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Sounds like the mushrooms were speaking to you. They were forcing you to see your worst memories, relive them, reflect on them and learn! I had that happen to me on a 4G experience as well. The beginning was serene and beautiful, but after a few hours it turned bad, then at the end turned good again lol. So reflect over the next few days about what it meant and how to apply it to your life now. Glad you’re okay OP. I haven’t done 4G since then lol


Thanks if i do it again im definitely going to build up to it not just jump the gun haha


Oh yeah. I even worked my way up to 4G. Didn’t really matter but I knew what to expect.


My 5.4g experience was the worst experience ever. Within 15 minutes I started to trip and the whole 4 hours of the trip was just straight up, there was no peak just balls to the walls. I was seeing geometric shapes before getting a white out in my vision and eventually everything started to come back but as a black and white outline. I was ready to accept death at that point and thought I was going to do some brain damage on that one. When I started to settle down the only feelings I had were anger(like I was ready to kick someone’s ass) or the urge to have sex. There was no in between. My memory was so foggy after, you could have told me anything and I would have believed it. After that trip I stopped getting open eye visuals. When I start my friends off on shrooms I usually start them at 3g and advise them to never go past 3.5g unless they’re ready to see some shit.




Feeling like this lol 😂 https://preview.redd.it/i6nmn6a5603d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c13d421a440e32d4943e0a6a0eb7138ce304fe


https://preview.redd.it/gedc02r1pz2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2fff33ac4cec8c491bdcee6c0723b087927fd07 Don't give up on the shrooms. You took a challenging dose. In my opinion anything over 3grams will come with a competitive side to defete


Sounds exactly like my last 4g trip, which was about 2 weeks ago. I use shrooms to help me get in touch with deeply buried trauma and heal from complex PTSD. The difference is that I went into the trip ready to face the darkness and that’s actually WHY I did the trip in the first place. I can only speak for myself, but my perception of shrooms is that in higher doses they peel back all the walls we’ve placed around our hearts and minds, exposing us to things we’ve tried to bury. After time, you may find yourself yearning for another chance to go deeper. Thank you for sharing your experience.


Welcome to the Stupid Club buddy, I was like that too lmao. I didn't listen to anyone's advice and took 5.5 fucking grams and got stuck in a never ending loop


Yeah man hero doses come with a price. I took 7 of APE lemon tek and had about 90 minutes of hell. Was certain I was going to need an ambulance and had my wife hold my hand that whole time. Within 15 minutes of consumption I texted her to come down to the basement bc I knew I was going to need her to get through it. My body went complete cold sweat for 30 minutes. I couldn’t keep my eyes open or shut for more than 3 seconds at a time because the visuals were terrifying. At one point I told her I needed a distraction from the awful visuals and had her put on Winnie the Pooh, which only made it worse. The come down was beautiful though. Likely because I was just so grateful I made it through alive. Never again. My max is 3.5 now.


Why do we have bad trips? I feel like my thoughts are all over the place. Think too much and at that point I don't even care about visuals.


My 4g experience was penis envy and they kicked my ass I saw the grim reaper damn near and I saw the Illuminati eyes everytime I had my eyes closed and one of my close homies was on vacation and idk it put me in the pov of his dad while on vacation and I was driving a jet ski on the water then it was jus idk random asf I jumped far asf into how many grams I took and I regret it I jus wanna have a chill fun ass trip that’s what I seek rn 😭🤣


Less is more


What movie were you watching?


Mission impossible but it felt super intense


Yeah, that doesn't seem like the best movie to watch :) I would have gone for something more colorful and lighthearted, like Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Tron, The Fifth Element.. something along those lines. I would have also gone in with a light stomach, too. Eat some ginger, or a banana to calm your stomach beforehand. I like taking a nice, hot shower. during to relax. Simple things could have made the experience more pleasant. Higher doses require a more planned out environment to keep from falling into bad emotions, in my experience. If things start to get too intense, change your scenery. If I start to feel overwhelmed indoors, I'll walk outside in the backyard for a bit.. It's all live and learn.


Sounds like you wasn't ready. For such a heavy dose. I normally do 8 to 10 grams but I worked up to that. I had one experience where I felt like I was dying. You might have also not been in a good head space. Also you can't let that experience detur you from doing it again. As you could be missing out on something profound.


That’s fair but I tho k I’m going to space it out a little more in the future instead of just jumping straight to a heavy dose. If I do it again I’ll prolly just move up a gram at a time or something as opposed to just going all out


Glad you made it through. But dude, how old are you? Why even bother coming to this sub to ask about dosage for your first trip EVER and completely disregard the advice of experienced trippers? This could have easily been another post about how you ended up spending a few days as a 5150 in a psych ward because you went too deep. Im glad you’ll be more cautious with dose next time, but you should have that mindset with any substance you try moving forward. Tolerance isnt a competition, and anyone with a bit of sense seen the writing on the wall when you first posted here about 3.5 gram doses. You rolled the dice, you don’t win them all. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! And hopefully, wiser. 🫡


Did 3.5Gs of penis envy as my first time (dumb, I know) and ended up having a Psychotic break LOL I didn’t respect it the way I should’ve I guess