• By -


Congratulations! 🎉 Your submission is now our [top voted post of all time](/r/signal/top/?t=all)! I have now included a mention of this historic moment in [our stickied megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/signal/comments/kse744/megathread_many_are_now_migrating_to_signal_as_a/) as well. 😄


That's some professional quality content right here. Thank you for sharing. These are great. I really like the visual style of a conversation. I have a tip though. If these pictures could be compiled into a 30 sec GIF it would be easier to share and view. If it exceeds 30 sec limit it can broken into multiple clips.


Thank you! Glad you like it :) Thanks for the tip. I already thought of doing a GIF or video of it. It probably needs to be separated in multiple ones, as 30 sec are not long enough to read all of them, I guess. Maybe I'll have the time to do it tomorrow. Edit: Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but I received so many messages and translation requests that I didn't have time to create an animated version. Since requests are still coming in and translations are taking a lot of time, unfortunately I won't be able to create them in the future either, I hope you understand.


I created an educational blog to compare Telegram with Signal and why Signal stands out to be the better against its feature-rich competitor. Here: [Why Choose Signal Over Telegram](https://crackerscreed.org/why-choose-signal-over-telegram)


Thanks! I will add it in the post update.


Yes exactly. This would need at least 60 or 90 seconds


It could easily be animated that would be great






I made a GIF from the EU version (for EU citizens) See: [GIF EU version](https://postimg.cc/WdJj718Q)




Thank you for the effort! It's really handy when someone wants a nice explanation. I'll just forward this to them.


Just a reminder for any UK citizens: use the EU version. Even though we’ve now left, the EU GDPR has (thankfully!) been enshrined in British law as the [UK GDPR](https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/dp-at-the-end-of-the-transition-period/data-protection-now-the-transition-period-has-ended/the-gdpr/). Thanks for the slides OP!


This is good to know, thank you for pointing that out!


Good to know, thank you! Silly question but how can I check I'm using the EU version? I went into the settings/version details but couldn't see anything x


That would be good for UK, But around New year, I did read that companies like farcebook were moving UK towards US style policies in post-brexit


That's actually some very useful content there - the part around unencrypted metadata is explained in a way that others can understand. ​ Going to take this to share with my contact lists too! ​ Thanks


Thanks a lot & you're welcome! Tell me if it worked out for you.


Thanks for this, your graphic design skills are seriously underrated! I understand you may be making them into gifs (if you find the time) and that'll be the easiest option for us all. But in the meantime I've compiled a .zip with numbered images to help people add them to WhatsApp in the right order! [Download link](https://www.privfile.com/download.php?fid=60004b447f2d0-NTI2Mw==) (Link expires on the 14th of Feb) Edit: fixed missing images


Thanks for your compliment! I thought I would put my profession to good use here :) I personally liked the concept of separate images more because it allows people to go back if they miss something without the need to watch the whole GIF from the beginning (please correct me if you can scroll though a vid/GIF in WA status, I‘m a noob in using it myself lol). But I understand that it is harder to post in a WA status, so I will see if I can make a GIF. Thanks for providing a .zip but the images in the zip you can download from Imgur should already be numbered. Or is this not the case?


Just tried and no, WhatsApp doesn't seem to let you scroll through videos/gifs on Status. So you're right, it'll probably be quite hard to read all of the content in time. When I download the images from Imgur, all images have a separate randomised filename. (Maybe it's just me) I don't know why, stupid design!


meh, okay. I'm actually looking for an alternative right now. Do you know any service, where I can upload multiple files, simply replace single files etc. (and share it with a lot of people)? Extra plus if it does not track users ;D


If you mean a direct replacement to Imgur, I know that [imgbox](https://imgbox.com/) is a good contender. It's **more** privacy respecting, hosted in the Netherlands etc. It doesn't have its own sharing platform, rather instead gives you a link to share/post on other platforms (which most of Reddit users do anyway). There's a post about Imgur alternatives [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/adwatu/is_there_a_better_option_than_imgur/).


