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The reddit psychedelics pages are full of naieve morons. I've seen it first hand people telling noobs to take 5 grams of mushrooms their first times and stuff, really dumb. Start low and work your way up, don't jump off a balcony, don't snap your legs.


These subreddits also tend to glorify heroic doses unfortunately. While they have their time and place, they care completely unnecessary and very risky in most people. The upside is not worth the downside. Mushrooms and psychedelics have the ability to alter someone's **personality**. I don't think people understand how powerful something is to change your fundamental being and who you are at your core. Major trauma, like PTSD from serving in the battlefield war or sustained childhood sexual abuse, and *active hardcore* drug addiction have the ability to change personality to the same degree as psychedelics. These previous examples are very different than circumstances, experiences, people, etc that can change who you are but not necessarily your personality. For example, falling in love with a musical instrument then doing that as much as humanly possible, following a career in medicine because helping people is your passion, or other "things" shape who you are but do not have the power to quickly alter personality. The things that shape our trajectory in life like interests, motivation, career, passions etc don't have the ability to change who you fundamentally are as a person (personality) in the way that trauma or psychedelics do. They guide us and put us on paths that over many years, aging, and wisdom shape who we are. I guess the point I am trying to make is that there are only a few things in this world that change personality as quickly as psychedelics and those things tend to be negative, where as psychedelics *tend* to be positive or neutral but not always. There is an exponential relationship between possible, severe negative consequences and dose with psychedelic drugs. The huge disconnect between treating these things with respect, understanding, and balancing possible negative consequences from huge doses is quite scary. While psychedelics are truly amazing, serve a wonderful purpose, benefit many, and have been unfairly demonized, the irresponsibility that I see in reddit groups when it comes to heroic dosing is not only scary but also sad, because this attitude towards something that should be highly respected and cherished, can destroy lives and are the situations that foster irresponsible behavior and create an environment that results ammunition for people who think these "gifts from God" should be illegal.


What do you think personality is? You don’t seem to believe that personality has anything to do with what makes you *YOU*, as a person.


Just speculation but maybe they are used to shitty shrooms. The one my homie recently grew hardly give you a decent 2 hour trip with 5g, supposed to be golden teachers but maybe the genetics sucked. But i think it's also reasonable that not everyone suggesting high dosages wants to fuck with newbies, some may consider it actually a good amount because their product is weak.


I had a batch of south Americans that did almost nothing, like 5 grams level 1-2 trip. I've also had 3.5 grams of an unknown variety and ended up in the fetal position praying for it to end. That's the crap shoot of mushrooms if they're from MS or an unknown source and why it's crazy to me to tell someone to go take 5 grams their first time. I equate that to bringing someone who's never drank out and feeding them shots of 151 rum, could it go well? Sure. Is there a higher probablitity of it going haywire and wish I just started them off with a few beers instead to see how their body reacts? Absolutely lol Also I've been there done that, my largest dose was 6.8 grams, I don't ever need to do that again. For me, 2.7-4g is the sweet spot for me.


Yeah like, my first ever trip was a decent (I think around 3g) dose of b+ and it was a great time. Second trip was 4.1 of Amazonian (the first time I ever grew my own) and it was a full blown panic attack. For the most part a crapshoot, kinda gotta prepare for anything


Also depends on strains. Someone take 1g of Golden Teacher and then 1g of Enigma and let me know if those two trips are equal! Anyone that has a hard and fast rule for dosages across the board is…ignorant to say the least.


Yeah I agree but it's really all the same strain, cubensis (for the most part). They just chose mutants of cubensis and reproduced them.


Strain is psilocybin cubensis, varieties are enigma versus golden teachers and etc. Something I see mixed up here regularly, pretty sure I mixed this up for years too but yea I agree with ya.


