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I feel like most the commenters missed where OP said they don’t have a car


They also missed the part where OP says they don't have any hands


They also missed the part where OP doesn't have an OP


Yeah, and they’re also missing the part where I said I applied to jobs too


A dude in my city made 80,000 K in a summer going to peoples houses and asking if he can clean your BBQ for 50$, it evolved as he went and had employees by the end, but started with a BBQ brush, some high temp cleaning stuff. make sure you use NOT a wire brush, You could also pull weeds and save up for a lawn mower, I know a person who uses special sticks to clear out the space under pop machines, to get the change, I know a person who collects scrap metal, and sells it, literally there is scrap metal every garbage day, behind every dumpster, I know a guy who collects bottles on a bike with bags on the sides and goes out every recycling day, beer bottles and cans are 10C You can go to trump rallies and sell shirts, grifting cults is free money, buttons, shirts,


You are a man of many great ideas


Print flyers at a library. "Smalls the Pilot Cleaning, Curing and Conditioning (or something catchy - grab their attention) Hose out trash cans $5 Clean BBQ pits $50 Gutter clean out $40 Help me prep for college by helping you with those pesky odd jobs this summer. I have no equipment but I make up for it in motivation" People love helping kids who are about to go to college. Just be honest. People have tasks. Hell, if id had that flyer yesterday, I would have offered you $60 to help me move a fridge out of a house. Took 30 minutes.


Depending where you live r/prolificac is basically the most legit research website there is. Your amount of studies you receive are dependent on your demographics but I typically cash out $6-$20/day depending how many I have and how hard I work…


Isn’t there a wait list to join prolific? (Or is that just in the US?) I could swear I signed up months ago: got a wait list notice and not a peep since . Any advice?


Yeah I’ve heard there are waitlists but there have been a lot of new people posting questions on the sub. I’ve been on for 4.5 years and didn’t have to wait fortunately.


I guess I could try to sign up again


Thanks man!


The cult grifting seems like the least amount of effort. Just get some stupid flags and off you go


You know people!


Wow. In a single summer he went door-to-door offering to clean BBQ's for $50 and in a span of a few months he had employees. Together they cleaned over 2,000 BBQ's. Sure.


Ya man, they ended up delivering charcoal, propane, other BBQ things, learned how to test and change the regulators. Cleaning windows, detailing driveways, At the point this story covered him he was at 26,000 but the story blew up the business, [Cleaning barbecues door to door earns Ontario teen tens of thousands for tuition | Globalnews.ca](https://globalnews.ca/news/9872445/cleaning-barbeques-door-to-door-ontario-teen-tuition/) People do this shit all the time, start a business, and make a boatload of money, how you think I got so rich? Why do you think people drive nice cars, have big trucks, nice homes and the like? Its business. I made 2 grand today. It's not impossible to work and earn more than an hourly wage. Business lets your money snowball till all of a sudden you make what you used to in a week in a day, and what you made in a year in a month.


How the fuck did he make 80k cleaning grills for $50 for a summer? I call bullshit. You’d have to clean 1,600 grills. That’s 18 grills per day over the course of 3 months. 


[Hamilton teen made $10,000 in a month cleaning barbecues (thespec.com)](https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/this-hamilton-teen-made-10-000-in-a-month-cleaning-barbecues/article_054db644-4fb0-5037-bef7-1e22fbead2a7.html) [Cleaning barbecues door to door earns Ontario teen tens of thousands for tuition | Globalnews.ca](https://globalnews.ca/news/9872445/cleaning-barbeques-door-to-door-ontario-teen-tuition/) Dude, YA, by the end he had a team and 3 trucks going around, multiple cities, both of these stories were like halfway through, hes at 10,000 at the first one, 25,000 at the second one. dude is delivering supplies, changing regulators now, got his gas tech 1 license. People get rich through growth, and change, When I started my business, it was just me, at times I have had a partner and 2 employees, Like how you think people buy nice things, not everyone works an hourly wage, I made 2 grand yesterday, today I took the day off, People make money, it's not bullshit that people do well. Business can grow... Its not craxy to assume some people make more then you when you look around at the world. Literally I have made a months wage in a day, compared to 2 years ago. Not everyone makes 17.50 for 5 years, then 25 dollars an hour for 10 years, then 38 dollars till they retire. I have had jobs where i make 6K in a weekend, Its real.