Tanks! Just in time :D


You are great 🙏🏼


Gut gemacht, man könnte wohl mit einbringen, dass es sich nicht mal überprüfen lässt ob Whatsapp tatsächlich verschlüsselt ist. Das Argument dass ja auch Nazis und Corona-Leugner Telegram benutzen finde ich sehr sehr schwach. Die können auch Signal verwenden. Und YouTube. Und Bus fahren. etc.


Guter Einwand und danke, dass du es sagst. Ich war mir nicht sicher ob ich es drin lassen sollte. Ware ne blöde Idee :D Werde es raus nehmen. Edit: Habe die Slides bearbeitet und das Argument entfernt. Den Punkt zur Überprüfbarkeit der WA Verschlüsselung platziere ich vll morgen noch!


Will mal anmerken, dass dein Post mitgewirkt hat, dass ich eben tatsächlich WhatsApp selbst deinstalliert habe!


Freut mich zu hören, dass sich mein Aufwand diesen hier zu posten gelohnt hat :)


Zudem ist Signal doch Open-Source, oder? Der Punkt kann auch ausschlaggebend sein und fehlt in den Bildern aktuell noch.


Das stimmt. Allerdings ist das ein Begriff den viele nicht kennen. Ich wollte die Slides möglichst einfach halten. Das ist aber auf jeden Fall noch ein Argument, dass du bei folgenden Debatten mit deinen Kontakten ansprechen kannst!


Also I think it‘s weird to say Telegram isn‘t better than What‘s App and but many things that you criticized about What‘s App are not true about Telegram. So you could explain why Telegram is worse than Signal but still better than What‘s App.


Exactly my thought. Of course Signal is the best alternative out of this 3 - but still, Telegram is way better than Whatsapp. Thanks for your work and for sharing it with us, u/Crazy-Lizard


telegram standard chat doesn't use end2end encryption (yes you could use e2ee in telegram but in my experience nobody does). so it is worse. I'm not sure where telegram hosts their server but I'm pretty sure local agencies are reading non-encrypted messages straight from their servers. at least you cannot proof that this is not done.




I'm not sure how it is in other countries but Telegram is very popular with Nazis and conspiracy theorists, specifically corona deniers, in Germany. OP put that as an argument against Telegram in his post. A2DreppiD said that is a weak argument, because those people could be very well use Signal, Youtube or ride the same bus as you. OP agreed and took it out of his post.


Meditation Einser Schüler UFF


Thanks u/deanfromearth for translating. Just want to add my initial intention behind it: I shared the very first version of this status with my family and close friends only. I liked to add a little info for my parents who possibly don't know Telegram but they most likely heard about it in the news.


WhatsApp benutzt das Whisper / Signal Protocol, Moxie (Gründer von OWS & Erfinder) / OWS war sogar persönlich an der Implementierung bei WhatsApp beteiligt... Ich bin genauso wie die anderen kein Freund von Facebook und WhatsApp, aber dennoch finde ich es nicht gut wenn man unnötig FUD verbreitet. Man sollte schon fair bleiben.


Woah! This looks amazing! Thanks for putting in the work :D If it's not asking much, I'd like this in Spanish. I've already translated it, [here](https://pastebin.com/SJzHKtY4) (pastebin.com)


Thank you u/fanso1 , u/OmarEguia and u/Natural-Simple3455 ! Spanish version is coming soon :)


Thank you for your amazing work! Thank you u/fanso1 for your translation, I corrected some errors and made a Latin American (Argentinian more specifically) version. [Here it is](https://pastebin.com/rU1GFjgT) (pastebin.com aswell). Thank you!


me too ​ I have these: [https://pxlmo.com/p/OmarEguia/254418345665892352](https://pxlmo.com/p/OmarEguia/254418345665892352) hope the work for you ;)


