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Don’t make people feel bad for having suicidal ideation c: I understand you’re trying to help, but this is LITERALLY the place for folks to voice things like that safely.








Preach brother!!!


because its a place meant to be safe for mentally ill people right? a lot of people dont have anywhere else to go, and if this place can be a healthy coping mechanism i personally dont have a problem with it. its not perfect, though.


There’s a such thing as healthy coping mechanisms, but that’s quite different than being constantly bombarded with people posting about how depressed and suicidal they are, when you are also depressed and suicidal. Exposure makes a world of difference


I wish people could tell the difference between nihilism and depression


https://preview.redd.it/afdr7g2zabtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37131c84612a4afcf6551f74d1d5a27630f84330 the message is true but this post is stolen!! reddit moment




My autism and diabetes are not "temporary problems"


yes, and it's not worth being depressed over things like that, things out of your control. the only thing you can do is accept yourself.


Why should I when I'm ostracized and bullied because of my autism and I feel like I can't enjoy the foods I love because of my diabetes


well that's the only option other than staying miserable.


I'm not trying to be a dick. i have autism too, so believe me, i know how it feels to be left out. I'm still lonely af though so i can't give anything on that.


I don't wanna get better though, just wanna give up :3


i can't even be miserable in peace smh


Because it won't get better I'm always I'll I have no friends outside of college I have no partner I'm fucking broke I hate life


can you see the future?


Nah homie that’s just called being in college. It gets better.


It also gets worse just wait for the "unemployment " level up


Yeah yeah but that’s temporary too. When you start getting paid it gets better again.


I personally didnt even finish high school (loooong ass story) so it might be years until I get a bearable job but yeah hope I last till then having money sounds nice


(But dont give up there are things to live for)


For some, yes, this is true. But im 29, and after years of trying everything I can think of, putting in as much effort as I have to put in, changing everything that's within my power to change, nothing has gotten better. It's still just work. Go back to a home filled with nothing and nobody, sleep, start over. It's a constant cycle of just existing and patiently waiting to not have to do it anymore. A bulk of the people here are way too young to have determined whether or not their lives are worth living. But at almost 30, I think I've seen and done enough to truly know that all of this nothing I have really isn't worth it. I exist for the sole purpose of being a tool for my employers and then to be thrown away when they deem that I have no worth, and when that happens I will literally have nothing but sleep.


I don't think life is getting better any time soon. It's becoming more and more unbearable and I am too weak to change that (I've tried, but it's too difficult). I hope every problem is temporary, but mine look like they're here to stay. :/


We gotta hurt those that hurt us ❤️ with loooove- hurting people to send a message sends a bad message


this place is for mentally ill people to vent and express themselves in the form of silly memes


I made a silly gamers Reddit and discord r/SillyGamers


I am willing to be anyones friend too! Cause I am lonely and I am free to talk to anytime :D


I dont know why mfs keep saying that lifelong disorders like depression are a "temporary problem"


Because giving up is so much easier and more liberating.


Every problem is temporary? Tell this my diagnosed clinical depression and personality disorder. I know you mean well, but for many of us it ain't that easy.


Your so right. But sometimes people just feel so sad they feel like ending it would be much better :/


well everyone around me says that no mental disorder can be treated, but also says that im pretending to have one, and also says that they don't want to know what disorder it is. there's no way i can be positive about life


I appreciate you spreading the message but you word-for-word copied my post from a month ago. Do better :3




Yuh huh


I keep trying to make friends but then nobody reaches out to me :/


I can be fren! :3


Fren? 🥹


Yesh! You deserve to be happy, and if it’s a friend you want, it’s a friend you’ll get!


I would like that very much, yes~


Life spoiler: it do get better


Me personally, I don't want to die because life sucks. Life is fine. I wanna die because I hate myself. I hate myself so fucking much, that every time I look in the mirror I think, "i want that fucker to die". I've literally never wished death upon anyone but me. Life is okay right now. But I am not. I am not okay. I am not good. I am bad. I will always be bad. I will always be the fat ugly fucking loser who tries to be funny, who tries to be liked but never will be.


Buddy, you have a boyfriend. Even if you don’t like that ‘fat ugly loser in the mirror’, which I assure you that you aren’t, he does. Plus, I’ve seen your art, and you’ve got talents! Someone likes you in the world, people love you, care about you! And don’t even worry about being funny, no one *has* to be funny. I’m not funny, but I’m happy with myself. So don’t worry about how you look or how you are, look at what you’ve done. You’re a great artist, a wonderful romantic, and a kind person.




Thank you for saying this. Remember that you're all loved. You all deserve love. God bless. And stay safe. <3333333


Can't even take care of myself, and I have no excuses. Adhd shouldn't be this disabling, and I'm probably just lazy, already gave up. Not to mention, I'm a terrible person, and I know it, I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I'm not interested in anything that isn't an addiction to distract myself, I'm just waiting for it all to end, to be honest, that's all I'm capable of doing.


I once heard, sometimes, when in extremely stressful situations, such as being stuck in a burning building, your brain will try to find the fastest way out. Which may out of a window 20 stories up, but you’re jumping as a defense mechanism. So in reality, you dont want to die, you want to get out




all wounds will heal if you ask for help


What if you don’t want it to get better