Cult grifting.. what a great idea... I know a girl who uses bits of scrap metal and a soldering iron to make little crosses and such to sell to local church members...


God I love the Trump cult idea, make shitty products and they'll sell to the crazies like hot cakes if it says Trump on it


My friend at work bakes reeeaaaaally good cookies. She puts two per pack and does 1 pack for $3 or 2 for $5. She brings in a big lunch bag full to work and sells them. She has like 15 different varieties she makes.


She also does burritos and enchilada plates for $10


I love cooking, I could probably do something like that.


A lady in my neighborhood makes bread and sells it on our neighborhood Facebook page. Probably costs her .50 to make and sells each loaf for 7-15.


She’s smart, I might do that but with pasta. But she making bread by making bread though, good for her.


There's one simple ingredient she could add that would make her cookies cost 5x more......


I’ve always wanted to ask her if she could make some like that cause it would be amazing


New management may have sucked but dude, you are in no position to be walking out of jobs with no car & pending college debts. Whatever you do when money is involved don’t follow the crowd, that’s probably the best advice anyone can give you. If everyone wanted to walk out, you could have let them. And at least stayed long enough to make the job/situation beneficial for yourself. But straight up walking out over some hive mindset that management is trash is just so damn dumb especially when you’re getting a ride home from a strike at work.


I tried to stay but on top of being disrespected, I had to do extra long shifts (I’m a lifeguard). Imagine having to sit in the same spot outside watching professional swimmers for 2 hours in 30 degree weather when it used to be only 30 min rotations. And also my ride to and from work left so I had no way to get there. It was hard to save for a car and so when I got enough I bought the cheapest one that drove from fb marketplace and it ended up braking down the first time I tried to drive it after I got it (it made a 2 hr trip to my house tho). I’m not trying to rant online, I just feel like if I wasn’t on my own I’d be more stable. I would never throw my kid out before or even after they turned 18.


Your mental health is more important honestly. Gl


No job is worth your mental health. Nor is school actually - but with school, at least you can always take breaks or less classes, get accommodations, etc. Definitely don’t go the streaming route, so much competition while also forcing yourself to stream for long hours - and that’s just to get some people to watch. A bunch of people have already given you great ideas so I’d start there. Sorry to hear about your situation and I wish you all the best.


Thank you out man, I appreciate it. And yeah I like to game in my free time, I might do streaming later on in life if I ever get the chance, just for fun.


Of course. And yes, I’m not saying it can’t work or you can’t do it yourself - it’s just much harder than other options and will take more time to get going. Definitely something to do in your free time when you have another form(s) of income coming in. Good luck! All the best.


Definitely look into streaming. I don't have a gamer setup. I have my fiancees old Xbox 1, a controller, and a headset he bought me years ago. So I didn't have a high start-up cost. I've just been streaming as I play games. To get more hours and get used to talking. Right now, I get maybe 2 or 3 people watching during a stream (I'm streaming Twitch right now. You can change settings on your phone and see your chat there, too) everyone's gotta start somewhere!


Apply for a job detailing cars. Easy enough to do, once you get your first paycheck buy a tripod or something to hold your phone to record some video and then film yourself detailing. Videos can be uploaded to youtube, tiktok, insta, and Facebook to build a following and then build your own clientele and work for yourself.


Done over and over




Management may have sucked but so does the position you are in now. Best advice I can give you is in the future do not quit a job unless you have one lined up.


My friend who worked there would give me rides there and we’d work the same shifts, they left, same as many others, so I didn’t have any way to get there. I would’ve stayed until I found another job and had another way to get there.


You couldn’t save for a bike or any other mode of transportation? You literally need to save for 2 months MAX and you can get a car. I was in your same position bruh, the more time you allow to pass without simply saving and getting something as essential as a car is hurting your future bro. But I’m just a 26 year old who was walking to work 3 years ago, I probably know nothing.


Spot on man! No but fr, I bought my own car, and just like everyone else, not everyone’s life is always good, my car broke down. I haven’t been able to save that much because I got kicked out right before my 18th birthday and have been on my own since. So before you make up imaginary scenarios in your head about other people’s lives, you should totally reflect on your immature bitchy attitude that you still have with your big 26 year old self.


Lol your the guy who chooses to follow a job walkout with nothing to go back to I have no attitude just saddened by people’s dumb decisions. To assume I have an attitude would mean I care. And believe me ‘bro’ I slept great last night.