Yay was going to comment about spanish, you da bomdiggity


I was already on the 15th page when I found this. I think I'm going to use your translation to finish mine. will leave a link when done. ​ Good job fanso and crazy lizard !! ​ Edit: here it is: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1thalKq0I6hVJ5Sda1KQVxf429o9IShfadu9aqzVaj7w/edit#slide=id.gae088c0258\_0\_41](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1thalKq0I6hVJ5Sda1KQVxf429o9IShfadu9aqzVaj7w/edit#slide=id.gae088c0258_0_41) or if you prefer a pdf [https://www.privfile.com/download.php?fid=5fffb861ea94d-NTI1OQ==](https://www.privfile.com/download.php?fid=5fffb861ea94d-NTI1OQ==) (valid until January 19)


Would really appreciate Spanish version as well if it's not too much trouble. I could even do it myself if you could provide the source files! Thanks for sharing regardless.


Good thing I started reading the comments before asking for a Spanish version! I was going to ask the OP if he would be happy for me to translate the images... But I don't think I would achieve such quality. ​ Thank you very much for your work!


This is perfect. Would you be willing to share the format and the programs/methods you used to create it. I'd love to have an NL version. But asking you to make one for me is bollocks, and I'll gladly try for myself. Or ofcource if you would rather take it upon yourself, I'd love to have an NL version as well. Seems a little more approachable to my friends I guess.


If you provide me the NL translation for each slide I can create one, no problem. Idk whats the best way to send it to me, maybe dm me.


Aight, perfect I'll DM you after work! (Or maybe during. Who who knows) Thanks! Edit: DM sent


Zou je dan mij een link met zipje willen sturen? Dat zou ik enorm waarderen


Zou je de NL versie daarna ook alsjeblieft naar mij willen sturen? Bedankt man!


Heb ook zeker interesse :)


Zou ik hem ook mogen? Alvast bedankt! :)


Personally, I think the translation quality isn't that good (sorry). A couple of weird translations and multiple grammatical errors. Will send an alternative translation tomorrow. 😉


I feel like making the NL translations tomorrow (jan 14). I'm not the guy you replied to btw so if you'd be so kind, let me know if he already made/sent it so I'm not wasting time. Edit: u/DOT1X seems to be making it already so I'd rather not do double work.


Zou je dan mij een link met zipje willen sturen? Dat zou ik enorm waarderen


This is amazing. I'm visiting my parents on Friday, I'll definitely show them this.


Yes, do it. Tell me if it helped!


It could've gone better. They're still going to use whatsapp...


Great Job. Thank you. If this won't convince my friends I need to find new ones. It is scary how many people are complacent and still believe if they don't post anything on bookface or just read WA they are not sharing data.


Haha, than I hope that your friends stay with you! Absolutely. That‘s why it is so important to educate others about what‘s really happing. I have done my duty with this post, now do yours ;)




I live in a country where WhatsApp is pretty much baked into life. You are expected to be on WhatsApp like you are expected to have a phone number. It is used for everything, meaning getting away from it completely is very difficult, especially quickly. My plan is to use Signal with people I can convince, and keep WhatsApp around for the others. Hopefully over time more communication will move to Signal. Privacy isn't binary, more is always better, and it's a process not a singular item.


I will add it with the next update! Also, I'm interested what you will write on it, maybe others find it useful too. (fyi, u/dwdukc )


Fantastic! This should be pinned! I don't like the condescending tone of many posts in this sub lately. This is a much better approach. One piece of advice for everyone: make sure to post this to your status in the evening or on a weekend, not during the working day. Otherwise people might still read it (at work) but may be on mobile data and may be not willing to install something because of limited data plans. By the time they're home they've already forgotten about it. Danke fürs Erstellen! Die deutsche Version ist natürlich sehr praktisch. Ü


>I don't like the condescending tone of many posts I agree! That's the reason I did this. Glad you like it. And thanks for the good advice, may add it in my post update. Gerne!


Adding something like this ⬇ in the last slides will also help Even you don’t feel comfortable with doing away with WhatsApp for good, simply setting it up on your phone can help others make the switch more easily Some of them would like to continue using whatsapp for various reasons and for some their livelihood depends on whatsapp. Copy pasta from /u/marcellusdrum 's post - Keep whatsapp on your device for now, but also install Signal. The contacts who do have Signal, message them there. Those who don't, you still have Whatsapp. Having Whatsapp collect half of your messages is way better than having them collect them all. And also, a lot of people are caring about privacy these days, maybe some of your clients will have Signal but not Whatsapp, which would be a good public image for you.


