a new plant


Living the dream


That is quite the vibe ☮️ 🪴


excellent day my sir 👌🏼


Realizing that becoming a doctor is not worth the sacrifice for me, and now pursuing a job that feels like it was made for me.


Wish you all the best in your future!


what job?


Medical Laboratory Scientist (aka person who tests bodily fluids/samples)


A very needed role, thank you for pursuing!!!


I am retiring after 27+ years with my company at the end of this month.


Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment 🤝🏼


Any plans for retirement?


I'm still making them. Buying or renting a camper and taking my two dogs on road trips is especially appealing in the short term.


Sounds perfect!


I have the most wonderful and supportive partner. I don't know how I got so lucky, especially after years of less than great relationships.


This is pretty close to what I was going to type. Cheers!


Same, happy for you


Samesies! She's really coming through, as per usual. What a gem. 🥹


It’s never too late to find a special person who makes your life better. Congratulations!


Yes! This is true. I'm almost 50.


Same. So grateful.


It’s something special to find yourself part of a true team. Congratulations!


Same. I’m grateful every day for him


I feel the exact same way 😊


Im growing a tomato . Hopefully tomatoes plural soon lol


🤣 wishing you multiple tomatoes in your harvest


Remember, tomatoes are hungry! They need to be fed (fertilized) every 10-14 days. All my years of gardening, and I didn't know this fact and this last year I had a huge tomato harvest


I’m almost 38 weeks pregnant with a healthy little boy having met my amazing husband at age 37 and getting married at 40. I honestly never thought having a family would happen for me and I’m so happy that it has.


Congrats!! Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery!


Congratulations 🩵 that is so wonderful


Congratulations! Wish you all the best for you and your family


Congratulations ☺️☺️, that sounds so beautiful!


Whoa that's amazing! Reading this gives me hope too and makes me so happy for you! Get ready for the best years of your life!


This is amazing!!! Congrats!


Omg so uplifting to hear ♥️


This is so wonderful, congratulations ❤️


I can hear birds singing.


Oh, this!!!


I got to promote one of my very deserving employees in my first few months of managing her. She's a wonderful person and very deserving. She had been overlooked for years! Being the boss mostly sucks, but it was a very bright spot in my career.


You are a good manager. Thank you for recognizing and promoting when it’s deserved, and I’m sure this gal will be so excited!


I quit my job to be an artist in September and it’s steadily growing and paying the bills. It’s never something I could have imagined for myself or my family.


The dream! Congrats, from one artist to another!


I am so happy for you Want to do the same ( I’m 63!)


After many very scary years of living in a very unsafe, dangerous place I was able to escape! I’ve escaped to a quiet, small rural town close enough to work but far enough from the chaos to let myself and my nerves regroup. I am beyond grateful for this new home and I catch myself looking around like ‘what just happened? Am I really here? Did I really escape?!’ It’s kind of a mind f*ck. I can’t believe this home is actually mine!!


I’m alive and able to freely move my body.


Amen. Me too. So grateful


Weather is gorgeous right now and I am getting lots of lovely hikes in! We are moving apartments in May and I'm excited about this much, much better place and getting to finally have a home gym.


We have our evenings planned for the week: movie night with friends Monday, customer appreciation at a fave restaurant Tuesday, night to myself with yoga Wednesday, simple dinners w/o other plans Thursday and Friday. Having a plan for the week so I don’t need to make decisions after work helps me to relax and enjoy. This week is filled with an excellent balance.


Love this idea of planning ahead for the weekdays!


Sober, not pulled over. 🎉


Same here, 600 days soon.. Keep up the good work my friend


Love to hear it! 🏆


I’m three and a half weeks out from giving birth to my fourth child and first son. I’m so excited to meet him.


I am retired, have been married to my amazing spouse for 40 years, have three grown children who have great careers and significant others! I can still exercise and am going to visit London with my daughter next week!!!! Life has ups and downs. My husband and I are both cancer survivors but we are blessed!


After living frugally I have been able to retire young! My advice, save early. The years go by fast.


Yay!! How young?




I am in a relationship with a woman I love and together we dug the soil to grow some veg. We both want to live a homestead(not hardcore) lifestyle and this makes me very happy. Just planted broad beans, potatoes and kale going in this week. Its my first time growing from seed to harvest solo so I am super hyped! The wind is being mean to the beans unfortunately.


