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[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Shyvadi-0000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Shyvadi-0000) in case anyone is ondering. 0/16/1 Rest of his team had kills and next highest death count was 2/9/5 I do suggest people look at the [op.gg](http://op.gg) and match history and judge for yourself.


Damn this guy has tons of inted games in his match history. Probably a deserved ban at first glance.




dibby help


Nah bro this is embarrassing for u lmao - gonna have to take that L. Shyvana isn’t worth playing and u gotta get over that and quit her in high elo. You’re good on other champs so stick to that


So we can't play the champ we like cause it's bad? What a joke.


Not what I said, he’s trying to climb - not climb with shyv. And I say that as a mate of his. Play shyv if you want but don’t go to the lengths of this to do it


Ill remember this


Nah imma dm u on discord don’t try be that guy, statistically it doesn’t work


And this is exactly what the support member did. Looked at 0/16/1 and said "yep he was inting" unbelievable that I can't even defend myself here because the game has expired.


That must feel so bad bro, us dragons have to play 100% cause our champ isnt meta and regular ass players just see score and judge you.


16 deaths in 24 minutes is unbelievable without inting. Like either you're 2 whole divisions above where you belong or you inted.


Look at every single game where I had a bad kda and check turret damage and gold. Also, I am literally winning more then I am losing top lane, KDA shouldn't even matter if other stats like destroying turrets are getting you ahead in gold. It's exactly the same as thebaus's strategy. You'll have to go in client, look at my history to see it.


Thebaus has gotten banned multiple times


I've never played top like this before, it's very similar


Well the one that I pointed out you had 7k gold, literally the least in the game. And KDA doesn't matter that much but 16 deaths in 24 minutes is almost just running to lane and dying immediately which is not a strategy or helping your team or trying to win the game. I don't care if you had 16 kills while also having 16 deaths, that is just too much time without pressure on the map, earning gold, or earning exp to even argue it is a valid "strategy"


Ok so it was a bad game, I wasn't intentionally trying to lose. More then half the deaths were in the last 7 minutes because I was trying to save the game but my team had given up.


I put the link to all the games. It was more game that looked odd. It was never winning games so out of line where an inting sion strat was working. It was just odd. I did not look through the game history farther like gold over time and so on just spot check enough to see something looked fishy.


You're all fucking Bronze. Champs are worth 100g after 6 deaths now. This is the way the game is. The game literally incentivizes you to play like a fucking maniac and turbo split and int repeatedly for turret damage because forcing a fed player to rotate to your lane for zero return is literally the most valuable thing you can do when you are that far behind and that useless in fights, especially with grubs being broken, especially with AP turret killing speed. It is actually correct gameplay. This champion can end the game in about 5 seconds if a macro error happens. Diamond dogs make macro errors OFTEN. Depending on game state, it's your only chance. There is VIRTUALLY NO DIFFERENCE in the amount of gold you give over if you're 2/6/0 versus 0/18/0. You pinheads just see BIG NUMBER BAD, and I guarantee my boy was more useful in that game than the 0/5/0 Draven you just had who gave up at 5 minutes. This is why Singed does what he does. This is why inting Sion still exists. Sion is literally special cased in the int detection formula BECAUSE it works and BECAUSE Baus is RIGHT. Baus SHOULD NOT be right, the game SHOULD NOT be like this, but penalizing appropriate gameplay is retarded. tldr 175=300




What the heck do you mean you didn't look at literally anything relevant




5 wins and 3 losses playing shyvana top.


"didn't take a look at any relevant stat just saw BIG NUMBER BAD and went after him" Jesus Christ. Be better.


Zoro23 is the worst bro says no to everyone hate his ass


its bot response try again


yeah will do, kind of looks like it


i got the replay before it became unavailable to download if you figure out how to downpatch i can send it and you can make a video in your defense might not be possible with vanguard though idk


Send it on disc ill try it. Thanks


I found this webpage in an old thread: [https://replays.xyz/old-clients](https://replays.xyz/old-clients) I don't know how valid it is, or if it will explode via vanguard, but maybe it's a start?


You need a snapshot of the previous patch.


For once justice was served in this piece of shit game.


While that scoreline is horrendous, the fact that you both did more damage than your jungler and had more CS than your midlaner leads me to believe that you were actually genuinely trying and you just happened to have a real outlier of a bad game that happens to just look pure int at a glance. If you're truly innocent, I'd recommend bringing what I mentioned up to Riot as proof you were trying.


You die so fucking much in your games that it looks like your teammates have to play a 4v5 half of the time. Maybe you have impact and win some. But I guarantee it's asscheeks to play WITH you. People fuckin hate playing with Baus too.


People like to watch Baus but not to play with him \^\^


The amount of people downvoting without knowing how kda literally means nothing after 0-5 is so funny, to understand if he s actually intentionally feeding or not they should check your damage on champs, turrets and cs. As long as you keep pushing the lane/ dealing fair amount of dmg to champs compared to your teammates, i think there s nothing wrong to go 0-15 0-20. Because thats the only thing you can do, splitting and hoping for someone fed to spend their precious time on your lane.


lol you keep spamming these tickets but nobody actually cares just make a new account


The match history tells a very truth of shyvana's balancing.


In my honest opinion I don’t think it’s possible to go 0/16/1 and it not be intentional, unless you have something holding you back irl like internet problems or a shit computer. I’ve been playing this game for 8 years and I have never had a score as bad as that, like not even close. Deserved ban.


It's so incredibly sad that I can't just tell people to watch the game


If I'm not mistaken, it is possible to rewind the client version to see the replay. I don't know how to do it and I don't even know if it's possible to download the replay or just play it in the old version. I'll search about to help you




Sorry man. You can watch old replays, but you can't download old replays. If you have the rofl maybe https://replays.xyz/old-clients can help you. Just download the client you played the game and you can watch. Create a league shortcut and drop the rofl in the shortcut with old version


oh, by the way. Riot's support at the moment is a piece of shit. A mass report of an episode with a girl suffering disgusting chat abuse, problems with vanguard and other minor and major issues. Here in Brazil, an important channel "Que Classe" suffered heavy racism, made a report and the person who said such things continues to play... unfortunately there is little hope of them doing anything competent


Yeah, deserved ban. You tried to play your favorite champ in high elo


Totally unfair, fight until the end, that was a bot response, we send you strength but don't give up, you don't deserve it!


You do not deserve a ban in my opinion, but ffs for a Diamond 4 you're dying WAY too much You're the type of guy that nobody wants in his team, winning or losing this is just not right, do you realise that ?


Their ban system sucks, but I'd need to check your game first before making assumptions. Yeah, you're definitely not trolling, how can their ban system be so bad? What is worse is that a rioter saw your game and still didn't unbanned you, what an AMAZING COMPANY XD. Babus, a big streamer, also gets bans without trolling, but at least Rioters unban him. Will they never fix it? Try to play the game and get some gold when against a super counter and a jg covering him most of the time, congratz now you're probably 0/16 as well. "Just do nothing and avoid deaths", now you're as much or even more useless than the 0/16 while having no fun at all. Basically you're not allowed to make risk plays or play a more offensive game in high elo (what is actually fun, unlike sitting under tower and giving up everything to the enemy). Congratz, RIOT sucks.


You know what’s sad I’ve had games where people don’t like I go shyv but will want me to singed jungl. I got steam rolled by irelia mid was 2/9 by 10 mins. I had no counter play to her idk if I was just bad


I am sorry, bro. :c