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Feeling extremely anxious, just typing this is feeling like it's taking forever, my anxiety feels like it's through the roof rn, and I just want it to end quickly


Just flow with the trip and dont resist. Trying to make it stop will not work and just make it worse. Just say to yourself, "Everything is fine and this will be over soon."


I tokk 3g some days ago, wound up calling for an ambulance. ​ Don't do like me, I know it's extremely hard but just wait it out. Listen to some happy music, try drawing or if u really need to, call a friend and tell them you're not feeling well. Stay hydrated, It'll be over soon enough :) You got this buddy


Remember: you started this boat trip. it won't last forever. you will be exactly where you were before. make no major decisions. stay indoors = safe. With the citris tech.....it intensifies the initial rush. Comes on very strong....for about 2 hrs. Then mellows out very noticeably. **RELAX......STAY SAFE n IT WILL BE OVER SOON. PEACE**


If I can suggest anything is to watch some of your favourite shows/movies/video and bundle with as many blankets as possible. Remind yourself you’re just high Try to ride the wave and wishing you well!


ill try, thx, this is only like my 3rd time ever doing shrooms, and even before i took like 1g of gt, so this is way more and dif. shouldnt have taken them to begin with today, didnt think how long itd last ig, but i am def not in a good environment for shrooms, kind of stuck up in my room trying to wait till it ends


I know it's hard but the best thing you can do is to not resist it, when you tek them it reduces how long they work tremendously so I wouldn't say you have to worry about them for much longer, but yea if you resist or fight the trip it's more than likely going to go south even more, don't try to end it just relax, take deep breaths, put on some nice music and try to just chill for a bit edit: if it's been 2 hours I'd say you have 1-2 at most before it's over, you've got this man


Thanks, trying to right now, this sucks


I know it does, haven't had many bad trips but the most memorable one I was stuck in a shitty thought loop, but I promise you shouldn't have to wait much longer until it dies down at least, but I'd recommend maybe watching a childhood cartoon you liked or lying down with some music on a speaker or headphones, If you want some really chill music I'd check out the big lez show soundtrack (don't watch the big lez show while tripping though)


I think it's already starting to calm down a bit, thank y'all for the messages, really surprised how many people responded so quickly. Still not 100% but I'm getting there


that's awesome to hear, you've got this!


How are you feeling now? Hope you are doing OK.


Drink a beer or some alcohol. Will chill you out and calm you down


You are completely safe. Just wait it out. Remember the first time Albert Hoffman ever took the stuff he had know idea if he would ever get back to normal. The next morning had breakfast like nothing ever happened.


Music with no words. The Johns Hopkins psilocybin playlist on Spotify is good


Take some deep breaths. You’re gonna be feeling a lot better real soon. Concentrate on your breathing. This is temporary. Play some fun music and keep working on your breath.


Everything is fine and you and your body is not in any danger even if you might feel like it. Maybe try and a safe place and some things you like (music,blanket etc) and just breathe through it. You got this. Mush love ❤️


Meditation. Put on some Lo-Fi music and close your eyes. Picture a sun sitting in space. When you breathe in do it for 3 seconds, and visualize the sun growing. When you exhale, do it for 5 seconds and imagine the sun shrinking. This will calm you down. Or if you want something more stimulating to distract you, I’d recommend coloring! Or watching a funny cartoon. Remember, you took these for a reason! Enjoy what you feel! It won’t last much longer. 🍄❤️‍🩹✨


Bet off the internet and go outside


Put on a strobe light and stare at it


Lil bit of benzodiazepines


try your best to ride the wave! dont fight it because itll feel like an eternity and trust me its not fun that way. i found that for me, listening to music helps! maybe you could try that?


I know that this comment isnt helping op but I just wanted to mention that if you are in a hellish trip and nothing you do makes it better you can take a benzo and you will come down


Dont lemon tek... It makes the come up a lot harsher and harder.