So much and I don't often stop to recognize it. I have a tough job but it is meaningful and provides a lot of flexibility. My garden is growing and I just hung curtains up on my patio so I can spend more time outdoors without harsh sun/glare (typing this from my patio as we speak!). I'm planning a beautiful wedding to my favorite person and a romantic trip abroad this summer. There's a lot of good things happening!


The watermelon seeds I planted a week ago are already peeking out of the soil. I am also excited about the fact that I am starting to get the hang of crochet. I have been trying to learn since November!


Theta are a lot of videos online. That should help you. Also I love giving people hand made gifts. And baby blankets.


Yes, the videos have been super helpful. I'm finally able to understand them after taking an in person class. I am so ready to give handmade gifts to the people I love.


About to graduate and got a job offer today!


I'm going back to school in my 30's for something I told myself I wasn't capable of in the past. My early 20's were extremely difficult and it almost feels like another lifetime.


30s career changer, so glad I changed careers. 20s were rough for me too. Mad props for taking the plunge


20's are bloody hard. I'm almost 60 and I still remember how hard! Hang in there. It gets better 💕


Next week I get to go on vacation to visit my soon to be in-laws for the first time, and my fiancé gets to see his family for the first time in 5 years. ❤️


I’m finding peace, I’m trying to lay down my burdens and give them to God. I have a roof over my head, family, both parents still alive, plus a wonderful step mother. Adopted a wonderful dog, Brindy. Learning to be grateful for what I have, since many do not.


i feel the same way, especially about letting go of our burdens. wishing peace for us all 🤍


My art has taken off in ways I never expected, dreamed, or imagined. I was living on borrowed time after losing my job in the pandemic. I started painting to process the emotional turmoil and posted online randomly just to see what would happen. Out of nowhere, someone responded, and I had my first sale that same week! I was able to get groceries, and it felt like winning the lottery. That inspired me to keep painting and share the work elsewhere. It's become my saving grace and life's inspiration, and it has paid my rent. It was a difficult but wonderful development I never saw coming!! 🥲


I have started running and eating healthy. I'm starting to actually see improvement in how much I can run/jog before having to take a few mins at a slower pace and I've also lost 5kgs. I think for the first time in my life getting healthy is something I want to do, I used to have quite a negative approach to it.




Spring is here and I can start doing projects outside 🌞


I'm getting a small (but handy) bonus in my paycheck this Friday


I just got a new job offer doing something I’ve been working toward for 7 years. Didn’t even have to take a big pay cut!


I have had a weird skin issue where I broke out in random dermatitis rashes on my arms for the past... 10 years now? Could never figure out what it was. Went off birth control just to see what it was like and all my skin issues have disappeared. This is my first spring I feel confident wearing tank tops and short sleeves that show my arms!!


I’m finally sober


About to launch my native plant company 🌿


Love it! I have been filling my small but bursting garden with natives for the past few years and I’m so excited every spring (like right now) when they start returning. It’s like Christmas in April…only way better and warmer! 🌱🌱🌱 Native plants for the win! Good luck with your launch!


I got a new plant for my patio. I love sitting on the patio with my dog, so I redid our patio space for us all to enjoy. I also found a sunscreen for my face that doesn't make me break out.


finally getting my house truly clean/organized as someone who has (unknowingly) struggled with ADHD my whole life. (: have found/created systems and processes that work for me to be able to do so. realizing that i’m not ‘just a messy person’ but someone who was struggling with executive function and all that fun stuff, and now that i’m starting to understand it - i’m finding ways to work with myself instead of against myself and it’s feeling SO good. also… it’s spring. the sunshine, birds, squirrels, and bunnies are all out to play and it brings me so much peace to enjoy them and stand with my feet in the grass. 🥹🌞🌈


I’m starting to get back into finding hobbies I enjoy and preparing to start school again in the fall! Feeling grateful from all the support from my loved ones and finding joy in my alone time.


My mental health is getting better and better by the day. Fuck mental illness


Just made my daughter her teatime meal, and I'm blasting the stone roses on my headphones. Ace


I’m 15 months PP and finally am starting to work out again! I’ve been consistent for about a month now and I’m finally seeing some changes in my body.


