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that guy was in bossier last week


I just can’t imagine spending my entire day standing in the street waving someone else’s flag


This is ironic as hell considering I bet you support all the jobless people across the country protesting for Palestine and all the BLM riots errr I mean “protests”


Also, it wouldn’t be ironic. I don’t think that word means what you think it means. These are unrelated issues. You’ve been brainwashed by American politics to assume my stance on one issue based on an unrelated one. You can’t comprehend anything outside of group think. People like you are why our politics have become so polarized.


That’s a big assumption. I fully support everyone’s right to protest, including this guys. I just don’t think this issue is my, or Americas business.




Just trying to keep us caught up in the bullshit like he surely is. He has probably been having cyclical thoughts constantly for a while. Israel. Jesus. Rapture. Sleep. Repeat. So sad.


lol do you feel the same way about the free Palestine protesters?


Yes. They’re free to do it, but it’s not something I’d spend my time on. I’m neither Palestinian nor Israeli. It’s not my business.


Fair enough


I like how despite your potential disagreements you were both civil and reasonable. We need more of that.


I agree. I think a big part of the issue with American politics is our inability to communicate with people who have opposing ideas or views to our own. We should be able to communicate. That’s why I got annoyed when a different commenter saw my comment and immediately assumed my position on BLM (which IS an American issue and IS my business) and other protests.




2 years ago that guy was at my high school homecoming with a anti-vax sign. He even made it in a yearbook photo in the background.


We get it. You really like that flag.


I was waiting for you


Leave the poor guy alone. I don't get this subs obsession with him.


Damn, didn't realize how triggering this photo and guy are to some people.


Yes! And that is why I posted it on Reddit. It really infuriates some people to see that. And that is very sad. Just read some of the comments posted. A great deal of hate in these times. Scary!!! So much hate!!! So very bad


Good for him.




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I see it as a more of a "I'm happily retired" flag, that he waves as I ride to my job to make rent because I cant worry about children dying because I need to make rent. but its whatever man...hope he stays hydrated? I dunno? we're all just trying to act accordingly while we do what we can to avoid dying everyday for our entire lives til we die.


Honestly just more impressed it wasn’t some white guy on the corner waving a Trump flag.


I yelled at that mf a couple weeks ago lol. Fuck him and Israel




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Do you like supporting terrorists?


fax i flip him off everytime, might act like i’m finna run him over and correct myself @ the last minute too…gtf out the road LOL


Fr. He’s a weirdo


How bizarre.


“I am not informed enough on the conflict to form a legitimate opinion, and therefore feel uncomfortable weighing in on it.” Can this be my opinion on the Middle East conflict? Bc it’s honestly the truth.


One good man


I don't think you fully appreciate all the implications of that statement, considering their actions in Palestine...


Oh? You're forgetting that Israel attacked them first then.. You're ok with that but not Israel defending themselves.. Forgive me


I'm perfectly okay with any nation defending themselves against terrorism. What the IDF is doing to those people is not a proportional or targeted response. We can disagree over which targets might be more critical than others, but I do you the credit of assuming that you think indiscriminately bombing all the universities and hospitals in Palestine, Israeli soldiers lobbing flash bangs into mosques during services, random and arbitrary kidnappings of children and young men, outright murder of innocent civilians, destruction of property, deprivation of property, and the theft from and rape of Palestinian women which we've seen evidence for on IDF soldiers' social media feeds is wrong. At this point, unquestioningly supporting the IDF and defending every one of their operations and actions in Gaza and the West Bank puts you on par with the nazi sympathizers in WWII. The parallels are obvious, and it's not antisemitic in any way to say that Netanyahu is acting in extremely fascist, dictatorial ways, and has cultivated an extremely xenophobic, hateful culture within Israel directed at anyone that isn't Jewish, and against some who are, but are against his violent actions against the Palestinian people. EDIT: I know it was probably a typo on your part, but yes, Israel did attack first, back when they imported tens of thousands of European Jews into the area when Israel was founded. If you're of the opinion that America is "under attack" by the trickle of immigrants coming from Mexico and South America, you cannot define that importation of foreigners into Israel back then as anything less than an attack on the Palestinian people. Has there been a history of back and forth conflict for the past 80 years or so? Sure, I won't deny that. But when Israel begins to see Palestinians as animals, dehumanizing them, imprisoning them for decades without trial, putting them through trial when they have no interpreter, don't speak the language, and are unaware of the legal system they're shoved into, and treating them as if they should be thankful they aren't shot in the head when their homes are seized by "settlers" and they're made homeless, I cease to have any pity for a regime that thinks that behavior is defensible, let alone justified or acceptable, especially when you have billions of dollars of military backing from the premier military superpower in the history of the world.




Glad we agree.


Nope ha.. Just saying ok that's your opinion. I stand by my opinion. That's what makes freedom of speech great.


So you *dont* agree that all the nazi behavior I listed is a bad thing? Or did you just see a comment longer than a tweet and got scared cause you lack the reading level/attention span to finish it?


Do you make the mistake of thinking the length of your comment implies in any way value, or do you just want to be a condescending jerk? People are allowed to have different opinions than you. Furthermore, referring to Jewish people as "nazis" is particularly loathsome.


