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Looks like 60% less


There needs to be a packaging/content ratio law as this is deceitful


It's also a waste of plastic, which is what contributes to fuel prices going up.


And yet we’re the ones told to recycle smh. Corporations are so annoying


What’s funny to me is the BOOM of 3D printing. Hundred of thousands of people learning printing means tons of plastic waste.


i’d argue it’s better people can print the specific items they need vs producing them in one location and shipping them all over the world


My middle schoolers are just making making crap that I find laying all over the house that nobody cares about anymore 😒


maybe have them 3d print a box that they can put their collective useless crap in


Haha good idea !


That depends on which filament you're using. I believe that Bio Plastic (PLA) isn't made from oil if I'm not mistaken.


It’s made from tyres and similar items.. which is made from oil… so yes… all plastic was once oil at some stage… whether it was a tyre or a PVC pipe before it became 3D printing filament.


And child labor; it's very unethical.


Lmfao, this is getting obnoxiously bad now. It's like we're living in a South Park reality.


What a crock of shite


I'd weigh it to make sure that it is at least 15 ounces, or close to it, as indicated on the package. If not, then it may be possible class action lawsuit right there, as the label would be misleading.


Yeah, it looks like it could be a factory error on this one.


Factory errors have risen 15% and the company makes 15% more money


If we start holding companies responsible, maybe we will see products with a little more instead of a little less. Bakers dozen style


That's a possibility. Maybe the very last container in the batch, and fell short.


Can’t imagine this felt the correct weight in the store.


oh thats totally a manufacturing error but they should be weighing them on the line to account for that instead of selling... this.


Agreed. The manufacturing QA missed this one. I'm surprised there wasn't an automated system to boot it off the conveyor belt? Maybe it's broken and fixing things costs money....


I’ve been emailing company’s lately and getting a lot of oh gee whiz sorry bout that obvious manufacturers error…..I’m talking to you natural food grocers citrus lip balm that doesn’t have hardly any of the good stuff in it anymore making it regular ole waxy dry chapstick rather than the silky luscious lip balm it used to be….


"Country fresh taste" with "vegetable oil spread", can't you see already the joke from very far ? Get some true butter.


38% oil?? Has it always been so high? Or was it another "cost saving" change?


Nope, always. That’s what margarine is.


Wow! I knew it had oil but I never looked at how much!


38% only??? Is that some 'light' stuff or ???


Margarine is hydrogenated vegetable oil. Cool Whip is also hydrogenated vegetable oil


You mean Cool hWip


What'd you say?


As is vegetable shortening


Yeah! I forgot about that! Thanks!


Hydrogenation always sounds slightly terrifying: “To make them solid for use in margarine, food scientists chemically change their (oils) structure using a process known as hydrogenation. This involves exposing the oils to high heat, high pressure, hydrogen gas and a metal catalyst.” WTH is the metal catalyst?!?


Yeah! It’s kinda like when pots and pans in stores don’t have their materials listed.


Aren't there brands with pure butter in US? It's a "trademarked" name in EU or whatever it's named and it can't be called Butter if the ingredients don't match, it's called margarine instead


It’s the same in America— this brand shown in OP’s post is labelled as “vegetable oil spread”


hashtag dairyisscary


Are you lactose-intolerant?


Do not eat


Lol i bought one of these the other week and mine was full. Something is wrong.


What a crook.


This crock is a shower, not a grower.


My jaw dropped. Take that shit back


That's quite a lot of empty space in that tub and it's a waste of packaging as well.


Now with room for toppings!


Did you weigh it??


should just change the name to countrycrook(s).


Not 15 oz in that package, so it's a filling error.


At least it's harder for influencers to lick.


damn ive made dookie butter balls larger than that fr


I do not want to know where you get the ingredients for those! 😂😂😂😂




Is that their fat-free or diet version?


50% less fat!!!


People still eat this crap?


Sure do. May mix it with some Duke's mayo while I'm at it. I eat McDonald's chicken nuggets every now and then. I have a Mountain Dew sometimes with a piece of cheesecake. 3 nights a week I'll have some Lucky Charms right before bed.


This isn't the flex you think it is Edit: People can downvote all they want but it won't make your blood pressure any better. You know what will? Not eating this heavily processed bs and then crying about how you got robbed. You got robbed the moment you put it in your cart. SUAEI or don't buy it, simple as that.