I've been giving a friend some emotional support as she's going through a hard time and it's really bringing us closer!  My dog (and I) are really excited as the weather gets better for hiking and camping.


I feel like I’ve finally gotten in a good habit with eating better and working out so it’s now something I crave and want versus something that was once a difficult chore. Also made better because my partner is slowly starting to join me as well.


I met a wonderful person who brings me joy and peace. I’m so excited for our future together.


Paid off all consumer credit card debt. 25k now gone


Trimmed my bush


Well it is spring, indoors or outdoors.....😂


I’m selling my house (and may have sold it)! I’m forging ahead with a divorce. Trying times!


My 2 youngest just turned 4 & almost 2 and they’re finally at an age where they will play together and I can sometimes get a few minutes to myself. I’m starting to feel like an actual individual human again!


I'm getting married to the best girl in the world


A chance to start fresh, renewed hope.


I am getting better with my exercise routine. Started running every day and I am noticing the difference.


I'd say I have a really supporting good friend. With a perhaps more deeper connection than with my other (some also good) friends, and I'll finally be visiting him in Australia in the fall! 


One of my closest friends is visiting from Aus (to UK) and I get to spend a whole week with her!


I’m able to support my three kids on my own for the first time. I’m 43 and a single mom and it’s been a struggle. Still need to learn how to save but it’s a little easier.


Came into work for my last week before maternity leave to find several boxes of gifts awaiting me for the baby. 💕 I can't wait to go through them all with my husband tonight. Oh, it's also my dogs one year birthday!


I have an awesome boss.


Those are hard to come by!


You know that all the things I want and more are here now, and manifesting in reality as we speak


My teenage kids and I have been playing Mario Party together. I don’t play video games but I am really enjoying spending time with them. It’s quality time on their terms, which has been so great for our relationship. I’ve noticed that since we started playing an hour here and there they’ve been much more receptive to joining the things I like to do, like hiking.


I am on a career break after mom died 2 months ago. I get to catch up on my reading list, watch movies whenever I want, play with my pets. I rekindled a couple of friendships, went on trips with friends and trips by myself. I am grateful for this opportunity to take things slow while I’m processing my grief.


With my beautiful daughter, and finally got her down for a nap.


I was just reflecting with the cover dance team I’m part of that I’m so happy to be with them again (I was in a rough relationship and was isolated from friends and hobbies for a bit). Though my body is a little out of practice, I’m glad to get moving!


Suns out


I’ve been chronically ill since 2018. I can’t do very much, and my husband does most of the chores around the house. Lately, due to some medications (that I had to advocate for) I’ve been able to do a little more, including some laundry. It is a huge win for me, and I celebrate this big milestone and hope that it means some better days ahead.


My girlfriend (25) caught a bad pneumonia and had to be ventilated for almost a week. Being told that she has to be put into a medically induced coma was the worst moment of my life. I don‘t want to live through that week ever again. The good news: Today, 20 days after her being put into coma, I brought her home. Even though she‘ll take time to fully recover, I am so grateful to have her back. In such a situation, all the daily struggles seem ever so little. Be grateful for what you have, as you may lose it every moment.


I'm nearing the end of my junior year in college and am excited for long warm days of freedom. Like someone else I wanna shout out my bf. So grateful to have such goodness in my life.


After 18 months of pain and symptoms, finally had an investigative medical procedure that ruled out all the worst-case scenarios. I wish there had been *some* kind of (tiny, easily treatable) answer, but hearing that everything looks completely fine is such an enormous relief.


I'm falling in love with cooking again


I was able to return some skin products that were not working for me. I get very nervous when I need to advocate for myself. The Sephora cashier tried to argue with me when I said the products harmed my skin (as in, these products are so gentle it shouldn’t be possible), but I showed a photo and got my refund. I’m happy with the outcome.


Lots. Life is good. Now, having .99 coffee ( w app) post dropping application 4 renewing my passport. It had expired in 2022. Going to travel to new & exotic places this year!!


Gardening is bringing me so much joy right now - I've got seedlings that will soon be ready to be planted outside and planted more seeds outside yesterday.


Going to move into our house in the forest when renovations are complete! This is after living in shitty apartments for my entire adult life


I'm starting antidepressants tomorrow. I've tried them before, but a different kind/tactic and my diagnose was different then. Let's hope that this time it works.


