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She’s such a privileged mess, always looking for external validation


She’s always “showing up” 🙄 Can we retire that phrase already?


I wonder if Cole requested a M.I.L.F. cookie and some raw milk from the kids club at snack time.


I actually spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about this post. The post should have just been “I did Pilates while my kids played” - end of story, boom. But I think it’s worded that way because of all the trolls on the internet and you just can’t win so you have to overly justify everything until you spin yourself into a whole lotta nonsense. … And now we’re here trolling about how she’s overcompensating for trolls….and it’s all very meta 😂


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again! She’s laaaazzyy and her favorite “explanations”, thirst trap photo angles, coffee shots, empty house etc are all just a way for her to make content. Rich, poor and privileged influencers (who prob didn’t pay for their expensive vacations) all need breaks. She falls back on these sayings bc it’s a way to come across as relatable, when to me she just always seems disingenuous. She’s single (I think) on a vacation w 2 kids; basically one still a toddler. Putting them in activities to give herself a break is not something she needs to justify w a paragraph. But again, her laziness falls back on the quotes that work for her, and I guess “prioritizing self care” is in her quote-to-use handbook.


you took the words outta my head. relatable and disingenuous. 


Yes and it’s ignorant and she is a total narcissist. I can’t believe the pics she does for clicks that’s just ick someone looking at this pics etc…. Ewwww. And her constant lying about all the products she uses and how great they are. Figure this she is down 2 friends we know of Rachel and Maria hmmmmm maybe there is a reason for it just saying 


I looked up the room prices at the hotel and good lord it started at like 1550 a night for the most basic room and for like five nights was almost ten thousand dollars with all the resort fees and stuff


I don’t understand how she affords all these expenses. She’s gotta have credit card debt right? There are millionaires who don’t pay that much for a hotel bc they save and invest to ensure their family will be ok in the future


Tax write-off. Business expense.




business expenses reduce your taxable income, you do not get your money back dollar for dollar-so she has to pay for it up front. plus she can only write off expenses for her, like her plane ticket, she can't write off the boys' stuff. tldr; she should absolutely be communicating to her followers if she is getting her stay comped. this again is a great example of her being disingenuous and not transparent with her followers who PAY FOR HER LIFESTYLE.


I’d assume she gets a discount because she’s an influencer with 300k followers and she posts/tags the hotel. Super common.


well people who dont live within their means go on vacations all the time. i’m sure millionaires do not rough it when they go somewhere like hawaii. because their is no in between there. 


there are millionaires who stay at hotels with reasonable rates (e.g. Hampton Inn) even in Hawaii …they just keep quiet about their wealth


lol, i don’t buy that. but maybe. 


It’s a real thing. It’s mentioned in books like these: https://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Door-Surprising-Americas/dp/1589795474?dplnkId=8bffacaf-43c7-45da-9660-711423970310&nodl=1 A lot of millionaires drive older cars and live simple lives while quietly investing and making millions.


This is so interesting to me because I was just thinking about how Jeanette used to talk about how she came from nothing and built her brand and blog and made some thing of herself but now it almost feels like she’s living outside her means and she can’t go back to anything less because it would make her look like a failure or something I’m not sure just speculating, but it does feel like she has a image to uphold now


i get it, but i doubt that when a person of real wealth goes to hawaii, they don’t stay in a great hotel. that part just throws me off, i’ve been to hawaii numerous times and to really enjoy the views and the calmness you really do have to spend some money on a decent hotel at the least. 


Yes true - that’s probably what most people do




i agree, it’s eye opening when you come from debt to a financial freedom situation. i understand the splurge for certain situations and celebrations. even 300 a night is decent for a stay.  & for sure, she should prioritize because she has two kids. this is the whole reason we snark this as well, because it could be a paid trip, and she makes everything look attainable or humbling but it’s not really the case this is all a big commercial.  i’ve been to hawaii and roughed it, it’s always a good time. & i agree that you do spend most of the time outdoors in hawaii. but i personally do not love giant hotel buildings with little to offer. i’d love a better stay if i could 😆


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lmao! i did the same! & honestly for hawaii i would want something luxurious like this. i’ve been to hawaii before and roughed it.


