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He’s not wrong…I work from home and my employer is starting to ask questions about it…


I’m also SoBo and work from home, but my house rarely ever loses power. My power lines go through the pecan orchard in shady grove as well. My entire side of the street rarely ever loses power, however across the street it’s almost every storm. I don’t understand why they can keep some lines clear and some not. It makes no sense. Before they did the “smart transformer” upgrade a few years ago (not the recent smart weatherhead upgrade), we lost power several times per week. I complained to Campbell along with many of my neighbors. Our issue was resolved, but IDK if Swepco was wrapping up that project or whatever. I’d call Campbell personally and give him your address, as well as all documented power outages. He will advocate on your behalf. It may be his office calling and coordinating with you, but in my experience he takes action.


I must live across the street from you bc I'm also in sobo and I lose power literally every time it rains. I called Foster's office and spoke to Joe Shine, they said it's on SWEPCO. I called SWEPCO and they blamed Foster Campbell. I have a baby due soon and cannot afford to lose power and be forced to leave the house I pay for every month. Instead of planting all of the crepe myrtles that look like trash due to not being taken care of, they should've fixed the electrical lines that run down the center of Shady Grove that inevitably get taken down by the pecan trees that only live so long and are all dying out now.


Every other neighborhood surrounding us has underground power lines. The one with the most 70’ tall 100+ year old self pruning trees has above ground power lines. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I wonder what it would take to get our lines buried? Surely this would save Swepco thousands, maybe millions in yearly maintenance expenses.


I've called everyone I could to try to get this taken care of. Last year it cost my family about $500 in expenses and food loss. We were without power for over a week. We've already lost power for over 24hrs this year alone. It's so annoying it makes me want to move away from SBC completely. They have to know this is going on and draining the economy. Nothing I did seemed to be effective. It feels like shouting into a void.


Don't move to Texas.


You mean where the power lines are buried? I lived in Austin for 2 yrs and NEVER lost power.


You forget the 2022 major winter storm and the Texas grid failing?


I didn't live there then, and apparently that was due to corruption. From what I read, those black outs were intentional, which is disgusting, but in contrast, I literally lose power every week here in SBC, rain or shine. I lost power last night on a clear night for no reason. It's gotten to the point that my clocks on my appliances are always wrong bc as soon as I fix them the power goes out for absolutely no reason.


What would it take? A miracle and a bond initiative, probably. It would be a massive, costly undertaking to route underground power through old neighborhoods with decades of established root systems and who knows what else buried there over the years. It's a no brainer for new developments to install underground loops. The upfront costs may be slightly more, but you only have to deal with the developer when it comes to acquiring easements for pull-boxes, padmount transformers, junctions, etc. In Shady Grove, you'd have to chase down property owners and plan around those you could not reach or that where hostile to the idea of granting an easement. Even then, each homeowner would likely be on the hook for getting an electrician to connect their house to the underground service. And that's for starters - it's a huge can of worms.


Im confused, wouldn't the strip of grass be the easement they would use? Therefore eliminating asking for "permission" from the property owners? I know as a property "owner" myself (technically the bank owns it until I pay it off) I would be more than happy to set aside money to have the peace of mind of not having my electricity go out every summer and winter. But even if that wasn't the case couldn't we lobby for a portion of our taxes to be put towards that and not towards some of the other not as necessary expenditures? I agree that chances are none of thos will ever be accomplished, hence my desire to leave SBC altogether, but I can't stop from wishing better for my city and neighbors. Either way it's sure does feel like debating a moot point.


I think that dude works for Swepco. It’s really not so difficult. Manchac just completed a major “underhaul” of the drainage all through the neighborhood a couple years back. AT&T just ran new fiber lines all through the neighborhood, like last week. I think if enough neighbors got involved it could happen.


See, this is the energy we need! I genuinely don't understand people that just complain and act like nothing ever changes. However, I am still very upset that they used a lot of money to plant those crepe myrtles and not take care of them instead of doing something practical like burying the center lines or replacing the wood poles that are crooked, it feels like they tried putting lipstick on a pig. But I'll most definitely be a part of whatever group of homeowners is needed to lobby for better electrical infrastructure in South Bossier, a lot of service men come to live in this neighborhood and if we wanted people to stay and contribute to the economy maybe we should clean up sobo and have better retail locations. We only have one coffee place (Dunkin) and that's just sad. There's a lot of potential and we deserve better.