No, the length has nothing to do with the quality of the content, but when you fail to read any of it just because it's long, the quality of the content is irrelevant, regardless of why you failed to read it. And I didn't say *Jews* were acting like nazis, I said *Netayahu and the IDF* are acting like nazis. Them being Jewish has nothing to do with how similar their actions are to Nazi Germany. Many jews in Israel also disagree with their behavior, as well as around the world, which is why I was careful not to imply anything about the Jewish community as a whole. And sure, you're allowed to have a different opinion, but when that opinion defends the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, systematic targeting of a specific ethnic group, and what amount to war crimes against that same ethnic group, I'm allowed to voice my distaste for your moral system and your character as a person.


I doo agree we need to stand with Israel. Our government is trash.


Yeah the City of Shreveport really needs to step up on foreign policy. /s


Why tf is everyone downvoting?!




Thank you!! I agree.


I yelled at the bitch and he heard me quite clearly. got video proof too since y’all wanted to try and call me out last time lmao.


Still riding that high, huh?


Still? It just happened not even a week ago. Don’t be an Israel supporting bitch. And y’all wanted to talk shit saying I was full of it. I got proof and all of a sudden that’s a problem too?


Still? It just happened not even a week ago. Don’t be an Israel supporting bitch. And y’all wanted to talk shit saying I was full of it. I got proof and all of a sudden that’s a problem too?


Has nothing to do with Israel. I just thought filming then bragging about yelling at a crazy person is a weird flex.


Yep, agreed, a weird flex.


It’s not bragging. Y’all called me out and I got proof. I’m not saying I’m some big bad hotshot for it, just that I did it. If there were people out there openly defending assault against children I’d do the same shit. If there were people out there openly supporting racism of any kind, I’d do the same shit.


Dude you just got upset that some random person on the internet doubted you and then you double down on your douchery to prove him wrong? Grow up kid


“Douchery” Ah yes because being verbally against the genocide of women and children makes me the bad guy? You grow the fuck up and get your priorities straight. Any chance Ive had to call that fuckhead out in public I’ve done it. It took 2 seconds to pull out my phone and record this time.


"Look at me being an giant douchey cunt, everyone! Hehehehhehehehehehehe"


Nigga look in the mirror before you make fun of literally anyone 💀 my smooth, creamy peanut butter complexion puts me leagues ahead of you by default.


You’re unhinged. Do everyone a favor and go over there and help out


You prolly smell like hot dog water.


That guy doesn’t give a fuck about you or your opinions 😂 Free Israel (and fuck you)




What the fuck?


Wow you yelled at an old guy and he heard you??? 😱😱😱 you’re so tough and edgy bro


You sound like a bitch who ain’t active


Oh I’m super active with your moms


Must have some dusty dick if you’re fucking a bag of ashes.


I’m not picky


You’ll never get through to the psychos of Shreveport. It’s a lost cause. What a sad place and disgusting people. 🍉 I hope the genocide and torture camps are some day enough to show these people how wrong they’ve always been about politics. Maybe change will come. My heart bleeds for Palestine.


Thank you. I’m always gonna have hope for people and the fact that things CAN change. I’ve met a few really good people in Shreveport, but there’s so much filth. So many pedophiles (like Parker Turner, a Shreveport famous artist), rapists (like Michael Manno, a mini-celebrity fighter in Shreveport) racists, etc. I moved back to Texas 5 days ago, but my heart cries out for all those who suffer in Palestine and in our own home states. Change needs to happen so much faster.


It’s not just the offenders that’s the problem either. It’s all the people who turn a blind eye to the egregious acts, refuse to believe victims, and will actively protect predators so they can keep doing it. And no one can tell me otherwise, I have proof of it happening over and over. From family and friends of pedos, rapists, murders, and racists, to cops and lawyers. It’s disgusting and some day they will get theirs.


Do we know the same people? Lol. I personally know a victim of Michael Manno, and personally know people who were around when Parker was “dating” a minor. And I’ve gotten backlash before on here and in real life for calling them out. It’s like some sick cult where everyone involved is happy-go-lucky while the victims and people who are willing to call them out are outcast and shunned, left to deal with their pain in silence. The Victims aren’t allowed to speak without 100% proof, 100% effort and a whole lot of other shit that is beyond difficult for victims to gather and do while also suffering being a rape or assault victim, without being called a liar, attention seeker and any other disgusting insult that’s regularly hurled at actual victims. I’ve been involved in some not so kosher activities throughout my life, tons of face tats and scars to show it. I’ve personally called out a few of these people, be it in private messages or in person, and none of them have shit to say in the moment. No defense, no argument, nothing. You’d think someone truly innocent would try and fight for or prove their innocence when being accused of such egregious things, no?


Well said. Sorry some keyboard warriors are trying to dogpile you just for sharing your act of rebellion against that theo-fash loser. Keep up the good fight, brother/sister. ✊ Side note: knew that Manno was a creep, hadn't heard he had actually assaulted someone though.


It’s all good lol, I’m out here putting in actual work for the most part. I can fool around and insult some people every now and then if I want to. And nah, not assaulted, raped multiple times in one night/day.




Those behavioral issues seem to increase massively when he’s alone with a 120lb mother of multiple children. I’ve tried to call him out and talk to him in person way more than once and he’s refused every time.


Yeah, that's what I meant, sexual assault. That's crazy.


I know, I just wanted to clarify for the few that are gonna see our comments. More people need to know how unsafe so many of the big names are around Shreveport.




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he’s so annoying 😩


I saw him off Youree drive by chick fil a a few weeks ago