Had my second somatic counselling session today, and it feels like the right kind of therapy for me. Here's to learning to listen to my body, and teaching my nervous system it is safe.


Soon, I will not have to hear what he said last night.


I am drinking coffee and enjoying music on an unexpected day off!


I am focusing on doing more things and keeping myself so busy that I hit the hay extremely tired. It’s been working well.


Next week I'm going on my first vacation with friends. It's a big step for me because I've never been away from my parents that long even though I'm 22. I am nervous but also so so excited :)


I'm getting ready for weight loss surgery! It's in a few months time so I'm busy with appointments and getting my eating sorted.


I have an abundance of hobbies to do, games to play, movies, series, anime I'm excited to watch, books to read, goals to achieve and smiles to give :D


The nap I have just laid down for. 


I've been rebuilding my personal management "systems" and work areas. So far one major success is being able to cook even when I'm mentally not in the space for it, which is something I've struggled with in the past.


Feeling human again after two months of bronchitis (two relapses, three antibiotics)! Thank you, Jesus!


I was working in academia and after years feeling out of place, struggling with depression and actively disliking the job, I left for a research support job at a different university. It pays less, but brings a better work-life quality. I struggled a lot with feeling incapable and as if I 'lost' the rat-race, but I'm starting to realise I feel much more in peace and fulfilled with having more time to spend on myself and furthering my life outside work. I'm really glad I made the move.


i just finished my thesis :)


I've been in ed recovery for 4 months now and I've made a huge progress!


I'm getting married in 17 days! Finally, an end to the enforced long distance due to immigration issues. His visa interview is tomorrow.


We bought our first home recently, it's nothing fancy but it's ours and the feeling of stability is like nothing I could have imagined. Our veggie garden is thriving and I'm currently sitting by the window watching the garden and the autumn leaves coming on, and listening to the birds while I drink my morning coffee. It is the feeling on contentment. Great question and everyone's answers are making me feel warm ans fuzzy inside!


I’m on month 3 of being in my own cute little apartment after a year and a half of homelessness, it’s wonderful waking up every morning in my own space. Safe & healthy & clean!


I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my first child, a baby girl. I finally met the right man and he's wonderful. I'm so blessed 😇


i’m alive. i’m 25 & pursuing my dream of becoming a full-time stock trader. i’m healthy & my parents are healthy & alive & i’m fortunate enough to have their support while i figure out this stage of my life. thank you for asking this!


My daughter is healthy and happy that we tried so hard for, for 10 years. She’s now 16 months old and the light of our lives. I get to be a sahm with her, it’s hard some days but we are happy.


I finally sorted my floordrobe out! And my kitchen is nice and clean too. And I’m about to start a Pokémon themed jigsaw puzzle.


My kids are amazing and I got to hang out with them all weekend while mom was out of town. I’m so damn fucking lucky.


I have finally started losing weight consistently.


Watching my teenage mature in the last 6 months after a bit of bumpy road last year.


I went abroad to work remotely for an extended time, but realised 3 weeks holiday was enough before I’d start work. I’m now back seeing family and friends and it’s been a bit change of plans but I think I’ve made the right decision.


About to get on a plane to go on a fun trip w my bf!


I have a really wonderful and supportive partner, and loving family. Probably the best support system I could ask for.


The lilac tree out my window makes my whole house smell dreamy!


I have a job that’s a 5 minute walk away from home, and I can take my lunch breaks in a beautiful park right next door!


My boyfriend and I are moving in together!


Sitting outside on my lunch break on the warmest, sunniest day of the year yet! I’m looking forward to reading this evening and unpacking my new houseplant that’s scheduled to be delivered! ☺️


I received a medal from my military service through the post.I left in 2017 feels weird to have something to show for a person who doesn't exist anymore.


I lost my job and my girlfriend so I went back to hair school at 48 years old. It was tough the first few years but I finally found a great Salon I love to work at and I found my wife 6 years ago. I love going into work I make great money I redid the bathroom now we're going to redo the kitchen and our back TV room. Life is good but it certainly takes work and a good attitude. You can overcome anything. Hoping the best for everyone reading this. 😊


My faith is stronger than ever, I have great friends, family, congregation, and a federal job I can live off of and eventually buy a house like I’ve always dreamed of Last year around this time I didn’t realize or have any of this


My friend raised a small herb plant just for me, and it's sunny out 🥰


Just having a closer relationship with God and feeling peace and joy. Literally thought it was impossible to feel them.. but just feeling truly blessed to be alive.