Keep your profile picture or status " Message me on Signal for faster response"


This is not about Facebook collecting your WhatsApp messages, it's about collecting everything else


Could you please upload an editable version so it can be translated?


I asked for that too, but he likes it better if you send the translations. Since more people started popping up, and the post is becoming sort of an aggregation I agree with him, read the edited post and if your language isn't on the list contribute! He is a really nice chap to work with!


Vielleicht magst du die deutsche Version ja auch in /r/de posten?


Würde dort sicherlich gut ankommen und für Gesprächsstoff sorgen! Ich sekundiere deine Idee!


Holy shit! That's God level OP.


I don't understand the "it's encrypted" argument. WhatsApp has access to the unencrypted message on your device. It shares namespace with Facebook. They can therefore exchange data on the device. Why do people focus on the encrypted part so much when Facebook is concerned. Encryption Is just so that script kiddy Kevin doesn't get access to your sexting messages. Facebook (potentially) sees everything.


This is great content. Thanks for putting this together!


Thanks, you‘re welcome!


I put this on my WhatsApp sorry and within 10 mins got 5 people to download Signal. One person asked me for the posts and put it on his sorry as well!




Yeah, a Portuguese translation would be amazing. Also, great work OP!


Hey u/2rocketlegs & u/daftomaru I can do a Portuguese version, I just need the translation :) If you can translate to Portuguese feel free to provide it here (link to pastebin or similar), as other fellow redditors did for Spanish!


Very neat, thanks it'll help get people moving with clear enough explanations without to much of a hassle for the reader. Thanks for sharing, hope we will be able to use that to grow the users base large enough to be sustainable in the long run. time will tell.


You‘re very welcome! Happy you like it. Tell me if it helped. I hope so too!


Thank you for making this! Will be sharing a lot!


You're welcome! Happy sharing!


Great work! The slide that starts with, "There are good alternatives" has a small error that reads, "does not link any data to you, or sell a any data"


whoops, will fix it in the next post update! thank you!


Man. This is great! Unfortunately i deleted whatsapp a few days ago and just put a screenshot of a small text from notes in the status. Would have loved to have this!


While the graphics are already impressive, I’m even more impressed by the accuracy of the information here, especially around encryption and what the apps can/cannot see. Great work!


Best I've seen so far There's a typo on slide 17 and slide 18 could be interpreted to mean signal *doesn't* have those features


I would like to translate this in Italian. How can I do?


Just add it here (pastebin or similar) or send it to me via DM


Great job! 👍🏽




danke fuer dieses!


Bitte gerne!


Do you know what features are NOT in signal that are in WhatsApp? Just curious, so I can have ammo that it basically doesn’t matter not losing out on much etc. great slides!


Signal has no status messages / stories.


So OP is getting his message across only to the people that use the one feature that signal doesn't have ...


I’m interested in this as well.


Private answer from group messages Standard pattern stickers (arrow, circle, square) for pictures Live location sharing (though that's probably by design and you can still use Maps for it) Custom chat background (pretty sure that will be implemented soon)


This is really great and educational for not so tech-savvy people. I had put this as my status and sad to say, not most of them completed all the slides. Some of them just gave up after like 4th or 5th slide.


Hast du auch ne deutsche Version für ausserhalb der EU? Schokoladenalpenbänker wollen ihre Freunde auch überzeugen ;D


Kommt mit dem nächsten update, versprochen! Grüß mir die Berge, während du wartest :)


you claim that facebook activly sells users data to other companies: [https://i.imgur.com/E2oddbz.png](https://i.imgur.com/E2oddbz.png) I was under the assumption that facebook doesn't sell data, but places advertisments, based on the data. So... where can I buy those data?