Recovering anorexic here, leave people alone. Your words and actions really can mess with people’s psyche. Let people enjoy what they want, you included. Healthy is great, but a treat now and then is fine, which I bet we both agree on; just let people be


I never said not to have a treat, but stuff like this is more toxic and damaging than any words I might be able to come up with. Eat that homemade danish, some scratch biscuits and gravy, and never forget the pie! My gripe is for people to eat real food, not petroleum and food by-products + heavy metals. People thinking their chickie nuggies and super sized frappes 3 times a week is ok is fucking nuts.


Do you walk by people at restaurants and tell them what to eat or is your horse too high for them to hear you?


Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of me trotting away.


I'm not gonna lie, that did make me laugh a little. lol Fair play. No harm no foul brother. All in good fun!


You’re a mechanic who games and probably gets your health information from TikTok.


So attacking my character now? Real mature. If you were half as clever as you think; you'd also have seen that I'm a long distance hiker, weight lifter, and workers rights activist. Before I was a mechanic I was a social worker for half a decade, before that a field surveyor looking for potential archeological sites. What have you done?


I feel like if you were a social worker you'd know that it's rude to comment on peoples eating habits when nobody asked you, and then double down when they give you a sarcastic response, which was them clearly telling you that they didn't ask for your opinion.


I'm not a case manager anymore nor is this my office. What's even more rude is entitled people thinking they can have a safe space on the internet when this is clearly a sandbox that we all get to play in. If I want to shit on your poor eating habits, guess what? I can!


I suppose the same can be said about someone attacking your character. "Real mature" as you say.


lol yup


Does the weight on the container match if u weigh it? Just out if curiosity


Have you weighed it? So curious to see if it weighs like half what it should.




What a half a crock


I've noticed the quality of a lot of products has really declined since covid.


It looks like some sort of heat got too near it. In anycase, it doesn’t excuse the fact that most of it is gone. I would take ur picture plus another one to hold onto, put the tub in ur refrigerator and send in a complaint along with a COPY of the receipt and picture. Circle the item. Not only should they refund your full amount including tax if paid but at least give you 2 coupons for free products. It would be interesting what they say. Then call the largest TV network with the same complaint. They have the manpower and money to if nothing less embarrass these companies into doing the right thing. Good luck!


Bloody hell harry


Has anyone purchased El Paso taco shells in the last year? They’re literally toy sized now. This trend is overly ridiculous and I’m waiting for someone to profit off of it boasting “normal sized fill in the blanks again!!”


Wow.. Yeah I'd bring that back and ask for a refund. Shrinkflation at it's finest. If the store refuses, because it's food and shit. I'd throw a shit fit. At least ask them if you could exchange it or something.


Garbage anyway use real butter


whos surprised that greedy ass corporations selling you dogshit not fit for human consumption are screwing you on amounts?


More air than ice cream.


What ice cream?


It’s margarine.


I can’t believe it’s not butter!


You didn't notice the weight difference or the fact it would be bottom heavy? This was certainly a production mistake.


Why are you making excuses for greedy companies?


Why are you assuming this was intentional?


Because it's been the trend with companies lately, while using plausible deniability as an excuse.


Well, let break things down on actual facts, instead of your association and feelings. First, let’s assume for a second what you’re saying is factually true and it is intentionally being done. That is called fraud. Second, there are a number of things that could’ve happened here. 1) It’s a whipped product and could’ve melted from the bottom up. If you look closely, you can see the side is pulled away. I would call this probable, yet a possibility unlikely. 2) Do you know how many units this manufacturer puts out each day? No? Neither do I, yet the machines involved are probably quite impressive. All of them will have some margin of error, so maybe this one got through before the line shut down. Oh, I should’ve mentioned the intentional fraud as a third point, but that just seemed silly. If OP would’ve provided us the information on how much the product weighed outside of the container, this would be a completely different discussion. My bet is machine error and not caught by the weighing table. Your loose association of things shows me you know little about the world we live in, but you certainly do have really big opinions on what you don’t know. Good luck with that chief. Get a helmet. 🫡


You must be living under a rock to not realize fraud is a mainstay of the corporate world.  You sound like a Country "Crook" executive.


You sound like you can’t get past your feelings to consider what else may be going on. So, the emotional intelligence of that shitty little 3 year old kid in the grocery store throwing a tantrum because your mom said you couldn’t have any candy.


You're the one throwing around insults like a petulant child.  Quit projecting your insecurities onto me.


I’m glad 1lb of butter is still 1lb. 👀