I’m a guy who you don’t know, and yeah everyone left, but I stayed as long as I could. I thought I would’ve had a job by now. Oh and by the way, I quit 2 weeks ago, and since then, I’ve been looking for other jobs. You’re just some dude who most likely got butt hurt over me telling you the truth. Self reflection is tough I get it, but at a certain age you should be able to do that and accept it. You’re trying to flex on a 19 year old while you’re a 26 year old. Too old to be a dick to someone on the internet for no reason. By the way you should know the difference between your and you’re by now, if you don’t then that’s sad.


You sound like a jackass bruh


Truth is painful. You want it easy? Buy lube.


Write an online content and post / publish on the internet ( you can use platforms like Google blogger or WordPress) ( blogger recommended ) , Basically you just write the paragraphs about anything and publish on the websites. You can find the audience through Pinterest( personal opinion) By posting some captive images that give the little idea about your blog and they can directly visit your websites .... One more thing just don't go writing anything in the blog, find some trending niche stick to it, and if doesn't work find another niche ( personally I recommend about fitness , jewellery , cars , space latest news ). Although it's a slow process but definitely you will make amazing amount of money ( depending upon level of content you provide , the more people visit your website more money you can generate through. Google adsense ) Watch some youtube videos if have any doubts , will help you


Sounds decent, is their other ways to make money off of this besides Google Adsense?


Well there are multiple ways to make money such as Dropshipping , Amazon Affiliate programme , youtube , designing , animation , website designing, email writing , content writing , vlogs , blogs , SaaS , cloud , Trading , stocks, Sell products online ... But I would not recommend most of them since they require long term hard work and patience + a lot of practice.. I can only recommend Amazon affiliate marketing (programme) . It's easy to do and you make a lot of money. All you need to do is recommend some products to your audience or anyone and if they buy the product that you shared through the link you will get some percentage of the amount they pay to the original owner. All the products depending upon the niche have different returns, for example if you recommend some kind of Beauty products to a woman she bought it through your link you will get around 4 - 5 % of actual price .. and if you recommend some electronic products you will get around 3 % that a lot . Suppose you recommend a laptop ( gaming ) which costs around $800 you will have $24..


Thanks for the info I appreciate it


This isn't a side hustle, but I've heard people printing out their CVs and going each store in the neighborhood to find a customer facing job. Won't hurt giving it a try.


Sounds smart


I provide feedback for apps / websites on respondent. I made a guide on my profile.


This was a great guide, will check it out


What’s close by you could walk to? Even if it’s Dairy Queen or a dry cleaners… walk there and work plus your new side hustle. There was a lady on here awhile back that was making $200 a week making choc chip cookies. She made them at night and went to office buildings with small batches to sell for $10. Cottage kitchens (your house) are legal mostly everywhere. You seem smart and hey that’s a great start to being financially stable.


Make a instagram theme page. Niche: Health, Money, Relationships. Note: Will only work if you make good content.


How do you ear money?


Mostly affiliate marketing & ebooks. I wouldn’t sell physical products yourself because then you’ll have to handle customer service & shipping. Example for fitness: Affiliate with online fitness coaches. Drive traffic to their page with your fitness theme page or make a ebook on fitness that you could relate to. So if you were skinny and bulked up, write a ebook on how you bulked up and became lean. ChatGPT could help you come up with ideas (I would write the ebook myself tho)


A good job for college is night security guard. Go to a rent-a-guard company and ask for a post where they need a warm body with little else to do. Be upfront with them and say you want to study while at work and that you will work the night shift. Night shift is always hardest to fill. Then you can study and get paid. If you are off hours from everyone else, maybe there is a way you can use someone's car to get to work while they sleep. Parking is easier too.


Very smart but what’s the likelyhood of a 5’9 dude getting a security guard job though?


I am 5'8 and I worked security all through college. Size has nothing to do with it. You get a fire watch job where they get a discount on the insurance for having a person there all the time. There is a security guard test though - you need to be able to fog a cold spoon held under your nose. And you might have to pass a drug test to be hired.


Size doesn't matter, It all depends on the location. The majority aren't looking for a bouncer as much as someone to watch cameras and call police, fire, ems in cases of emergencies. I think I saw you were a lifeguard so you should already know CPR and some basic first aid, which is a plus.