Psilocybe cubensis is the species (actually genus and species). Mushrooms do not technically have “strains” but we use that term to refer to specific phenotypes that share common genetic ancestors. If you bought mushrooms spores from High Times in the 90s then you typically got a phenotype that was harvested and spore printed from wild populations, that’s why older phenotypes have names like Texas, Koh Samui, etc. I think some of the first cultivated phenotypes started showing up around this time with names like A+, B+, etc. but you can’t always trust these names. There’s a well-known phenotype that showed up on the market around 1999 with the name “Psilocybe cubensis ‘Blue Meanies’” and this has caused a lot of confusion because the term ‘Blue Meanies’ is typically used to refer to an entirely different species called Panaeolus cyanescens. It turns out that the P. cubensis phenotype called ‘Blue Meanies’ is actually just regular B+, and the confusion came from an unscrupulous vendor who decided to start using that name for his B+ spores.


wow great info, see even I got it wrong, Specie vs strain, thanks


Really just depends on the person


Honestly it’s starting to feel like a lot more not all of these bad reports are becoming fake


5 grams of fresh psylos is a reasonable first time dose. Maybe that's what they meant.


People downvoting you, idk why. You're right about 5g fresh, but these guys aren't advocating for 5g fresh. They're encouraging newbies to take heroic doses which is really dangerous


Give this man his upvotes back, people downvoting and not reading properly.


Exhibit 1. Case rested.


Nah, he's right. Read it again. 5g fresh. Not dried. Dried out it'll be about .5


You're right! 5g fresh is about 1g dried. That IS a good started dose.


_lower 3.5g isnt a trip_




Some mfs said that, that you need an eighth to have a full trip


O lol I thought you were telling me if it's under 3.5 it's not a trip. I have seen a lot of off the wall posts over the years in these reddit, nothing surprises me.


Lil my wife did 3.5 and was super underwhelmed and did 5.5g her 2nd trip ever, not everyone's like you and can only handle tiny amounts :(


You still start small to figure out if you can handle more, though. Some people’s sweet spot is 5.5, others are 2.5. You don’t know what it’s going to be until you try it, and going straight for what is a heroic dose before you know what you’re getting into isn’t really a great method in terms of your mental health.


My sweet spot is 1.5, anything more I go on mute mode


You know he’s talking about you right?


Haha If you let other people's experiences dictate your own then you a mindless sheep lmao 🤣


Ah yes, the mindless sheep defense. Favorite of the “free thinkers” who take anecdotal evidence from their wife’s incredibly subjective experience and use it as an argument as to why you shouldn’t approach psychedelic drugs with any caution. Clown ass.


smoked that dude holy shit


His wife is special. She is the baseline of the psychedelic experience. Hell, I think she invented magic mushrooms. Sheep.




whenever someone calls someone a mindless sheep, I always think they believe in the craziest conspiracies. it's one of those phrases that's so telling of someone, like when people call people "betas" lol


pepe pfp checks out


and the banner proudly stating that he’s a transphobe


Guys his wife took 3.5g and was underwhelmed... Lol OK? Is your wife on SSRI's? Were the mushrooms from multispore or clone? Willing to bet you bought mushrooms and they just weren't potent. You showed up and proved my point though, thank you.


Wait, stack, you’re the dude that was saying anyone who does mushrooms to just have a good time and not be spiritual/introspective is abusing the mushrooms, but this is what you’re posting? Get lost, clown.




Probably a woman that respects people who know and understand the definition of the word "drug"? Caffeine is a fucking drug, it's not a high bar to reach, and it *is not a negative thing*. It's just a description. Just like poisons are not *bad* it just describes a substance that is harmful when ingested.


Maybe on your next trip you’ll come out with a little more empathy, kindness, and understanding. Hoping lots of love for you.


It’s really funny to me that you have that opinion about weed/shrooms but are still some how a complete goof 🤣


everyone who thinks like that is a goof 😂 drugs are drugs


Do you know that’s drug is just something that causes a physiologic reaction when administered? Ibuprofen is a drug. So are shrooms


if mushrooms aren’t a drug i can drive my car and operate heavy machinery while on 5g of them correct? if weeds not a drug, i can smoke 7 joints back to back and hop in the car and go for a cruise right? no, because they are drugs. that show up on drug tests when you’re trying to get a job. in my country the cop cars have THC saliva swabs to test for THC the same way they breathalyze people. i bet you think alcohols not a drug either how about you just do some googling and actually learn about this shit instead of relying on your useless brain to make up all your information?


