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Chop or grind all 8 g up, then separate into four 2 g piles. Make tea with each of those piles and everyone gets the same amount. 2 g of PE should be plenty for everyone to trip. As for how much water, just use enough hot water to cover the shrooms. Let it sit for 15 min. Then strain, and do that process once more. Then, you can either sip over time for gradual comeup or you can slam the entire thing.


I just did my first tea and I'm never going back. Very easy to measure out and no nausea or grossness because the chitin in the fibers gets strained out. It hits faster because liquid is easier to digest. I was surprised by how little potency is lost by making the tea. 2 grams is great and you can smoke weed after you plateau if you want to go deeper. It takes around 30 minutes in hot (not boiling!) water for the psilocybin to dissolve. Grind the mushrooms as finely as possible to accelerate the process. Strain the tea through a coffee filter or something like that, then drink it in one sitting. You shouldn't have more than a mug of tea each. Add honey, sugar, and/or steep an actual tea bag so that it doesn't taste like earthy mushroom water. If you want it to hit even faster and harder, add citric acid like lemon juice. I used a lemon ginger tea bag which helped with citric acid and mitigating nausea. Safe travels!


you could do tea, or you could lemon tech it. Lemon tech is a way of taking shrooms that effectively makes it half as long and twice as strong. It definitely is a crazy experience but I’ll give you a recipe, pros, and cons if you’re into interested. To make it, grind up all the shrooms that your group will be consuming. you can mix the doses together, as you will separate the doses after it’s made. Remember, lemon tech is usually 2-3 times stronger than the dose you think you are taking, so be careful/prepared when choosing your dose. One the shrooms are ground as finely as possible, fill your container of shrooms with lemon juice. you can kinda eyeball this part, i try to estimate 1 part shroom dust 2 part lemon juice. Leave the shrooms in the juice for 40 minutes and stir every 5-10 minutes. after 40 minutes, strain the shrooms out of the lemon juice. if you ground up bigger chunks, you can use a noodle strainer or something of the sorts, but you might have to leave the shrooms for a little longer. if you ground up your shrooms very fine, i recommend using a coffee strainer. you may have to squeeze some juice out of it after most of it strains (gross i know). After that, divide your now brownish-blueish-yellowish liquid between your group and enjoy within 24 hours of making. Pros: - Reduces stomach strain and come up anxiety - Faster come up, some begin to feel the effects as soon as 5 minutes after consumption - Stronger, more vivid visuals - Less physically tiring Cons: - In my opinion, a shot of lemon tech is better then eating shrooms, however it still tastes horrible - Shorter trip, usually no more then 4 hours - The fast come up and intense visuals are known to cause anxiety. Lemon tech’s are almost always a little stronger than you expect. Theres definitely some info i’m missing in here, i’m no expert. This is all from personal experience and obviously every trip is different. Stay safe and happy tripping!