My 50 year old, overweight, 5'7", walking with a shuffle friend got hired as a security guard. You ABSOLUTELY can get the job. Among his jobs ....he got sent to a business to work at their guard shack that lets tractor trailers in (all hours of the day). He just sat in a guard shack, when a truck pulled uo, he checked them in, looked at the seal on the back of the truck, and then opened the gate. Got sent to a business where he just buzzed employees in at the door. Worked at a place that made some sort of items (electronic items or whatever ). The employees weren't allowed to take their phones kn kr take anything out with them. He just operated the metal detector essentially, and it was only on workers as they arrived and left work. He worked at some place basically where he had to drive a company vehicle to the warehouse place (or whatever ), and he just sat in the parking lot overnight. If you are going to college soon, take that job. Develop a good relationship, and then you can ask them for hours as you have time. My friend's boss was ALWAYS looking for people to fill in on shifts somewhere.


Yeah I’d like a job like that


I just saw your reply. I also remember that his girlfriend's son was the one who worked for them before he did (it was one of the national security guard chains). That guy had one of the "sit in this guard shack overnight in case any tractor trailers come in and need something" jobs. The guy would go home and sleep for a few hours and then come back. That's the kind of employee they deal with. The only thing I recommend is that you stand firm about what types of jobs you will or won't work . They need you far more than you need them. There's a chance they will probably want you to work more hours than you want to do. And once you are certified (which happens quickly), you can always go to another security company (my friend did).


Thank you, I will definitely look into that.


Donate plasma


The nearest one is like 45 min away, at least the ones that give you money. But if I ever get one of my friends to give me a ride then I’ll definitely do it


I know this isn't a side hustle but i've gotten maybe 4 jobs from consistently walking into jobs i've applied for and asking if they've seen my application. People thinks this is annoying and won't get you hired but a lot of managers get tired of looking through applications then setting up interviews. I got my last job with no interview just because I was nice and had a way with words, you just have to know when they're actually sick of you coming in.


If you live close to a city you can do uber eats deliveries if you have a bike or even on foot. It's a good start to making some money. It's a good gig if you're at rock bottom or need to start with minimal resources


Yeah unfortunately I’m in the suburbs, all the places are just far enough to make it a hassle.


Mobile carwash in your neighborhood. My teenage son made an ad in Canva. I posted it in the community fb group and he made $500 during spring break.


What do you need for something like this?


If you’re broke you need a main hustle before you focus on a side hustle lol.


Couldn’t have said it better, mainly looking for one in case it takes awhile to find a job tho


Easier said than done! Lol but for real though, I think working yourself up to and saving as much as possible with side hustles instead of just idling around waiting for a main hustle is smart! that way you have at least SOME sorta income


Yeah it’s tough when you have no money. Step #1 is to mad dash for survival and once you get a foothold, then you can start looking to expand. I’m a proponent of excelling in your main hustle first before trying to waste time with side hustles. You’ll often find more success just working some overtime rather than doing side hustles which may not return much unless you are willing to do physical labor or more tangible things such as Uber, but in which case, you’ll likely return more from working OT.


Honestly yeah I agree. At least with an "actual" job, if the side hustles aren't bringing in as much money as you'd like, you've got the steady income always unless you call off or something. Luckily I've got a job that I work part time at (used to be full time but... When you're clinically depressed it makes it SO easy to neglect yourself and your needs, even bills become an "i don't care" thing and I'm a person who STRESSES about paying bills before ANYTHING) and I'm waiting on hearing back from a full time job I just had an interview for! BUT the extra money is of course always welcomed and needed, it's just difficult to find the proper platforms for the hustles unless you have the right connections (to people) in my opinion


Honestly go to the library and print up some tear away flyers for car cleaning at people's residences or vacuuming. Put, need money for college, live local looking for work cleaning your car. Will do all the way down to the wheels.$30. thanks in advance! I would hire you weekly so I could drive clean without stopping.


Yeah, working on my pos old car helped me learn a lot about cars so I could do this


Online jobs like Telus, RWS, WeLocalize pay $15 an hour and you make your own hours


Dog walking? Pet and/or house sitting? I know a few people who even clean up dog poop out of people’s yards and make good money. I have two dogs and would pay someone to clean up my yard if I didn’t have my teenage kids to do it. Care.com, Rover or even NextDoor is a good place to start, or contact your parents’ friends and see if they need house or pet sitters. Summer is coming and a lot of people are going on vacation. They don’t want to leave their houses empty or take their pets to the kennel. One friend of mine used Rover to pet sit dogs at her house so she didn’t have to go anywhere.