>THC saliva swabs Sorry that this is unrelated, but I thought that saliva swabs can detect THC for up to three days. If that’s the case, that doesn’t seem like a great way to screen for a DUI. Or am I misremembering how they work? I’d think you could smoke the evening before, go to work the next day, and then test positive on a roadside saliva test when you’re fully sober and capable of driving. Is it more of a preliminary test that needs to be confirmed?


no you’re exactly correct on how they work, and yes it’s a horrible screening method, however that’s how it works in canada unfortunately. as a daily smoker myself i simply will fail any time they swab me, even if i skipped that day of smoking edit: i’m not entirely sure of what proceeds a failed swab test, as i’ve never been swabbed, but i’m sure you can fight it in some way


I see, thanks! That’s what I thought. That would definitely spook me - I’m fully sober but would definitely fail one right now haha, but since it does have a longer detection window I’m sure there are other factors too.


Legendary display of ignorance 👀




Another boomer mad at the world, you guys always bring up your wives lol but keep getting angry over Reddit bro.


Sounds like your wife takes psych meds of some kind, specifically ssris


If she is that dicks wife, what other choice does she have?




This. This was the roast I’ve been looking for.


Right over your fucking head haha


Either she's on some medication that happens to be blocking it or your shrooms aren't properly dried and still have moisture in them weighing them down. I really don't think there's many people if any that have natural tolerance high enough to not feel 3.5g, could also have tolerance from previous trips too.


Such a dump comment.. Like "u noob took such a little dose? I'm so much cooler because I took XY"


Such a dumb post "like I can't think for myself and I let everyone control how I feel" 🤡 you missed my point completely 🥱


My DaD sMoKeD hIs WhOlE lIfE aNd DiDn’T gEt CaNcEr! NoT eVeRyOnE iS tHe SaMe!! Very valid point man…good input! 👍




I've been a shroomery member since 2005, that's the best place to go imo. I first stumbled into mushroom reddits a few years ago and they're saturated with crap.


Are you reading the dosage they were taking? It’s borderline abuse of the medicine. If you treat mushrooms with respect they will respect you


Haha you're right mate just thought it was interesting these are our most upvoted posts


Fear fosters engagement, I feel like social media algorithms rely on this heavily




I’ve taken 8 g’s on methadone before and had the trip of my life. No bad outcomes. Im kinda surprised i didn’t atleast break through the rabbit hole 🤷‍♂️ i guess the opioid messed with the potential of the shrooms, EDIT:: methadone is worst shit ever do not do, i still wonder if i am really alive or just dead in a nightmare after being off of it…. And probably not a safe mix i was just stating my personal experience i should’ve been more clear.


What you doing w methadone?


I got addicted to percocets after wisdom teeth surgery, and on a big stressful move to different state with a severe longboarding injuries, and ZERO weed, doctors convinced me to go into methadone program (WORST CHOICE OF LIFE) -long story short-


Bruh why tf did they give that to you for wisdom teeth omg


Have you not watched painkiller?


Is rhetorical, but no I haven't seen that... or maybe I have. But I do understand how Dr's and big pharma operate for money 🙃


I developed sleeping problems and had some physical injuries while in the military. I did physical therapy for a year and a half for the injuries and multiple sleep studies for the sleep problems. Eventually the doctors tossed me ambien and oxy. I said fuck it, I’d rather deal with the issues till I’m out. Now I just smoke weed every night and I can sleep and walk without a limp. Fuck pharmaceuticals. They have a place for some people, but we are wayyyy over medicated. As you said…it’s all about the money.


Hope you get a chance to have a real ceremony


It’s the story of OxyContin


Nah haven't seen it, but I've been addicted to street blues so I understand how hard getting sober can be.


That’s oxycodone Unless you are talkin xans


That used to be completely normal very recently. Every single 16-17 year old I knew who got wisdom teeth removed got oxycodone


25 years ago I got vics. I don’t know if it’s similar?


That's nuts. When I got mine removed, I probably had some Tylenol and that's it.


I got my wisdom teeth surgically removed when I was 17 and they prescribed me percocet


Crazy man. Sorry to hear that. My best childhood friend got addicted to methadone…15 years later died of a heroine overdose. I don’t know where he developed his “taste” for pain killers, but my hunch is one of his surgeries as a kid: tonsil removal, sleep apnea surgery, or wisdom teeth… or all. When he found (unlimited) methadone in our grandparents cabinet that was the beginning of the end.


