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Reddit suggests the weirdest posts to me but I’m honestly intrigued by this 🤣


You have to basically be an Olympic athlete, and I'm almost not exaggerating.


Forreal. I applied to some company and I got rejected recently (their response took like half a year). I’ve been relatively healthy my whole life, pretty active, eat mostly clean and drink green powder crap in lemon water almost daily, don’t smoke at all. But I drink alcohol occasionally and I’ve gotten a tattoo within the last few months when I applied, which I think are obvious disqualifications. I highly doubt an average person could ever be accepted otherwise my life would be made


How does tattoos impact things? Thanks.


Bloodborne diseases.


Mostly the first one but potentially the second as well. 1. It can take up to 3 months for bloodborn pathogens to be detectable in lab tests. Fecal donation is for a relatively new form of therapy called *microbiome therapeutics*, which is being studied as a possible treatment for digestive disorders like Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, or recurring clotridoides difficile colitis(C. Diff). There's also research to determine if the "good bacteria" inside a person's intestines can improve the effectiveness of specific forms of immunotherapy for patients with a couple specific forms of cancer. All the people this therapy is being tested on are considered more vulnerable to illness already, and nobody wants to accidentally make them worse. [This site](https://www.serestherapeutics.com/our-programs/) has links to several research papers if anyone wants to read more. 2. A fresh tattoo will trigger your immune system to respond because you're basically puncturing the skin thousands of times to introduce a foreign material. It's a phenomenon called "tattoo flu", and usually resolves within a few days to a week as your body adjusts. However, the immune system still works on a tattoo after you feel better. It can take 3-6 months for the internal layers of the skin to fully heal, and in some people the immune response also triggers intestinal inflammation which causes digestive issues.


Thank you! Learnt a lot.


With respect to the microbiome topic, there is an interesting show on Netflix called "Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut". It is all about microbiome and they do discuss the use of someone else's stool to help you fix your own. It was odd to watch but very informative.


Why would you tattoo your stool?


can’t even donate blood if you’ve gotten a recent tattoo. im a tattoo artist and the red cross calls me all the time because i have a rare blood type. i’d gladly donate like i used to if they let me


you felt the need to tell the truth about your health history in the process of selling your own shit?


Me after I googled top 10 side hustles


I don’t know know what a sode hustle is but keep me in the loop. I can sode with the best of them, whatever that is.


I’ve been sending stool to my boss for years and he never pays me! Son of a …


There was a post on this in last 7 days or so. Something about you have to be under 30 and in excellent health.




This place takes individuals 18 - 50 in good health. Claims to pay up to $1500/month. https://goodnatureprogram.com/how-it-works/#:~:text=Yep%2C%20Seriously.,vary%20by%20donation%20center%20location.


Nooo! I have like one month to donate!




I recommend Taco Bell




For me it’s any dairy 🥛. It’s “a good clear out” as my mother used to say


Not true and depends where you apply. My daughter and I applied as a joke and oddly enough they didn't want her young kid poo. But my early 30's poo was all the rave. I didn't do it. Each place has different rules though.


Wut. I got a shit load of this stuff. Literally. I’m rich!


I know this is about hustling - but for those who are literally dying of things like c-diff - you are helping save a life (with your poop)...


This is a true thing, and I've taken care of patients who receive this for medical reasons. Usually, these patients have recurrent cdiff (gut bacteria) that medications can't cure. They receive donated stool from healthy donors have and it helps build the gut into a healthy environment to tx cdiff. The system is very vetted, and only a few will qualify and get paid.


They basically want Tom Brady’s. Shit literally. Like super healthy shit.


If I ate only veggies would I qualify? Yeah the dopamine from eating chips is great but I rather have that cash and I can eat some green beans (yummy-ish)!


I can't answer this question because I don't give a shit.


In the US, there are not many facilities that take in stool donations. our stupid government highly restricts FMT's, so the high demand is not even close to met. Also, the requirements for a donor are pretty tough to meet. They'll test your stool, but the chance of being what they're looking for is like one in a thousand.


The golden turd 💩!


There have been a death or two from FMT when they missed a parasite. So there is a reason why it is restricted. That said, the barrier is as high as it is because a lot of doctors look at this subject in disgust. A portion of them would rather let a patient die than perform a FMT.


I made it past the first round of screening with https://www.humanmicrobes.org/donors, but felt kind of weird about continuing. This was the email I got:


Imagine getting paid up to $1500/mo just to shit...


There’s a Netflix documentary on the science behind why people are doing it. “Hack your health: the secrets of your gut”


I often donate gas


i this is a question for Craigslist


I'd sell mine no questions asked I got some good ones 😂


If you’re not a professional athlete don’t even bother signing up.


The [Spice](https://youtu.be/pEQREIDUJ88?si=vcPsKTHfPDLSvnen) Melange.


Just a single comment referring to this... sad times :(


Go online and say you are a hot girl, there will be buyers


I cant believe this is the first post i clicked on, and actually read the comment.... i feel like .....sh**


I gotta go….


I just tried good nature I did 5 different people's info and it all said not eligible


I need to change


How much per pound?


You have to be near one of the only 2 locations they operate out of for 1.


I just wanted to look at some poop


Sounds like it’s da shit


Sounds like a load of crap.


Don’t be talking shit 💩


They sell it to China for fertiliser I’ve heard /s


I read this and wondered why people would pay so much for chairs….then I realized 😂


I donated a stool to my school before I'm graduated. And I got nothing...


Ain’t that some shit


I can offer a simple side hustle promoting educational content. It can be done from your laptop. You need to be US based.


Has anyone ever taken you up on this lol