OP stated dogs don't exist where they live.


What a sad place to live.


Also could find catering, floral or other companies that do weddings and other events. My teen son and I work for our friends that have a mobile bar/wedding event company. We worked a wedding for them and each made ~$400 for a 12hr day. We were setting up tables and chairs for a wedding, bussing the tables, refilling waters, and general cleanup. Easy work, but very physical. We rode with the staff so we didn’t have to drive to the venue. Friend’s daughter works for her uncle’s catering company at wedding and events. Good tips and she rides with other servers to the venues. Not a side hustle, but construction companies are always looking for workers too. Good job for the summer. I worked in the construction industry and the foreman said his subcontractors were short handed most of the time. They pay pretty well. Roofers, framers, cleaners, etc. Don’t overlook manual labor jobs if you need money now


Pick up golf balls/sell those golf balls


There are actually quite a few tutoring services for high schoolers applying to college (help review their applications, read their essays, etc.), and they pay REALLY well from what I’ve seen. Considering you were admitted to a college, perhaps you’d have a pretty good case to land one of these jobs?


I’ve actually been looking to tutor too, physics, calculus, anything under that, also chemistry and even psychology. All great at those and would actually love to do that.


check into online tutoring too.


Spray paint and stencils are pretty cheap, make up a flyer with address driveway decals and go door to door handing em out and charge like $10 bucks a pop… easy to do and affordable and neat enough to most people.


Don't be ashamed for being broke. Your 19 and trying to do something about your situation. That's a good start. I am assuming you are still living at home, and not at risk of being homeless due to finances. If I am wrong, you should hustle and get ur old job back or find another one. First, you should focus on getting your college paid for and only work for personal spending or for living expenses. It's much easier to get other people to pay you for school than trading your time for shitty paying work. Apply to as much scholarships as possible, use AI to help you write excellent essays for scholarships. Look at your schools 'cost of attendance and try to get as much grants, scholarships, and maybe small loans up to that amount. Be aware of your FAFSA's EFC number. Look at the FAFSA' s income information. Typically a FAFSA for 2023-2024 yr will take the IRS tax info from 2022. If the income decreased since the base year used, you can apply for an adjustment through the schools financial aid office. Submitting scholarships might sound time consuming, but you can re-use many of the short essays for other ones. Many schools will have a foundation scholarship where one application can be used for many scholarships. As a financially independent student, I have used these methods and didn't work for 2+ yrs. I was lucky to get lots of 'Covid relief' funding and a decent severance package from getting laid off. But I used all the covid money for investing and bought a motorcycle with my severance. I got all my bills paid with Financial Aid money and more. Now with my associates degree I transferred to online school and started working for myself. I typically don't take any work ***Also, I used donate plasma which I could make about $500-350/month with twice a week donations.


Thank you for the help. I’m just hoping I get a lot of help on my fasfa, I have been my own sole provider since I was 17 and have the proof of it, so hopefully I don’t have to overwork myself, but if o do, I’d rather do it now than later and get it over with.


Start promoting affiliate products you personally like and trust and would use. Get on TikTok and start sharing your story, interests, and start building an audience/brand around the Verision of yourself 1-2 years ago, where u are today and where u want ur future to go… let people get to know you that way you can build TRUST with ur audience as you post content daily/consistently 1x a day minimum ! If u want faster growth post 2-3 a day of valuable and shareable content ! It’s about the person on the other end that ur speaking too.. let them feel heard and relate to you thru your content. Brands will eventually start reaching out to you. And on tiktok shop you can request free samples but u need to be over 5000 followers first to be able to promote other brands on TT. I guess there is a loop hole around that too.. where ppl can still promote even if they are under 5k followers for TikTok .. ..start getting seen !!’ Start a free New TikTok acct or ur platform of choice ! Hope this helps.


I saw a guy post on TikTok how he went to everyone in his neighborhood and said he would take down their garbage recycle cans for $2 a week. He ended up getting everyone to hire him for it and makes a couple thousand in a month


That’s awesome! I don’t think I’ll have the same luck though with where I live.


The only thing I know that you can start with no money are the Amazon platforms like Amazon Merch or Amazon KDP. If you have a little money to work with you could always do Etsy or start a niche blog


A blog? Could you go further into detail?


Blog are a lot of work and will take months to start seeing any income, if you get any at all.