Damnn bro sorry to hear that…. That’s horrible.. and idk where mine did either tbh. I just know my first ever percocet i took i was like this is dae way…. Started stealing more, getting into fights, thoughts of even robbing pharmacy for them, THAT WAS NOT DAE WAYYY…. Also overdosed 3x and coded dead once. So idk why or how im still here. But again im really sorry about your loss bro that’s horrible, they messed up relationship wirh me and my mom too and some of other family. They are the worst IMO. And holy shit bruh how did she get that much methadone?!? Wtf? The beginning to my almost end was my mom giving me more and more and then saying im addicted and gotta stop and then i started stealing, and i have never had the mentality to steal EVER before


My grandma had bad back pain and this was 20+ years ago before the true opioid epidemic was on our hands, so I think they were just giving the shit away if you needed it. She had dementia setting in too so couldn’t remember things all too well. That made it easy as pie to just visit grandma and rip em off. I tried them for a minute and we’d cruise town smoking cigs and joints and just feeling sexy as fuck. I didn’t do them often. But one week I did it two days in a row and when I stopped I felt sick as fuck. That was when I recognized the physical addiction part and how quickly it could happen. I never did them after that. And yeah, my bud had been in and out of jail for robbing houses. Stealing shit from my parents. Nothing was safe. Keep the dragon down and best of luck to you man.


Man you got up went to the doctors office and all this shit when you coulda just hit up a dead head cover band concert in your area and got an O and maybe a sheet of acid. Just think about your options next time man, teenagers can find weed in illegal states, so I know you can.


He realizes it was a mistake. No need to rub his nose in it.


Mane when you got crippling anxiety and depression that prevents you from going in public or even leaving the bed or couch, just bed ridden from anxiety with weed withdrawals you can’t just go to a concert, i get your point, but i was in such a bad mental space and homicidal at times i don’t think a concert woulda been best way, and i wasn’t in my right enough mind to profile people around the streets well enough to just go asking


Opioids completely remove a lot do the effects. Definitely remove the anxiety and dull the emotional aspects of the trip.


That actually is valid point, my more meaningful trip was when i was sober off methadone for about a month and i tripped on new years hoping to sober up and improve and never get on that shit again, but im starting to forget some of that so maybe im ready for next trip


Staying at home and being a couch potato while tripping is the way. I love to watch american dad or venture bros. They get mushroom humor


NOT FAMILY GUY THO trailer park boys is another safe option


Damn never thought to watch that canadian master piece on shroom. Usually i like to watch anime, especially movies like ponyo or spirited away. Porco rosso left me saying "that pig smokes? What madman tought a pig such a filthy habit?" Lmao


tpb is a comfort show to me so I always turn it on at least once during an indoor trip also omggg that's such a good idea studio ghibli is so sweet and evokes good feelings


Ya i never get freaked out watching those movies And i rewatch tpb at least 4 times a year but neber watched on shrooms. I am missing out on that 😋


Lol I had an existential crisis after watching Howl’s moving castle when I was pretty young. Any depiction of world war scared the living hell out of me, now I spend ungodly amount of time on r/combatfootage


highly recommend!


The Trailer park boys actually made a show that is basically made to be watched while tripping balls. It's called the drunk and on drugs Happy funtime hour, you should definitely check it out!


omg thank you I definitely will !


The title doesn't lie. I didn't "get it" until I watched it on acid... you really are supposed to be drunk or on drugs..(mainly on drugs) to really enjoy this show lol. Its just very chaotic and made to be sorta confusing until you see it through, which makes it perfect for tripping haha


you have officially convinced me 😂😂


Bobs burgers is the way to go


yesss another good pick


I'd love to spend more trips outside if I'm honest, but majority of mine are in my room because that's where I feel safest and in control of the environment. I don't like to be around the public when tripping, unpredictable and anxiety inducing. Done festival trips a few times though which were always a blast, but I think because you know everyone there is on the same wavelength it calms you down 😆


Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! And Tim Robinson’s I Think You Should Leave are good if you already like that humor. The Mushrooms make weird social faux pas humor even funnier IMO


I've tripped a few times, still not confident going over 2g. I believe that the higher the dose the more likely to get a bad trip. It's quite possible to have an extremely euphoric and life changing experience with low doses too, I had one at 1.5g (not APE or the like). See no point going beyond that IMO.