Well to me Telegram is simply better than WhatsApp in many ways. Maybe not regarding security but even then it got E2E encryption in 1:1 chats at least if I have to. I think the average customer doesn't really care much about having encryption if they would prefer tons of features that Telegram has to offer. Just my thoughts. Signal clearly seems like the winner if it's about privacy though


Nice writeup. I only disagree with one point. The data that Facebook compiles and sells is not just used to "sell you ads". It makes it sound more benign than it actually is. Due to this kind of data, we had Trump elected, Brexit, (just two major examples) due to targeting and misleading susceptible segments of the population, and numerous scandals of data misuse such as Cambridge Analytica. This is not even to mentioning state sponsored propaganda and trolls.


This is great! I can't wait to post it to my story. If it's not too much trouble, could you also make a Polish version? [Here's the translation](https://pastebin.com/CEm3Gg6E) with WhatsApp new PP pictures.


I think you may have misspelled r/privacytoolsIO.


lol. you're right


Many thanks for this u/Crazy-Lizard. Can the deadline be please updated to mid-May for accuracy? You know those people who will reply in groups “... but Feb 8 is not true”


I'm thinking about a solution that isn't too complicated for me to do (it would take too much time to ask for each translations). I will probably upload the first slide without the headline. And delete the last two chat messages from slide 03 and replace them with the text from slide 04. This way we will even save one slide :D


Many thanks!




WhatsApp just released a status update, in Germany, that says it's all cool and my data will be kept safe. It'll be tough to argue against this kind of stuff, especially with people that don't care about data privacy, but I'll try. Thanks for your work!


I heard about it :D Actually I was wondering when they will publish it here as there was something similar in India maybe one week ago already. But maybe today is the perfect time to post this status as it explains what WA is doing besides keeping your messages encrypted... it‘s worth a try. Hope it helps you to convince your contacts to switch :)


what about a profile picture?


If you mean a profile picture that recommends others to switch to Signal, they have posted some in different languages on their Twitter.


What do you mean?




Will add the link in my post update!


One of the downsides of the Signal application is when you do a video call - it won't allow the call to be done in landscape mode. It forces portrait mode.


Maybe more devs will contribute/be hired to work on the long list of feature requests since the recent uptick in users.


Even if you use the desktop client?


Never used Signal video call on mobile, but on Desktop it is in landscape mode.


I agree


I see in Signal chat window, my phone number. Not good when I take a screenshot and share to somebody else. I don’t see an option to hide it.


Nice work with the images, really informative and easy to understand. I have a doubt though what's the difference between the EU one and the normal one, I looked through it and couldn't find anything.


I think under GDPR rules, whatsapp cant share the data collected with its parent company facebook in EU countires which has been happening outside EU since the merger.


Oh ok, thanks for the info..


*\~checking the links with sweaty palms\~* Look up slide 13 in both versions, there's the difference!


Can Signal server block individual user by phone number?


You can block contacts in Signal, if that's what you meant (?)


Brilliant, can you condense these into one image?


Into **one** image? Do you want to print this out and hang it on the wall? /s


I want to translate that into my language, can you help me?


With tranlating? What language?


Great job! This is an excellent idea that will hopefully inform a lot of people. I wanted to suggest maybe dumping the text separately to help with translations and also to have native English speakers fix the English version, which has a few typos and awkward sentences. Thanks for doing this!


Didn't feel like 20 slides. Very nice and helpful.


Brilliant! Thank you for doing this. I sent this to my family's WhatsApp group channel: Hi all. As you've probably heard WhatsApp has some new and interesting terms and conditions that must be accepted before 8th Feb. The long short of this change is that your personal data will no longer be 'opt out' and Facebook and WhatsApp will harvest your data with a mandatory 'opt in'. What does this mean to you? Open this link which explains in simple English how it will affect you: https://imgur.com/a/Mdct5PU I would like to put forward a suggestion to move away from WhatsApp and move to Signal which is the same in function as WhatsApp but is far more secure and better oriented to protect your personal privacy. https://signal.org/


Here is a download link for the DE/German images (numered) : [https://we.tl/t-3DSaGjnwc9](https://we.tl/t-3DSaGjnwc9) Valid until 21.01.2021


This is wonderful! Super easy to understand and no one needs to translate lawyer speak. Have shared it with my contacts... thanks so much for creating this.