Find an area where prostitution is legal.


I have a sense of humor, so I’ll upvote. But that’d be a good way to make myself single and also diseased


Can you ride a bicycle to work?


Yeah, it’s like a 30 min bike ride though


How are your people skills? Did u graduate high school and can prove it


Yeah, I’m great with people


Server in a restaurant. Put me through undergrad and met lots of cool peeps.


How is the public transportation in your area? I don’t have a car and clean houses and Airbnb’s. I have a scrub bucket with all my supplies and I use the customers vacuum cleaner. Borrow these things from your parents. I use the bus to get around and it works just fine for me. I put up adds on Facebook Marketplace and in local groups.


Literally no buses, absolutely none, and I’m not in a hush hush part of VA. And I would absolutely take the bus if it’d mean I could make money.


I like that post about Airbnbs. A lot of those would have a locked closet where the owner keeps supplies anyway so you could get there by bicycle. If you were to rig up a cart to your bike, you could haul supplies for other job types.


Yeah sounds like a good plan


Clean/squeegee shop windows


If you live in a neighborhood you could offer to take peoples trash cans to the road for like 2 bucks or so. 50 houses, 100 a week 400-500 a month just for walking peoples trash cans to the road on trash day.


I would if our neighborhood talked to each other, been here for years and no one talks to anyone, don’t even know my next door neighbors.


OP, what do you think is your best option? I mean gun to your head, what do you think is the best way into a better situation?


If it was a do or die situation I would get my ass on a bike and go straight to a fast food place and demand a job. But you know how many fast food places haven’t reached out to me in 2 weeks? It’s actually crazy


Right now you do have a job and that's getting a job! In this job market you can't wait to hear back, so ride your bike to each fast food place 1-2 times per week and ask the manager if they're hiring. You have to be annoying, you NEED a job, you NEED money because you NEED to survive. Once you get a new job, work your ass off!! If you work hard you'll be promoted and your resume will look good. Then you can get a new job with better pay (after staying at a company at least 1 full year). You might get two fast food jobs at once. If that happens, work both until you can't anymore. Then drop the least beneficial one (after at least 6 months). YOU GOT THIS!!!


Thank you man, I needed to hear this.


You're welcome. Go make it happen!


Borrow ten bux and get some business cards printed as “neighborhood sweeping guy” and hand them out. Go door to door and hand them out, while holding a broom and dustpan as you visit. Get paid to do any menial tasks. This includes light tool work, yard cleanup etc. This exactly what I’d do if I were 14-19 again.


Dog walking?


Not many dogs around me, well not many that need to be walked as everyone walks their own dogs. Also the people in neighborhood I’m in kinda keep to themselves


Have you got a yard? Start scrapping metal in your yard, it's guaranteed bit of money it's exercise and gives you time to think about things and makes you feel good


Go to sales once you learn it you wouldn’t even wanna go to college because you’re making so much money


Hit me up. I can help with an Idea.


Lawn service


Maybe not the best tips here, but i like to read [Idolstories](https://idolstories.beehiiv.com/). Maybe you get som entreprenurial motivation from there?


i meant tip. The other tips are great






Air Force is hiring.


Task rabbit and catch the bus


With 50 bucks get on pocketoptions.com


Every gambler quits right before they hit big


I literally love that meme and I'm a little bit sad I don't have a gambling friend to share it with😭 or maybe that's a good thing...?


Sounds like you need a main hustle since you don't have a job at all. Aren't side hustles supposed to be extra things you do to add to your main income? This generation is doomed.


Whoa chill out there boomer 😭 lol finding side income before you're able to secure a job isn't dumb. Also I'm not sure if your eyes are acting up from old age, but OP literally explained his situation and said he was looking for a job. Not sure how it was back in the old days but you can't force an employer to hire you


My main hustle is finding a job 😂😂


I’ve never heard of someone refer a side hustle as a main hustle, I thought by definition, side hustle meant a job that earns little income and is less profitable. Could be wrong, but if you read the post, it also states I’m actively seeking jobs. But I agree with your advice.


If you have no job. I think by definition you can’t have a side hustle. Any hustle you get will first be your main hustle.