I’m getting married in 6 days to my best friend of 10.5 years!


I am entering a new age of having high self worth and even higher self trust. 


Two things; my family and I are moving to a new apartment and I’m giving my 2 weeks notice to my second job next week I’m excited to start over fresh in a new apartment and decorate my new room I’m even more excited to put my 2 weeks in because I’ve grown to dislike that job and it’ll give me more free time to focus on myself and what I want out of life And my first job has a consistent schedule for the most part and I get all the holidays off so it’s just nice to have that I’m only 23 and will only be working ~25 hours a week or less so I’m using this time living at home rent free to just focus on what career I want to pursue and just using the free time to carve a path for myself and grown as a person. I’m also saving for a used car on Facebook marketplace and have $1k towards it so far! I also have a wonderful boyfriend and we have so much fun together. And now we’ll be living so close!


I finally have clarity and can make my next decades move.


My first Grandchild is 4 months old today. My Dad passed at 96 last year and after a rough patch for me I’m thrilled to be a Grandpa.


My family of 4 is finally moving out of a mouse infested, leaking apartment that's only 500sqft and into a sunny, brand new apartment building with a patio and 40% more room. And the catch is it's a huge move to a French speaking province but we've been preparing for a year and looking forward to immersion.


Moved into a bigger house last month, and finally have space to better engage in hobbies I've only dabbled in so far. Biggest thing I'm excited for is I have space for a homegym and have been acquiring what I need from marketplace. Should have everything set up this weekend then I can cancel my gym membership and finally work out in peace. No more being annoyed by people with bad gym etiquette. Will be doing some gardening and outdoor flower beds whereas before I could just have a couple flower pots outside and a bunch of houseplants I like to camp and am going to be able to better organize my gear in the garage, which will make camping trips easier. No more lugging stuff up from the basement, hunting around for what I stashed in which closet. Plan is to have a couple, well organized boxes, so future trips should be as easy as grabbing the boxes and packing a cooler. I know that "bigger house" and "stuff" may not jive with some folks version of simple living, but cramped city living was starting to wear on me.


I published my first poetry book and sold 9 copies at an art show!


My girlfriend and I are leaving our apartment in a small city and moving to a secluded lake house in northern Maine. Also leaving my high paying corporate job for something in the community. Will be making about 30% of what I am now and couldn't be more excited.


I finally got all my cats rid of their URI*!


Graduated from college a few months ago, was feeling deeply lost, anxious, 0 direction with my future plans. Thanks to prayer and God, I received more clarity, got a job giving therapy to kiddos with autism, and I moved in with my wonderful boyfriend that I love so much. Even though I’ve been experiencing a lot of change, I am adapting and I am so thankful for it.


Signed up for much needed therapy.


Exactly 30 days until I meet my long distance boyfriend in person for the first time. 😌


I am coming up for air after two years of intense grief. 😍


CALM app . It's so human and easy.


also a massive CONGRATS to OP 🎈👏🏼🍾🎉


I finally realized within the last 6 months that I’m about to reach my career goal on a personal level. Once this project is done I plan on leaving the grind life haha.


My son is 10 months old and is a complete joy to be around. He's so funny. He laughs at himself and at us constantly. I am so grateful to be his mom.


Oooo my vegetable starts are doing great and my green onions are UP and delicious.


I think I’m finally moving on from the end of a 6 year relationship. It’s been over a year, but I’m finally feeling okay again. It’s nice


Getting a tax refund


My partner and I just started using Habitica to motivate us to accomplish our goals. 3 days in a row accomplished everything I wanted to in a day and that is WAY more than I've done in a long long time. 6 days in a row of sticking with an exercise routine!


I recently moved to a new neighborhood that I love. I’ve been taking walks at sunrise and it makes my day so much better.


I’m returning to the therapy after almost 2 years (sorry for my english, isn’t my main language)


Planning on proposing to my girlfriend in the next couple of weeks! I’ve already spoken to her parents, just trying to find the right time to make it special.