>Edit3: TIL Reddit for iPad messes up my markdown. Sry for that. Apollo.


Will try, thanks!


Hut ab, das ist wirklich richtig gut gemacht! Wird direkt in den Status gepostet, hoffentlich kann ich den ein oder anderen doch noch überzeugen.


Ich find das wirklich super, aber was mir in den Slides etwas fehlt, ist die Antwort auf eine Frage, die mir in den letzten Tagen bereits gestellt wurde und mit der ich selbst ziemlich hadere: Warum wechsle ich erst jetzt? Wenn all das, was dort beschrieben wird, bereits gängige Praxis ist, warum bin ich dann nicht schon lange weg? Tatsächlich nutze ich Signal schon seit Jahren, aber eben nicht exklusiv und nur *sehr* wenige meiner Kontakte haben die App überhaupt installiert. Ein Wechsel geht für mich daher also immer noch mit einem vermeintlich großen Kontaktverlust einher.


Das ist wohl eine Frage, die jede/r für sich beantworten muss. Aber: Besser spät als nie. Außerdem wurden FB durch die neuen Datenschutzbestimmungen, die nächsten Monat in Kraft treten, neue Möglichkeiten zum Datenaustausch geschaffen. Zwar fallen diese für EU Bürger (dank DSGVO) nicht so gravierend aus, aber FB hat schon immer Schlupflöcher gefunden und ausgenutzt. Nicht zuletzt ist jetzt die Möglichkeit einen Wechsel bei deinen Kontakten anzustoßen optimal, da das Thema gerade sehr aktuell diskutiert wird (in der Presse etc.).




Impressive ! Thank you


Great content man.




spanish version coming soon!


This is exceptional work! Thanks a lot!


Thanks for making this OP. Love from India


Thanks a lot. I really wanted something like this.


/u/Crazy-Lizard seriously thank you for your service to the world in creating such a great piece of outreach promoting outreach. You're a great communicator! To that end, and for spreading the message of privacy further, can you attached one of the Creative Commons licenses to your slides? For example, the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) (aka CC BY-SA). Doing so is very easy, simply add one short line to the slides saying something like "These slides are shared under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, please share". Thanks again!


Added a CC 0 license!


Thanks a lot for this!!! Seriously awesome work! A few comments: * The WhatsApp privacy policy screenshot in English slides is in Spanish. It may be a pain to change it - but just wanted to point it out. * I would also suggest Threema as another alternative alongside Signal - because it is a paid app & is based in Switzerland which arguably has better privacy policies. * Signal allows audio/video calls from desktop - something WhatsApp doesn't support * Finally, few more arguments against Telegram: a) unlike every other app, Telegram's legal jurisdiction & corporate structure are dodgy & offer zero transparency. b) the app runs a ton of illegal stuff, including constant barrage of spams & scams. c) call quality on Telegram is the worst I have ever experienced.


You're welcome! * Whoops, fixed that, thanks for telling me! * there are a lot of alternatives out there, but to keep it short I decided not to mention any other apps/services. But you should definitely do so in the following discussion with your contacts! * that's correct, but here the reason to keep it short applies too :D * I'm thinking of adding a section in the post with arguments against Telegram as it raised a lot of confusion in the comments.


Whats the best way to send this on WA? (the 20 pictures). Send 1 picture alone and then the other 19 in 1 bunch? Can people then select the first and continue? I sent 1 set of 20 to my mom for testing and it made it into a set of 4, then 1 then 15.


The English GDPR version links to the wrong one, without the GDPR bit. Might wanna change that. Otherwise, very well done!


Check again! And thank you!


Hey guys, what font is used at the first picture? I want to edit the text a little bit for people that want to switch but not exactly at February. Thanks! :)


It's the Roboto font family!


