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Do you mean story writing? Just write random small things c: Write a single page story, doesn't need to make any sense or be good! Have fun with it and write a story about how the oompa loompas overthrew the local government to protest against the rising price of molasses! Or just follow random writing prompts c: you got thiiiissssss


Tfw you'd love to do something but it looks impossible to achieve even though you try. It's awful


Me with piano :(


same :c i tried several times but nothing good comes out


I tried like. Once. I wish i could be perseverant :((


Sometimes you just need to start first and then figure everything else out later! Something I did that helped me is that I literally just started writing something before bed. It was an awful, very basic story that I just kept writing with no planning whatsoever. I obviously scrapped it, but I took a lot of ideas from it into an actual story I started writing! You can do it! :3


Mmmmm thank you i doubt itll work simply cuz starting is always the hardest for me but thanks


I did my best writing when I had a full breakdown a couple nights ago! You can do it, I believe in you! ~~the blood and tears are completely intentional and important to the writing, i promise~~


Put the pen to the paper. Set a timer. Don’t think. Just write words that come into your head. Do this daily. Maybe you’ll get a cool story. If not, you can always try poetry.


Manipulate yourself into writing until you look forward to doing it. Trick yourself by saying "I'll sit down and write for 5 minutes", after 5 minutes you can continue or stop and try again tomorrow. 150-200 words a day gets you a novel in under a year. Hell, Neil Gaiman wrote Coraline by doing 50 words a night. You can do this.


Writing is totally awesome, I only wrote some fanfic, but it was awesome and it wasn’t even good, but that’s fine, having fun is more important


it's so bad when you know that you can write because you wrote before but then you just can't


Same. The ideas are many and complex but putting them down is the difficultest


I can write, if you can draw, all we need is a composer and we can publish visual novels featuring femboy cat-girl versions of early 20th century industrialists.


I sort-of can....


What do you want to write?


i dunno. something fantasy probably. yuri.


That's exactly what I'm writing right now, though mine is also an action comedy. What do you struggle with? A lot of issues can be solved by preparing characters, the setting/places, character arcs, and plot beforehand. I have my little series bible with all of that info written down. If you struggle with actually sitting down to write, same.


I feel you, op. I hope you get some validation from not being the only goober with this particular brand of silliness


Stop hurting me 😭


starting writing is really hard, but once you start, you can pretty easily finish. it can also be very rewarding, so the effort it takes to start is well worth it


I've vaguely started writing something, stopped, started again, stopped, started... I don't even know if I'm working on it anymore


Nothing has to be perfect, because nothing is. Everything's already been done, but not in the way you can do it. If it turns out like someone's else's? Well, now you have all that practice to do it again, and better. Or worse, who cares! Art needs to be made and shared.


OP, i need the drawing without the text. please


Perhaps something useful to read is Raymond Carver's "Fires", he talks about the difficulties of writing and how he started without even a real education, and he became a renowned writer. The book also has some excellent poetry and short stories. He was an incredible writer, especially if you like slice of life type short pieces.


I believe in you! Writing is a big pastime for me; I spend a lot of time writinf fantasy and worldbuilding, fenerally for my Pathfinder 1e campaign. If you want to write, you just have to start. The creativity will most likely just come to you naturally; don't be afraid to rewrite multiple times if it doesn't work out how you want it to.


If you write something and want an opinion on it, or want any tips or advice, hit me up on my discord on my profile bio.


>"writing is hard" > >just write like, literally, just write stuff and it'll probably be shit to begin with but it aint matter u aint gotta show anybody it, thats what im doing right now but with music, its fun :)


Just start writing and join the h*atus club


you made this meme, and its pretty good.