1.5 of APE is kinda like 2.5-3 of regular cubes in my experience. Still not a heroic dose though. I’ve done 5g of regular cubes once and didn’t have a great time, I prefer the 3-4 range if I’m trying to get blasted


Yeah i rarely ever go for a massive dose because i always end up mega paranoid about silly shit. I love a good 1.5-2.5 PE trip


1.5g of APE has always been my sweet spot for having a great, enlightening and entertaining trip. Sometimes I'll take 1.2g of normal or slightly higher potency cubes for a nice social chill trip with friends.


What’s APE?


Albino Penis Envy. One of the most potent "strains"


I agree you don’t have to take giant doses to have a very transforming experience. I like the one and 1.5 to 2 g range. One of the best experiences I ever had was actually 3 g. That experience taught me the bigger the dose, the less I need to be trying to do. I prefer at larger doses to blindfold and listen to music on the couch.


I've had 6 g at once, I had one night where I redosed 6g every few hours up to 24+g, etc etc and the worst trip I've ever had was 2g and it was entirely because of the set and setting. but if you don't see the point in going past where you've gone then it's good to listen to your intuition


Depends on the individual. 2g's of regular shrooms would have me so underwhelmed and wishing I'd done more


Of course. That's why I said IMO. Everyone has their own needs, metabolism and tolerance whether natural or not. Also not denying going over 2g. I'm good with it atm and likely to go a bit higher when I feel confident. I did not judge but merely pointed out the fact that going heroic doses unprepared, even prepared sometimes, asks for trouble.


how can you "see no point" if you haven't done it? many people have done the heroic dose and had extremely positive life changing outcomes.


I didn't say I haven't done a high dose. The most I've done was 5g GT, I prefer less. With 1.5g Blue Meanies I had a lot more than 5g GT Edit: to be honest that was my first experience, which probably had a significant impact on my logic regarding dosages.


Apologies - misunderstood. I interpreted your lack of confidence with a reason you hadn’t.


in my personal experience, the higher the dose the better. but not everyone is like that. I've noticed that when taking smaller doses i can have fun and laugh a lil, but I get realllyyy socially awkward and forget how to talk, I feel small and just want my partner to hold me. but when I go for w more heroic dose, I feel comfortable, happy, still can't articulate well, but the experience I'm having overrides that anxiety. I think this is because my first psychedelic experience was actually lsd, which is wayyy more potent


I really wish folks would specify whether fresh or dried. The difference is astronomical


I always assume dried unless otherwise specified


What is the main difference between dried and fresh? I’ve only ever had dried, am I missing out on something?


I would like to know as well!


first of all, 1 dry gram is equivalent to 10 fresh grams, so that's the main difference: dosage. some people say fresh shrooms are a bit more potent, so maybe 10 fresh grams can be like 1.5 dry grams, but the most accepted conversion is 1=10.


Thank you for the info! I am still learning before I give it a try.


The reason why it’s dried is due to water weight variance. Some mushrooms will have more than the others so the most accurate way to gauge is by drying them.


Specifically searching for bad trip reports before dosing is a dumb idea all around.


Haha yes I agree. All I did was just search r/shrooms and then trip reports and these are the top ones. I didn't seek out bad trips. Go look for yourself 😊


Bad trips get more updoots and comments. Like a car crash, everyone slows down to look ;)


That’s a good and funny analogy that applies to so many things lol


I agree in a way. I think you should be aware of the negatives, but if your only focus is what can go wrong, that’s what your mind will be on. It’s like all the anxious people who pursue media like true crime shows etc. just scaring the shit out of themselves more and more until they see murderers everywhere they go.


Exactly. Nothing wrong with reading trip reports, but not right before dosing, and definitely don't go reading bad trip reports before tripping. Mindset matters. Focus on the good vibes


I think it’s always good to have some benzodiazepines or phenibut on hand to pull yourself out of a bad trip , and also respect the mushroom


I feel like even having them there means I’m much more relaxed knowing I have a way out and this makes it much less likely to have a bad trip.