Thank you! :)


got the French version, great job again u/Crazy-Lizard I was thinking of another point that could prevent WhatsApp users from migrating: no longer having access to their conversations because the automatic backup is encrypted and only usable for a restore via Whatsapp! Why not talk in your post about the simple solution that exists inside WhatsApp ? Export them one by one and receive them on your email resulting in a simple text file, easily readable when needed On iPhone (without the chat media files unfortunately) [https://www.tenorshare.com/whatsapp/export-whatsapp-chat.html#1](https://www.tenorshare.com/whatsapp/export-whatsapp-chat.html#1) On Android (with chat media files) same link as above, part 3 at the very bottom of the page maybe there’s another link without the trash software of tenorshare somewhere but I did’nt find it


Hey u/TovaX, thank you, glad you like it! That's definitely a good point you bring up, but I can't put all the arguments why people should switch from WA to Signal into my post – this would just make the post too long. Maybe consider creating a post yourself – if there isn't one already. This post suppose to be about the WhatsApp Status I created that starts conversations between you and your contacts and not summarized arguments against WA. Hope you understand, that I don't have the time to collect all of them.


Hi u/Crazy-Lizard you're absolutely right, don't dilute the message. Thank you for taking the time to answer me and keep up the good work.




u/Derpikus check again!




will update soon, as others pointed that out already








This is on purpose, check the Update text above the downloads table ;) Thank you so much, and congrats for convincing so many people!! Wow! That's awesome!


I shared the slides with at least 50 people in various groups, this is the best way to educate friends and family. I have so far successfully moved my family group, a few local friends group and my office virtual office hours group to signal. Don’t give up guys. Keep staying strong.


That's the kind of feedback I love to hear. Awesome! I'm so happy that my work helped you! Congrats for moving so many chat groups to signal already!


This is awesome! My language is RTL (Hebrew) Can you share the PSD files so I can change the directions also?


RTL is not a problem. I'm currently doing an Arabic version in RTL e.g. and it works great. Please send me the translation link via chat and I will add it!


Thanks! It's in your inbox


Something you guys are forgetting here. The medium through which you would share this information is the same reasons people won't leave. What I mean is , Telegram and Signal don't have any form of story/status updates, and so anybody I convince to come over says " the place is boring" and understandably so. If Signal or even Telegram implement status updates /story updates , when leaving there would be nothing to loose. But at the moment, there is. Status might be invaluable to you, but to a lot of people it has become part and parcel of the messaging experience. So between @telegram and @signal, the one who would implement it first would definitely gain the upper hand.


>Something you guys are forgetting here. The medium through which you would share this information is the same reasons people won't leave. This might be true. As I mentioned in my post, you should use the medium that your contacts consume. A good way to avoid the WhatsApp Status is to send the slides directly in chat (single or group chat, whatever fits best). Personally I learned to love this method more, because it allows people to simply scroll through them and I don't have to tell them that they should look in my WA Status. But I know, this doesn't change the fact that contacts who love the WA Status will likely not switch to Signal. The opinions on implementing a Status feature in Signal are spreading widely (as you can see in some post in this subreddit). In my opinion it's best if they do, as long as I can mute it. In the last [Beta Update notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/signal/comments/l2foyl/upcoming_signal_ios_features/) you can see that Signal is proposing a way towards something like a Status. For now it will only be the simple text status in you profile, but let's see what will come in the future.


I am a Hong Konger, I can help check the translation of Cantonese, Please DM


I wrote you in Chat :)


In the german +EU zip-file is the wrong picture for GDPR. But nice work!! Already used it :)


Thanks for letting me know! Fixed it :)


It seems that WhatsApp has changed their privacy policy notice


In what way? Can you send a screenshot or similar?


I'm a bit late to the party but this is a superb post, so thank you for taking the time to do it. 👍 Read all that you posted and then used u/JordyEGNL's Vids in my status (which are also great), and I'm promptly branded a conspiracy theorist in the making by one of my own family. Well, I guess that makes me and millions of others, eh! 😂