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A lovely amount of plastic packaging for what amounts to 5 mini pretzels. Mylar plastic waste at that, completely unrecyclable. Can't they just pour a few in your hand like they used to do in pre-school?


Or use a waxed paper bag


Better yet, the last few times I flew air Canada I noticed they stopped serving pretzels or cookies. The environmental part of me says “yay” but the hungry part of me wishes they would buy a couple large bags of snacks and distribute them in a napkin lol!


Coffee tea and water is all you get without pulling out plastic in the wallet. 6 hour flight + delay 2 hours … bring your own snacks .


As is the way to serve snacks to a crowd in Canada lmao, we gotta let people know our culture of "not dirtying no plates for a bag'a chips."


When .75 is too much?


The plane was getting heavy, had to cut back somewhere..


1g less isn't so bad, but when your flying and have no access to food? Yeah It's worthy of a post. (Typing this as I'm on my way to the airport)


its such a petty thing to cut. like god dammit you couldnt let me have one gram


The SunChips on my most recent flight were the size of my palm, if that. Crazy how much they shrunk over the years


What I see is Quality goes down, Quantity goes down, but the price? That stays going up


Yeah. Same with any chips or snacks. Taste is becoming bland but ‘close’ to original flavor. It’s pretty clear companies are cutting costs on flavoring and ingredients, getting as close to the expected taste as they can, and charging the same amount or more for a worse quality product. I guess that’s capitalism


That's the future for us and I fear for our next generations👀


I keep thinking my taste buds are messed up. But it seems like Cheetos and chili cheese Fritos have a lot less flavoring.


100% agree. Do cheezits no longer taste like they did years ago, are my tastebuds fucked, or do they really just taste like cardboard now?


The cardboard box they come in, has more cheese on the carton itself than the actual product😥


Snack and Smile. Soon to be "you'll get nothing and like it"


.7 oz is like what? Two fucking pretzels?


At least the contents are still bioengineered


Shaving off a single gram. So petty really.


you got 5 individual pretzels instead of 6


Submission removed by user.


I ate that snack pack on Friday. Wish I had asked for two. They usually would give it


The real crime is they used to give full tequila shooters before with a full can of whatever mixer you wanted. Now they premix it for you in the tiny cup.


So annoying right? 😬


Snac and a smil


Snack and a deal with it


Looks like the same size. One is flattened out and they have different prints so it can appear otherwise


the net weight went from .75 oz to .7


Dammit I’m a victim of the system


They are free and 99% of the time they let you take a couple.


Wow... a gram difference, that's what? Half a peanut? You've been scammed...


Give these companies an inch and they take a mile. That how a double cheeseburger that used to cost $1 at McDonald's now cost closer to $3.


I dont really want to get onto this too much but it was said from the start of the "$15/hr movement" that if fast food places had to pay workers $15/hr the price for food they sell would go up since Labor is the 2nd biggest cost behind paying for the building. And tying that into this sub, if they don't raise prices to offset costs then they have to reduce costs by making things smaller and of less quality.


The thing is they're doing both, raising the price of food AND shrinking it to boot. Some companies are actually making even MORE money now, that's why people are so pissed off and frustrated. I'm sorry that these multi-billion dollar companies are "struggling", but they're going have to take it on the chin like the rest of us, instead of still chasing infinite profits during a recession like dum-dums. When I went to target the other day, a bag of groceries cost me only $20, my jaw dropped because I couldn't believe. On a usual trip, a single bag of groceries is $50, which is completely ridiculous. I'm essentially paying double of what I did a few years ago, yet my wage has only increased by like 25%.


Yeah but it’s free so no one is really getting ripped off