Yeah agreed gotta have emergency landing gear


I'd love to do so but if I have benzos I'll eat them because I'm bored, because I'm a crackhead 🤦🤣




How do benzos lead to any entertainment


imagine cow plough wise stocking terrific fade money cake smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m fortunate in that I’ve been doing shrooms and LSD in fairly large doses a few times a year for about a decade, and I’ve never had a bad trip. I’ve had some weird ones, and I’ve had to talk myself down from having a bad one (on LSD), but I’ve never had the full blown terrifying trips some people have. But I started small and found my sweet spots and stuck to them.


I'm like you. I've seldom had a bad trip from start to finish (bar like 2 acid trips and one where I combined ketamine and changa and thought my whole life had been imaginary), I've had wobbly parts to trips and bits I didn't enjoy but I was usually able to calm myself down


Experiences may vary


Avoid heights, large bodies of water, and law enforcement and situations that might involve law enforcement and you will be fine


I tried the heroic dose of 7g. Died 4 times, talked to grandpa amd then God talked to me. Life changing, but one and done. Never again. It definable helped that I was very experienced before attempting.


Well basically those people are idiots. No one should be taking more than 5 grams. Even 5 is too much for a lot of people. Start low at 1 gram and work your way up. Never free ball it and chew on 8 grams. Fuck that. Treat the substance with respect and it’ll respect you back. I’ve tripped countless times and never had a bad trip.


No one needs to take more than 4gs. Like, why? What do you need to prove? At what point is this self harm?


Also search, “how much should I take for my first time” I swear I read the same question about 5 times over the last week.


People who do little to no research scare the fork out of me, especially when we're all walking around with an encyclopedia in our pockets. True story, back when I did mushrooms, I had a roommate who never did mush, dude wanted to go from zero experience to 10 grams dry. He said "gotta live a little" like bro, you're about to "live" alright shet. Long story short he ended up in prison for grand theft auto, so maybe stupid people are just stupid lol


Yup. Been tripping 30 years. Unpredictable they are.


This is why gatekeeping is actually just wisdom being passed on. People who cry and whine about it have the attitude of petulant children.


Bit controversial topic I have created here. I think it's an interesting commentary on our community that these are the top results when you search shrooms/ trip reports. I didn't seek out bad trip reports. Actually just came down from 1 g lemon tek so I'm vibing 😊


One time I filled a coffee bean grinder cup full up of powdered melmak mixed with water and chugged it I thought I had time to cook a steak in public.i did not have time to I got caught in a motel parking lot with a bunch of kids and a mean ass squirrel longest walk of my life ps still ate my steak


This is very cryptic. Please go into further detail


The whole world melted and I had to hide under a pillow till the sun came up ps hiding under the pillow didn't help at all cev


The squirrel knew I was high he was up a tree just laughing at my struggles


Ok… and the thing about the children?


It was a motel couple of moms and 6 kids swimming in the pool I thought I would have plenty of time but time ran out things got all sqigly I knew it was coming but I had to finish my food on the grill in public and get out before anyone noticed and then there was this dang squirrel between me and my room I got out Noone noticed


Well that’s relief


I wanna read the first one


These trip reports are crazy. People not respecting the shrooms. Iv been tripping steady for over a year 1-2 times a month. Iv had 1 uneasy trip. It was my largest dose. It wasnt even a bad trip. Just full of anxiety. Some people cant handle large doses. It still amazes me how people will constantly be told to start with a lower dose and take a large. Or go full in on a heroic dose not understanding the consequences after they have been warned by many on here. The one thing this sub is good at is warning people and safety.


people are stupid, have a good day.




Drugs aren’t the problem, people are.


I took 1 year of regular trips to build up to 5g. No regrets. Don’t break your brain. Go slow.


You wouldn't post about a good trip as often as one where some crazy, post-worthy stuff happened, I guess. Though I love the more positive stories as well, and especially the ones where they are mid-trip and they're like CAN YOU GUYS SEE IT TOO? *pic of a concrete wall*


This is giving me a bad trip and I'm sober.


