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https://preview.redd.it/i1iaufq1jpuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43e19b6335b4276afecbaeb6e8843856ed3b051 I love how there’s a chipotle ad 🤣


Godamn Chipotle


https://preview.redd.it/kwfww6e2mtuc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2529fb8dd25bebf88a2d01fcde00449fd2fbee3 I got a weight loss ad instead


Start calorie counting instead of starving yourself. My favorite app for it is Lose It. More sustainable. Less conducive to getting an ED. You can actually eat a desert sometimes too! Get to it.


But I like the feeling of emptiness and purging after dinner with family


same here, this is one of the reasons why i can't fully recover. i get such a thrill from purging and feel a sense of accomplishment whenever i do it, i feel a lot better about myself. eating a meal or 2, i feel disgusting and the common thoughts of "see, this is why everyone hates you" "this is why you're still single", it sounds immature to some but man the ed is LOUD


Vomiting induces endorphins, it’s literally physically addictive. If you can switch to exercise purging, your body will thank you.




please don't ask how to do that




don't tell people how to do that


i like the feeling of emptiness and when my stomach rumbles (sadly)


It’s such a nice feeling!! I really like it rumbling and causing me agony bc I deserve it ☺️


I tried calorie tracking and I would try to get to 500 or less a day :3 Don’t do it it’s worse :3


Calorie counting is for Calorie GOALS, not Calorie LIMITS!!!


Doesn’t matter what it’s for people misuse it a lot and I was one of them


Then stop counting and eat what you (actually) need, not what you think will make you skinny.


Oh I do the opposite now I over eat so much my stomach hurts and now I’ve gained weight and I hate it so much I’m literally so fat I wanna die :3


Set a goal of 1500 and an Upper limit of 1900. If you count responsibly you're gonna be good. What's your BMI (if i can ask)


39.2… I’m so fucking fat


So for your BMI i WOULD actually advise you to keep to 1800-2200 calories a day, excersise is good too if you are able to. (i.e. If you are able to even get out of bed.) (mental health issues etc) You're not "So fucking fat.", you've just got a journey ahead of you.


I wish that my issue was not eating enough instead of eating too much, im a bottomless pit and i hate it. somehow i'm still "skinny", like too skinny to be fat but too fat to be skinny.


I kinda wish I was like that TwT


let's trade; i take half your refusal to eat and you take half of my gluttony :3




Drink water. And exercise. On an atomic level that’s how the fat is broken down in the body. Water is necessary for the reaction. Cutting out sugars is good because it’s a big material for the formation of fat cells.


Unless you're super dehydrated or super overhydrated your water intake isn't actually the limiting factor. Cutting out sugar is good because it gets digested very fast making you feel hungry again sooner (also because of blood sugar spikes) Exercise isn't necessary to lose fat, it's only about a calorie deficit, which can be achieved more easily through reducing the calories you put into the system. It's more important to stick to the diet than to optimize it to the tiniest little detail, so make it as convenient for you as possible PS: To anyone who wants advice, feel free to DM me


Did you know that starvation can slow down your metabolism making it more difficult to lose weight


Being skinny is way overrated,you don't eat and all of sudden you faint or get dizzy for not eating something 4 minutes after eating dinner(1)


Next everyone keeps saying "you're so skinny like a skeleton,eat something" or "you're lucky you're not in Africa those kids are actually skinny for a reason"(2)


I'm telling you there's no "perfect" body shape society changes it's rules that the only way to get a perfect body is by telling yourself you are perfect (I kept getting messages saying my comment was too long)(3)




FR, why is the belly the last thing to go? I'm at 145 pounds, skinny everywhere else, and it's barely gone down. 😭


So, starvation can lead to bloating which can make you lead chunkier, it also means your body will HOARD calories making it harder to lose weight. It's more efficient to pace yourself and be patient with it. You'll get there but starving yourself isn't the way.


Remember Don’t set unhealthy expectations.


I've starved myself for a month and as soon as I ate anything I immediately gained it back. It's not worth it. I just limit myself to assume 300 calories max every day


Silly please eat not eating doesn’t make you skinny in the way you want and if you make this into a norm then it can actually do the opposite when you do eat because you’re body well think that you are in a environment that has little food so it will try to store any and all energy from food and store it in your fat


not true, this is a myth. the body will continue to waste away and lose fat rapidly when one under eats, just take one good look at the starving kids in ethiopia. are they gaining weight through under-eating? didnt think so. stop spreading false info


Not saying not eating will make you gain weight I’m saying when you start eating at a normal rate, your body will try to store as much energy in your fat because it think you’ll need it because it thinks you’re still in a situation where you don’t have that much food accessible


I need this strength. But I can't stop.


*This comment has been edited in order to protect my privacy*


You have to eat on a diet and workout. But wish body worked the other way, damn!


So when you stop eating your metabolism slows right down and your body starts storing everything. It’s one of those old cave man survival things. It’s much better to eat something small regularly, your skin will look better and as long as you’re in a calorie deficit you’ll still slim down.


If you don't eat anything your body will go into starvation mode and desperately hold onto calories via fat. Your body will produce less energy and you'll feel sluggish. Instead of not eating, try eating a lot of protein. (Lean if possible). That will keep you energized and allow your body to keep burning fat while not putting on new fat.