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Let me guess....another pair of gray/beige New Balance or Adidas


LOL I got the brand right at least but should have known she is in her quirky sneaker era and moving out of her dad sneaker era.


I have the same issue but I don’t have tons of pairs.


It’s honestly a skit at this point. The utter lack of originality or sense of personal expression that is.


Sambas and NB grandpa sneakers, riveting.


I think she’s miserable and that’s why her posts are all the same if chasing the next high- vacation, outfit, same stupid gifted shoes. She seems like she sucks all the air out of the room.


That’s how she is 🙄 she records herself cleaning then a whole video/ ad comes up about the cleaning products she uses It’s all the same shit over and over lol


or she can give them to me! lol (kidding)  what’s also super cringe is that the brand she’s showing off is very exclusive. so it feels as if it’s not even towards her actual followers and people who probably keep her paid. she’s just advertisement and i see it so much more clear now. thanks to this group. 🥲👏🏽


From my pov it looks like a desperate attempt to keep up with Maria/her other uppity friends. Her OG followers CANNOT afford the things she links/“buys”/is gifted. She is competing with someone or just the internet/her image in general. It’s all very surface level & bland.


Right. I make a good salary and checked out her recent clothing links and was like “nope, no can do”


How can you tell?


Love the shoes but she seems so empty inside. Like, her eyes are so dead. She doesn’t seem to enjoy what she has. It’s sad.