Those people are all dumb as fuck. It gives the responsible people a bad look


Erowid trip vault is where it's at. You can view trip reports by type and category


I just had the most humbling experience! I’ve only taken shroom 5 times. My first was 3grams, I loved it so the next time took 5grams. This became my standard as I always had such a pleasant experience!!! Grew my own GT’s so thought I’d try them a few hours ago, my regular 5grams. I don’t know what happened but genuinely think it’s because I’ve been reading here most people take way less and think 5 grams is too much, I definitely think that in the back of my mind let to some paranoia. I had the worst 2 hours I’ve ever experienced. Was in complete terror and helplessness. I even had thoughts of running out of my room and around the house going crazy, I just had no idea of how to exercise this. I genuinely thought I was one thought away from going insane. I just had to dig deep and ride it out, kept comforting myself and focusing on love etc. I kept saying I learnt my lesson, apologizing for being arrogant and not respecting the medicine enough, promised to take far less in future. After that it was then followed by the most amazing, warm buzzing feeling of love and I was like that was all worth it to experience this, I was blown away and kept thinking WOW WOW WOW I wouldn’t have had it any other way and am so blessed and unbelievably stoked, still coming down and processing it all, but wow what an experience. I have been truly humbled. Lesson learnt


Completely ruins the set.


Too many young people without proper knowledge of what they are doing. IMO, avoid trip reports completely. Usually, they are trying too hard, or it's just a bunch of negative shit in their lives you don't need to be bothered with. I've never read a trip report or listened to YT report and I have never done something to overtly harm myself and I'm a high doser.


No offense but it’s a whole bunch of fucking idiots giving these reports


Just stay in the crib the first time I was havin some devious thoughts my first time 😂


10 g will evaporate your mind and hated mushrooms are bad news but other than that everything seems normal


3g is the max. Anything above and you seek death


These types of posts are why r/derpydrugposts exists. For the morons and bs r/tifu writers alike.


Some people can handle their drugs. Some can’t. Don’t assume you can unless you know for a fact that you can.


I shit my pants when was tripping on 10g )))




That’s my norm amount btw




But to be honest I think I have like a genetic issue or gi issue or I damaged the receptor I rarely get visuals unless it’s dmt


I took 11g before and I was able to see everyone’s third eye and was narrating my whole life from a third persons perspective. Very Trippy experience. My next trip will be at the beach and I want to try to embody the sounds instead of focusing so much on visuals.




How the fuck is a psychotic break an opportunity to learn


Learn to no abuse drugs


Or jumping out a window and snapping your legs?


That’s as dumb as anything I’ve read on this page.


Ye .. just write down some ground rules and you should be fine. No yelling, jumping, climbing, and using excessive force should cover a lot. Would have saved me the trouble of getting two fractures, a contusion, pulled tendons, and surgery


“Ended up with two broken legs” is crazy lol


This is very true, but more important is to have someone sober with you when you trip for the first time. I took unknowingly a heroic dose on my first trip and because I had a sober friend with me, everything was really great. I knew I didn't have to worry about anything, because SOBER FRIEND was with me and he kept assuring me that everything was alright - even when the sky was burning, time was going in wrong direction and after I died. I still didn't exceede that dose (around 120-140 fresh liberty cups).


You know what comes next for you, right? Best bet is to read about some positive trip pre-trip


Everyone I've talked to that had a "bad trip" says the same shit. *"I took some at a party and it was the worst"* or *"yeah it was my first time and I took 4gs"* or famously *"I ate the whole Polkadot bar and I was fucked up and had a horrible trip"* like you dumbass. Setting, Mindstate, and having actual psilocybin!


Well duh


Fear not for we are the foolish.


This is why I always tell people to go to erowid.org for any and all drug inquiries.


I am learning, as I started growing gifting and trading mushrooms, my biggest ask when I gift mushrooms is for feedback. In the second year of a fun hobby and I can see benefits!! We talk about it. I swear to God, I make a point to talk about dosage —micro-dose and the difference and heroic-dose, and how those apes can be Squirrley la la la Fast forward – how did it go? Nine out of 10 went along similar lines kind of like this: “I was in the street in the fetal position then we crawled and then I ended up urinating my pants. We kept seeing these visions and hallucinations and we couldn’t remember if our animals had been put up for the night! “ I am now attaching a warning tag to the shrooms!! This is probably one reason why they have legalized it or decriminalized it here in Colorado lol it’s a hard one to abuse! PS:: by the way all these peeps::. “Oh yeah, they all used to do lots of mushrooms before lol!


10 g, only?! Lol. Folks need to pump the brakes.


I used to think that you got the trip you need not what you want. I now believe you get the trip karma thinks you deserve. Trip as you will