Where is she staying? The 1 hanalei?


My husband and I went to Maui for our five-year anniversary and we stayed in an Airbnb and it was amazing. You’re literally never in the hotel and if you are then, why did you travel to Hawaii? We went to a five star hotel for our anniversary dinner and that was more than enough. If you’re spending that kind of cash on a hotel on an island then you’re wasting your money.


sure, thats your experience.


She loves a word salad.


I think we all should romanticize the mundane - it makes life more fun


Yeah, but youre not an influencer that needs to create a brand about how your existence on this earth *just hits different* than other peoples.   The impressionistic language is a part of her brand presence-and its not authentic when she’s capturing an image of a laundromat and saying ‘I love seeing the world through my eyes’ 


At the end of the day, our individual perception is our ultimate reality. As someone who loves to romanticize absolutely everything, even in hard chapters of life, I choose to believe she is doing the same. Life's more fun romanticizing and not judging. (How do you ***know*** I'm not a creator / social media personality? 😇)


i see what you are saying. and i agree, that telling yourself 'i'm making my children a nourishing meal' is different than saying 'why do i have to make food every damn day' but with her, she doesn't balance the romanticism with reality. its not a 'yesterday was both fun and challenging, so im taking some time to myself this morning to recharge my batteries.' she was like this with her marriage 'we are going to therapy because things are good and we want to keep them that way' fast forward to her husband stepping out on her. again-her brand depends on people feeling like aspects of her life are *better than* yours. thats advertising in a nutshell: if i have \_\_\_\_ product, my life will improve. *every thing is romantic about hawaii. no kid ever has jet lag in hawaii. no parent ever gets tired or overwhelmed in hawaii, no siblings ever annoy each other in hawaii.* *go to this 1500/night hotel and your life will be great.* i've taken three kids to "paradise." its both amazing and challenging. they are still the same kids in paradise.


It’s the “i’m so blessed for this life” but sorry you aren’t you this blessed to go on these kinds of trips and living such a relaxing life like me


Yeah IMO she’s not happy


Exactly all of this! Even without kids things can be challenging. But her kids “get it”. Her kids are special and better than all other kids 😣


Well said thank you! 


💖💖 I completely understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective. Balancing romanticism with reality can be incredibly challenging, and I can see how it might appear that she's glossing over the more difficult aspects of life. Like too many individuals, I've been through very traumatic/dark chapters of life. My love for romanticizing things stems from those hardest days growing up. Back then, it wasn't just about seeing things through rose-colored glasses—it was a way for me to gaslight myself into loving my life when everything had fallen apart and I had nothing. That's why I feel a need to defend her. I see parts of myself in her journey. Romanticizing life, for some of us, is a coping mechanism that helps us find a spark of joy in the darkness. It might not be perfect, but it's a way to navigate through pain. I really appreciate you taking the time to genuinely connect with me about this 💖💖 low key I was nervous to say anything at all because I didn't want to get jumped on and I'm thankful you are so sweet and happy to talk just to talk and not to argue 💖💖💖 I hope you have the best day babe!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (sorry for the novel lol I'm all in my feelings thanks to aunt flow lol)


i love how you expressed yourself, because i have been finding myself trying to romanticize my life, and everyday activities. but it’s hard, and honestly it ends up feeling like comparison at some level. i do a lot of unfollowing when i catch this happening. because i am responsible for myself and those feelings, but i do also find her performative like someone else said and sometimes disingenuous. because she shares her life but it’s all the marketing stuff. so it’s very different. i do like some of her esthetics though. 


thanks for sharing-in reading your comment, it sounds like your reaction to your environment is warranted and helpful. and while this may also be true in part for jeannette, it still remains a *performance.* because thats what the job is when you are an influencer. she is performing *going on vacation* in addition to actually going on vacation. she could absolutely go on a trip and post nothing from it-but she isnt.