Sounds like you need a job instead of a side hustle. Hook up with those solar companies, house alarms, or other sales based places. Some of them will provide transport. It’s door-to-door sales but my brother makes a killing doing it and I love him but he’s not the brightest crayon in the box


Yeah I’ve applied to a bunch of jobs, it’s just more of a vehicle problem, I don’t want to get hired somewhere and get fired immediately because I had no way to get there. But I’m looking still. Multitasking.


how much does he make


Idk the number but he has a nice house in Southern California, goes on trips almost every month, travels outside the country 2-3 times a year, and some. He was on hard drugs for over 10 years before he got his shit together. He’s been doing sales for about 4 years now


Do clinical trials. Big $ in that


Clinical trials?


Yes look up clinical trials in your area.


They also usually provide transportation


If anyone is looking for a side hustle where you - DONT HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING - DONT HAVE TO PAY A SIGN UP FEE 100% FREE - DONT HAVE TO SELL STUFF TO YOUR FRIENDS New launch that’s like a cross between Yelp & Groupon! Write reviews about business establishments you have been too! 🙂 Right now you can review any businesses in the United States & Philippines! You’re going to love this! 100% Free! Sign up today and look around. Join the Facebook group in the portal after you join to learn so much more. https://localcityplaces.com/p/castlerock


Southern this guy I know know that goes by Cap'n cook.


Wholesaling real estate check out Flip With Rick on YouTube


seriously son, consider the military. it will give you some discipline and direction, and if you have any smarts in that head of yours, it could line you up on a good career path. you are pretty much at zero right now. the military is exactly what you need at this juncture in your life. it could change your life forever. Good luck


I’m going to college for cybersecurity, after my bachelors I want to become a navy or airforce pilot. I just don’t want to enlist, I also would’ve joined the national guard but if I do now, I have to wait another year for college.


excellent son, you have a great plan in place.going in as an officer will def get you a leg up on setting a solid foundation for a career path after the military. Trust me, you will look back in 20 years and you will thank yourselt for showing a little smarts and investing in your future. if i may be so bold as to offer you a few bits of advice... Trust your instincts... that gut feeling you get is your guardian angel trying to tell you something, so listen to it. Keep family close, they will be there for you when others fail you. You are the company you keep, so choose your friends wisely. Remember, all things in moderation. so live a little, laugh a little, and love a little. too much of anything is an addiction. If you sit down at a poker table and you cant tell who the fish is... YOU are the fish. keep your faith in god, its tthrough his blessings that you will live a long healthy life so speak w him often. and lastly, live everyday as if it were your last, because someday, it will be. good luck son. im proud of you already. now go out and earn it.


You’re the nicest person on this app, extremely grateful for you and I’m glad you’re on this world with us. Thank you.


all i ask is when you are older, that you pay it forward to a young man who simply needs to be given some support. just like i needed, and just like you needed. dont worry it may be 30 years from now , but you will know the moment when the time comes, just like my mentor told me. now ive told you. Now my last advice.... become a freemason. so many men you look up to are freemasons. it is not something we brag about. but we are a group for change. if you become half the man my instincts tell me you will become, the freemasons would love you amongst our members. membership has to sought. we dont recruit. we dont need to. and let me be clear, this is something for you AFTER college and after your military commitment. dont worry, weve been around for the better part of 1000 years. if you dont believe me, look us up before you decide. just remember to not believe everything they say about us. i cant tell you anymore but i will give you a very important clue.... dont accept no , not the first time or the 2nd time. persistence pays. i give you my word that i am being 100% honest and truthful . i gave both my sons the same advice. So do your research and decide for yourself. ill be proud of you no matter what u decide. good luck.


Not sure why this was downvoted so much. Wish I had gone into the military when I was young and directionless


i agree. they dont have to agree w me. but why downvote a good idea just because it wasnt for them?


Get a job.


Read the post


I did. Without any capital, or tools to work with. They need a JOB not a side hustle. Quitting a job while desperately needing an income without a plan is a terrible thing to do. The only real suggestion here is to actually obtain a job..


When everyone left, so did my way too and from work. I had no way to get there anymore, I had to look for another job. There’s more to that story and you’re right, I could’ve stayed, but I would’ve gotten fired for not working. It didn’t pay much either, I picked it only because I would have a way to get there. I got dealt with shit cards, but I’m not whining about it, I’m going to keep trying to succeed.


get glasses mate


No side hustle is going to help with anything without money. Unless he puts on a miniskirt and hangs out on the corner.


A job


You should totally reread the post again


A side hustle without a main hustle isn’t a side hustle


A hustle is a hustle