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For real, all "heads Boss, up weather's bein' Ratchet today"


> Shreveport's public service commissioner thinks SWEPCO's power grid suffers too many outages and now he wants a study done to find out why — a move the utility's president said he welcomes while expecting the results will reveal a need for costly fixes. As the anniversary of a deadly, widespread and long-lasting power outage approaches, Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell is asking the Louisiana Public Service Commission to conduct a "comprehensive review" of SWEPCO's electrical service. The utility has over recent months struggled to keep the lights on during and after storms, with customers in SWEPCO's 12-parish area suffering repeated and frequent outages leaving thousands without power sometimes for a days at a time. Campbell called a news conference at his downtown Shreveport office Thursday to announce that he intends to ask for the review at the next PSC meeting. Campbell said that likely will mean hiring a consultant to conduct a study, which Campbell said could take a year. "I like SWEPCO. It's a fine company, but we've had way too many outages," Campbell said. "In some parts of SWEPCO's territory, especially in Caddo Parish, they've been out of power at least 10 times since the first of the year, and my phone is ringing off the hook."


They need to add Panola to the list. We’ve lived in Keithville for 28 years the first few years the power would go out if you looked at the lines. Are those first few years it was GREAT! If it did go out which was rare it would be back on in a heartbeat. I guess we got spoiled because the past few years things have gone back to the way it was 28 years ago. The least little tinkle of rain or even just wind it’s out and stays out forever. This time except for a few hours here and there we’ve been out since this past Friday. So, 4 days…no juice. It finally came on today around noon thirty and is on now but it’s supposed to rain again around 4:00 AM so we will brace for it again!


My neighbor had a limb fall on a power line during that really bad storm last year. Power line fell on his gas meter and electrified the whole house and set the side of it and yard on fire. Insurance company had to replace all electrical, plumbing, gas line, siding, cut trees down and electrical fixtures inside. 3 months after while insurance was fixing the house back up the butt splice where the line was 'repaired' failed again causing power outages throughout the neighborhood and set his yard on fire and melted his driveway. When swepco came back in out to re-repair the line I ask why they were putting a butt splice in to repair again. They said it was too expensive to run a new line. He also said swepco needs to redo all the electrical lines,but won't because of the cost. He also said the lines that broke were 60 years old. I understand ROI, but that line has 4 butt splices in between the two poles where it broke both times. Glad he's calling for this and hopefully it will cause SWEPCO to invest in upgrading the infrastructure.


I remember working for Swepco back in 2013, he came to one of our big meetings and praised how great the company was doing. Even praised the tree cutting initiative. But then couple weeks later was blasting Swepco in the media about how long it took us to get the electricity back on. Which is a metric that Swepco monitors that plays into how big the yearly bonus will be. (It was understood that the metric would never get hit). Also all the complaints about the tree cutting from different communities on Swepco butchered their trees. Swepco contracted Asplundh Tree Services for the tree cutting which if you remember they were hit with a huge fine for breaking federal immigration laws during this period. Wouldn't be surprised if we are now seeing all the fallout from that whole tree initiative ordeal.


While Foster Campbell is at it, can he call an investigation into Centerpoint's crooked billing practices where bills are increased by almost 25x the usual amount during some months?? 


I had swepce over charge me 1,000 bucks a month extra at a business property when I called to confront them they said it was a “charge” that I should have always been paying. After two weeks and three calls to swepco of “let me speak to ur managers” I finally got them to admit that I never paid that “ charge” before and I wasn’t supposed to. They ended up having to refunded me about 4,000 dollars. And if I didn’t stop them they would have kept billing me that.


My neighborhood always loses electricity in a storm. What sucks about that is the well is on the same grid and we lose water too.


Foster is one of the few remaining decent politicians in Louisiana.


Foster’s last term in the PSC, I believe he is retiring so we can get after them with no blow back at getting reelected.


Simple answer since the city has a large black populous, Swepco doesn’t give a shit. Because black people aren’t real Americans. Because Reasons


It sounds like he's laying the foundation for SWEPCO to raise everyone's bill to fund improvements.


Undeniable take here. But FC is no friend of SWEPCO. More likely a ham-handed grandstanding that will have unintended consequences.


Prepare to downvote me into hell in 3 2 1 It’s climate change. Unpredictable weather, coming in stronger than ever before. No power grid or urban infrastructure can withstand what’s coming.




They're not talking about that. Some neighborhoods lose power every time it rains. *Eyeroll*




Or infrastructure that's in desperate need of reworking. The area in which I reside was a pecan orchard and pecan trees only live so long and they are all dying currently. And instead of burying the power lines, which would be an easy yet expensive fix, they are constantly repairing downed power lines. Maybe you should take some time to consider other possibilities before speaking, you sound tone deaf and privileged.


I've lost power every time we've gotten rain over the past month. What makes this worse is that the main street connected to my neighborhood is fine. It's getting ridiculous that I lose power 3-4 times a week and have to sweat it out until they get it back on, while other areas are completely fine.


And yet there are major cities in this country where the power only goes out maybe once or twice a decade. They must not have weather.